Lecture 23 Frequency Response of Amplifiers (III) OTHER AMPLIFIER STAGES Outline 1. 2. 6.012 Spring 2009 Frequency Response of the Common­Drain Amplifier Frequency Response of the Common­Gate Amplifier Lecture 23 1 1. Frequency Response of the Common­Drain Amplifier VDD signal source RS + vs iSUP vOUT signal load RL VBIAS VSS Characteristics of CD Amplifier: • • • • Voltage gain ≈ 1 High input resistance Low output resistance ⇒ Good voltage buffer 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 2 High­frequency small­signal model G S­B D Could use OTC to solve for bandwidth. To estimate bandwidth it is easier to use the 2­port models. 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 3 Low Frequency Analysis Using 2­Port Model Capacitors ­open circuit R R in L (1) Avo = RS + Rin R L + Rout g m RL ≈ ≤1 1 + g m RL In the calculation of the intrinsic voltage gain we assume that ro||roc was large. That is why we do not have RL|| ro||roc 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 4 High Frequency Analysis Using 2­Port Model ­ Add capacitors Use Miller Approximation RL gm RL AvC gs = = Rout + RL 1+ gm RL ( CM = Cgs 1 − AvCgs Cgs gm RL = = Cgs 1− 1+ gm RL 1 + gm RL ) Total capacitance at input gm RL + Cgd CT = Cgs 1 − 1 + gm RL RT = RS || Rin = RS Add time constant due to Cdb capacitance at output RC db = Rout 6.012 Spring 2009 Rout RL RL RL = = Rout + RL 1+ gm RL Lecture 23 5 Frequency Response of Common­ Drain Amplifier ω 3dB ≈ 1 Cgs RL RS + Cgd + Cdb 1+ gm RL 1+ gm RL If RS is not too high, bandwidth can be rather high and approach ωT. 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 6 2. Frequency Response of the Common­Gate Amplifier VDD iSUP iOUT VSS signal load RL signal source is RS IBIAS VSS Characteristics of CG Amplifier: • • • • Current gain ≈ 1 Low input resistance High output resistance ⇒ Good current buffer 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 7 High Frequency Small Signal Model Could use OTC to solve for bandwidth. To estimate bandwidth it is easier to use the 2­port models. 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 8 High­frequency small­signal 2­port model Assume backgate is shorted to source Low frequency transfer function: iout RS Rout (1) Aio = = is Rin + RS R L + Rout Use OTC to find ω ω3dB: Thevenin resistance across Cgs + Csb RTCgs = RS || Rin = RS || (1 / (gm + gmb )) Thevenin resistance across Cgd + Cdb RTCgd = Rout || RL = ((ro + g m ro RS ) || roc ) || RL 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 9 High­frequency small­signal 2­port model con’t Open circuit time constants: τC +Csb = (RS || (1 / gm + gmb ))(Cgs + Csb ) τC +Cdb = (((ro + gm ro RS ) || roc )) || RL ) Cgd + Cdb gs gd ( ) Summing the open circuit time constants: ω 3dB = 1 (RS || (1 / gm + gmb ))(Cgs + Csb ) ( ) + (((ro + gm ro RS ) || roc )) || RL ) Cgd + Cdb If RL is not too high, bandwidth can be rather high and approach ωT. 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 10 What did we learn today? Summary of Key Concepts • Common­drain amplifier: – Voltage gain ≈ 1, Miller Effect nearly completely eliminates the effect of Cgs – If RS is not too high, CD amplifier has high bandwidth • Common­gate amplifier – No Miller Effect because there is no feedback capacitor – If RL is not too high, CG amplifier has high bandwidth • RS, RL can affect bandwidth of amplifiers. 6.012 Spring 2009 Lecture 23 11 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 6.012 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.