Misallocation, Selection and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Panel Data from China† Tasso Adamopoulos York University Loren Brandt University of Toronto Jessica Leight Williams College Diego Restuccia University of Toronto September 2015 (Preliminary and Incomplete) Abstract We use micro panel data from China and a quantitative framework to document the extent of resource misallocation in agriculture within villages, across villages, and over time; and to assess the total factor productivity (TFP) gains from an efficient reallocation of resources. We then develop and estimate a tractable heterogeneous-ability two-sector framework of agriculture and non-agriculture to assess the TFP implications of distortions with ability selection across sectors. An efficient reallocation of capital and land to existing farmers in China would increase output and productivity by 84 percent. Resource misallocation in agriculture implies substantial distortions in occupational choices. Eliminating misallocation across farms in agriculture generates substantial reallocation across sectors, increasing average ability in both sectors but especially in agriculture, and generating a large impact in aggregate outcomes. JEL classification: O11, O14, O4. Keywords: agriculture, misallocation, selection, productivity, China. † Chaoran Chen provided excellent research assistance. Restuccia gratefully acknowledges the support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Contact: Tasso Adamopoulos, tasso@econ.yorku.ca; Loren Brandt, brandt@chass.utoronto.ca; Jessica Leight, jessica.leight@williams.edu; Diego Restuccia, diego.restuccia@utoronto.ca 1 1 Introduction A central theme in the study of economic growth and development is the understanding of the large productivity differences in the agricultural sector across countries. Understanding these differences is essential because poor countries allocate most of their labor to agriculture and, as a consequence, account for most of the aggregate income differences between rich and poor countries.1 A prominent explanation of productivity differences across countries is differences in resource misallocation across heterogeneous production units.2 Institutions and policies creating misallocation are highly pervasive in agriculture in poor countries and can account for a large portion of the productivity differences across countries as emphasized and quantified in Adamopoulos and Restuccia (2014). The nature of these policies and institutions is that they diminish the efficiency of land and other complementary markets in allocating resources to the most productive uses.3 We use micro farm-level panel data from China and a quantitative framework to document the extent of factor misallocation within villages, across villages, and over time. We find that there are substantial frictions in the land and capital markets that disproportionally affect the more productive farmers. Our story in this paper is that these distortions reduce aggregate agricultural productivity by affecting two key margins: the allocation of resources across farmers (misallocation) and the selection of workers across sectors, in particular the type of farmers who operate in agriculture (selection). The key insight in our paper is that selection can substantially amplify the misallocation effect via systematic distortions to occupational choices and that these distortions in occupational choices alter the distribution of productive units in agriculture, affecting our measures of misallocation. 1 See, for instance, Gollin et al. (2002), Restuccia et al. (2008), among many others. See Restuccia and Rogerson (2008) and Hsieh and Klenow (2009). Restuccia and Rogerson (2013) review the expanding literature on misallocation and productivity. 3 See for instance recent studies linking resource misallocation to land market institutions, such as land reforms in Adamopoulos and Restuccia (2015), the extent of marketed land across farm households in Restuccia and Santaeulalia-Llopis (2015), and the role of land titles in Chen (2015). de Janvry et al. (2014) study a land certification reform in Mexico delinking land rights from land use allowing for more efficient migration. 2 2 We focus on China for several reasons. First, China is a growing economy with substantial reallocation within and across sectors over time. Yet, productivity growth in agriculture has been lacklustre at best, especially in the cropping sector which we focus on. Second, the operational scale in the agricultural sector in China is small, only 0.7 hectares on average compared to 178 hectares in the United States. Third, the institutional framework is such that there is a lack of well-defined property rights over land which can lead to both factor misallocation within agriculture and sectoral/occupational choice distortions. Fourth, we have a unique panel dataset of households with detailed information on inputs and output in agriculture to measure farm productivity and wages of non-agricultural workers. We use a panel household survey from China collected by the Research Center for the Rural Economy under the Ministry of Agriculture. The survey is nationally representative and covers all provinces. We have access to data for ten provinces that span all the major regions of China. The data is an unbalanced panel for 9 years with a total sample size given the information required of about 8000 households per year. We use the detailed information on agricultural activities to construct a real measure of value added for each household farm. We also have information on the total capital stock used in agriculture, total days and the amount of land operated. Using a standard production function for agriculture, we measure farm TFP using the information from the panel. Armed with these constructed measures of farm TFP, we use a standard framework of agriculture to both measure distortions of capital and land across farmers within a village as well as capital distortions across villages. We also use the framework to characterize the efficient allocation of resources given farm-level TFPs and aggregate resources. Under a reasonable parameterization, we find that the output (productivity) gains from reallocation are large. Nationally, reallocating capital and land across all existing farmers to their efficient use would increase aggregate agricultural output and TFP by a factor of 1.84-fold. We find that reallocation within villages is a substantial contributor to these gains, around 60 percent of the overall gains, with capital misallocation across provinces accounting for a further 20 percent. We do not find substantial changes in the extent of 3 misallocation over time which is consistent with a fairly constant institutional setting in the land market. We find that the reallocation gains are large for all provinces in our data and that they vary from 40 to 120 percent across provinces. We also exploit the panel structure of our data to construct from the time profiles of TFP of individual farms, an average TFP which we think is a better measure of permanent ability of farmers. We find that the nation-wide efficient reallocation gain associated with these measures of average farm TFP is 67% compared to 84% in the baseline. As a result, transitory variations in our measures of farm TFP are not driving the misallocation gains emphasized in our paper. We then embed the agricultural framework into a two-sector model of agriculture and non-agriculture. We study the impact of misallocation in agriculture on the selection of individuals across sectors. We use the equilibrium properties of the model to calibrate the parameters to observed moments and targets from the data for China. We then conduct a series of counterfactual experiments to assess the quantitative importance of misallocation and the overall impact on aggregate agricultural productivity. The micro data allow us to estimate key population parameters in the model, in particular, the substantial reallocation of individuals from agriculture to non-agriculture allows us to pin down the covariance of individual abilities across sectors. We provide a quantitative assessment of the extent to which factor misallocation in the agricultural sector and the associated distortions in the sector/occupational choices of heterogeneous workers generate agricultural and aggregate productivity differences. We find that distortions