i '' \4 {oo / . and their thei.r Eff,ect Oregon Effect an on *hs the Q:rality Quality Oreg*n crab *reb 3easons $ea*ans and ol Crabs firrsbs Landed and ennn?llY Quantity of lenri*1. and f) iritroduction Jgissdsct*'plt quslLty of at crabs at of the the crabs arid quality The nan*r:r:ifcrrn$.ty nonniformity ofofthe crab seasons tl:e crab s*asong and ?he the tl-rre the varicus Oregon, ard $Iash* seasons opened al"ong the eallfotni-4, in S.ngton coasts vere dlscussed at leaglh durlng the L958 $$IFCusatl$g Tr*o principal Seattle" The f5.ret i*Es the ship* probleas were involved. {Uaver.ber 15) roent of srabs frsn. the scrrNhers area whlch opens early intc the a$sged poor qrrality rqas the varLabS.e quality r' ( dDecsber ]J) nther rnarketi-nq areas *here *he season opens lstei' of the erabs 1n these ear.Iy ehlFsr.ents. and Ths seeonC af crabs at the opening of al.l thE eeasons (*xcept diseusgi.on aroee a request' p*rhaps Saa Frnanciscol betxeen f,G&rsr Fron this fron the R{fC that investiEate the research s*affs aveiSabl"e reeotdg past seasons. oeasons" ti':rin8 past crabs during concerning the incidence incidence of of soft-sheil softshell crabs eoncanring +-he at which whlch A the flndings findings at at the the lg59 1959 PHFC PKFC meetlng meeting at A, report was made nad,eof' of the report was Plant Pl"ant discuesed" was thoroughly thoror.egSr3.y !-ty was time the a'railable available data data on on crab crab qual qualt7 disc seth tLxre the were ecndition} were reconds (shell records biologist records and triologist reccrtds (meat ree+very} and { shel!- condition) {neat recovery) ixveltigated with 1lst1e due tc nariatigs $r1cc€$g* The p3.ant, reesldg were not cemparabS-* in proceselng a:1d record*keeping. 15-kev'1se, r*rere *f !J:n{-ied rraLue dire tCI u:reontrallebie nlnxrg tatal g*lids by ihe nolstu:e exLra*tian reeo:rds fne biclogiet rrarLabLes" prcc*3ure D€ier- lndicated s*riie pranise but LLni"te:r4*-;ndg and pe::sonrr*1 prec3"':rdedi'i;*q app3.3-eati*n" oi the ihe cond'i'tion of rrirbua1ly no prac±se precie'* dala a'rai1-a,bl-ee:: There data available on ih* the condition Le virtually there is l!evr:a'= each year, ysrior:g areas ihe seasons crabs in tL:ne the sessctls',lpen open each JteaF" Never e.reas at ai the the time la the various erabs that' and industry indusi;ry that bi"c]3o'g:-sisand both biologists theless itit j-a is generaL3-y generallyrecogniaed reoiied bybyboth thel-ese p*rXion of crsbs iho creb of the anappreciable aFpr€fj.eble portion in ceriai-n certain e*ass,ns, seasons, su*h suth as as f?5?.=,i0r i959O, an ln j-n the pr*xe conditionG eoadition' n,:i in in prime landed early were not th* esason $eeson':a'ere 1a:rdad eerly in Suggestions tsi $r:ggeotlone -frr;n 'bhe 'br: delay *}f the the opening cpsnLng of d*lay the fol3-so'*cl to bi:*::t foliowd rndusgry then some seggents sents ofofthe bheindustry s$ne each each season si:as*n **sdiii$n season &o to ass::r€ assure fhat that fhe the cr.sbs crabs 'xij-| will sl} all be be l*in pr3-rne pine eondition seasot? '.':: ,.lt l 'tat:." ':, :' t.,,,'' ' i.tl :::,,::. :ii: :s.*,$ii !h* the a.n$rlae a nual harvest ?rarcest begins. beg:in*. Stch met w::.ih with rebutta}. rebuttal by Sech suggestions s"*gg*at5.*ns rst *lhslr segmenis ctier seients of of the iile industry. lnduetiy. -Those Thoa whc the creb crab seesons seasons fel.? felt that that Lsss less xh* opposed apposeda alater openirrg for fcr the later open.thg crabs !