OREGON IOREGON ,9~ and Wildlife Wildlife Commission Commission Oregon Fish and lIctáer, il'ct@lIler, 19, I@}, 2MI 201 IEXHIBIT EXHIBIT :GiJ Fish Fish & & Wildlife Wildlife SUBJECT Developmental Fishery Program PRINCIPAL STAFF PERSON Jean McCrae COMMISSION ACTION REQUESTED The Commission will consider will review review the the Developmental Developmental Fishery Fishery Program Program and consider regulations changes changes as recommended by the Developmental Developmental Fisheries Fisheries Board. Board. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED 1. Agenda Item Summary Summary Hearing Notice and and Fiscal Fiscal Impact Statement Statement 2. Rearing Staff Report 3. Stafi'Report 4. Draft Administrative Rules 5. Public Correspondence RELATED STATUTES ORS 506.109, 506.119, 506.129, 506.450, 506.455, 506.460, and 506.465 506.465 RELATED RULES OAR Chapter 635, Division 006 and wed by: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY /0-3- Director General REDACTED FOR PRIVACY REDACTED FOR PRIVACY REDACTED FOR PRIVACY REDACTED FOR PRIVACY REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Jo/37ô/ Date foJ 3/e' I Agenda Item Summary $ BACKGROUND Under ORS 506.450 - .465, .465, the the Commission Commission is directed to establish establish a Developmental fisheries are Developmental Fishery Fishery Program Program by by rule. rule. Developmental those designed to develop harvest methods and markets for underused fishery species. ofthe program program for for each each of of the the species species on on the the fishery species. Part of developmental fisheries developmental fisheries list listdetermines determineshow howto to allocate allocate the the opportunity opportunity to develop these fisheries fisheries among among those those who who may may want want to participate, when applications must applications must be be submitted, submitted, and and renewal renewal requirements requirements for for those who wish The statute statute creates creates aa Developmental Developmental wish to to continue continue in inthe thefishery. flhery. The appointed by the Commission, Commission, which makes Fisheries Board, appointed recommendations recommendations to to the Commission Commission regarding regarding changes changes to to the program each year. This year, year, the the Developmental Developmental Fisheries Board recommends year. This only only one one change change to to the program, relating to the application deadline for those participating in the box crab crab developmental fishery. fishery. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT • ISSUE 1 Adjust the application deadimes for box crab permits ANALYSIS Currently, Currently, the application deadline deadline for for new new permits permits isis January January 31, 31, and and no no new permits permits can can be be issued issued until untilthe thefirst firstweek weekof ofFebruary. February. In 2001, many people were interested in landing landing box box crab crab in in January January to to supplement a very very slow Dungeness However, because because the permit permit deadline deadline for new Dungeness season. season. However, permits is January January 31, 31, no new permits could be issued until the first week of February Only vessels that February and and no no permits permits were were renewed renewed from from 2000. 2000. Only renewed their permit permit from from 2000 2000 could could fish fish in inJanuary. January. Therefore, no landings of box crab The Developmental Developmental landings crab could be made made in in January. January. The Fisheries crab Fisheries Board is recommending the application deadlines for box crab permits be set back one month so new permits can be issued the beginning ofJanuary. of January. OPTIONS 1. by 1. Change box crab permit application deadline as recommended by Developmental Fisheries Board. 2. Makeother otherchanges changestotoDevelopmental DevelopmentalFishery Fishery program. program. 2. Make 3. Makeno nochanges changes to to the the program. program. 3. Make STAFF RECOMMENDATION Option 11 Option Developmental Fisheries Fisheries Board Board was held The regular meeting of the Developmental August 2, 200 I. The The issue issue outlined outlined in the staff report was discussed at 2, 2001. meeting. This This meeting meeting is a "public meeting" this meeting. meeting" and and subject to the Oregon Meetings Law. DRAFT MOTION I move to amend OAR 635-006-0910 as proposed by staff adjust deadlines apphcatton for box crab permits to December 1 for permit renewals and January 1 for new permits EFFECTWE DATE u on film Secretary of State NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING RULEMAKlNG UEARING* HEARING" A Statement fonn. Statement ofNeed of Need and and Fiscal Fiscal Impact accompanies this form. Oregon Department Fish Division Division Oregon Department ofFish of Fish and and Wildlife Wildlife(ODFW) (ODFW)- Fish 635 Agency and Division Administrative Rules Adtnisiistrative Rules Chapter Chapter Number Number Mike Lueck Ext 5447 5447 (503) 872-5272, Ext. Rules Coordinator Telephone 2501 SW First O. Box Box 59; 59; Portland, 97207 2501 First Avenue; Avenue; P. 0. Portland, OR OR 97207 Adill", Shilo Inn --30 30 N. N. Prom Prom 10119101 8:00 a.m. Seaside, OR 97138 10/19/01 Fish and Wildlife Commission Hearing Date Heating Time Location Hearings Hearings Officer Hearing Date Time Location Hearings Hearings Otlicer Officer Hearing Date Time Location Hearings Hearings Officer