2112 INSTRUCTION Continuous Progress Education The Kennewick School District is focused on ensuring that all students meet the standards of the state of Washington and the federal government. The current focus of those standards is competency in reading, writing and math, but is expanding to include competency in science and other content areas. The Kennewick School District is striving to develop instructional programs which are designed to enable each student to achieve or exceed grade-level expectations. Students who are behind will be expected to achieve catch-up growth as well. This plan may include grouping of students as well as providing for individual instruction, the determination to be made on the basis of the student's achievement based on multiple assessment measures and the recommendation of the teacher and/or staff specialist. The instructional program shall recognize placement of a student at his/her appropriate functional level, provision of learning materials and modes of instruction which are considered to be most appropriate to the student's learning style, and assessment to determine the degree to which the desired outcome has been achieved. Individual buildings will be held accountable for developing School Improvement Plans to achieve the goals above. Adopted: Revised: April 28, 1993 July 8, 2009