{eu3d crabs would be caught because the wculd dia die before before the the season eaught either the crabs either beesuee crabs Hou}d asason cp€nod or sr because bscauae they reprt summarizes Thla report $msrlses opened wot1d migrate thry would Btle&3e This a:lgraie to to other othsr areas as5"Lab3.a information pr*b}*m" the available inforslatian regarding the thls problem. r*gardlng this The Sr*g*n Oregon fishery have been beon used i-:r in this this reporb report bo*ause because of of Yn* re*ecds harre fishe:g records reaey seeeesiblLtty by'bhe au*har anfi beecase *regon offshore seasong dl.f,far f,l"c'ff these af adgaeant arese *.n'$a:.ifslyrge s$d ?teehJngtoa. $aJ"iforslien ihe S*n Franclsea araa opens th* *nd f,ar !{*a-t.he:r SaLS.fo;.alau Secanber L5" {*sliih L5, of, Cagcade $ee€} spsns }f*renber For ee*o$d Saead*y ia lfcveabEr For *ragun the southerta afira L5, as* the nort}rer& Eu:aa Desmbsr For the lfashrngton coast the saason op€ns Sssffiber 15. Quanttty of Crabs Fre ihree prlncipx,l $mryorlu and Sooa Say, $r*gcnss crab pr*<lu*ilm* b* deal"t wlth p€rLs f<rr thc Orogecr *reb f,i.sheryr srs ,tst'oriat These i!:rEe aceouni ft:r ucr* thaa & par eent cf The producitron rsc*rca fr"wr theee poris wttL' L:r detaL"l" :?ig:re 1 shi<ec.s tle *rsb 3,rndi::geu J.n dos€nsu 8d fishs$g offorb, in j?*3' triwopo:'ir *nd nxxri:ers numbers of of poi;e pots fl"ehe{i £ihd per season, and Cooe Coos Bay Bay f*.rAstoria9 **tord"a, ?krwport, ssessnufor thwin the Cr:e'*rg l9474 through the i"9&?:J+8 ih€ i95E59 seasons" ti:r*riglr the 3?5€-.5?seasons The A*ioria Astoria landings wer* landlngs were ?i:e ,r1',rir3CO rq&8*a? then fell fel1 hi.,gir 3*n doueni, then high for 194?*ri8 l9474 (l6O dozen) andarC l94849 (175,100 dozen), i:3*6r?** dcser:) off *ff to Lr: as lc 195152 (49, doen 1*o* in 3$ 1?31*5^ {egrffiVO d*een}" rose Suosequently t}i* landings Land*.lrg$rose Sr:bs*qt*nt'}y the mmbers ?he mslbsrs do.?en" The eiEx,;i-F and steadily slowly and peak i"n in 195?*58 i957-58 r:f of 13567$S 125,700 dozen. *. peak sreadiLy to t*' e. *'hcge years wtrieh for which peiterr: for have fc3-L*xr*d foiiowd aa sid1ar i'*r those of ot fished of 5:o1:s fishe* ha.r* sis11e-rpattern fear3 for records a::e are a'E-*ilebi*, avaiabie r;*ct:-ie 'frra F{elpori iecreaeed The Newport iandinis }rata steadily s'L*adi.}y increased i-*r:dixgg have i-iks"r1*;e' il:.* study duriug periot End nd the d*::*":r3lthe !h* fishing eff*rl likewIse. sbrxl;r p*r":ie*. fishing effort The Th* Coos Sooe Bay Bay slab1e" ana fithin'z res*:rkabJ.;r stable. landings and e:ort have 1ene3-r:gs 1'lchlyig eff*:'i:" havs remained rs:*e.l::** remarkably ] I fl L3tCi3. $s*er*.s, 4V'J @5 e6* 3A* \.. \ *i3 :: I "-) / , ,Pota ?t' l F,*&s F Jl -., "rI I t i .': .rn &iv' III i I rt ,1 I a.rt * .r{ , r* *i i v A I' I p{::8 / €f) r{3 L.--'. i\el 344 f1 .i+ 4'i r '.n?at i955*16 19556 l*i.7'-i+8 rg rrlr' j \ \ I ' IF ..',& x*r] :n Ig ri A* / I ! rt_ft i\ I ! J / /V t / Il I 'v' (...! I I t **"\**_.1"-r.-"t*****).d. o\*.'-*-- I i;.'..i i* t***Ptris C i.: .i:1. l;1il !t i;**s Cco i I t::r{,.t wr'r.er: t I ...u, s- -' i] j.?;Ll'"*:,s 1?F5**S ?93556 .r"?i$*51 ****;-tn l';'.{g:fe* J,, fu*g*:: *:.".xb b f;r**h ) aait ad€ff*:*i: Er i ?.