Are auxiliary aids aids for for persons persons with with disabilities available upon advance request? Yes X No RULEMAKING ACTION ADOPT: Secure rule numbers with with the the Administrative Administrative Rules Rules CoiL Unit prior prior to filing, ftling. Secure approval approval of ofrule AMEND:' OAR OAR 635-006-0800 635-006-0800 through through 635-006-0950 635-006-D950 REPEAL: Renumber: Secureapproval approvalofofnile rulenumbers numberswith withthe theAdministrative Administrative Rules Rules Unit Unit prior prior to to filing. filing. Renmnber: Secure Amend Renumber:Secure Secure approval rule numberswith withthe theAdministrative AdministrativeRules RulesUnit Unitprior priortotofiling. filing. Amen.! and Renumber, approval ofof rule numbers Stat Auth.: and·506.119 Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.109 and.506.119 Other Authority 506.455, 506.460, Stats. Stats. Implemented: Implemented: DRS ORS 506.129, 506.450, 506.455, 506.460, and and 506.465 506.465 RULE SUMMARY Amend application deadlines for box crab permits. permits. Amend rules to change the application REDACTED FOR PRIVACY October 19, 2001 Last Day for Public Conunent Comment Authorized Signer and Date Sharon M. M. Bird '"The ofeach each month month and and updates updates the rule text found The Oregon Bulletin Bulletin is is pubLished published on on the the 1st lit of the rule found in in the the Oregon Oregon Administrative AdministrativeRules RulesCompilation. Compilation. Notice Notice fonns forms must must be be submitted submittedto the Administrative Administrative Rules Archives, 800 Summer Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310 by 5:00 pm on on the tae 15th 15th day day of ofthe the preceding preceding month month unless thu this deadline falls Rules Unit, Unit, Oregon State Archives, ARC 920-• 1997 an a Saturday, when Notice Notice forms forms are accepted until 5:00 pm on the preceding workday. workday. ARC 920 1997 on Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday when Secretary of State STATEMENT OF NEED AND AND FISCAL FISCAL IMPACT A A Notice Notice of of Proposed Rulemaking Hearing or a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking accompanies accompanies this this fann. form. Oregon Oregon Department Department ofFish of Fish and Wildlife - Fish Division 635 Agency and Division Administrative Ruies Rules Chapter Chapter Number Number Administrative of amendment of In the Matter of OAR Chapter 635, Division 006 relating to Developmental Fisheries Program ) )) )) ) )) Statutory Authority, Statutes Implemented, of Need, Statement of Principal Documents Relied Upon, Statement of Fiscal Impact Statutory ORS 506.109 506.109 and and 506.119 506.119 Statutory Authority: Authority: ORS Other Authority: Statutes Implemented: ORS ORS 506.129, 506.129,506.450, 506.450, 506.455, 506.455, 506.460, 506.460, and 506.465 Statuteslmplemented: and506.465 Rule(s): Need for the Rule(s): The rules are needed needed to to adopt adopt regulation regulation changes changes in in the the application application deadlines deadlines for box crab crab permits permits The rules by the Developmental Developmental Fishery Fishery Board. recommended by Documents Relied Upon: a. . b. Oregon Fish Fish and and Wildlife Wildlife Commission Commission Meeting Meeting of ofOctober October 19, 19, 2001 2001 Staff report for Oregon Oregon Administrative Rules The above documents are available available for public inspection in the the Department Department of Fish Fish and and Wildlife, Wildlife, Fish Fish 2501 SW SW First First Avenue, Avenue, Portland, Portland, Oregon, Oregon, between between 8:00 8:00 a.m. a.m. and and 4:30 4:30 p.m., p.m., on on Division, Third Floor, 2501 days, Monday Monday through through Friday. Friday. normal working days, Fiscal and Economic Impact: attached. Please see attached. Administrative Rule Advisory Advisory Committee Committee consulted?: consulted?: Administrative and The Developmental Fishery met and The Developmental Fishery Board Board met considered requests to change chaoge the harvest programs for for developmental developmental fisheries fisheries species. species. If If not, why?: why?: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY REDACTED FOR PRIVACY Sharon M. M. Bird 97310, Administrative Rules Rules Unit, Archives Division, Secretary of State, State. 800 800 Summer Summer Street Street NE, NE, Salem, Salem, Oregon Oregon 97310. ARC 925 925 .• 1997 1997 ARc Impact Statement for the October 19, 19, 2001 200 1 Hearing in the Matter of of the Economic Impact of Rules Relating to the Developmental Fisheries Program Amendment of Fiscal and economic impact: The proposed proposedrules ruleswill will affect affect state state agencies, agencies, units units of oflocal impact: The local the public, public, respectively, respectively, as The amendment amendment is is needed to to government and the as discussed discussed below. below. The deadlines for renewal renewal of ofbox box crab crab permits permits and and applications applications for new new box box crab crab change the deadlines permits. a. Theonly onlystate stateagency agencywhich whichshould should be be affected affected by by adoption adoption of ofthese these rules rules is is the the a. The Oregon Department of ofFish Wildlife. No significant significant changes changes from the current Fish and Wildlife. legislatively legislatively approved approved levels levels of of the the department's departments