F.fi,. 'F !t"fi 1t UUi4&.TiONS ?ROPOSD FF*S**$Spgs*sl4*?:#ffi *F Cd? *'r fi$.FTa3S 3Ft! OF TW fi$'t#H esi$ Egs*:?K OLT C!AB Sfisg+g OR3GOR ih.rd.ng the eoue'e€of e *'tudg on tlre er*b flsbery of, tbe etatc m*r t'ha part year tt has oorast+ tbe attantion of the Ftah C@fssion charEss tn that eataia thr* noqrextst!'rg rregUl.eil+*s snt naadOd. Theoe ahqrysr are bamtg raawcodd' tlr* reaeeas glYea for s.rcb ad "t"*"6gtionar gpoEha tltboil?r ,L * *t tbs tk teb at the present as vhicb Eg[sbs on sr**sst er-4b ns}sry EpEr€* crab &lc tourist t€n?t€* x6! t€rr1,t€* and sports fishery exists ssqs{Sea6$lc *A considerable *d flg1#1edn+fi there no 1g€gl.a*,i:*es zgulations whatsoever. ats as tbesa are dhvt&opcil h*"v* developed prsat{er* have ccrtaln practices As a r*si.lt1 result, certain As f,lehary. to the ths fishery. etetrtnostcl to wrtest *lab sana extent to thioh arc are belLwd believed detrimental Laast soue et least to at ge'4g!,re5lf tk practice reacLily of *,hsss thae is is the of br{agi.ry bringing in extrealy sa cs fractses of re*dt3g gseen usa. ard e* Use. Effit fhe most The g6i}3 g*ha fe e3l crabs to mek cook dw *at that ftlrbEly will doubted r,ka& that anyone at *L1 all faalLter familiar Htth with th* the fishery aryer* at ts dm&,td 431 deny Fb it in *scwsr tbil,c this occurs. stmgtrc *f, single r.tt*a&Lm of Cisáion's attentisn f'hr sstrstsErr gar{ftsd Verified cases been brwg&b brought to to the bavs b,mx cesec Lava q.-abr averaging eraragtag @lL e'abe thesc sesil of these r*ckr of reyen sacks in up parties bringing in up ta to seven par[les bl{.agtng lachee in yl.jl+-,h. l*sercers tor.rtet &1*e6 Sd$r*' vireually fl've fanrtotofive f aatehcs havo bcen sanimei at Eetanta, Iaqutaet 8d lYsty dffi sf stitdh b*a qsgte,1u6{ d Lest aesa reax'I crtbar tq tne uagtrf$rq €f tul€ tbsi,r oafcheu b#?e }3ea f€nnd t6 be a*maf$ sw!8'fsqd Ef In s'a* 6s& cF* snrsbeqd *B* tbirl{ SnrS$ {6 *sSY $fdth or @t*n}. thtl€i,,@&tl esln€d t-b Eateh Eag f,ffi# I ta bt nt.tttlr per qlnt e"11 W*btr food' potuttal food, of pot.ntiel ilast€ of af waste grrltlBis of tbs grounds oa the obJe€rt€d to le objected The practice to on m is r+ ,fap*s*!}tra t* ptek ary sj.*€t,fLeefft swat ls rt is It af, lscfiS 6|It of; 3strr a f,Esr trah'cE'qh of a pnd to cb*trt d'flh* fSlr cm r& eA $etgbp os:"? sr. af*,*n6"*ata ona tletrrl t*+sk {xdteatee l*nd*h (uurea p*lj*lTry Er€br lf $4.st*$1*€drstxt srgl{s t-s slx aFeh $ttld'ear4*te1y ls*;llry. * full" rys€$e &*16g tne ye*rr a$ ds) rffild tb*a rctg$t "a{ *'rgh drer yr*d faw} *f ft;rs tJ.ws t&8 *sb €et&lnttblo &em tb* fErry *ec+rslaglr {e i* rcew#d th*& th* *wfestca ef s3x tseh*s l# lrt*fih frem p*{.nt ts pltlt pergonal use, uget psrsonal -1- tna€e a 'arnlT: asrcgs ght bgh f,or all st** }tl8it erabs Aakdn fsr e*te*ce bays of tourist tenr*.sf catches *lm limit i.a inaugurated, t*rl6nrx$d, M If examination of lf such *sb ae size w.tn*tLsll l*Elt ía pee boat Fae* per -t€pt wh !