FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK MISSOULA, MONTANA FSH 7109.21 - GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK Effective January 10, 1991 TRANSMITTAL SHEET Page Code Superseded New (No. of Sheets) (Entire Handbook) Title Page 00 -1 -1 (Entire Chapter) 10 through 11--4 -3 (Entire Chapter) 20 Through 21.1 -2 Digest: 7109.21 - Establishes Region 1 Geotechnical and Materials Engineering Handbook. Chapter 10 - Guidelines on aggregate source management with a list of elements to be included in quarry and pit development drawings. Revision of obsolete Supplement 9, FSH 7709.11. Chapter 20 - Guidelines on subsurface investigations, with procedures for including subsurface information in contracts. Revision of deleted Supplement 95, dated 2/13/90 to FSM 7100. JOHN W. MUMMA Regional Forester R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE REGION 1 MISSOULA, MONTANA FSH 7109.21 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 00 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK Contents CHAPTER 10 AGGREGATE SOURCES 20 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 10 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - AGGREGATE SOURCES Contents 11 QUARRY AND PIT DEVELOPMENT DRAWINGS R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 11--1 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 - AGGREGATE SOURCES 11 - Quarry and Pit Development Drawings. The following elements should be evaluated and included in contract drawings if applicable: 1. Vicinity map to indicate general location of the pit or quarry source. 2. Specific location of the source--including ownership and legal description by section, township, and range. 3. Access and distance to nearest town and haul distance to the project. Access roads to be constructed. 4. Topographic map - Scale not smaller than 1" - 50' and contour interval as small as practical. 5. Topo detail - Vegetation, roads, structures, streams, fences, utilities, and other data, as needed. 6. Survey Data - Permanent baseline, benchmarks, and reference data. 7. Location of test holes and seismic traverses. 8. Log of test holes showing materials encountered and depth of changes. Laboratory test results should be shown if feasible. Interpretation of the test results will not be given. State where the complete subsurface investigation report may be obtained. 9. Limits of clearing and excavation: a. Present. b. This entry. c. Ultimate development. R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 11--2 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 10. Designations of areas for: a. Stockpiling and/or disposal of topsoil and overburden. b. Slash disposal. c. Merchantable timber decking area. d. Waste and spoils material--including tree stumps, large unusable boulders and crusher reject material. e. Aggregate stockpiles. f. Scales and weighhouse. g. General Work Area - For crusher, power plant, tool, and storage trailers, equipment storage, fuel tanks, and field office. Special care should be taken to assure feasibility and flexibility site, but not to dictate contractor's operations. 11. Cross Sections: a. Scale as necessary to show existing land form compared to final completion. b. At least two sections approximately perpendicular to each other and located to show the most pertinent detail, including pit floor elevation and slope. c. Back Slopes - Designed to meet ultimate development, including revegetation and safety requirements. For sand and gravel sources, the slopes shall be 3:1 or flatter unless satisfactory revegetation can be achieved with steeper slopes. d. Limits of clearing and excavation. Clearing generally 10 feet back from top edge of back slope and removal of hazard trees that might fall in the work area. e. Benching and ramp requirements - Showing maximum heights and minimum widths of benches to meet the requirements of the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - 30 CFR part 56, and the approximate ramp locations. f. Groundwater elevations, if required. R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 g. Provisions for drainage. R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 11--3 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 12. "General Notes." a. Estimated Quantities - Total available, planned this entry, and amount remaining. b. Quality Control - Conditions of blending materials -- vertical face, layers, addition of filler, utilization of boulders, and other requirements as needed. c. Dust abatement for quarry and pit sites and haul roads. d. Traffic Control - In accordance with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) for signs, barricades, and other requirements to protect workers and public during operations in the pit area. Fencing of high banks may also be necessary to protect pedestrians and stock after interim or final closure of the pit. e. Special Site Conditions - Noise barriers and screening requirements for aesthetics. f. Erosion Control Items. g. Requirements for blasting plans, for review (not approval) by the Forest Service, including but not limited to: Drill pattern, borehole size, depth of drill holes, type of explosives and blasting agents, type of primers, powder factor, number of holes per shot, test shot, and other pertinent information. h. Protection of utilities, monuments, markers, and other features as necessary. i. References if necessary to standard drawings, special project requirements, and standard and special project specifications. List Pay Items as shown under Schedule of Item numbers, such as: 625(06) - Seeding and Mulching, dry method without mulch. j. Interim closure, final closure and restoration -- stripping, stockpiling, and utilization of topsoil and overburden. k. Disposition of oversize and waste material. l. Special instructions for final shaping. m. Closure or obliteration access roads and work areas. R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 11--4 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK n. Miscellaneous requirements as necessary. For example: Location of merchantable timber, decking area, sanitary requirements, and removal of oil and industrial waste. In all cases, the drawings should be correlated with the specifications and not used in place of supplemental or special project specifications. R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 20 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS Contents 20.6 References 21 21.04 21.04a 21.04b 21.1 SUBSURFACE INFORMATION IN CONTRACTS Responsibility Contracting Officer Forest Engineer Procedure R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91 21.1 GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS 20.6 - References. Related policy and guidelines are in the following Region One supplements: 1. FSM 7100 - Policy on Regional geotechnical and materials program. 2. FSM 2850 - Policy on investigation and management of aggregate sources. 3. FSH 7109.21 - Guidelines on quarry and pit development drawings. 21 - SUBSURFACE INFORMATION IN CONTRACTS 21.04 - Responsibility 21.04a - Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer is responsible for supplying subsurface investigation reports and/or data to prospective bidder when requested and for verifying proper documentation is included in the material provided to prospective bidders. 21.04b - Forest Engineer. The Forest Engineer is responsible, through the appropriate geotechnical personnel, for performance of subsurface investigations, interpretation of the data, providing written reports and necessary qualification statements, and furnishing this information to the Contracting Officer in response to requests from prospective bidders. 21.1 - Procedure. If subsurface investigations have been made, contract documents should contain abbreviated logs of drill holes and test pits and/or a brief summary of subsurface information. The information in the contract should be the minimum necessary for bid estimating and construction planning. More detailed subsurface investigation reports are referenced in the contract and supplied to prospective bidders through the Contracting Officer. Reports furnished to prospective bidders will be professionally interpreted. Raw data, field notes, or calculation sheets are not to be furnished unless a written request is submitted to the Contracting Officer and a written professional interpretation is attached. R-1 FSH EFFECTIVE 01/10/91