operations or expenditures are expected as a result of of the amendment amendment of of the rules recommended by the staff Nounits unitsof oflocal government are are expected expected to be be affected affected by these No significant significant b. No local government these rules. rules. No current levels levels of of any local changes from the current local agencies' agencies' operations operations or or expenditures expenditures are result of ofthe the adoption adoption of ofthese these rules. rules. expected as aa result c. The rules: The c. The public public could could be be affected affected by the adoption of these rules: The existing statute and rules require adoption adoption of ofaa list list of ofdevelopmental developmental fisheries fisheries species, and the establishment or or maintenance of of limited entry harvest systems systems for the associated developmental fisheries. fisheries. For this hearing, hearing, ODFW ODFW staff staff proposes that that changes changes in in the the deadline deadline dates for box crab crab and new new permit permit applications applications be considered considered by by the the State State Fish Fish and and Wildlife Wildlife permit renewals and Commission. . Currently thenumber number of ofrenewals renewals is is Currently the the deadline deadline for for permit permit renewal renewalisisDecember December31 3 .t.l. IfIfthe less than the 25 permits permits authorized for the box crab crab fishery, fishery, then new permit applications 31st, 't. After After January January 31 .t, new permits permits are are issued. issued. However if are accepted until January January 31 3 l'. the number of of renewals and applicants exceeds exceeds 25, 25, a lottery is held held with the the new applications so that the total number of permits lottery isis needed, needed, applications permits does does not exceed 25. 25. IfIfaa lottery the harvesting of of box crab by new applicants can't begin begin until until early earlyFebruary. February.thThe amendment amendment proposes to change the permit permit renewal renewal deadline deadline to to November November30 3O,, and the new application .t. application deadline deadlineto toDecember December31 31. The reason for the change change is to allow allow permit holders to begin begin fishing fishing not later than early January. Dungenesscrab crab fishery fishery that that starts starts in in December Decemberisis slow, slow, for for example, example, January. IfIfthe the Dungeness harvesters with new box crab permits may may want to begin fishing fishing for for box box crab crab sooner than early The amended amended permit permit application application deadlines deadlines will accommodate harvesters' early February. February. The potential needs to to begin begin box box crab crab fishing in early January. If there could could be be an an increase increase in in box box crab landings if If the amendments are adopted there harvesters decide to to move move into into the the fishery fishery in early January, January, which which isis sooner sooner than than possible possible under the existing rules. rules. This This may may occur occur more more often often in years when the Dungeness crab crab fishery prices are low. We don't don't have have any any specific specific information fishery isis poor poor or prices low. We information to to allow a more more precise estimate of the potentialihipacts. .. Overall, Overall, the the developmental fisheries fisheries rules rules are are expected expected to to produce positive economic effects effects for the public and and small small business business both both in in the the short short run run and and in in the the long long run. run. Rules Rules limited entry can be viewed as imposing relating to limited imposing additional additional costs costs (in (in the the form form of permit permit fees) in the short short run, run, and and potentially potentially excluding excluding some harvesters who might might fees) on harvesters in limited entry However, in in the the long long run, run, not apply for limited entry permits permits soon soon enough. enough. However, implementation of of the rules are expected to yield positive economic effects effects by by controlling controlling the development of offisheries, fisheries are sustainable This is is fisheries, so the fisheries sustainable in in the the long long run. run. This intended to help help prevent prevent the the typical typical cycle cycle in in fisheries of of boom boom (as (as aa virgin virgin fish stock stock is is maximum sustainable sustainable yield yield levels) fished down to maximum levels) and and bust bust (when (when the the stock becomes ofsustaining sustaining yields yields at at the theinitial initial exploitation exploitationlevel). level). incapable of are believed believed to to be beifilly fully compatible compatiblewith legislative direction on on the the goals goals of offish fish The rules are with legislative and wildlife management in Oregon. Most businesses businesses affected affected by by these these rules rules are are believed believed to to be be "small "small business." business." Developmental Fisheries Program Staff Report Prepared for Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission October 19, 2001 Seaside, Oregon Summary of Staff Report staff is submitting recommendations the Developwental DeveloPlllental Fishery Board ODFW staff recommendations by b' the Board for the Colllmission Commission