NAME GW Engineering FINAL EXAM 2010 NOTE: Supplemental Materials pages 9'12 PROBLEM #1 -25 points USE UNITS of METERS and DAYS Write vour answer on the followinq paqe. SHOW YOUR WORK The hydrograph shown below is from a basin that is 5 kilometers by 5 kilometers' The specific yield of the geologic materials average 0.0{3. 1a) What was the votume of recharge between the 2007 and the 2008 water years? 1b) lf all of that water was spread uniformly throughout the basin, how much would the water level change? To get full credit: SHOW HOW YOU OBTAIN THE VALUES YOU USED ON THE GRAPH BELOW ,&' I lr tE s r(atY'J,L^4 *T&\?oos C-v 5Y-AA 3 6 L IE 1000 J Its f E J a I l, €r'* f\ |\ F. F cr Er (f Crjo ta 4,iiit l\l\f\FF.F ocrcrc)(](f +4tirird= * t,& mmm o(fo 4n$ E Stmmmmmst(nsr e'E|cr(fpc'c'clt:l +{u\67d4d* = \O ""a Page I of10 NAME GW Engineering FINAL EXAM 2010 PROVIDE CALCULATIONS AND ANSWERS TO PROBLEM 1 HERE USE UNITS of METERS and DAYS SHOW YOUR WORK 1a) (20pts) What was the volume of recharge between the 2007 and the 2008 water years? VKzoo] *- &u {oon *i:* \?oo L,altfi^{ i too ?.3 VrPzoot- V?-7ao-t z hJ 5 $ t bLlgoaas: 2,7) lo ?.'/,e z LTlsoaos : t z{"LEAe4estu^3 Oe{O{ tl73Q **3 2"3 7. bg x tot n*'3 Remember To get full credit: SHOW HOW YOU OBTAIN THE VALUES YOU USED ON THE GRAPH ON THE PREVIOUS PAGE 1b) (spts) tf all of that water was spread uniformly throughout the basin, how much would the water level change? \,Jn"\* Lcvu\ B.*o '* V"\ **-#:; A."o SY *t .bgh l$/r*3 5om^ Sooc\,n d,D\3 NAME GW Engineering FINAL EXAM 2010 PROVIDE CALCULATIONS AND ANSWERS TO PROBLEM 2 HERE USE UNITS of METERS and DAYS SHOW YOUR WORK 2a) (1Spts) What is the volumetric flow rate through the tube? &=-k'f l{= 8"'- %5?.$Y 3,^, + O,ool VA d.o3"-fcL h= l,innX [-5*" = ?'zEn,#t's -; a-\zE '' -\: = a 5nr=- b' 3* { '.t -rL-a,. 6 ? 7,\x\a-4ts 2b) (10pts) What is the head difference across the light colored material in the middle of the tube? At, Y- c.L a al t KA 0;039 2,25r& d\ = 0.a63 nr\ Page 4 of 10 NAME GW Engineering FINAL EXAM 2010 PROBLEM #3 of METERS and DAYS - 25 points USE UNITS page. SHOW YOUR WORK Write vour answer on the followinq The confined limestone shown in the diagram below is 10 meters thick, has a hydraulic conductivity of 25 mld and a specific storage of 1x10-6 m{. The limestone abuts a crystalline rock formation to the east with a hydraulicionductivity of 2.5x10-6 m/d. That contact continues for a long distance to the north and south. The limestone is uniform and extensive for a large distance in the other three directions. 1000 cubic meters of water per day is injected in the injection wetl for 7 days then the iniection is stopped. 3a) What is the change in head from the pre-pumping condition at the observation well 1 day after the injection stops? -*-v Qfr') t, t/ ^-f* .o' zqP* <'t"' OBSERVATIOTTI iERVATtOrrr WELI JE r, b\K' le:::')': 4, }P\ IHJECTIOH WELL iIffiM t15Om I r-- \'3o*t ?: i'\ALz-qfI StXlm f 1o \3goJf'€'uD Page 5 of 10 NAME GW Engineering FINAL EXAM 2010 PROVIDE CALCULATIONS AND ANSWERS TO PROBLEM 3 HERE USE UNITS of METERS and DAYS SHOW YOUR WORK 3a) (25pts) What is the change in head from the pre-pumping condition at the obseruation well 1 day after the injection stops? T* V b - t:lr;-/drA $* $sb€ \ -*4' in ied.o^ 4* tr$4\'ffcSrin"a e u=S = 0.00 q?V ,^JA") - J, b 68 D 4TI t*re,\\ tala- br.$.rar^.t ?r ,.tl't of trc,\l \ &"*& *iry s= # --ra\' u[*) rr b\ : o.oo38zf rr 1[,rr)sd % =5 J27' = {'11 - O,Dt ilVZf r\ - 7'b{ \ -6. -A LoP*?A rr z d.ool ge8 fu: o 6) w -Tft6 rn - I , $u "q tgi t0. 56 f6, s6 & r- \. 5a l. l.t b .!e - va\ 1,3 2 "r. hF' \^€r.A ris€APage 6 of 10 NAME GW Engineering FINAL EXAM 2010 PROVIDE CALCULATIONS AND ANSWERS TO PROBLEM 4 HERE USE UNITS of METERS and DAYS Also MILLIGRAMS and LITERS iz S"'ffit s ) =+#^:' d.ooo3x (23pts) What is the concentration at the well? \ orn*,ln.,e, u!^h S\ol*- tpr\L. ^% o*, .oo**.Jl^g J"f)" |5)ers ffi =r:r**,[|#$t' "r*to# @"sffi] c=G eev{' l'\,2*" \ = rb *,i |'-u,-,rrr) e"it(r','r') 'r$[o'o'?.{o) l=-l5crt^ L lr,or) : o'5r? 1,rsl)[o'u'') a long period of time? 4b) (2pts) What do you think answer if you properly explain how you |ou will only get credit for this *'rr'.s''€r'(r,r[r* } lba s'"'vh b*b-tT{k {he- rna€S rn& gb een{.',rry{lr* n*at11 -\h{- s1s\erffi D\er, *tr'e:* S{.$cpart-S S dr: C a**tr firi e \h^X rS 1a1ke.+. w 6teaA"1 r\F. 'u --'r - JA r€ -d; L,.. b4€^^ \3iz^^*;lH k"s a Page 8 of 10