Field Flow Fractionation in Analysis of Polymers and Rubbers S. Kim Ratanathanawongs Williams and Maria-Anna Benincasa in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry R.A. Meyers (Ed.) pp. 7582–7608 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2000 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS Field Flow Fractionation in Analysis of Polymers and Rubbers S. Kim Ratanathanawongs Williams Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA Maria-Anna Benincasa Universitá di Roma, Rome, Italy 1 Introduction 2 Theory 2.1 Basic Theory of Retention 2.2 Molecular Weight Dependence on Physicochemical Parameters 2.3 Conversion of a Fractogram to Molecular Weight Distribution 2.4 Calibration Methods 2.5 Zone Broadening 2.6 General Theory of Asymmetric Flow Field-flow Fractionation 2.7 Retention in Hollow-fiber Channels 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 3 Instrumentation 3.1 Flow Field-flow Fractionation 3.2 Thermal Field-flow Fractionation 3.3 Detectors 4 Experimental Procedures 4.1 Sample Preparation and Handling 4.2 Sample Injection and Relaxation 4.3 Operation with Constant or Programmed Field 5 Applications 5.1 Organic-soluble Polymers 5.2 Water-soluble Polymers 6 Method Development 6.1 Determining Experimental Conditions 6.2 Effect of Sample Size 6.3 Membranes in Flow Field-flow Fractionation Acknowledgments List of Symbols 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 Abbreviations and Acronyms 21 Related Article References 21 21 13 13 13 16 17 17 18 19 20 20 Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry R.A. Meyers (Ed.) Copyright John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 Field-flow fractionation (FFF) was conceived by J. Calvin Giddings in 1966 as a separation and characterization method for macromolecules, colloids, and particulates. Like chromatography, sample migration is caused by differential interaction with a field acting along an axis orthogonal to that of the transport liquid. Unlike chromatography, where separation is achieved by solutes partitioning between mobile and stationary phases, separation in FFF arises from the distribution of sample components in fluid laminae flowing at different velocities in a single phase. The different flow velocities, described by a parabolic profile, arise from the high aspect ratio of the FFF channel. Different types of fields can be used in FFF as long as they interact with some physicochemical property of the sample. The FFF channel design makes it highly suited for analyses of fragile aggregates, high-molecularweight polymers, and gels. In comparison with packed columns, shear rates in the channel and the probability of plugging the channel are low. The ability of thermal FFF to differentiate polymers and latexes of different bulk and surface composition is unique among currently used separation techniques. The FFF family of techniques can provide a great deal of information about the sample but an initial time investment is often required for methods development. In this article, the fundamental mechanism of FFF is shown at play in the separation and characterization of polymers and rubbers by the two techniques par excellence in this field: flow FFF and thermal FFF. 1 INTRODUCTION FFF is a separation method conceived by J. Calvin Giddings in 1966..1/ It is particularly suitable for macromolecular, colloidal and diverse particulate materials extending from a few hundred.2,3/ to 1018 Da..4/ It is an elution technique and is often referred to as a chromatography-like technique. In chromatography, the solute’s rate of migration is determined by its partitioning between a mobile phase and a stationary phase in a column. In FFF, an externally applied field induces selective distribution of solutes in fluid laminae flowing at different velocities in a single phase inside a channel. The difference in the type of forces used in chromatography and in FFF defines the range of applicability of the techniques. While forces in chromatography are localized at interfaces and very selective, those used in FFF and electrophoresis are more diffuse and weaker. Consequently, the mass transport phenomena occurring in a chromatographic technique, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), tend to be slower as the solute molecular weight increases. When the molecule’s energy of interaction with the interface is significantly greater than the 2 thermal energy kT, adsorption becomes irreversible..5/ However, even before irreversible adsorption appears, structural disruption and denaturation of the macromolecular component may occur because of the strong shear forces present in the irregular flow in the tightly packed chromatography column..6/ By contrast, the FFF separation is carried out in the absence of a stationary phase within an open channel. This