to to adopt regulation changes that would adjust the season for box crab permits. Key conclusions from Key elements elements and conclusions from the the staff staff report report are: The Developmental Fishery Board considered requests to waive the renewal requirements requirements for The sardine permits permits and to adjust adjust the the application application deadlines for the new sardine for the box box crab crab fishery. fishery. The Board also also reviewed reviewed the the spot spotprawn prawnand andbay bayclam clamfisheries fisheries and and discussed discussed requiring requiring aa business ofthe the permit permit application. application. Staff Staffgave gavean aninformational informational update on on the the management management plan as part of plan for nearshore nearshore fisheries, fisheries. The ODFW staff staffand and Board Board recommend recommend adjusting adjusting the the application application deadlines for box crab crab in January. January. allow for for more more harvest harvest in permits to allow 1 Outline of Staff Staff Report I. Introduction ......................................................................................................... , Page 3 II. ofDevelopmental Developmental Fisheries Activities Activities Reportof Annual Report II. Staff Issues and Options - Recommendations ........................... Staff Analysis of Issues H .......................... Page 3 • Summarizes permits and landing activities of ofdevelopmental developmental fishery fishery species. species. • Summarizes research and management actifities of of developmental fishery fishery program Page 7 Issue! Adjust the application deadlines for box crab permits. Option A (preferred) The Board and and staff staffreconunend recommend the the Commission Commission adopt rules to adjust the application application deadlines deadlines for for box crab crab permits permits to to allow allow for more in January. January. harvest in OptionB Option B No action: status statusquo, quo,the theapplication applicationdeadlines deadlines remain remain unchanged. Oregon Administrative AdministrativeRules Rules....................................................................................... Page Page 88 2 I. Introduction The public hearing on October October 19 19 isis the the annual annual review review of ofthe the ODFW ODFW Developmental Developmental Fisheries Atthe thehearing, hearing,staff staffwill willforward forward aarecommendation recommendationfrom from the the Developmental Developmental Fishery Fishery Program. At adjust the the application application deadlines deadlines for box box crab permits. permits. Board to adjust AnnualReport ReportofofDevelopmental Developmental Fisheries FisheriesActivities Activities II. Annual Permits ODFW staff 136 permits for the the harvest harvest of ofdevelopmental developmental fisheries fisheries species through staff has issued 136 through (Table 1). 1). Of Ofthe the120 120permits permitsissued issued in in2000, 2000,33 were renewed renewed for for 2001 2001 (as (as August, 2001 (Table 33 were compared to 30 the the previous previous year). year). Remaining Remaining permits for four fisheries (sardines, (sardines, box crab, crab, bay bay clams, and spot prawns) prawns) were were issued issued through through aa lottery. lottery. All Allavailable available permits permits were were issued issued for for clams, seven fisheries fisheries (spot prawns, coonstripe coonstripe shrimp, shrimp, box box crab, crab, abalone, abalone, bay bay clams, clams, sardines, sardines, and and sea sea cucumbers with trawl gear). Landings Landings of of developmental developmental fisheries species through August 2001 are are summarized summarized in Table 2. The majority of of the the landings landings of of developmental developmental species were taken as as incidental incidental catch in other other fisheries, exception of of sardines. sardines. Through August, August, 11 11 vessels vessels have have landed landed 23.6 23.6 million million fisheries, with the exception pounds of sardines into Astoria. Astoria. The Thevessels vessels using using seine gear and targeting targeting on sardines sardines averaged averaged over 62,000 pounds per trip. Four Fourother othervessels vessels made made incidental incidental landings landingswith withtrawl trawlgear. gear. Log records through August August show show 82% 82% of ofthe the landings landings were taken off Oregon and and 18% 18% off Fiveprocessor processorare arebuying buyingsardines sardines in in Astoria, Astoria, an an increase increase from from the the three three in in 2000. 2000. Washington. Five The average price for sardines sardines has has been been $0.03 $0.03 per per pound pound (down (down from from $0.05 $0.05 in in 2000). 