Overview The Global Marketplace for HE Warwick’s position in the Global Marketplace Strategies for the Global Marketplace Questions Your ideas! The Global Marketplace Global Demand for International Student Places in HE in Main English Speaking Destination Countries (000s) 3000 Africa 2500 Middle East 2000 Asia 1500 America 1000 Europe 500 World 0 2003 2005 2010 2015 Source: Vision 2020; Forecasting International Student Mobility 2020 M i ala a Ho y ng sia Gu Kon lf S g ta te s Ja pa Ta n Si iwa n ng ap or Ni e ge Ca ria na d No a rw Th ay a Zi ilan m d b a So bw ut e h Ko re a Ke Pa nya kis ta n In d A a US Ch in International Students in the UK (2003) 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Ko U SA a f ay Ta a iw an C yp ru s In d C ia an a Th da ai la nd Ke n Po ya rtu ga l hi n or w C N G ul ng ng ap or e Ja pa n on g Si H al ay si M International Students in the UK (1998) 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Increased Competition Increased competition from established global providers, i.e. USA, UK, Australia Emergence of new competitors, e.g. Singapore, UAE Capacity building in key target markets, e.g. China, Malaysia Growth of English-medium programmes, e.g. Germany Significant growth in Trans-national education Challenges for the UK Immigration – How welcoming is the UK? Affordability Employability of UK graduates overseas World University League Tables Increasing uncertainty Warwick's Share of UK overseas student market 2002-3 to 2004-5 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 Postgraduate research Postgraduate taught Undergraduate Total Warwick's Share of UK Market 10 leading domiciles 2004-2005 ai la nd Th an Ta iw M al ay si a Pa ki st an Si ng ap or e en ya K Ja pa n ia In d g on K on g H C hi na 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% Market Share of Overseas Students in Russell Group Universities Leeds, The University of 2% 4% 3% Nottingham, The University of 9% London School of Economics and Political Science 4% Birmingham, The University of 8% Sheffield, The University of 4% Oxford, The University of 4% 8% 5% Warw ick, The University of London, University College Cambridge, The University of Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine 7% 5% Edinburgh, The University of Cardiff, University of Wales New castle-upon-Tyne, The University of 6% 7% Southampton, The University of King's College London 6% 7% 6% Bristol, The University of Liverpool, The University of 6% Glasgow , The University of Warwick in the global marketplace: International students by category Foundation 5% PG - Research 8% UG - 48% PG - Taught 39% Warwick in the Global Marketplace: International Students by Category over time 3500 3000 2500 UG - new 2000 UG - all PG - taught 1500 PG - research 1000 Total 500 0 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 Warwick in the global marketplace: International students by department Maths 3% Statistics 7% Other 12% Comp Sci 5% Engineering 26% Politics 4% Law 7% CELTE 4% WBS 23% Economics 9% ai la nd pa n an ia rk e m a y No rw ay Tu Vi et na an k rit iu s Sr iL M au Ru ss US A Ko re a Ke ny a Ni ge ria Si ng ap or e Th Ja a ta n iw ki s ay si Ta Pa ia a ng In d Ko M al Ho ng Ch in Warwick in the global marketplace: International students by country 2005/6 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ig e ria N rk e y or w ay Tu a m an k Vi et na Sr iL rit iu s ia SA us s M au R U ap or e N a or ea nd en y K an pa n ai la K Th Ja a ta n iw ki s ay si Ta Pa ia on g In d K M al on g Si ng H Warwick in the global marketplace: International students by country 2005/6 (minus China) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Warwick in the global marketplace: students by domicile 2002/3 – 2005/6 1200 1000 China India Hong Kong 800 Malaysia Taiwan Thailand 600 Japan Kenya Pakistan Singapore 400 Korea Vietnam Nigeria 200 0 Total 0203 Total 0304 Total 0405 Total 0506 Warwick in the global marketplace: International students by country 2003/4 – 2005/6 300 250 India Hong Kong 200 Malaysia Taiwan Thailand Japan 150 Kenya Pakistan Singapore 100 Korea Vietnam Nigeria 50 0 Total 0304 Total 0405 Total 0506 Strategies for the global marketplace: (1) responding to global competition - Generic promotion of UKHE is key element Realise and address different expectations and knowledge base Students likely to apply for several countries – follow through rates may be lower Strategies for the global marketplace: (2) working in a high risk context • Higher risk environment: - political and economic factors - terrorism and perceptions of safety / welcome - impact of both competitor country and UK government policies • Implications: - diversify markets to spread risk - how accurately can we forecast ? Strategies for the global marketplace: (3) working with our reputation - Can’t assume anything ! - Reputation lags reality, and is vulnerable - Acknowledge and work with cultural differences: - very status conscious (rankings, rankings …) - parents as main decision-makers - decision-making also based on second hand (often subjective) information – importance of word of mouth Strategies for the global marketplace: (4) Implications for customer service • • Impact of our service standards in application process is magnified: by distance, expectations, financial investment and cultural factors Need for: speed of response personal service (e.g. named contact, campus tours) frequency of contact key (e.g. marketbased mailings, conversion seminars) Local representatives play key role Representatives overseas • Hong Kong • India • Caribbean • Taiwan • Pakistan • Nigeria • Korea • Sri Lanka • Kenya • China • Cyprus • Syria • Malaysia • Turkey • USA • Thailand • Jordan • Russia • Japan Strategies for the global marketplace: (5) Creating effective relationships - - Long-term (commitment – give as well as take) Personal contact Stability in personnel to build relationships Understand and work with cultural differences in doing business long memories if we get it wrong ! Strategies for the global marketplace: (6) cultural considerations Awareness of cultural issues at all stages: - Sensitivity in marketing materials - Awareness of key issues (e.g. loss of face, status, ways of “getting things done”) - Commitment to on-campus provision (e.g. religious needs, cultural awareness training) Strategies for the global marketplace: (7) the student experience Word of mouth referrals even more key overseas => student experience crucial Greater support needs: - English language provision - Pre-arrival (specific literature, receptions) - Orientation - Visa and immigration advice - Social programme/vacation provision In Summary The Global Marketplace for HE Increasing student mobility esp. China & India Greater competition and higher risk Warwick’s Position in the Marketplace Good market share Numbers increasing overall, but…. Future prospects more uncertain Strategies for the Global Marketplace UK brand Nurturing and protecting reputation High customer service standards Cultural understanding