in agriculture substantially affect occupational choices and aggregate outcomes. To document these findings we pursue two sets of counterfactuals. First, we set the correlation of distortions to ability to zero, that is, we eliminate misallocation across farmers with different levels of productivity, which is about 50% of the total misallocation losses. We find that eliminating these distortions increases aggregate agricultural productivity by 74% and consequently reduces the share of employment in agriculture to 25% (from 42% in the benchmark economy). We argue 4 that this is a substantial increase in agricultural productivity considering that the static gain in agricultural productivity from eliminating correlated distortions is 24%, so selection in agriculture amplifies this difference by a factor of 3.08-fold. Second, we compare the productivity gains from reduced misallocation in the previous counterfactual with an equivalent increase in economy-wide productivity of 24%. We find that selection in this case only increases agricultural productivity by 26%, an amplification effect of only 1.08-fold. Correlated idiosyncratic distortions generate much larger selection effects than changes in common sector-specific or economy-wide TFP. Our paper relates to the broad literature on misallocation and productivity with particular emphasis in the agricultural sector as discussed earlier. It also relates to role of selection in amplifying productivity differences across sectors such as that in Lagakos and Waugh (2013). A key difference in our work is that we provide actual data on distortions in the agricultural sector as the key driver of low agricultural productivity and show that correlated idiosyncratic distortions in the agricultural sector generate much larger effects on selection than equivalent changes in economy-wide TFP. Moreover, the panel dimension of the data allows us to identify a key parameter in these selection models that deals with the correlation of abilities across sectors. Our paper also relates to many studies of the Chinese economy who emphasize the importance of agriculture such as Benjamin and Brandt (2002), Benjamin et al. (2005), Benjamin et al. (2011), Zhu (2012), among many others. Brandt et al. (2013) emphasize the importance of misallocation across provinces and across state and non-state sectors for aggregate productivity in the Chinese economy. The paper proceeds as follows. In the next section, we describe our basic framework for identifying distortions and measuring the gains from reallocation. Section 3, describes the data from China and the variables we use for our analysis. In Section 4, we construct our measures of household-farm productivity and present the main results on misallocation and the reallocation gains to an efficient allocation. In Section 5, we embed the framework of agriculture into a heterogeneous-ability twosector model with non-agriculture and present the results from our main experiments. We conclude 5 in Section 6. 2 Basic Framework We describe the industry framework we use to assess the extent of misallocation in agriculture in China. We derive the equilibrium equations used to identify from data idiosyncratic (farm-village and village specific) distortions and our summary measure of distortions faced by farmers in China. We then derive the efficient allocations and measures of the output (productivity) losses associated with the different types of distortions—within village, across villages and over time. 2.1 Description We consider a rural economy consisting of V villages, indexed by v. Following Adamopoulos and Restuccia (2014), the production unit in the rural economy is a family farm. A farm is a technology that requires the inputs of a farm operator (household), as well as the land and capital under the farmer’s control. Each village is endowed with Lv amount of farm land and a finite number of Mv farm operators indexed by i, who are immobile across villages. Farm operators within villages are heterogeneous with respect to their farming ability svi . The total amount of capital in the rural economy is K, which is potentially mobile across individuals within villages as well as across villages. As in Lucas Jr (1978), the production technology available to farmer i with productivity svi in village v exhibits decreasing returns to scale and is given by the Cobb-Douglas function, α 1−α γ 1−γ yvi = svi `vi kvi , 6 (1) where γ < 1 is the span-of-control parameter which governs the extent of returns to scale at the farm-level, y, `, and k denote real farm output, land and capital. We are interested in estimating the extent of resource misallocation (i) across farms within-villages and (ii) across-villages. Given that we have two factors of production we can separately identify farm-specific distortions to land and capital within villages. We model farm-specific distortions as input taxes. Denote by τvi` and τvik the land and capital taxes faced by farm i, in village v. We also introduce village-specific (but not farm-specific within villages) output wedges to capture villagelevel distortions and thus cross-village misallocation. We denote the village-level output distortion by τvy . Tax revenues are equally distributed lump-sum across all households. Given distortions, the profit maximization problem facing farm i in village v is, max πiv = (1 − τvy ) yvi − 1 + τvik rkvi − 1 + τvi` qv `vi . `vi ,kvi (2) Let the rental prices of land and capital in village v be (qv , r). Given that land is immobile across villages the rental price of land qv will be village-specific. Given that capital is mobile across villages in equilibrium the rental price will be equal to r in all villages. The idiosyncratic distortions will show up as “wedges” in firm-specific marginal products of factors of production. In equilibrium, the land market must clear in each village and the capital market must clear for the whole economy. The market clearing condition for land in village v is, Mv X `vi = Lv , (3) i=1 while the rural economy-wide capital market clearing condition is, V X Mv X kvi = K. v=1 i=1 7 (4) 2.2 Equilibrium and Identification of Wedges We use this framework to identify the wedges recursively. In particular, we first identify the within Mv village farm-specific wedges τvik , τvi` i=1 from the determination of land and capital allocations within villages. Second, given the within-village wedges, we identify the across-village wedges {τvy }Vv=1 from the determination of capital allocation across villages. Identifying within-village distortions We begin with the identification of the within-village wedges. Farm-specific land and capital wedges can be identified up to a scalar from the average product of each factor. The first order conditions with respect to land and capital for farm i in village v imply, qv 1 + τvi` yvi = , M RP Lvi ≡ αγ `vi (1 − τvy ) (5) r 1 + τvik yvi = , M RP Kvi ≡ (1 − α)γ kvi (1 − τvy ) (6) where M RP L and M RP K are the marginal revenue products of land and capital in turn. Given that in our model the price of agricultural goods is normalized to one, M RP L and M RP K are also the marginal products of the respective factors. Equations (5) and (6) show that in the presence of firm-specific within-village distortions marginal products of factors are not equalized across farms in the same village. We can re-write the first-order conditions (5)-(6) as, qv 1 + τvi` M RP Lvi yvi ` = = y ∝ 1 + τvi , αγ `vi αγ (1 − τv ) (7) r 1 + τvik M RP Kvi yvi k = = y ∝ 1 + τvi . (1 − α)γ kvi (1 − α)γ (1 − τv ) (8) Equations (7) and (8) indicate that in the presence of firm-specific within-village distortions the 8 average products (revenue productivity) of land and capital will vary across farms in the same village by the size of the idiosyncratic distortion faced for each factor. Then (7)-(8) also imply that land and capital distortions can be identified up to a scalar from the average product of each factor within a village. Note that because the output tax is common to all farms in the same village, it is part of that scalar.4 The summary measure of the two within-village distortions for farm i in village v is captured by, yvi T F P Rvi = α α = `vi kvi M RP Lvi αγ α M RP Kvi (1 − α)γ 1−α = 1−α α α 1−α α 1−α 1 + τvik 1 + τvi` qv r = ∝ 1 + τvi` 1 + τvik . y (1 − τv ) αγ (1 − α)γ (9) T F P R corresponds to the concept of what Hsieh and Klenow (2009) call “revenue productivity” in their framework. As shown, T F P Rvi is proportional to a geometric average of the farm specific distortions in land and capital.5 We underline that T F P R is different from “physical productivity” or TFP, which in our model is, yvi T F P Qvi ≡ s1−γ = α 1−α γ , vi `vi kvi (10) for farm i in village v. In a world without distortions, within villages farms with higher T F P Qvi would command more resources, land `vi , and capital kvi , such that marginal products of each factor equalize across farms. However, with idiosyncratic distortions this need not be the case as indicated by (7)-(8). Re-arranging the farm i first order conditions (5)-(6) and summing across all farms in the same qv The scalar for the land input common to all farms in the same village is αγ(1−τ y , while the scalar for the capital v) r input is (1−α)γ(1−τvy ) . 