2000). The landing approximately $20,170 fees for species in all categories have generated approximately $20,170 into into the the developmental developmental fisheries I, through through July. July. fisheries fund ifind in 200 2001, Research Sardines and summarized summarized the the 2000 2000 sardine sardine fishery fishery at at an an international international symposium symposium on sardines sardines Staff attended and in They also also presented presented aa poster poster on on the the 2000 2000 sardine sardine fishery fishery at the annual annual meeting in Mexico. Mexico. They meeting of the the Oregon chapter chapter of ofthe the American American Fisheries Fisheries Society. Society. of sardines from the commercial harvest that will be analyzed Staff collected samples of analyzed for size, sex, maturity, and age. Samples Samples worked workedup up through throughAugust Augustshow showaasize size range range of of148-256 148-256 mm mm maturity, 47-241 gm (average 149 gm, (average 210 mm, 8.25 in) and 47-241 gm, 1/3 1/3 pound). pound). Sardines Sardines sampled sampled in Dept. of Fish and Game were 370/0 37% age 2 and 21% 2000 and aged by by California California Rept. ofFish (JaIUe :were 21 % for both ages ages 22 4, with a range of of2-8 Wehired hired aaseasonal seasonal to to ride-along ride-along on on commercial commercial vessels and 4, 2-8 years. We vessels to observe Through August, August, staff staff made 20 observer trips. The observed observed bycatch bycatch observe by-catch. by-catch. Through trips. The consisted Logbook consisted of of 22 salmon (averaging (averaging 1.2 1.2 per trip trip and and 64% 64% released released alive), alive), and andtwo two sharks. sharks. Logbook records for tor 81% 81 % of ofthe thelandings landings through through August August show showbycatch bycatch of of417 417 salmon salmon (averaging (averaging 1.2 1.2 salmon/trip salmon/trip - 66% released released alive) alive) and and incidental incidental catch of of 42,000 42, 000 pounds pounds of ofmackerel. mackerel. Pacific Fishery Fishery Management ManagementCouncil CouncilActivity Activity PacWc 3 draft of ofthe thePacific Pacific Fisheries Fisheries Management Management Council's Council's (Council) (Council) fishery fishery management management plan plan The third draft higWy migratory species species (which (which will will include swordfish and blue shark) will be reviewed by the for highly Staffparticipated participated in in 99 team team and and Council Council meetings in the last year in Council in in November. November. Staff in the the development process. in two Coastal Coastal Pelagic Pelagic Team Team meetings meetings to finalize finalize details in Staff also also participated in in the limited limited entry entry fishery in California and to develop develop an an MSY MSY for for squid. squid. Developmental Fishery Fishery Board BoardActivities Activities Developmental The Developmental Fishery 1, to Fishery Board Board has has held held two two meetings meetings in in 200 2001, to date, date, and and has has a third third scheduled for Attheir theirfirst first meeting meeting in February, the Board recommended recommended to for October 2. At to increase increase the number of of sardine sardine permits permits by five of 20 and recommended that a vessel be five to to a total of be used to qualify onlyone onepermit permitper peryear. year.The TheCommission Commissionapproved approvedthese theserecommendations recommendationsininApril. April. quali' only In adjust the the application application deadlines deadlines for the the box box crab crab TnAugust, August, the the Board Board considered a request to adjust fishery. The Board Boardalso also considered considered aa request request to to waive waive the the renewal renewal requirements requirements for the new fishery. The reviewed the spot spot prawn prawn and and bay bay clam clam fisheries fisheries but did not make any any sardine permits and reviewed recommendations at this time. time. There Therewas wasconsiderable considerable discussion discussion regarding regarding requiring requiring a business plan as of the permit permit application application to to discourage discourage individuals individuals from obtaining permits for as part of speculation. Staffgave gavean aninformational informational update update on on the the management management plan plan for nearshore fisheries. fisheries. speculation. Staff expressed support for establishing establishing a control date date for for aa possible possible limited limited entry system for The Board expressed, fishery. the nearshore fishery. Board will will consider a proposal to create create aa bycatch bycatch allowance for At their meeting in October, the Board gap er clams during the closed season, will will discuss gaper discuss the the steps needed needed to remove a species species from from the the developmental list, and and will review requiring a business plan plan as part part of ofthe the permit permit application. application. 4 1. 2001 2001 Developmental DevelopmentalFishery FisheryPermits Permits(as (asof of9/6/OF). 9/6/01). Table 1. Permits Allowed Permits Issued Pacific hagfish blue shark swordfish 25 10 10 20 northern anchovy anchovy & & Pacific herring herrin. Pacific sardine & saufY Pacific saury Pacific sandfish smelt Pacific nomfret pomfret slender sole 15 2 33 15 20* box crab Oregon hair crab & scarlet king crab & .rooved grooved tanner crab spot shrimp coonstriped shrimp & & sidestrine shrimn sidestripe shrimp cockle clams (ocean) bay clams giant .iant octopus octoaus California market squid other squid snuid spp. snn, fragile urchin sea cucumber , marine snails brine shrimp flat abalone Renewals from 2000 2000 33 11 other lon~line longline 7 14 10 20 10 10 I1 25 25* 10 33 I1 6* 10* 10* 5 10* 5* 5* 10* 8 6 10 10 55 10 55 10 30 30 6 6 6 10 10 . 10 10 33 trawl other coastwide south coast I1 33 55 trawl other trawl other trawl diver other 22 6* , 33 22 I1 I 1* I 1 total allavailable available permits pennits issued issued _** all 5 136 33 Table Landings of ofdevelopmental developmental fisheries fisheries species, by category, August. 