Poster Presentation Guidelines On the Day of the Symposium 1. All posters are displayed in room 310 A/B of the EMU Student Center. 2. There are three groups of posters, each on display for one hour and 30 minutes. Please check your student letter for your specific group assignment! Group 1: set-up 8-8:30 a.m. public viewing 8:30-10 a.m. Group 2: set-up 10-10:30 a.m public viewing 10:30-11:15 a.m. & 1-1:45 p.m. Group 3: set-up 1:45-2:15 p.m. public viewing 2:15-3:45 p.m. 3. You should be with your poster during the entire time it is on display so that you may answer viewers’ questions and create discussion opportunities. Size and Logistic Considerations 1. On the day of the Symposium, each poster presentation is supplied a six foot display table and a poster backing of white foam core board that measure 40’’ x 60’’. Guidelines to Design an Attractive Poster 1. Make your poster interesting and solid review of your work, yet be selective of the material you present. 2. Viewers are from diverse backgrounds and may not be familiar with your discipline. 3. Include your abstract as part of your poster. 2. Separate parts of your layout can be attached to the foam core 4. Posters should be readable from five feet away. board with small thumb tacks or removable plastic adhesive 5. Make your visual message clear so it can stand alone (no tape). and be understood without oral explanation. 3. All other materials are supplied by the student presenters. 6. Use color to liven up the visual appearance of your presentation. 4. If you have a unique display consideration, please be certain that the planning committee and event coordinator are aware 7. Handouts may be useful to augment your of your plans. Call Wendy Kivi at 487.3198 or email: wkivi@ presentation. Try to have 20-25 copies available. Other Tips 1. Balance graphics and text: Use color and make illustrations large. Don’t omit text, but be brief. 2. Typography: Avoid abbreviations, jargon and acronyms. Use easy to read fonts and in a consistent combination. Make text large. This is a 24 point font Is this readable from five feet away? 3. Flow the material: Create a natural sequence of information from one section to another. 4. Keep things simple - always a good rule to follow. Print at Halle Library! More info at