*ta3- Srxsbe"*sof *f tse.ri;* iiJr:,,:,r,;:*} b3 i"*r*, I?d'i,59" Pt, 199 . Jo i Yhe fluctuation fluetr.r,atl-*n of are thought Lhousht to the l-andinss The landings era to bs be ciue due to to variatlons variations af the l"r: ihe survival surrlval of of Sroung erebs indep*nden* in the young crabs independent of of thc the f5.sbery. fishery. regulaThe ?he regula- 'bhEfishery crebs, to adult adult male malo crabs, on minimum uinlmr:n size tlonE snd sex flgtresy to eixe and restri-ct the tions on eex restrict year of tn their 3rd or 4th in their life, which which ars are approachlng approaching th* the end end af of thalr their of }.!"d'en 3rd or {th year llfe span. span" life slse" llaies I4ales spaxm spawn at at least least once once befcre before thep they z^eseh reach narketsbLe marketable size. that the tlts sagg**t that Resuit,e of of tagging tagging experiments and Oregon 0regen suggest Results Washington and *>rFerjments in in l{ashinglon erabg each each fishery harvests harsests about per cent abaut 90 of the the available avaii.a'*Ls narketable cent of fishery marketable crabs 9O per crsbs out oui clf crabs a3.so indicate llttLs Tagging experiments migration s€Bsorlo Taggtng 5xd,lcai* little season. erper3*ents also 4lgratlcn of arEas from the areas fronn 'xhlch of the thery were tagged tagged, of which they problee then p:rdnclpal problem theNr is i.g The Ttre pricipa]. anfusf.s" thee* ardimals. hs many narry to to harvest i:arrrest these not how ha::Fest but but when to harvest not rdrento ce:rt" 1n per The monthly lar:dings landings W by pcrb port for for es*h each saason season wer€ were graphsrlr graphd, in Ths nonth.ly 1ler cent, and an an unusual unusuaL situation appeared" situaticn appeared. ghfidr! in ars in Figura F3.gr:re 2. 2" are shown In the lrtter'est interest ofo'brevtty, brevity,trotwoexalaplss emp1ei In the tlte nonthly graphed for Here we have graphed f,or aaeh each pa$, port, the monthly Hen* we p€r cent landings, the seas*"n season l-anclngs, landings, fcr for the the 194?=-4S 1947=48 and and 1958-59 l95859 landingso as aa per ceni of o.f the g€asono sent} $as cstfh (67 Astorla the br:].k of sf the the 1947=48 19I+?-&8 catch season. For Astoria per cent) was lande.d landed the bulk {6? per orr1y eeason, only the L95S*59 195859. season, and May. In thE the months uonths of tsay" In Apr13-, and during the during cf March, lfa:rch, April, g:eriod" cent vae riurirtg this 43 was landed l+3 per landed, during thia period. F€r cent groater a greater that a It obvious that ls slbeious Ii is pa:{ of seaeon in in the season of the poriicn th* early ear3.ypart ea**h r*a* portion of wa landed af the ti:e catch durS*r:gthe la:ided during and L94?r and 28, 1947, ilar=tecember 28, ,:pe:rlngdates r{ere asi3ri3.ar:-'ileseliioer l9559. The season tr95$-5?" ?ha see.s:;loening da**s were 15e 1958, 395S" December 15, Daceoaber e;elsi*" Fon i{e*rport,o a* similar For Newport, s*niLar situation Eilua*iE:n exists. During 19&?*r+8season, ?hs 1947=48 Beason, i}:eing the *{ March, Harehu during the peak sr*at'he months of the p*ak cer:t of of the ihe *:rabs 71 Fer per cent Curlng rabi w€:** were lanC*ri 1and ?i end May. April, Aprilu and }ley" lended was landed eatch was pr cent the catch c*nh of of the turir.gi95,3.-5?," l95359 on'y 3? per *nl,;,r27 f*"rLr.g or'e srebe crabs }tsre were peak mont-i and the then, the peak then, and was Fe*enbac" Decenber {p? (27 per per *rsr:t.