5 Note the village-level output distortion is constant across farms and thus part of the common proportionality factor in (9). 4 9 village, we derive the average village-level marginal revenue product of each factor, (1 − qv y PMv yvi 1 τv ) i=1 Yv 1+τ ` vi w (1 − P v yvi 1 τvy ) M k i=1 Yv 1+τvi = αγ Yv ≡ M RP Lv , Lv = (1 − α)γ (11) Yv ≡ M RP K v . Kv (12) Combining the farm-level first order conditions (5)-(6) with the village-level marginal revenue product equations (11)-(12) we can solve for the farm-level land and capital allocations, " (1 − τvy ) yYviv 1+τ1 ` # vi `vi = M RP Lv Lv , qv " kvi = M RP K v (1 − τvy ) yYviv 1+τ1 k # vi Kv , r which we plug into the farm-level production function (1) to get farm i output, " yvi = αγ (1−α)γ M RP Lv M RP K v qvαγ r(1−α)γ (1 − τvy )γ αγ (1−α)γ L v Kv Yvγ 1 # 1−γ svi αγ ` 1−γ 1 + τvi Combining (13) with the definition of total village output, Yv = PMv i=1 1 + τvik . (1−α)γ 1−γ (13) yvi we can derive the village- level production function, (1−α)γ , Yv = T F Pv Lαγ v Kv (14) where (Lv , Kv ) are total village land and capital, and T F Pv is village-level TFP, which aggregates up within-village distortions, T F Pv = "M v X i=1 svi T F P Rv T F P Rvi 10 γ #1−γ 1−γ , (15) with average village revenue productivity given by T F P Rv = M RP Lv αγ α M RP N v (1 − α)γ 1−α . (16) Identifying across-village distortions We showed that farm-level behavior in the presence of distortions aggregates up to a village-level production function with aggregate village land Lv (exogenous), capital Kv (endogenous), and aggregate village TFP T F Pv , which summarizes the within village distortions. Note that T F Pv is independent of the village-level output tax τvy .6 What remains is the determination of the capital allocation across villages {Kv }Vv=1 , given village output taxes, village TFPs and land endowments. The village capital allocation can be determined as the solution to a village-level problem of a stand-in farm that operates the village-level production P function (15) and the rural economy-wide market clearing condition for capital Vv=1 Kv = K. In turn, given village-level land Lv and TFP T F Pv , the observed allocation of capital across villages can be used to back out the village-level output wedges (1 − τvy ). Given village farm land Lv village-level TFP for the distorted economy T F Pv , the village-level problem of the stand-in farm is, (1−α)γ max (1 − τvy ) T F Pv Lαγ − rKv . v Kv Kv Since Lv is a fixed factor at the village-level the only choice variable is Kv . The first order condition to this problem is, (1−α)γ−1 (1 − α)γ (1 − τvy ) T F Pv Lαγ = r, v Kv or r 1 Yv = . y ∝ Kv (1 − α)γ (1 − τv ) (1 − τvy ) 6 This is because in (15) both T F P Rvi and T F P Rv are functions of (1 − τvy ) which cancels out in the ratio T F P Rv T F P Rvi . 11 Then, the village-level output distortion can be identified up to a scalar from the average product of capital at the village-level in the data. Note that in the absence of output distortions the average product of capital should be equalized across villages. The reason is that villages with higher TFP and larger land endowment would command more capital such that the average product of capital is the same. Combining the stand-in farm first order condition and the the aggregate market clearing condition for capital we solve for the allocation of capital across villages, Kv K 1 1−γ(1−α) [(1 − τvy ) T F Pv Lαγ v ] = PV 1 y αγ 1−γ(1−α) h=1 [(1 − τk ) T F Ph Lh ] . (17) Aggregate output in the distorted rural economy, Y = V X Yv = v=1 V X γ(1−α) T F Pv Lαγ , v (Kv ) v=1 and using the solution for Kv from (17) we have, Y =N γ(1−α) γ(1−α) PV 1 y 1−γ(1−α) 1−γ(1−α) [T F Pv Lαγ v ] v=1 (1 − τv ) nP oγ(1−α) . 1 V y αγ 1−γ(1−α) v=1 [(1 − τv ) T F Pv Lv ] (18) Note that given the described identification of distortions from the data, aggregate distorted output Y in our model coincides with actual aggregate agricultural output in the data for China. 2.3 Efficient Allocation To determine the output (productivity) loss associated with misallocation, we compare the equilibrium of the distorted economy to the efficient allocation, obtained from the solution to a planner’s 12 problem. The planner chooses how to allocate capital across villages and land and capital across farmers within villages. In particular, the planner chooses the allocation of inputs across villages and farmers to maximize aggregate agricultural output. The problem of the planner is: max V X Mv X yvi , v=1 i=1 subject to 1−α `αvi kvi yvi = s1−γ vi Mv X γ , v = 1, 2, ..., V ; `vi = Lv , i = 1, 2, ...Mv ; v = 1, 2, ..., V ; i=1 V X Mv X kvi = K. v=1 i=1 We can break this problem down into two sub-problems: (a) the determination of the efficient allocation of capital across villages (determination of Kv ’s) and (b) the determination of the efficient allocation across technologies within villages, for a given amount of village labor Kv (endogenous) and land Lv (exogenous). We solve this problem backwards, starting from (b). The details of the derivations are provided in Appendix A. Efficient within-village allocations In this sub-problem, Kv ’s are given. The problem of the planner at this stage is to maximize total village output Yvef f subject to the village-level resource constraints. In particular, for each village v the optimization problem is: max v {`vi ,kvi }M i=1 Yvef f = Mv X yvi , i=1 subject to 1−α yvi = s1−γ `αvi kvi vi γ , 13 i = 1, 2, ...Mv ; Lv = Mv X `vi , i=1 Kv = Mv X kvi . i=1 Using the first order conditions to this problem along with the village-level resource constraints, the efficient allocations within a village involves allocating total village land and capital across farmers according to relative productivity, svi `evi = PMv svj svi e kvi = PMv svj j=1 j=1 Lv , (19) Kv , (20) where the superscript e denotes the efficient allocation. Equations (19) and (20) indicate that the more productive a technology (production unit) is relative to the average of the village the relatively more land and capital it will command in the efficient allocation. Efficient across-village allocation This sub-problem determines the efficient allocation of aggregate capital K across villages, i.e., the Kv ’s that were taken as given in the previous problem. It is convenient to determine this allocation using village-level production functions. Using that P v aggregate village output is Yvef f = M i=1 yvi along with individual technologies and the allocation of capital and land within villages as derived above we can obtain a village-level production function for each village v, γ(1−α) , Yvef f = Av Lαγ v Kv where Av = Mv X i=1 14 !1−γ svi . The across-village allocation problem is given by, max {Kv }V v=1 Ykef f = V X γ(1−α) Yv = Ev Lαγ , v = 1, 2, ..., V ; v Kv v=1 subject to V X Kv = K. v=1 Note that Ykef f is the aggregate agricultural output under the efficient within-village allocation of capital and land and across village allocation of capital. Using the first order condition to this problem and the agricultural economy-wide resource constraint for capital we solve for the share of capital allocated to village v under the efficient allocation, Kv K 1 e 1−γ(1−α) (Av Lαγ v ) = PV 1 αγ 1−γ(1−α) h=1 (Ah Lh ) , (21) where e denotes the efficient allocation. This says that in an undistorted world more capital should be allocated to villages that are relatively more productive (higher Av ) and have a relatively larger endowment of farm land (higher Lv ), compared to other villages. The implied aggregate output under efficient allocation of capital: Ykef f = K γ(1−α) ( V X [Ev Lαγ v ] 1 1−γ(1−α) )1−γ(1−α) . v=1 Nationwide efficient allocation We can also calculate the output (productivity) gains of a nation-wide reallocation of capital and farmers across space in China, that is, we can calculate the efficiency gains in reallocating total agricultural capital and land in China across all farmers in China, eliminating the village-level restriction in our previous calculations. The problem of the planner is to maximize total nationwide output Y ef f given nationwide farm TFPs subject to the 15 nationwide resource constraints (K, L): max Y {`i ,ki }M i=1 ef f = M X `αi ki1−α s1−γ i γ , i=1 subject to L= M X `i , i=1 K= M X ki . i=1 Similar to the within-village allocation problem, the efficient allocations in this case are given by, si `i = PM sj si ki = PM sj j=1 j=1 L, K. We measure aggregate agricultural output reallocation gains by comparing efficient output to actual output in the Chinese economy and we decompose these gains in terms of within-village reallocation, across village reallocation of capital, and nation-wide reallocation. Since aggregate factors are kept the same across these comparisons, the output gains are TFP gains. In the next section, we discuss the data we use to perform our analysis and then present our main misallocation results. 3 Data We use the household survey data collected by the Research Center for the Rural Economy under the Ministry of Agriculture.7 This is a nationally representative survey that covers all provinces. The 7 For a detailed description and analysis of the data see Benjamin et al. (2005). 16 survey has been carried out annually since 1986 with the exception of 1992 and 1994 when funding was an issue. The sampling is as follows: an equal number of rich, medium and poor counties was selected in each province, and within each county a similar rule was applied in the selection of villages. Within villages, households were drawn in order to be “representative. Important changes in survey design in 1993 that expanded information collected on agriculture, and enable more accurate estimates of revenue and expenditures in agriculture. Surveys before 1993 are problematic in their estimates of farm revenue and expenses. We have obtained access to data for a subset of the survey. We have data for ten provinces that span all the major regions of China, and use the data for the period between 1993 and 2002. The data are in the form of an unbalanced panel. In each year, we have information on approximately 8000 households drawn from 110 villages. For 104 villages, we have information for all 9 years. The average number of household observations per village-year is 80, or a quarter to a third of all households in a village. We have data for all 9 years for approximately 6000 households. Attrition from the sample is not a concern and is examined in detail in Benjamin et al. (2005). Much of the attrition is related to exit of entire villages from the survey. Household exit and entry into the sample is not systematically correlated with key variables of interest. The survey provides disaggregated information on household income and labor supply by activity. For agriculture, we have data on total household landholdings, cultivated area, sown area and output by crop, and major farm inputs (labor, fertilizer, farm machinery). For nonagricultural activity such as family businesses, we have information on revenues and expenditures that enable us to estimate net incomes from each type of household non-family business. We also have information on household wage earnings. Value Added Agricultural Output We utilize the detailed information on farm output by crop in physical terms to construct estimates of “real” farm output. Output of each crop is valued 17 using a sample-wide average price (unit values) constructed over the period between 1993 and 2002. Hence, aggregate output at the farm level is a common-price real measure. Unit values are computed using information on market sales, and are exclusive of any “quota sales at planned (below market) prices. In these calculations, households own consumption is implicitly valued at market prices. Intermediate inputs such as fertilizers are treated in an analogous way. We subtract expenditures on intermediate inputs from gross output providing our estimate of net income or value added from the cropping sector. In what follows, we use this measure of real value added at the farm level when we refer to farm output. Land Ownership rights of farmland reside with the collective or village. Households are allocated use rights to the land. The allocation of use rights is based on an individuals registration or hukou, with all individuals with registration in the village entitled to land. Earlier work suggests that allocation of land within a village was generally fairly egalitarian. With the introduction of rural reform in the late 1970s, households were supposed to enjoy use rights for a period of 15 years, but there is enormous heterogeneity across villages in terms of the “security of the claims that households enjoy. Village-wide reallocation in which villages took the land back and then reallocated land amongst households was common. In the late 1990s, use rights on cultivated land were extended for an additional 30 years. In addition to use rights, households in principle have other rights, most importantly, the right to rent or transfer their use rights to other households. (Land cannot be used as collateral for purposes of borrowing however.) These rights have been abridged in a variety of ways and over the period we examine, the rental market has been relatively thin. In fact, a frequent claim is that use it or lose it rules existed in these villages over the period we analyze. Households that did not use their land and rented it to others (or possibly let it lie fallow) risked losing the land during the next reallocation. These kinds of rules may have prompted households to only allow immediate relatives (father, brothers, etc) to use their land, and discouraged land from going to those households that valued it most. It may have also impacted 18 decisions to migrate. The measure of land that we use in our analysis is cultivated land by the household. Capital The survey provides household-level information beginning in 1986 on the value at original purchase prices of farm machinery and equipment, larger hand tools, and draft animals used in agriculture. Assuming that accumulation began in 1978, the year the reforms of the agricultural system began, we utilize the perpetual inventory method to calculate the value of farm machinery in constant RMB. The survey does not capture smaller farm tools and implements, and so for in upwards of a third of household-years, the value of their capital stock is zero. To deal with these cases, we impute to all farm households a value equal to the amount of land operated by the household times ten percent of the median capital to land ratio by village and by year. We have verified that our results are not crucially sensitive to the amount of adjustment assigned to households. 4 Measuring Farm TFP and Misallocation in Agriculture Recall from our basic framework that a farmer has access to the following production function for agricultural output: γ yi = si1−γ `αi ki1−α , where ` is operated land by household i, k is the household capital stock, and s1−γ is farm-level TFP. Using data for output, capital, and land, we use this production function to measure farm TFP.8 In our analysis, we use γ = 0.54 which reflects the total income share of labor and α = 2/3 8 We note that households also differ in the amount of hours worked in the farm. However, the total variation in hours is relatively small and uncorrelated with TFP. For this reason, in all our analysis we abstract from farm hours by dividing output, land, and capital by total hours in the farm. We emphasize that our results are nearly identical if instead we explicitly consider the variation in hours. 