3rd SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on “ITU-T Standardization Challenges for Developing Countries Working for a Connected Africa” (Livingstone, Zambia, 23-24 February 2015) SG13 Activities & Achievements Related to Cloud Computing Dr. Leo Lehmann, Dr. Jamil Chawki SG13 Vice chairmen, WP3,2/13 co-chairmen • • • • Some History 2010, February: o Establishment of the FG Cloud by TSAG • In operation 2/2010 – 12/2011 • Delivered 7 Technical Reports 2012, January: o TSAG entrusted the lead SG responsibility for cloud computing to SG13 o TSAG established JCA-Cloud with SG13 as parent 2012, February: o Extraordinary SG13 meeting focused on cloud computing work organization o France, CT, China Unicom and ZTE proposed to start 3 new Questions on cloud computing in SG13 o Proposal to set up a dedicated WP in SG13 to concentrate on the cloud computing work o First meeting of JCA-Cloud 2012, April: o First meetings of cloud computing Questions of SG13 (in Geneva) Study Group 13, structures for Cloud Computing WP2/13 as a center of CC study (Q.17, 18, 19/13) Collaborative Teams with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 (Established in June 2012 and terminated in July 2014): CT-CCVOCAB : cloud overview and vocabulary CT-CCRA: cloud reference architecture JCA-Cloud JRG-CCM: Joint Rapporteur Group on cloud computing management (with ITU-T SG2) SG13 RG-AFR (Regional Group for Africa) WP2/13- Cloud Computing Q17:Cloud computing ecosystem, general requirements, and capabilities Q18:Cloud functional architecture, infrastructure and networking Q19:End-to-end Cloud computing service and resource management Published recommendations since 2013 Y.3500: Cloud computing - Overview and Vocabulary* Y.3501: Cloud computing framework and high-level requirements Y.3502: Cloud computing - Reference architecture* Y.3503: Requirements for Desktop as a Service Y.3510: Cloud Computing Infrastructure Requirements Y.3511: Framework of inter-cloud computing Y.3512: Cloud computing - Functional requirements of NaaS Y.3513: Cloud Computing - Functional requirements of IaaS Y.3520: CC framework for e-2-e resource management * Common text with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38/WG3 Cloud Computing Definition per ITU-T Y.3500 “paradigm for enabling network access to a scalable and elastic pool of shareable physical or virtual resources with self-service provisioning and administration on-demand” NOTE – Examples of resources include servers, operating systems, networks, software, applications, and storage equipment. [Source: ISO/IEC 17788 | Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500 “Information technology Cloud computing - Overview and vocabulary”, approved on 13 August 2014] Significant Use of Y.3500 in ISO/IEC and ITU-T Architecture, DaaS, NaaS, IaaS, Privacy, Security, SLA, Interoperability… ITU-T Y.3512 NaaS ISO/IEC 27040 ISO/IEC 27018: 2014 ITU-T X.CCControl | ISO/IEC 27017 ITU-T Y.3513 IaaS ITU-T Y.3500 | ISO/IEC 17788 ITU-T X.1601 Sec ITU-T Y.3503 DaaS ISO/IEC 27036-4 ISO/IEC 19086-1-3 SLA ITU-T Y.3502 | ISO/IEC 17789 Source: E.A. Hibbard: Cloud Computing- Overview and Vocabulary (Y.3500) ISO/IEC 19086-4 SLA ISO/IEC 19944 ISO/IEC 19941 Actual Expected CCRA architectural views (Y.3502) In scope User view Deployment view Functional view Implementation view CCRA user view (activities) CCRA functional view- functional architecture/ -components User view/ functional view relationship Service categories & capabilities types Cloud Service Categories Compute as a Service Cloud Capabilities Types Infrastructure Data Storage as a Service X Infrastructure as a Service X Network as a Service X Software as a Service Y.3500 Application X X X X X X X X Communication as a Service Platform as a Service Platform X Infrastructure as a service (Y.3513) • computing service functions allow CSC to provision and use processing resources. • storage service functions allow CSC to use storage resources.. • network service functions allow CSC to use networking resources. Infrastructure as a service (cont.) Network as a service (Y.3512) NaaS Application: application capabilities type of service where NaaS CSC can use network applications provided by CSP. Examples of NaaS applications include virtual Router, virtual Content Delivery Network , virtualised Evolved Packet Core and virtual Firewall. NaaS Connectivity: infrastructure capabilities type of service where NaaS CSC can provision and use networking connectivity resources provided by NaaS CSP. This includes for example flexible and extended virtual private network (VPN), bandwidth on demand. In this category, CSP offers network connections between two or more endpoints, which may include additional network functionalities. NaaS Platform: platform capabilities type of service where NaaS CSC can use the network platform provided by NaaS CSP. The NaaS platform offers one or more software execution environments and one or more programming languages to deploy, manage and run customer-created or customer-acquired network applications Network as a service (cont.) Desktop as a service (Y.3503) A cloud service category in which the capabilities provided to the cloud service customer are the ability to build, configure, manage, store, execute and deliver users' desktop functions remotely CSC Customer CSP Provider Desktop as a service (cont.) Inter cloud computing (Y.3511) Cloud Management (Y.3520) Single Cloud Multi Cloud Management Enabled by SES concept Recommendations under Development DaaS architecture Cloud based Big Data Requirement NaaS architecture End-to-end cloud service lifecycle management Common Model for End-to-End Cloud Computing Resource Management Requirements for Cloud Service Management ….. Distributed Cloud Documents by other SGs – SG16 Recommendation H.248.Cloud "Gateway control protocol: Cloudification of packet gateways“ – SG17 Recommendation Recommendation ITU-T X.1601 “Security framework for cloud computing” – SG2 (JRG-CCM) Recommendation M.occm “Overview of Cloud Computing management” – SG2 (JRG-CCM) Recommendation M.rcsm “Requirements for Cloud Service Management” – SG2 (JRG-CCM) Recommendation M.mivrcc “Requirements and analysis for management interface of virtualized resources in cloud computing” – SG11 Supplement 65 to Q.39xx-series Recommendations “Cloud computing interoperability activities” Contacts Dr. Jamil Chawki, WP2/13 co-chairman Jamil.Chawki@orange.com Dr. Leo Lehmann, SG13 acting chairman Leo.Lehmann@ties.itu.int