&t atgbt crabe ta eight sf about *l"s to showfl&bn* thattk€f theyEsildl could r*ilt etlU catch *bs:tr lix eeEab an *n average cher& rre:Fe6r of gft&#. by bf facncardxg fishIng &*a two w or thr.6 three rlng ring mte nets fEr:trs for two ts to f,er fotr bsetrer hours, *ither increasing €hci,r their tf**ug ffi3d than thry could intensity sr or :,&*th length of of ft*h5,qn fishing, dm or they then *f{1}, still mlre raise tt t&slr experience, ia*asaity €crtheir w+lf,ffi€e* g.6,ge or gttfn$ them ltfut should qr two ba amp] tbe what ap: thra giving &e:3d be d*al,aad,, thus lf so this catch to a crabs it trr,€rEbE sq desired, this a dozen *a**fu't* gs.t{h now EsIr appears ap@rp srera*p catch t&* average onlehor os more Esfr as *s the crabs, iould {a poundage *a much k as sd what tihrg in rm.l{ be crybq, and @;*ge b. ta tabs. It ts is tl$a also rc It ended that the Commission enact a bag llmit of two dozen fetasfigil e* n*t intended fi not This is as tk*+ ,?sry TryTffl pactsAenforcing *ror@'i'b*the. "' lation but *t€e would permit trutrather rasAslla6method restribtive *agqleUoa, r *a ra*{finr ryfqq which Ytt riltr*" p*r person per dry*ithcut. a crabs a commercial license. *wnbsper Ff day !fftha{$ havfug having flahlag without for commercial cwrclaL Llssals for present rsgulaions requiring fishing p*.eaent regulail+as rrGqug{Eg aa license e*ab*' the erabs. s*]l1eg,*s poceibila vlolatm* to the poøaible violators tn in tbo the raTEFX actual asfr act sf, of seiing appr*hesdth* te apprehend tetrict1oua, $gg E*strtst'ioaar t** &* to lts&t due trurh viz, *tst limit Although eelda possible to the poastbtr*in e*s of sf an sIx rlx inch ln the lbr case *tthcugh r+}dm whether pocslblc possible m or cf, nbothcr dom regardless regarrClest of vary sóldom leldm done smaller and ed very of females, aLae of f,gldes, amaller size a ffib*. and ss* use GtEe.lt fale crabs. ls$ xd te land greaoatt regulations rogulrsi*n* to not, it is le-gE1 legal nder uMer present l"? le *e&, It ng ft is less of and m'les males b cla aed d size then recommended that f€Eals female embg crabs bs be lg'ot€Et€d proteCted rtgetfloel rag t.'rEt rgo@s# thcn be ngd. only used. only be. ire to be la felt falt to eooh e ls a"al}ablep available, such a stcp step is dsts is real data Although little lLttlc real spawning $rteh which is 1* especially *sp* f$ Justified in that it would F*.s?eile protect t}rs the f,mtrre females f,st for rpnafng ia qkt it iffiiX{ JsE*fff; iho by far fsr the earry by pr"o&ee and anC carry dd"€b produce ths case case of thac€ largtct desirable largest f,malcs females which of these ln the declrsble in of eggs, rudera of greatest greeteet numbers 4gso gwTe{ll,}ry - S!trsr4s$,tc eem*r*tr.l far con!uertisl llnlt for h*s ae size clm limit of, Oregon Oragpa has At ths the Fag*sat present time State of tb* Et*k ttffi the &t erab f1s6.ry of rlx iaehoe ssas:cd frm potrt tc poilat' atrott thr hctr af t'ha crab. Ergb. theprfr past 7. the efug $€8s1 b*an.