2001 Table 2, 2. Landings category, through August, Categon' A Category Pacific hagfish blue shark swordfish northern anchovy Pacific Pacific herring herring Pacific sardine Pacific saury Pacific sandfish smelt Pacific pomfret slender sole Pounds 27,964 235 - 46,196 22,445,379 - Category B salmon shark black hagfish hagflsh Eelpouts skilfish skiffish carp yellow perch brown bullhead northern squawfish Oregon hair crab scarlet king crab grooved grooved tanner crab spot shrimp coonstriped shrimp sidestripe sidestripe shrimp flat abalone butter clams cockle clams gaper clams littleneck clams softshell clams giant octopus Calif market market squid squld spp. spp, other squid fragile fragile urchin sea cucumber marine snails brine shrimp shrimo . - - 77,710 - euphausiids (krill) Pacific sand crab freshwater mussels box crab Pounds 62,546 - 613 54,971 1,375 - 1,395 21,428 53,309 775 314 - 11,785 4,057 - Category C spiny dogfish soupfin shark skate American shad Pacific cod Pacific flatnose Pacific grenadier cabezon, cabezon. sculpins kelp greenling jack mackerel & Pacific mackerel Pounds 29,624 344 1,042,453 278,168 61,429 - 156,388 85,977 62 49,443 1,042,093 - greenstriped rockfish redstripe rockfish rockfish shortbelly rockflsh rockfish sharpchin rockfish splitnose rockflsh rockfish Pacific sanddab butter sole English sole rex sole rock sole sand sole lemon sole rattish spotted raffish wolf-eel walleye pollock 197,664 1,845 606,248 538,928 2,077 76,833 5,942 2 2,365 9,505 red rock crab purpIe sea urchins purple crayfish 1,522 1,737 64,300 - - 10 10 5,950 grand total 6 27,070,970 StaffAnalysis AnalysisofofIssues Issues and andOptions Options -- Recommendations Recommendations III. Staff staff recommendations. The ThefUll full text of of proposed proposed rule rule changes changes is is The following discusses staff 8. attached beginning on Page 8. issue) Adjust tire appikation deadlines for box crab permits Issue 1 Issuel Interest in box crab occurs mainlywhen mainly when landings for Dungeness In 2001, 2001, many many Dungeness crab crab are are low. low. In in landing landing box box crab crab in in January January because because of of aa very slow slow Dungeness season. season. people were interested interested in However, because the the permit permit deadline deadline for new permits is January January 31, 31, no no new new permits permits could could be be issued until of February. February. Only Only vessels vessels that renewed renewed their their permit from 2000 could until the the first week of However, because because of offew box crab crab landings landings in 2000, no permits were renewed for fish fish in in January. January. However, few box boxcrab crabcould couldbe bemade madein in January. January. 2001. Therefore, Therefore,no nolandings landingsofofbox The Developmental Fisheries Board is recommending the application deadlines deadlines for for box crab back one one month month so so new new permits permits can can be be issued the beginning of January. Landings permits be set back January. Landings qualifying for The deadline deadline to renew renew qualifying for renewal renewal would would run from from December December I1 through through November November 30. 30. The land the thedeadline deadline for for applications applications for for new new permits permits would be be January January a permit would be December land 1I (with a potential lottery 5-7 5-7 days days later). This Thiswould wouldallow allow new new permits permits to to be be issued issued and and more more harvesting during January. Option A: (preferred) The Board and staff staff recommend the Commission adopt rules to adjust adjust (preferred) in January. January. the application deadlines for box crab permits to allow for more harvest harvest in Option B: action: status statusquo, quo,the theapplication applicationdeadlines deadlines remain remain unchanged. No action: 7 accompanied by by the the required required fee feein infull. fill. Any application DIVISION 006 006 which is not complete shall be be returned and, unless it is FISHERIES COMMERCIAL FISRERIES thereafter resubmitted and deemed complete by by the filing COMMERCIAL GEAR; LICENSES, LICENSES, POUNDAGE POUNDAGE COMMERCIAL GEAR; date, the individual shall not not be be considered considered to to have have applied applied FEES, timely maimer; manner; in aa timely AND REPORTS RECORDS AND (d) Before applicant must must Before applying applyhig for for aa permit, permit, an applicant first have obtained the the appropriate appropriate vessel vessel license license (or (or individual license if if permit is tssued issued to individual) individual) for for the. the 635-006-0910 permit will will be be issued. issued. year the permit Issuance, Transfer Transfer and aod Renewal Renewal of of Procedures for Issuance, (2) Number of of permits allowed: allowed: Developmental Fisheries Species Species Permits Permits (a) An individual individual shall not submit more than one (I) (1) Applications: application, per per permittee, for each each developmental developmental fishery fishery (a) permit must must submit submit a complete complete (a) An applicant for a permit species gear category; (b) (b) No No permittee pennittee who holds holds a valid developmental application in writing writing accompanied accompanied by an annual annual fee fee of of up application shall shall include include the the species species of offish to $75. The application fish to fisheries permit may apply apply for for