doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Submission Title: [Ray-Tracing Simulation of the NICT Channel Measurements] Date Submitted: [18 July 2006] Source: [K. Sayrafian, B. Neekzad, J. Perez, J. Baras] Company [National Institute of Standard and Technology, University of Maryland] Address [100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8920, Gaithersburg, MD 20899] Voice:[301-975-5479], E-Mail:[] Re: [Response to the TG3c channel model subgroup call for channel models] Abstract: [Ray-Tracing simulation of the NICT data for the 60 GHz Channel Model] Purpose: [Contribution to 802.15 TG3c at the July 2006 meeting in San Diego, USA] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Objective • To compare the results of the deterministic ray-tracing simulation with empirical measurement obtained by NICT (LOS & NLOS) • To investigate the effectiveness of raytracing in creating channel realization for 60 GHz indoor environments 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Wireless System Engineering (WiSE) • Wireless System Engineering (WiSE) is a ray-tracing tool that has been developed and verified by Bell Laboratories. It provides the complex impulse response of the channel. • We have used WiSE package to simulate the same indoor propagation environment that was experimentally done by NICT. Produced By: Kamran Sayrafian-Pour WiSE Sample Output 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 3 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c NICT Measurement (Residential, LOS) • Room with “NO FURNITURE” • LOS path between the TX and RX • 3 large windows (plane glass) on two intersecting walls • Wooden door, floor and ceiling • Surface of a wall and ceiling are covered with wallpaper 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 4 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c TX Antennas used (Residential, LOS) 62.5GHz/60°horn Max. of gain: 10 dBi 2006-07-18 62.5GHz/30°horn Max. of gain: 16 dBi Submission 62.5GHz/15°horn Max. of gain: 22 dBi Slide 5 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Layout-Geometry (Residential, LOS) 0.48m TX 1.925m 3m 1.48m 1.64m 1.12m 3.57m RX Window #3 1.785m 1.64m Door (Width: 0.75m, Height: 2.12m) 0.965m Wall side 1.64m Window #2 Window #1 6.85m 2006-07-18 Submission 0.97m Slide 6 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Layout-Geometry (Residential, LOS) 3D View of the Room ¾ Ceiling height: 2.47m ¾ Window Height: 2.11m ¾ TX & RX Height: 1.1m ¾ Polarization : Vertical ¾ Tx antenna: always fixed ¾ Rx antenna: rotated from 0 to 360 degree in 5 degree step Window #1 Window #2 Window #3 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 7 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Cluster Identification (LOS, TX:360, RX:15) Experiment Simulation 2D-KDE (NICT, Tx-360, Rx-15, Residential-LOS, -35 dB Threshold) 80 80 D e la y ( n s e c ) 2D-KDE (WiSE, Tx:360, Rx:15, Residential-LOS) 60 D e la y ( n s e c ) 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 -50 2006-07-18 0 50 100 150 Azimuth (Degree) 200 250 Submission -50 0 50 100 150 Azimuth (Degrees) 200 250 Slide 8 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Cluster Identification (LOS, TX:360, RX:15) Cluster # Approx. Cluster Arrival Angel (Deg) Approx. Cluster Arrival Time (nsec) 1 0 10 2 -50 15.5 3 50 15.5 4 -70 25.75 5 70 25.75 6,7 160, 210 25.75 8 180 22.75 9 0 22.75 2006-07-18 Submission Experiment Simulation ? Slide 9 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c LOS & Single Reflection Clusters (Residential) Cluster 2 Tx Rx -50 Cluster 1 50 Cluster 3 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 10 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Double Reflection Clusters (Residential) Cluster 4 Tx Rx -70 70 Cluster 5 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 11 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Other Double Reflection Clusters (Residential) Rx Tx Cluster 7 210 Cluster 6 2006-07-18 160 Submission Slide 12 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Reflection from the back wall, RX-Side (Residential) Tx Rx Cluster 8 180 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 13 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Reflection from the back wall, TX-Side (Residential) Tx Rx Cluster 9 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 14 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Sample Distribution of the Relative Angles of Arrival (Residential, LOS) Distribution of Relative Angles of Arrival for Simulated & Measured Channel (Residential, LOS, Tx:360, Rx:15) 0.09 Simulation Experiment Percentage of Occurance 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 2006-07-18 -150 -100 -50 0 50 Relative Arrival Angle (Degrees) Submission 100 150 Slide 15 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c NICT Measurement (Office-NLOS) • • • The office room is made of steel wall, steel ceiling and steel floor The floor and the ceiling are covered with carpet and plaster board, respectively Existing window on one side 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 16 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Layout-Geometry (Office, NLOS) 4m 10 m Desk Desk Desk 12.5 m Rx 7.2 m Desk Desk Desk 7m Desk 5m 3.5 m 6m Desk Meeting room 0.5 m Tx 4.25 m 6.25 m 3.5 m 7.5 m Locker room 2m 7.5 m 1.5 m Wall (22 m) 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 17 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Layout-Geometry (Office, NLOS) 1.5 m 1.25 m 1.5 m 3.5 m 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 18 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Cluster Identification (Experiment, NLOS, TX:360, RX:15) Experiment Simulation 2D-KDE (NICT, Tx-360, Rx-15, Office-NLOS, -35 dB Threshold) 2D-KDE (WiSE, Tx:360, Rx:15, Office-NLOS) 150 D e la y ( n s e c ) D e la y ( n s e c ) 150 100 100 50 0 50 -50 2006-07-18 0 50 100 150 Azimuth (Degree) 200 250 0 Submission -50 0 50 100 150 Azimuth (Degrees) 200 250 Slide 19 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Cluster Identification (Experiment, NLOS, TX:30, RX:15) Experiment Simulation 2D-KDE (WiSE, Tx:30, Rx:15, NLOS) 2D-KDE (NICT, Tx:30, Rx:15, Office-NLOS) 150 D e la y ( n s e c ) D e la y ( n s e c ) 150 100 100 50 50 0 -50 2006-07-18 0 50 100 150 Azimuth (Degrees) 200 250 0 Submission -50 0 50 100 150 Azimuth (Degrees) 200 250 Slide 20 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c Conclusions For scatter-free environments and LOS scenarios ray-tracing seems to provide a good match for cluster location and intra-cluster statistics For environments with heavy scattering, NLOS scenarios and directional antennas at the receiver & transmitter, ray-tracing prediction of the clusters still seems to be reasonably close to the result of empirical measurement More studies are required to further validate the above statements 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 21 doc.: IEEE 802.15-06-0326-00-003c References “Angle of Arrival Measurement in Home and Office Environments”, Hirokazu Sawada, Yozo Shoji, Hiroyo Ogawa, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan, doc# IEEE 802.15-06-0012-01-003c “Study of the mmW ave propagation modeling to realize WPAN”, Toshiyuki Hiroshi, doc# IEEE802.15-03/0365 2006-07-18 Submission Slide 22