Thank you for your interest in becoming an instructor with... Community Education program. We are a program of the Kennewick...

1000 W. 4TH AVE. • KENNEWICK, WA 99336-5601
P: (509) 222-6977 • F: (509) 222-5137
Thank you for your interest in becoming an instructor with the Kennewick
Community Education program. We are a program of the Kennewick School
District offering non-credit classes taught by community members who have an
idea, talent or passion they would like to share.
Community Education classes are targeted to adults to provide an enrichment
experience. View our current catalog for examples of the type of classes we offer.
Instructors for Community Education may choose to apply as a volunteer or as a
casual employee of the District. The initial process to submit a proposal is the
same for both volunteers and casual employees. We follow the District guidelines
in approving both paid and volunteer instructors.
To suggest a class, visit the Kennewick School District Human Resources and
Employment Page and find position #4309 Community Education Instructor.
Follow instructions given. See below for additional frequently asked questions.
Final determination on class offerings will be made by the Community Education
Coordinator with input from the Community Education Advisory Council.
Please feel free to call me at (509) 222-6977 with any questions or comments you
may have. We look forward to hearing from you!
Joy Ham
Community Education Coordinator
Kennewick Community Education
Instructor – FAQ
What can I teach?
Do you have a skill, hobby or knowledge you could share? Look over our current catalog to view
the types of classes we typically offer. We are open to new ideas, especially on current trends.
Where do I teach?
We make all the arrangements for our instructors to use classrooms or other spaces within the
Kennewick School District. If you have a preference of school or location, let us know.
How long are the classes?
Community Education classes are often one session, of 1 to 2 hours. We offer occasional
Saturday classes which may be 3 hours long, depending on topic. Some classes, for example
language classes are offered as a series. The series is generally 4 sessions of 1 to 2 hours, over
the course of the semester.
How many people will I have in my class?
You need at least enough participants to make the class “pay its way.” Even classes taught by
volunteers incur overhead expenses. Generally, the minimum number of participants required
to run a class is 6. You may place an upper enrollment limit. The classrooms are comfortably
full at 20 participants.
Who takes Community Education classes?
Most Community Education participants are your neighbors from the Tri-Cities. Our classes are
intended to be offered to an adult audience and allow for participants 16 years and older. You
can adjust the age limit if you think that’s appropriate for your class. If your class accepts
children less than 12 years, an adult must also enroll and attend with the child.
Do I have to prepare lesson plans and a syllabus and all that “teacher-stuff”?
Formal lesson plans are not required, however, please be prepared to share with the
Coordinator basic information about the content of your class when you express interest.
What about handouts?
We can photocopy a certain number of pages for you, as long as they are NOT copyrighted
material, and you get the master to us at least one full week before your scheduled class.
We try to keep classes affordable for all participants. If your class requires materials such as a
craft supplies, foodstuffs, or something else, please call us to discuss. We may be able to
reimburse you up to a certain amount for supplies, depending on the number of participants
who sign up for the class. Some instructors provide the supplies and simply charge a supply fee
to all students on the first day of class. This would be noted in the catalog entry.
If you use a document camera, a DVD player, cooking equipment, or computers to teach your
class, call us and we’ll see if the school district has that equipment
Is this volunteer work, or will I get paid?
Since the program is funded by the participants, we encourage people to volunteer to teach
(and nearly half of our teachers are volunteers.) We try to keep classes affordable for all
participants. If you would like to be paid, the usual instructor rate is $15 per hour of class time,
depending on the class. We do not pay for preparation time.
Businesses often donate their employee time as a community service, and as a way of getting
name recognition.
Thank you for your interest in Kennewick Community Education!
Joy Ham, Coordinator
Kathy Homme, Secretary
(509) 222-5080