any any additional additional permits for for be taken, the method method and and gear gear proposed proposed to to be used, and the the species gear category. category. A valid developmental the same species area from which the Developmental Fisheries Species are to fisheries permit is a permit which which is is neither at issue in a other information information as as the the Department Department may be taken, and other pending Permit Pennit Review Board proceedings nor before a require; court of oflaw; court law; (c) Ifa If a permittee, permittee, who who holds holds aa permit permit at issue either (b) Complete applications must be received received postmarked postmarked or date-stamped by January January 1I of ofthe the year year of of issue issue for new before the Permit Pennit Review Review Board Board or or a court of law, is species species added to the developmental fishery fishery list in OAR 635- permit for for the the same san,e species species gear gearcategory category awarded another permit of thereafter by by the annual filing date of 006-0850, and thereafter Permit through the lottery and thereafter prevails before the Permit February 1 I of the box the year year of of issue, issue, except except applications applications for box Review Review Board Board or or in in cour( court, the the pennittee pennittee shall immediately crab permits permits must must be be postmarked postmarked or or date-stamped date-stamped by surrender one of of the permits to any Department Department office, office, so so January of the year year of of issue; issue; January 11 of that only only one valid permit permit per per species species gear gear category category isis held. held (3) Issuance of permits: pennits: (c) (c) An application shalt shall be considered complete if if it is (a) If the number of applications received by the filing information requested requested on the form, and is legible, has all information of pennits available, all all the number of date is less than the permits avallable, 1 - Div. Div. 006 applicants who have have submitted complete applications shall supplied by Evidence of landings must be supplied by the the applicant applicant and 14 days days of of the ffling filing date. be issued a permit within 14 submitted with the application. (A) shall be issued on a first(A) Any Any remaining permits shall (A) (A) If the the number of these applicants does not exceed come, first-served basis, within within 14 14 days days of ofreceipt receipt of ofeach each come, they shall shall be the number of permits, they be given given all all available available completed completed application, application,until until the the maximum madmmn number of permits and any any remaining applicants applicants shall shall be be placed placed in in aa shall be be based based on on postmark p0.stmark or or permits is issued. Priority shall lottery; date-stamped date; date; date-stamped (B) (B) If If the number of applicants who have preference (B) The names of applicants who who did did not not receive receive a (B) exceeds the number of permits, points exceeds permits, then then these these applicants list, in in the the order order permit shall be placed on an alternates list, only shall be be placed in a lottery, lottery, and grouped grouped by by the the number number they are received, received, until until the neA"! next annual filing date. preference points they have accrued accrued for for each species gear of preference Applicants whose whose names names are placed on the alternates list category. number of of preference preference category. Applicants with the highest number shall be refunded permit fee minus aa $10 $10 application application reflmded their permit gear category category will be drawn first. points for each species gear Tee. Permits which which become available before the end of the tee. the highest highest number of Applicants having the of preference points year shall be made available to the alternates list, in the per species gear category will will be be drawn drawn next. next. This This permit applicant shall shall be be notified notified of ofan an available available order listed. The applicant issuance process process will will continue continue through through descending numbers permit and shall shall resubmit resubmit aa complete complete application and pennit and of preference preference points points until all the available permits have permit fee fee within 30 days of of the date the notification is been issued, unless all qualified applicants with preference mailed. mailed. The permit shall be issued within 14 days of receipt receipt Permits points have been issued permits prior to that point. Permits of the the resubmitted resubmitted application application and fee. fee, If If an an alternate alternate fails fails shall be issued within 14 14 days of the lottery; apply, he shall forfeit to apply, forfeit the permit and the permit shall remaining applicants applicants (who (who do do not not have have (C) In addition, remaining available to to the next name on the alternates then be made available preference points) shall be placed in a lottery and their preference list. shall be drawn; names shall CD) (D) The Department then shall prepare an alternates (b) (b) If If the the number of applications received by by the the f11ing filing the number number of of permits permits available, available, the date is greater than the list, list, in which applicants who have preference points are how many applications Department shall determine first how listed listed first first (in the order drawn), drawn), and thereafter remaining lere are with preference points as accrued accrued under under OAR OAR iere applicants are listed, in the order in in which which they they were were 635-006-0915, except for for new species that have drawn. whose names are placed on the drawn. All applicants whose qualification restrictions set forth in OAR 635-006-0850. 