Resource Rationing and Exchange Methods in Air Traffic Management Part II Thomas Vossen, University of Colorado at Boulder Michael Ball, University of Maryland GDPs under CDM Resource Allocation Process: • FAA: initial “fair” slot allocation [Ration-by-schedule] • Airlines: flight-slot assignments/reassignments [Cancellations and substitutions] • FAA: periodic reallocation to maximize slot utilization [Compression] Compression Example Slot made available by canceled or delayed flight 4:05 Earliest time of arrival = 4:20 4:50 5:10 AAL 672 AAL 95 Compression Example 4:05 Earliest time of arrival = 4:20 4:20 USA 51 UAL 234 USA 345 4:50 AAL 672 5:10 AAL 95 Slot Exchange Alternatives • Compression as Reallocation – Dynamic changes to airline “demand profiles” necessitate (re)rationing • Compression as Slot Trading – e.g., Slot Credit Substitutions: “I am willing to cancel flight f 1 if I can move up flight f2”. Slot Trading Opportunities 160 40 140 35 Cum. cnx (% of flts in gdp) Cum. Subs (% of flts in gdp) Airline Substitution/Cancellation Patterns 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 75 149 223 297 371 445 519 593 667 741 815 Cumulative minutes (from start of program) 1 51 101 151 201 251 301 351 401 451 501 551 601 651 701 751 Cumulative minutes (from start of program) Consider potential benefits of extending slot trading framework – e.g., Increase offers submitted by airlines Mediated Slot Trading General Framework: • Each airline submits a set of offers • Offer: – Oa,t : slots willing to give up – Ra,t : slots required in return • Mediator (FAA) determines which offers to select and execute – Alternate interpretation of Compression Procedure Approach: From 1-for-1 trades to 2-for-2 trades • Compression – 1-for-1 trading system, i.e. offers involve giving up one slot and getting one in return (many offers processed simultaneously) • What about k-for-k or k-for-n offers, e.g. 2-for-2: Trade?? Possible 2-for-2 trades: 1 up for 1 down: reduce delay on 1 flight/increase delay on another; Model as reduce delay at least d- on f1 in exchange for increasing delay at most d+ on f2. 2 down: reduce delay on two flights; handled by 2 “reduce delay” single flight trades. 2 down: increase delay on two flights; not reasonable. Motivation • Operationally significant delay levels often follow a “staircase” pattern 45 Minutes and more 25 Minutes and more Crews misconnect 15 Minutes and more Passengers misconnect Bags misconnect 1-15 Minutes On-time performance Minutes of Delay Formulation of 2-for-2 trading problem as network flow problem w side constraints: slots flights/slots at least side constraint at most classes Case Studies Different Airline Objectives: 1. Maximize On-Time Performance 2. Minimize Passenger Delay Costs Airline Objective: On-time Performance • Offers proposed: “I am willing to delay flight f1, in return for a delay reduction that will let flight f2 arrive on time” (< 15 minutes delay) – Additional use of “aspiration levels” to limit additional delay • Mediation Problem: – Maximize number of offers executed 25 20 15 %Improvement Global Max. GDP bo s0 1-0 6-0 1 bo s0 115 -0 1 bo s0 119 -0 1 bo s0 1-3 0-0 1 bo s0 208 -0 1 bo s0 214 -0 1 bo s0 221 -0 1 bo s0 2-2 6-0 1 bo s0 310 -0 1 bo s0 313 -0 1 bo s0 321 -0 1 bo s0 3-2 3-0 1 bo s0 330 -0 1 bo s0 4-0 8-0 1 bo s0 4-1 8-0 1 bo s01 -06 -01 bo s01 -15 -01 bo s01 -19 -01 bo s01 -30 -01 bo s02 -08 -01 bo s02 -14 -01 bo s02 -21 -01 bo s02 -26 -01 bo s03 -10 -01 bo s03 -13 -01 bo s03 -21 -01 bo s03 -23 -01 bo s03 -30 -01 bo s04 -08 -01 bo s04 -18 -01 % improvement Airline Objective: On-time Performance Compression Benefits 2-for-2 Trading Model • compression executed after flts with excessive delay (>2hrs) are canceled • proposed offers: all at-least, atmost pairs that improve on-time perf. Compression Global Max 40 40 35 35 30 30 10 10 5 5 0 0 GDP Trading Model 25 20 15 Airline Objective: On-time Performance • Impact of limiting offers proposed: – Use of “aspiration levels” to restrict willingness to delay flights Trading Improvement 40 35 % improvement 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 15 30 45 60 Aspiration Levels 75 90 105 Airline Objective: On-time Performance Summary • 2-for-2 trading offers significant improvement over Compression – Approximates “global” optimum • 2-for-2 trading improvements are “robust” – Gradual performance degradation as offers are restricted Airline Objective: Passenger Delay • Offers proposed: “I am willing to delay flight f1, in return for a delay reduction on flight f2 that will reduce net passenger delay by at least D minutes” – Additionally, use of “staircase” pattern to represent passenger delays • Mediation Problem – Maximize number of offers executed Airline Objective: Passenger Delay • Two passenger delay minimization objectives Improvement from slot trading model: 90 90 80 80 Passenger Delays 70 70 Staircase Objective 60 60 % Improvement 50 40 30 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 01 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 20 /200 /200 /200 3/20 /200 /200 /200 3/20 /200 /200 /200 /200 7/20 /200 /200 / 6 1/ 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/ 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/ 3/10 3/17 3/24 3/31 4/ 4/14 4/21 GDP 1/6 /20 1/1 01 3/2 0 1/2 01 0/2 00 1/2 1 7/2 00 2/3 1 /20 2/1 01 0/2 0 2/1 01 7/2 0 2/2 01 4/2 00 1 3/3 /20 3/1 01 0/2 00 3/1 1 7/2 0 3/2 01 4/2 0 3/3 01 1/2 00 1 4/7 /20 4/1 01 4/2 0 4/2 01 1/2 00 1 % Improvement Maximum achievable improvement: GDP Airline Objective: Passenger Delay Summary: • Trading benefits rely on “staircase” structure of airline preferences • Trading benefits limited by carriers which operate smaller aircraft – Potential benefits of allowing side payments to compensate carriers for delay