19 Figure 1: Farm-Level Total Factor Productivity in China 2000 to match a land income share of 0.36 and hence a capital income share of 0.18.9 Figure 1 documents the distribution of log farm-level TFP in China. The dispersion in farm TFP is substantial, the 90 to 10 percentile ratio in farm TFP is 6-fold whereas the 75 to 25 percentile ratio is 2.4-fold. To put it in perspective, this dispersion in farm-level TFP is substantially smaller than the dispersion of farm TFP in Malawi reported in Restuccia and Santaeulalia-Llopis (2015) and in plant-level TFP documented in Hsieh and Klenow (2009) for Indian, Chinese and U.S. manufacturing. For instance, the 90/10 ratio of plant-level TFP is 12.7-fold whereas the 75/25 ratio is 3.8-fold. In U.S. manufacturing these ratios are 7.8-fold and 3-fold respectively. Figure 2 documents the pattern of farm allocations in land and capital by farm-level TFP. As suspected from our description of the institutional arrangement in China where use rights of land are fairly uniformly distributed among members of the village, the land use allocations are roughly 9 We note that data for the United States would attribute a similar income share of labor (same γ) but a larger role for capital. Our results documented in the next section are stronger using a larger capital share. 20 Figure 2: Factor Allocations by Farm TFP in 2000 Land Capital Land Productivity (Yield) Capital Productivity constant across the productivity of farm households. Recall that an efficient allocation of land involves a tight positive relationship between the land input and farm productivity. Similarly, for the capital allocation we find that capital is not allocated to the most productive farmers; if anything, the opposite occurs and on average less productive farmers have more capital than more productive farmers. Again, an efficient allocation involves a tight relationship between capital allocation and productivity. The consequence of these patterns of land and capital allocation is that individual factor productivity is not equalized across farmers, in particular, land productivity (output per unit of land) and capital productivity are strongly increasing in farm TFP. We measure the output (productivity) gains of eliminating misallocation in different layers as follows: (1) Eliminating within-village misallocation by reallocating capital and land within each 21 Figure 3: Efficiency Gains over Time Eliminating within−village misallocation Plus eliminating across−village capital misallocation Eliminating nationwide misallocation 2.2 Efficiency Gain 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year village to their efficient allocation given (Kv , Lv ) and siv , given by Yvef f /Y . (2) Eliminating withinvillage and across village misallocation: by also eliminating the capital misallocation across villages, given by Ykef f /Y . (3) Eliminating nationwide misallocation: reallocation gain from efficient allocation of K and L across all farmers in China, given by Y ef f /Y . Figure 3 reports the output gains of efficient reallocation over time from 1995 to 2002. We note that there is not substantial change in the reallocation gains over time in China. Eliminating within-village misallocation of capital and land across farmers is a substantial source of reallocation gains, an increase in output (and hence TFP) of around 40 percent. Eliminating across-village misallocation of capital increases the reallocation gains to around 60 percent. When capital and land are efficiently allocated across all farmers in China, the increase in output is close to 80 percent in the 90’s and almost 90 percent in 2002. Figure 4 reports the reallocation gains across provinces. The province-wide reallocation gains are as low as 40 percent in Jilin and as high as 120 percent in Shanxi. Potential gains are also especially 22 Figure 4: Efficiency Gains across Provinces 2.8 Eliminating within−village misallocation Plus eliminating across−village capital misallocation Eliminating nationwide misallocation 2.6 Efficiency Gain 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 xi l Ji in an gs Zh u ej ia ng An hu H i en an H un G ua a ng n do Si ng ch ua n G an su Ji an Sh C ou nt ry 1 Province high in Guangdong and Zhejiang, the two most developed provinces in our sample. In all cases, the within-village misallocation is a substantial component of the overall reallocation gains. 5 Misallocation and Selection across Sectors We now integrate our framework of agriculture into a standard two-sector general-equilibrium Roy (1951) model of selection across sectors to assess how farm-specific distortions in agriculture alter the occupational choice of individuals between agriculture and non-agriculture and at the same time how selection alters measured misallocation in the agricultural sector. Distorted occupational choices affect both measured static misallocation in the agricultural sector and the overall productivity gains from reallocation. We augment our model along the following dimensions. First, we extend the agricultural model to a 23 two-sector model by introducing a non-agricultural sector. Second, we introduce preferences for individuals over consumption goods for agriculture and non-agriculture, with a subsistence constraint for the agricultural good. Third, individuals are now endowed with a pair of productivities, one for each of the two sectors. Fourth, individuals now face an occupational choice, whereby they choose whether to become farm operators in agriculture or workers in the non-agricultural sector. We show that a key determinant of the occupational choice is the farm-specific distortions individuals would face if they become farm operators. For analytical tractability, we now allow for a continuum of individuals. The fraction of individuals that choose agriculture, and thus the number and productivity distribution of farms is now endogenous. In what follows, we describe the economic environment in detail, defining equilibrium and describing some key properties of the model. 5.1 Environment At each date there are two goods produced, agriculture (a) and non-agriculture (n). The nonagricultural good is the numeraire and we denote the relative price of the agricultural good by pa . The economy is populated by a measure N of individuals indexed by i. For simplicity in this section we abstract from the village layer in our misallocation framework. However, the effective farm-specific tax that individuals face in agriculture includes the village-level output tax. Preferences Each individual i has preferences over the consumption of the two goods given by, Ui = ω log (cai − a) + (1 − ω) log(cni ), where ca and cn denote the consumption of the agricultural and non-agricultural good respectively, a is the subsistence requirement for the agricultural good, and ω is the preference weight on agricultural goods. The subsistence constraint implies that when income is low a disproportionate amount 24 will be allocated to the consumption of the agricultural good. Individual i faces the following budget constraint, pa cai + cni = Ii + T, where Ii is the individual’s income, and T the transfer to be specified below. Sector-specific abilities Individuals are heterogeneous with respect to their abilities in agriculture and non-agriculture. In particular, each individual i is endowed with a pair of abilities, one for each sector, (sai , sni ) drawn from a known population joint distribution of skills with cdf F (sai , sni ). We allow for the possibility that skills are correlated across sectors. In particular, we assume a bivariate log-normal distribution for (sai , sni ) with mean (µa , µn ) and variance, Σ= σa2 σna σan . σn2 We denote the correlation coefficient for abilities by ρan = σan . σn σa Individuals face two choices: (a) a consumption choice, whereby they determine how to allocate their total income between agricultural and non-agricultural goods; (b) an occupational choice, whereby they choose whether to work in the non-agricultural sector or the agricultural sector. Working in the agricultural sector involves operating a farm and is subject to idiosyncratic distortions ϕi as will become clear once we specify the technologies. We denote the income individual i would earn in agriculture as Iai and that in non-agriculture as Ini . The individual chooses the sector with the highest net return. We abstract from barriers to labor mobility across sectors. We denote by Hn and Ha , the sets of (ϕi , sai , sni ) values for which agents choose each sector Hn = {(ϕi , sai , sni ) : Iai < Ini }, and Ha = {(ϕi , sai , sni ) : Iai > Ini }. 