635-006-0850. alternates list shall be refunded their permit fee fee minus a $10 application fee. Any permits available before before the the end of fl n;, nfl' (a) Permits may be renewed by submission, to the the year shall be made available available to the first name on the alternates list. The The applicant applicant shall shall be be notified notified of of an an of the appropriate fee and aa complete complete Department, of available permit and and shall shall resubmit resubmit aa complete application application date-stamped or postmarked before January 1I of permitfee fee within within30 30days days of ofthe the date date the the notification notification isis and pennit the year for for which which renewal renewal isis sought, sought,except except renewal renewal mailed. The permit pennit shall shall be be issued issued within within 14 14 days days of of receipt applications applications for for box box crab crab permits must must be be postmarked of the resubmitted application and fee. fee. If fails If an alternate fails date-stamped before before December 1 of the or date-stamped the vear year prior to 30 days, he shall to apply for the lottery permit within 30 renewal is is sought;. sought; which renewal forfeit forfeit such pennit permit and the permit shall then be made (b) (b) An An application for for renewal renewal shall be considered next name name on on die the alternates alternates list. list. available to the next complete requested complete if it is legible legible and has all information requested may be be made made available available before the the end end of of the (c) Permits may year by perinit. by aa permittee voluntarily turning in a permit. on the form and is accompanied by the required fee in MI. full. complete shall shall be be returned, returned, Any application which is not complete whom permits are issued: Permits shall (4) Persons to svhom unless it is is thereafter thereafter resubmitted resubmitted and and deemed deemed complete complete and unless be issued to either a vessel or an individual person when before listed in in (6)(a) (6)(a) above, above, the the before [January [January11the lithe deadline listed hand harvest methods are used. used. The pennit holder is is the the pennit holder individual shall not be be considered considered to to have have applied applied for for owner or controller of of the vessel or the individual person renewal in a timely marmeT; maimer; when hand harvest methods methods are are used. used. (c) (c) It is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure of permits: Permits for Developmental (5) Transfer of an application is complete and is filed in a timely timely manner. manner. not transferable transferable to another another person or or Fisheries Species are not application for Failure of the Department to return an application entity; provided however that permits may be transferred to incompleteness or of an individual to receive a returned returned by the permit holder up another vessel owned or controlled by application shall not be grounds for treating the application to two two times annually. as having been filed in a timely and complete manner; manner; complete filing to renew renew a (d) In addition to timely and complete (a) To transfer a permit, a permittee shall first apply on a form forth provided by by the Department and shall include a $25 permit, permit, a permittee must annually lawfully lawfully land the transfer fee; required pounds and/or landings landings listed listed in in OAR OAR 63 635-0065-006- (b) No transfer shall be considered effective effective until until the 0850. th~ 0850. However, However, if if aa permittee perrnittee obtained obtained aa permit later than permittee has received approval from from the the Department Department and and July July I1 of of the the prior prior year, year, the the permittee pennittee shall not be required an updated permit. to following to make make the the annual landing requirement by the following (6) (6) Renewal of permits: ne",t renewal thereafter, the January. Instead, at the next 3 -• Div. 006 pennittee shall be perinittee be required required to demonstrate demonstrate the the annual annual landing requirement was fulfilled fulfilled during the first full full year year in which which the the pennit was held. (e) (e) Landings made by one vessel can not be used used for for qualification to to renew renew more more than one permit pennit per permit pennit qualification category in any given year. (?) Authority of Director: Consistent Consistent with with OAR 635(7) 006-0810 006-0810 through through 635-006-0950, the Director is authorized Pennits under the to issue issue Developmental Developmental Fisheries Permits authority of ORS ORS 506.460. Auth.: ORS Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.109 and 506.119 hnp1emented: ORS Stats. Jmplemented: ORS 506.129, 506.450, 506.450, 506.460 506.460 and 506.465 Hist.: nfl. nnr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I