*f?Xqq$y This critically rcrls$adl reviewed during he* been rs&rrla!,tea has lhlr regulation -2- .-. 2. tf**&'* in Vash eBrFttBg*E lryt existing x.arger .A. larger size limit i, j.nssld l xft herrl factors involved berel fae*.trr There esa axe tbr*€ three s.**"e "lrq *tl Pos rtatsE 2) both btry states. b{et€ Fe Zr bs boats arena flsh'd fished by t&s e,f!ss4 aisirg s a {s€dxt€t conflict ta in the ingt 1ruta*, ecn*tn6 size limit. the*ry ainima afes frar"*cftg tbe the ftehary fishery fg by increasing }fft fro t}ls sibi,: increase ix in ylel{ yiel4 frem ai,bl+ laensasa cxb stocks in between the øice composition ot the An Apparent conflict 3 ] **e y F 3 ' sste a strl ts'tb sfu F e a f' hsn**€eweqsf$*a6ftblgr cbsts$*!' ' s 3) stoks. t'hs bay etaskc' stocks against the atoeks'eias E$€tnst ugg*ahotr the off-shore *k **p+clalLf different areas, eapeCially dlf,f,e"sst'sf,***; the to thi 6eta|5sldla8 to that ecrresponding to t&*t ltEtt to in size limit else ln nnd8*w that inàrg tha! *banr b*re Stdio have shows *te*lag first *T.:* problem at *olq *h* not only the *lre+ onlp solve Washington rlsl3$ vo1d *et iu {*unr.u*q* present limit in sgr€ ltait p*aaCIr*size -. poundage yield fr rrtxd to*r increase the total tls e* gsraatlsls+:eqe tn*gwould tffl}A greatly ryY"* owdlt*1 but inter.state rs6ll.-gtdts conflict, lnqHnl:q f,or increasing for lasti'tlm'tt'on failed ahoy ary arq justification to tt}ol. fatlcdt to bav+ atudlcg !bvever, studies have &t{everl flalBrtr. the the fishery. the mouth tb sffith qf, that area *t$x with tbet ryt amtrrttua of the the exception l'it& b*E* within the. bays with t"b* rr.ltftle liell the xlss limit t&* size boy. a }f' *er{A**rd *' c&6h *be considered River, tf such of th* the Solmh** Columbia $l;Lv*r5 ef, raised or *u*b* crabs ** be ldsd xtntt fE{ rlEe limit minimum s*s*ffi size t&* reccmnnded that the t*$ raocm*nffi in la r.t Accordingly, it ss*,oui'#sso dfuhos fdqi' off-shore measurement for inch trffii "across t'Et'b&sbr the back" ffia'sr# ft*b gfiel*tr qfid W six and one quarter 6*r **Lisd to tim so called #, ts tk if present six inch "tip to ti measure- recommended that the fishing. f t a h l * g l s o rflowever1 e r o r r t t L sitr t eisw s d a d t ' h s t t b e p r e a a t t r x i n c b ' r t l P t s t l f * a r r r e - d"th{E the *xg*'t**a exception ef of within the bair$ bays $gtb with t&a f,Ll ths retained dthts within all bG *taid in Oregon be €r*gpre ** .r,,acel aent **l legal Fsst now Coftebta of thc the mouth of the Columbia thc aanth ver. ft"Gfr Ershol? - li$g çercil c@srelel ialiq barry cnabe crabs being soft''cktt mattOx of of soft-shell cercrad w.ttsr the a"uslty uauaUy conceded that thc *rfiB that Studies hay shown $tudles ks døetxuction cltghrt drrtlraetiea shown a a alight aleo rbora haro also $bry have correct. They eorrcet. rly meat is ontireiy low in yield of $€ssolli season. reF;**'f tbr aofg-ahell A*r:sg the ta on during *arl|t*l a* ts carried f,ltht!8 crabs when fishing ri*ras erabE of sottsbeli of, aaf,t*ehElt EGsFpas**a*ly ra*teq .