25 Consumption Allocation To determine the allocation of income between agricultural and nonagricultural goods individuals maximize utility subject to their budget constraint, given their income Ii + T , and the relative price of the agricultural good pa .The first order conditions to individual i’s utility maximization problem imply the following consumption choices, cai = a + ω (Ii − pa a) , pa cni = (1 − ω) (Ii − pa a) . Production – Non-agriculture The non-agricultural good is produced by a stand-in firm with access to a constant returns to scale technology that requires only effective labor as an input, Yn = An Zn , where Yn is the total amount of non-agricultural output produced, An is non-agricultural productivity (TFP), Zn is the total amount of labor input measured in efficiency units, i.e., accounting for the ability of workers, Z sni di. Zn = i∈Hn The total number of workers employed in non-agriculture is, Z Nn = di. i∈Hn The representative firm in the non-agricultural sector chooses how many efficiency units of labor to hire in order to maximize profits. The first order condition from the representative firm’s problem in non-agriculture implies, wn = An . 26 Production – Agriculture A described previously, the production unit in the agricultural sector is a farm. A farm is a technology that requires the inputs of a farm operator with ability sai as well as land (which also defines the size of the farm) and capital under the farmer’s control. The farm technology exhibits decreasing returns to scale and takes the form used previously, α 1−α γ 1−γ yai = sai `i ki , (22) where ya is real farm output, ` is the land input, and k is the capital input. An individual that chooses to operate a farm faces farm-specific taxes on output τiy , land input τi` and capital input τik . In the data this set of taxes is identified by wedges recovered using the framework in Section 1. Tax revenues are redistributed equally to the N workers regardless of occupation, with T being the transfer per individual. The profit maximization problem for farm i is given by, max πi = pa (1 − τiy ) yai − 1 + τik rki − 1 + τi` q`i , (23) `i ,ki where (q, r) are the rental prices of land and capital.10 The first order conditions to farm operator i’s problem imply that farm size, demand for capital input, output supply, and profits depend not only on productivity but also on the farm-specific distortions, `i = [γpa (1 − τiy )] 1 1−γ " 1−α r 1 + τik ki = [γpa (1 − τiy )] 1 1−γ yai = [γpa (1 − τiy )] γ 1−γ " " " # γ(1−α) 1−γ 1−α r 1 + τik 1−α r 1 + τik 10 α q 1 + τi` # 1−αγ " 1−γ # 1−γ(1−α) 1−γ α q 1 + τi` # γ(1−α) " 1−γ sai , (24) αγ # 1−γ α q 1 + τi` sai , (25) αγ # 1−γ sai , (26) Note that here there is one rental price of land for the whole economy, as there is one market clearing for land, as we abstract from the village layer. 27 πi = (1 − γ) γ γ 1−γ [pa (1 − τiy )] " 1 1−γ 1−α r 1 + τik # γ(1−α) " 1−γ α q 1 + τi` αγ # 1−γ sai . (27) The income of a farmer is his real output. As a result farmer income includes not only the return to the farmer’s labor input π but also the land and capital incomes. We can re-write real farm output as, yai = wa ϕi sai , where ϕi captures the overall farm-specific distortion faced by farmer i, " ϕi ≡ (1 − 1+ γ # 1−γ τiy ) 1−α τik 1 + τi` α , and wa is the component of the farmer’s return that is common to all farmers, wa ≡ (γpa ) γ 1−γ 1−α r αγ γ(1−α) 1−γ 1−γ α . q Note that wa is a function of the endogenous relative price of agriculture pa , the rental price of land q, and the rental price of capital r. Idiosyncratic Distortions and Agricultural Abilities We allow for the possibility that idiosyncratic distortions and agricultural abilities are correlated. In particular, we assume a bivariate log-normal distribution for (ϕi , sai ) with mean (µϕ , µa ) and variance, Σa = σϕ2 σaϕ 28 σϕa . σa2 We denote the correlation coefficient between agricultural ability and farm-specific distortions as ρϕa = σϕa . σϕ σa Occupational choice Individuals can become farm operators in the agricultural sector or they can become workers in the non agricultural sector. If individual i chooses to become a nonagricultural worker then their income is, Ini = wn sni . If individual i chooses to become a farm operator then his income is, Iai = wa ϕi sai . We note that these incomes are net of the transfer T , which is common to all individuals regardless of occupation, and as a result does not affect the occupational choice. Individual i will choose the sector that provides the highest possible income, given the individual’s triplet (ϕi , sai , sni ). Individual i will choose agriculture, i.e. i ∈ Ha , if Iai > Ini and non-agriculture otherwise. As a result individual i’s income is given by, Ii = max {Iai , Ini } . Market clearing conditions All markets clear. Labor: Na + Nn = N, 29 where Na = R i∈Ha di. Land: Z L = Na `i di. i∈Ha Capital: Z K = Na ki di. i∈Ha Agricultural goods: Z Ya ≡ Na Z yai di = N i∈Ha 5.2 Z cai di + N i∈Ha cai di. i∈Hn Analysis Next we derive the shares of individuals that choose each sector as well as the average log-ability and average log-income of those that choose each sector. We establish some notation to show these results. We define deviations of log draws from means, uai = log sai − µa , uni = log sni − µn , uϕi = log ϕi − µϕ . Define the deviation of log effective agricultural ability from mean, u bai = log ϕi + log sai − µϕ − µa = uϕi + uai . Note that uni is normally distributed with mean E (uni ) = 0 and variance V AR (uni ) = E (u2ni ) = σn2 . 30 In turn, u bai is also normally distributed with mean E (b uai ) = E (uϕi ) + E (uai ) = 0 + 0 = 0 and variance, V AR (b uai ) = E u b2ai = E (uϕi + uai )2 = ba2 . = E u2ϕi + u2ai + 2uϕi uai = σϕ2 + σa2 + 2ρϕa σϕ σa ≡ σ The covariance of u bai and uni is given by, COV (b uai , uni ) = E [(b uai − E (b uai )) (uni − E (uni ))] = E (b uai uni ) = = E [(uai + uϕi ) uni ] = E [uai uni ] + E [uϕi uni ] = σan = ρan σa σn . Finally we note that (un − u ba ) has mean and variance given by, E (uni − u bai ) = E (uni ) − E (b uai ) = 0 − 0 = 0. V AR (uni − u bai ) = E (uni − u bai )2 = =E u b2ai + u2ni − 2b uai uni = σ ba2 + σn2 − 2ρan σa σn ≡ σ 2 . The log-income of individual i from agriculture and non-agriculture respectively is, log (Iai ) = log (wa ) + log (ϕi ) + log (sai ) , log (Ini ) = log (wn ) + log (sni ) . We can re-write agricultural and non-agricultural incomes as the sums of constants and log mean deviations, log (Iai ) = ba + uϕi + uai = ba + u bai , log (Ini ) = bn + uni , 31 where ba ≡ log (wa ) + µϕ + µa , bn ≡ log (wn ) + µn . Sectoral Employment The probability an individual chooses to become a farm operator in agriculture, na = P r {log (Iai } > log (Ini )) = P r (ba + u bai > bn + uni ) = uni − u bai ba − bn > . = P r (ba − bn > uni − u bai ) = P r σ σ Let b ≡ ba −bn σ and note that ξi ≡ uni −b uai σ is a standard normal random variable. Then, na = Φ (b) , where Φ(.) is the standard normal cdf. Given that we have a continuum of individuals of mass one, na is also the fraction of individuals that choose agriculture. Similarly, we can show that the probability an individual chooses to become a worker in non-agriculture (and therefore the fraction of individuals that choose non-agriculture) is, nn = 1 − Φ (b) . Note that Na = na · N and Nn = nn · N . Sectoral Average Log-Ability Conditional on Sectoral Choice Mean log-ability in agriculture conditional on choosing agriculture, E {log (sai ) |i ∈ Ha } = E {log (sai ) | log (Iai } > log (Ini )} = 32 = E {µa + [log (sai ) − µa ] | log (Iai } > log (Ini )} = ba − bn uni − u bai > = = µa + E uai | σ σ COV (uai , ξi ) E (ξi |ξi < b) = V AR (ξi ) uni − u bai = µa + E (uai ξi ) E (ξi |ξi < b) = µa + E uai E (ξi |ξi < b) = σ = µa + E {uai |b > ξi } = µa + = µa + σan − σa2 − σϕa E [uai (uni − u bai )] E (ξi |ξi < b) = µa + E (ξi |ξi < b) σ σ E {log (sai ) | log (Iai } > log (Ini )} = µa + σan − σa2 − σϕa E (ξi |ξi < b) , σ or E {log (sai ) |i ∈ Ha } = µa + σa [ρan σn − σa − ρϕa σϕ ] E (ξi |ξi < b) . σ (28) Following the same steps as above we can show that mean log- effective ability conditional on choosing agriculture is, E {log (ϕi ) + log (sai ) |i ∈ Ha } = µϕ + µa + σan − σ ba2 E (ξi |ξi < b) σ (29) Similarly average log-ability for those choosing non-agriculture is, E {log (sni ) |i ∈ Hn } = E {log (sni ) | log (Iai } < log (Ini )} = µn + σn2 − σan E (ξi |ξi > b) σ or E {log (sni ) |i ∈ Hn } = µn + σn [σn − ρan σa ] E (ξi |ξi > b) σ 33 (30) Note that (28) and (30) each contain a truncated standard normal variable, which implies that the mean will be different from 0 (the unconditional mean). With lower tail truncation E [ξ|ξ ≤ b] < 0 and with upper tail truncation E [ξ|ξ > b] > 0. In particular, using the first moment of a truncated standard normal distribution, b2 e− 2 φ (b) = −p <0 E [ξ|ξ ≤ b] = λ (b) = − Φ (b) (2π)Φ (b) b2 φ (b) e− 2 E [ξ|ξ > b] = λ (b) = =p >0 1 − Φ (b) (2π) [1 − Φ (b)] Sectoral Average Log-Income Conditional on Sectoral Choice 5.3 E {log (Iai ) |i ∈ Ha } = ba + σan − σ ba2 E (ξi |ξi < b) . σ (31) E [log (Ini ) |i ∈ Hn ] = bn + σn2 − σan E (ξi |ξi > b) . σ (32) Calibration Our strategy is to calibrate distortions, abilities, and sectoral selection in a Benchmark Economy (BE) to the panel household-level data from China. We proceed in two steps. First, we infer population parameters on abilities and distortions from observed moments on sectoral incomes. Second, given the calibrated population moments in the first step, we calibrate the remaining parameters from the general equilibrium equations of the sectoral model to match relevant data targets. We now describe these steps in detail. 