}" tent). Here n*n'in €es JJ,sj:ed" rs*s -+re.tre ut ?i-k*i-lse likewise more were fithed ilsr* tots during 1958=59, landed Ls:ded. during 195S*5?" :*ut The 1947=48 L9&?*l*8 The l-5" end sees*c.r *pened and 1958-5p 1958=59 seasone opened on on iulovenb'ar Novennr i5 For ff*:*s For Coos 8ay Bay the te s,ams same slt'f,ati*n situationq:ccurv*d* occied In 1947=48, 56 56 per per ceni; cet 3n :"91+?-&gn and May 3{ay Apn33uarid of March, Harch, April, peakmonths nentl:* of of th* crabs rliers landed th* peak crebs were innde.Cduring d:"rrlng the *f the ,1S:$€=$S .f"**sde 3.94?*/r€ Doaen 99,00 Pozen Se3ffi 5 900 Pota SugS Pgbs 1242 Seasn Dor 3,#r:44 Fe&e 3uS*O 2, 0O Pots {\ 30L Jv 30 w 20 Pr a: 'L M1J A Ii J JIP $ermoe* Nebo?t Doaen 83,400 Su4m Doefl 5sffi Pots ffie 6,000 49210 Dn 49e9.0 lleren Potp 900 9€0 Pota 49 € s .*'*l fp c! 30 -i .,Or es 201m 20F I i:.fttijft NDJFMMJJA .y F ?{ A }'f f # a DJFNAMJJI $.8 SSJFMiSS-f Baf S*m Bay CLc $asen ??r363 77 362. D. J .499600 Dozen 49r60tr*sasn 30O0Pota ]n$ffi Foto U&$$rg j3 3a 2CI 2O It tt t, 4V 20 lt It 10.- il li ti L 11 J4MAMJ il{nFt I Rld€.: Hein*b Mth *o ?igtwe 2 Fl.gue - onth, Fot'* and Oregon Crab and }'lentbu i*endsgs by Greb Landinga Aregeea !y Port. *nd 395S*S9" i94748 axxl 195859 3?4?""t8 ::a;)',:1.", l',.. a, .::.:. ,: . . . . : ' 6* 6 and Deee,rnbsr irherias per cent these rnrrnths whereas in was landeri landed during rnnths and December during these ceni was ln 1958-59, 195S-59r 31 3L per flre l95&.59 1958-59 3-a:rdl"nge. The was month xrith with 2S 28 p*r per e€n! cent *fof ilrethe eeasoa?a seasons landings. xses the the peak ileak e.anth The opening opening dats date ras was season catch $as was ffia}1€r smaller than than ttrat that inin19i,?=t+8. 194748. The sea,son catch both seasons, November 15 !{ovesaber l-5 for for both sess$}e, It in FigurE Figure l1 that that the the notad iri ehor:ld be noted 3t should study Coos throughout the the study Bay crab emb landings lar:dlngs have stable throughout Cooe Bay hava remained remarkabS-y stable reraained remarkably perd.od despite period desplte a substantial t3r're of of harvast. hamegt' substantlal change *hangs in 1*. time grester proportion prepor?lon Fcr of these these ports, ports, tha the eaare same picturs pictureffitergas*,€ emergesa greater F'cr each eseh of of was taken taken earlier earlier far for i;h-e the 195S-59 195859 eea son ihas than for for 191+?+8' 194748 o-f the tha catch catch 'ures e€sson are less to there are l"ess to It. also obviorrs obvious that that ifif the the crabs crabs are are teksn taken earlLsrn earlier, there 3t isis elso be taken takea later. later. Lvrerease There opening rill will increase ear].lar opening that an earlier ?hare is ls no indication Sndleatisn that the catch. cateh. . These later opening date rauLd would probabS.y probably not not :rEduee reduce openS:lg date These data that a later data suggest auggest, that greater propcnbLon the the would result proportion of of the ihe total erabs but but seni.d reei:Lt in in a greater total catch catch of of crabs prlse conditiOn0 crabs befug being landed crabs Landed in condlblono ta prime C. Dale Sns* Snow {isfrsd.eeion Oregon Fish Fish (ominisaion Oregon Research Diviston Raeearch Division November 23, 19ffi l9O $ovember 23r