*,r ttfic{ sf, w*u}?*cr gw*'pblsar bass foffid ta rary n.ron '"6drns fr* F-*r !,6 yaarr erffi6 lbc ecactr' This ?h1r rt b*e $'se *g i UTsaUTcanplrl J' as* $sa ry rs t& nd tb*Eu€h s*ptscrr &ugr$& 6f pa:t ra&tsr tbs dats!:ei.d ta b€ d'rrEs th* t*ss f,sr 4Pltst. r;s* feqd ao bs lat*rr a6ssa thle araa s#bryrre TT let'er ia te*t srs&'' fhmefms rrus&a t&Bs* bsek ts herdl*sh€Xl" bsflts *Wsod'mt61y to ba tbtu gaaeemli ts bel*s?|a6 corcara!'*g ragulx'tl*na !x oder ts plg tx *ry r*ur'lil q,*e*eus' f,=rr's*trtstEs *fi tk eri*a* tu*o tnts nse*ss*," te Epttt ths saes? thE pe*h gf, rqft".ek}I ii ..-IiI ta ?bt @4r s*suf'€s* -3 -3- o{ 19/*? *ff *}g '!"'ll t b*:.def{es& be.dstined p$ as fM fr M il Head ssat&" south fr*m Casca3e S**#'de S68d 6*sw*s Head r$!s#an frc cascade es'x€hsnd &*d north &eq]re ${aes there Since vo ryta*s* areas, xre* such *a dlrlef*n divisionlffild wo14 ef tbs *hcsa *w Ls be&'*q* these is x* n oor-1appi *rra'r*tr*pp{ng of the f,tsbseF fiohwy bet,eri be praetical k er'tirely €{Rtgsly pr*s€1,**1. 3r# rs*rSnm yield abtsia the 6b+raxmi.a 1n ordr to t* obtain Ia eed,sr fXeS* £ro thtg Bs€qrg{t this resouroG t'b*c+ tm Lnto these then rsewcrdd reooimen4e4 ttet that tfos the Sngor Oregon saasb coast bs be ittrtdsd divd.d into two b*fmt before It ite tbsn it gLvca authority s. closed ologad aGatffi ho given to declare decnaru a eaaon uffid 6$ra8 aut&orttF to earned areasaxi andekt thattbthe6#.oeie!r Ciasion 1.o tt is ta fonnd, ahtt uhoa It ncttcr te t&s theaeareas arB&Fupon upoatwo tw weeks in ab ofef, these ice to the ftgbslacEl tLsheren when fcwI that ia aa€h rccks no sdt the tb* aryer oyer a:X all pWu*aee percentage sf of *aft'-sbl}! soft-shells segur#ry occurringrnsgds exceda te t*n por pr cent, ss*scBnapefled EFtd *a season re the aba,larr te de th*aht.hority The have ta *orr*the fha Ciaaicn ef&*.fty 6ffi{,r*J,*gshould rhml8also aI,*E frr{Fbff CInG crq,be percenrtsgs of sf the tba "nuither all percentage eyer all ube the t&e over in each map*cu.ve respective area one grr*dsr grad& crabs ln eacrh are when determined e& at tb* the @llt'eeqr{ry p lie bearing qecCoo!i.;.sion hf the Swpr:*s*m awqd* as exceeds ea ftggl.s figure ts to h be de**fr*fryd el*ftd by as defined ruguLatt'*as. bafng held f,cr such sueh regulations bcld for being s,**iltlms oa eondItion rqat$fd on tr required trhl* is xt&ry which frcthd" study It tt pending 5.8 reccmziended ire*{ffiod6# *kA It is ffiipe fuith.z' effr&fs 3 the @* bays that eeaaonal to&ooff..ehore e**e the sE srs bk limited strt&l:r th* fqf,T{ry &**eml cleaure exietin withi erd.sttstr -tha foregoing t&a p*m* ra they tra tt the oFnopenaitbyareat bqvs rcm*tn th6the fiehel7 only onlyanC andth*t that boys ramtr fLabsr1r tjee. t5sro Roger fs}l*film ?ollfson Spgur Bfal*trG Aquatic Aqustte Biologist