34 First Step There are 8 population parameters/moments to calibrate: • 3 means — µa , µn , µϕ , • 3 variances — σa2 , σn2 , σϕ2 , • 2 covariances — σaϕ , σan . These moments govern the occupational choices of individuals in the economy. We construct in the model 8 moments on incomes, conditional on sectoral choices. We then solve an 8 by 8 system to match the 8 empirical moments. We target the mean of the log of agricultural income, log nonagricultural income, and log distortions; the standard deviation of the log of agricultural income, log non-agricultural income, and log distortions; the covariance of log agricultural income and log distortions; and the covariance of log agricultural income and log non-agricultural income for switches from agriculture to non-agriculture. The means in this step can be identified from the data up to a constant. At this stage we restrict this constant to be such that at the aggregate level, the occupational choices of individuals are consistent with the observed share of employment in agriculture of 42% in China. The following are the specific procedures we follow to recover the 8 population moments. 1. Recalling that in the model the share of employment in agriculture is given by na = Φ(b) where Φ is the standard normal and b ≡ ba −bn , σ we invert the standard normal to recover the b that produces a share of labor in agriculture of na = 0.42. This gives a b = −0.20. 2. Recognizing that the 5 equations (put numbers...) on the variances and covariances are independent of the means, we solve this as a 5 × 5 system targeting 5 moments from the data: variance of log agricultural income/output (d v ara ); variance of log nonagricultural income (d v arn ); variance of log distortions (d v arϕ ); covariance of agricultural income/output and 35 distortions (cov c aϕ ); covariance of agricultural income/output and non-agricultural income for switchers, i.e., for those that were initially employed in agriculture and subsequently switched to non-agriculture (cov c an ). The 5 × 5 we solve is the following: 3. Variance of log-agricultural income conditional on choosing agriculture, ( vd ara = σ ba2 1− ( vd arϕ = σϕ2 1− ( vd arn = σn2 1− 2 σϕ2 + σaϕ σσϕ 2 σn2 − σan σσn 2 ) λ (b) [λ (b) − b] ) λ (b) [λ (b) − b] ) λ (b) [λ (b) − b] σϕ2 + σaϕ σ σan − σ ba2 σ σn2 − σan σ σan − σ ba2 σ cov c aϕ = σaϕ − cov c an = σan + σan − σ ba2 σb σa 1 + λ (b) b − λ (b)2 1 + λ (b) b − λ (b)2 4. Given the variances/covariances, we use the three equations on the conditional means to get the population means. E {log (Iai ) |i ∈ Ha } = ba + E {log (ϕi ) |i ∈ Ha } = µϕ − E [log (Ini ) |i ∈ Hn ] = bn + σan − σ ba2 λ (b) σ σϕ2 + σaϕ σ λ (b) σn2 − σan λ (b) σ Note that ba = log(wa ) + µa + µϕ and bn = log(wn ) + µn . However, there is no guarantee that the implied ba and bn from the above equations will reproduce b = ba −bn σ required to ensure na = 0.42. But notice that the conditional mean log equations for incomes above are exactly 36 the same as conditional mean log equations for effective abilities save for a constant in each case, E {log (ϕi sai ) |i ∈ Ha } = µa + µϕ + E [log (sni ) |i ∈ Hn ] = µn + σan − σ ba2 λ (b) , σ σn2 − σan λ (b) . σ This implies that the gap in mean log income between agriculture and non-agriculture is equal to the mean log effective ability gap save for a constant x = log(wa ) − log(wn ). We use this insight to recover the population means for agricultural ability, distortions, and nonagricultural ability from the observed means (m b a, m b n, m b ϕ ): σan − σ ba2 λ (b) m b a = µa + µϕ + σ m b ϕ = µϕ − m b n = µn + σϕ2 + σaϕ σ λ (b) σn2 − σan λ (b) σ 5. We pick the constant x to reproduce the b implied by na = 0.42. This implies x = 4.1. The results of this procedure are summarized in Table 1. Note that the correlation of abilities across sectors is positive and equal to 0.35 as implied by the estimates of the covariance of abilities and the variances of income in each of the sectors. Because of the positive correlation of abilities in agriculture and non-agriculture, and a higher dispersion of ability in the non-agricultural sector than of effective abilities in the agricultural sector, the selection pattern across sectors results in more-abled individuals choosing to work in the non-agricultural sector. This pattern suggests that removing misallocation in the agricultural sector would dampen the selection in occupational choice whereby more productive individuals would find it optimal to work in agriculture. We pursue this quantitative experiment in the next section. 37 Table 1: Calibrated Population Moments Population Moments (calibrated) Observed Moments (targets) Parameter Description Value µa µn µϕ mean ag. ability mean nonag. ability mean distortion 10.3 6.9 -7.9 mean ag. income mean nonag. income mean farm wedges 2.7 7.9 -7.2 σa σn σϕ STD ag. ability STD nonag. ability STD distortion 0.43 1.78 1.41 STD ag. income STD nonag. income STD farm wedges 0.88 1.32 1.28 σaϕ σan COV ag. ability-distortions COV ag.-nonag. ability -0.66 0.26 STD farm wedges COV ag.-nonag. income of switchers -0.59 0.11 Note: All variables refer to logs. 38 Description Value Table 2: Benchmark Economy (BE) Statistic Value in BE Real Agr. Labor Productivity Share of Employment in Agr. Non-Agr. to Agr. Productivity Gap Average Effective Ability in Agr. Average Ability in Non-Agr. Ratio of Non-Agr. to Agr. Ability 1,311.7 0.42 2.5 39.0 317.3 8.1 Second Step We calibrate the remaining parameters given the recovered population moments in the first step. The parameters to calibrate in this step are: An productivity in non-agriculture which is normalized to 1; (α,γ) the elasticity parameters in the technology to produce the agricultural good, which are set to α = .66 and γ = .54, following our analysis of measuring farm TFP and misallocation in agriculture in Section 4; φ, the weight of the agricultural good in preferences, is set to 0.01 to match a long run share of employment in agriculture of 1%; the endowments in agriculture of capital and land Ka , L, are set to match a capital output ratio in agriculture of 0.3 and an average farm size of 0.45 hectares, both observed in our micro data. We then solve the equilibrium of the model to obtain ā and Aa , the subsistence consumption of agricultural goods in preferences and the productivity in agriculture to match a share of employment in agriculture of 42% and the ratio of average non-agriculture to agricultural labor productivity of 2.5. The benchmark economy reproduces exactly the data targets and we report additional statistics on this economy in Table 2. 5.4 Results We perform the following counterfactual experiment. We eliminate the correlation of ability and distortions (i.e., set σaϕ = 0). In the data, more able farmers face larger distortions as they are 39 unable to operate larger farms (i.e., obtain more land and capital for their operation). This suggests that eliminating distortions will have an important effect in the occupational choice of more-abled farmers, which in turn will substantially increase agricultural productivity. Note that in this experiment there is still misallocation related to the dispersion of distortions. As we discussed previously, in the data there are two types of misallocation: misallocation of factors across farmers with different productivity, as well as misallocation of factors among farmers with the same productivity, each of which accounts for roughly 50% of the efficient reallocation gains. In this experiment, we only eliminate the distortions across farmers with different productivity and only eliminate misallocation due to within village distortions and across village capital distortions. As a reference for comparison, consider that the “static” gains of the efficient reallocation from eliminating these distortions increases aggregate agricultural TFP by 24%. The results of this quantitative experiment are summarized in Table 3. We find that agricultural labor productivity rises by 74% (a threefold factor increase compared with the static gains of reduced misallocation). As a consequence of this increase in productivity, the share of employment in agriculture drops 17 p.p. (from 42% to 25%). Aggregate agricultural productivity increases for two reasons. First, given a fixed set of farmers in agriculture, reduced misallocation improves productivity. Second, reduced misallocation via eliminating systematic distortions to high ability farmers improves occupational choice based more closely on comparative advantage. This raises the average ability of farmers remaining in the agricultural sector. This result shows that correlated distortions substantially affect occupational choices. In the context of our model, improvements in resource allocation in agriculture produce an increase in aggregate agricultural productivity and labor reallocation away from agriculture. The same effects can be reproduced through an appropriate increase in agricultural TFP or economy-wide TFP. To put our results from reduced misallocation in context, we ask: What increase in agriculturespecific TFP or economy-wide TFP is needed to generate the same effect on labor reallocation as 40 Table 3: Results of Counterfactual Experiment σaϕ = 0 Statistic BE Real Agricultural Productivity (Ya /Na ) 1.00 Share of Employment in Agriculture (Na ) (%) 0.42 Real Non-Agricultural Productivity (Yn /Nn ) 1.00 Average Effective Ability in Agriculture (Ẑa /Na ) 1.00 Average Ability in Non-Agriculture (Zn /Nn ) 1.00 Ratio of Non-Agr. to Agr. Ability 1.00 σaϕ = 0 1.74 0.25 0.79 3.47 0.79 0.23 All variables, except the share of employment in agriculture, are relative to the same statistic in the Benchmark Economy (BE). The counterfactual σaϕ = 0 eliminates the covariance between farm-level distortions and productivity in agriculture. observed in the counterfactual of reduced misallocation? In order to reproduce the same impact on labor reallocation (and roughly the same effect on real aggregate agricultural productivity) a 75% increase in TFP would be needed in each case. This is a very large increase in TFP that is required to generate the same impact as reduced misallocation. We emphasize that changes in occupational choices and selection are markedly different if they are driven by changes in patterns of misallocation rather than changes in sector-specific or economywide TFP which are common to all individuals. To appreciate this point note that changes in economy-wide TFP only have an effect on occupational choices and selection through general equilibrium effects whereas reduced misallocation via changes in idiosyncratic distortions can alter the pattern of occupational choices and selection even holding constant aggregate prices. To illustrate quantitatively the importance of this distinction, we pursue the following counterfactual. In the first experiment we increase agriculture TFP (Aa ) by 24% and in the second experiment we increase economy-wide TFP (Aa , An ) by 24%. Recall that 24% is the increase in aggregate agricultural TFP from eliminating correlated distortions while holding fixed the set of farmers in agriculture. Table 4 summarizes the results from these counterfactuals compared with our baseline counterfactual of no correlation of ability and distortions σaϕ = 0. 41 Table 4: Results of Other Counterfactual Experiments Statistic σaϕ = 0 Real Agricultural Productivity (Ya /Na ) Share of Employment in Agriculture (Na ) (%) Real Non-Agricultural Productivity (Yn /Nn ) Average Effective Ability in Agriculture (Ẑa /Na ) Average Ability in Non-Agriculture (Zn /Nn ) Ratio of Non-Agr. to Agr. Ability 1.74 0.25 0.79 3.47 0.79 0.23 ↑ Aa ↑ (Aa , An ) (24%) (24%) 1.26 0.35 0.90 1.05 0.90 0.89 1.26 0.35 1.11 1.05 0.90 0.89 All variables, except the share of employment in agriculture, are relative to the same statistic in the Benchmark Economy (BE). We choose the increase in agricultural and economy-wide TFP of 24% which is the TFP gain from eliminating correlated distortions for a constant set of farmers. Our results are striking. A 24% increase in TFP produces an increase in agricultural labor productivity of 26%. This is an amplification of only 1.08-fold generated by selection and the reallocation of labor from agriculture to non-agriculture as the share of employment in agriculture falls from 42% to 35%). Alternatively, eliminating correlated distortions which we showed particularly affect productive farmers, results in a much larger effect on agricultural productivity of 74%, representing an amplification effect of 3.08-fold. This is due to both a stronger effect on selection in agriculture and, as a consequence, a stronger effect on labor reallocation, with the share of employment in agriculture falling to 25%. This result is important as the literature has struggled to find measurable drivers of sectoral reallocation and increased productivity in agriculture relative to non-agriculture. Lagakos and Waugh (2013) for example have proposed selection as an important amplification mechanism, emphasizing differences in economy-wide productivity as an important driver. However, restricting economywide productivity differences to observed labor productivity differences in non-agriculture between rich and poor countries, selection generates an amplification effect (an increase in agricultural productivity over and above non-agricultural productivity) which is only a factor of 1.4-fold versus the 42 10.7-fold observed in the data (see Table 5 in Lagakos and Waugh (2013)). In this paper, we provide a measure of idiosyncratic distortions in agriculture and a quantitative assessment of the importance of this specific driver of low agricultural productivity in the context of an otherwise standard model of farm size and occupational selection. Our results show that agricultural distortions in the Chinese economy have a strong effect on occupational choices and selection, generating both a direct effect on agricultural productivity and an amplification effect that is orders of magnitude larger than the effect from aggregate distortions or economy-wide productivity differences. 6 Conclusions Our estimates from a simple quantitative framework and micro panel data for China suggest that capital and land are severely misallocated across productive farmers. Given the institutional characteristics in China, we associate factor misallocation to restrictions in the land market, which also dampen access to credit to farmers. The allocation of land-use rights is such that individuals have fairly equal amounts of land input, suggesting that the more productive farmers face larger wedges. We find that the resulting pattern of misallocation shows no systematic tendency to improve over time which is consistent with the constant institutional restrictions in the Chinese economy. We find that the reallocation gains to an efficient allocation of factors would increase aggregate output (and TFP) by 84%, with 60% of these gains attributed to within-village reallocation of capital and land. Using our summary measure of idiosyncratic distortions (wedges) across farmers in China, we develop and estimate a two-sector general-equilibrium model of occupational selection. The panel data provide us with information on income in agriculture and wages in non-agriculture for individuals that switch occupations, which we use to restrict the correlation of abilities across sectors in the population. 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Taking the first order condition with respect to Kv implies a labor allocation as a function of the multiplier, 1 1−γ(1−α) (1 − α)γ αγ Kv = Av Lv λ Plugging this into the resource constraint solves for the multiplier, (1 − α)γ λ = 1−γ(1−α) K ( V X (Av Lαγ v ) 1 1−γ(1−α) )1−γ(1−α) v=1 Plugging this back into the first order condition we can solve for the share of labor allocated to village v, 1 1−γ(1−α) Kv (Av Lαγ v ) = PV 1 N (Ah Lαγ ) 1−γ(1−α) h h=1 47