channel is obtained by removing a geometrical portion from a Teflon, Mylar, or polyimide spacer and then clamping the spacer between two flat parallel plates. As shown in Figure 1, the removed section of the channel is a parallelepiped with tapered ends that facilitate the flow of liquid and sample in and out of the channel. The most commonly used channel dimensions are 27 – 87 cm in length L, 1 – 2 cm in breadth b and 0.0075 – 0.05 cm in thickness w. Because of the very high aspect ratio of the FFF channel and the frictional drag at the walls, the velocity of a liquid carrier moving in the longitudinal direction has a parabolic profile with a maximum in the center and minima, virtually zero, at the walls. In the normal mode of operation, the field applied perpendicular to the flow direction drives sample components toward one wall, referred to as accumulation wall,.7/ with a velocity determined by the particle – field interaction. This field-induced displacement, optimized in the absence of longitudinal flow, is always counteracted by the diffusive flux that originates from the concentration gradient across the channel. The combination of these opposing effects results in a nonuniform distribution of components across the channel, those with a higher rate of back-diffusion being driven further away from the accumulation wall than those with a lower diffusion rate. Because of the parabolic flow velocity profile in the channel, the faster-diffusing component C shown in Figure 1 will be displaced along the channel more rapidly than component B, which has a lower diffusivity. The output signal, collected by a detector sensitive to some solute property, will thus register the elution profile of distinct peaks. The normal mode of operation described above is the one mostly used for polymer separations because of the molecular size/weight range of these particular materials. Another retention mechanism, steric FFF,.8,9/ comes into play when the component size is significant relatively to the channel thickness. This is generally the case for particle dimensions higher than 1 µm. The solute elution velocity is determined, in this case, by the extension of component particles into the flow. Larger particles extend into regions of faster streamlines because of steric exclusion from the accumulation wall and elute earlier than smaller particles. The retention order in this mode is reverse of that in the normal mode of operation. Given the precise channel geometry and the flow profile that may be described mathematically, retention POLYMERS AND RUBBERS Inflow x Field y Separated bands Outflow z FFF A channel BC D Field w b w Parabolic flow profile B C Figure 1 Schematic diagram of a typical FFF channel and the normal mode FFF separation mechanism. (Reproduced from L.F. Kesner, J.C. Giddings, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, eds. P.R. Brown, R.A. Hartwick, Chapter 15, 1989. Copyright 1989, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) in FFF may be accurately calculated in theory and related to various solute physicochemical properties..10,11/ The particular sample property controlling retention depends on the type of the applied field. The use of different fields has generated a number of FFF techniques, such as sedimentation field-flow fractionation (SdFFF).12/ when a centrifugal force is used to induce retention, flow fieldflow fractionation (FlFFF).13/ when the field is established by a transverse or crossflow of liquid, thermal field-flow fractionation (ThFFF).14/ when a thermal gradient is used, and electrical field-flow fractionation (ElFFF).15/ when a potential gradient is applied to electrically charged solutes. FFF is particularly suitable for the separation of macromolecular samples and suspended colloidal particles of various origins because of the minimal surface area of the channel compared with the total surface area of a packed chromatographic column (107 cm2 )..16/ For this reason, adsorption phenomena are greatly reduced in FFF. The driving force may be accurately adjusted to yield the desired levels of retention without the need to change the column as in chromatography and sample distribution between zones is very fast because no phase boundaries must be crossed. A rich literature is available for a great number of applications from colloids of environmental origin.17/ to bacteria and viruses..18/ 2 THEORY The theory of retention discussed in this section is developed for point particles at infinite dilution, that 3 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS is, for species with negligible size with respect to the channel dimensions, particularly its thickness. When this assumption is not satisfied corrections must be made to account for the particle size. One such correction is considered in the retention model for steric FFF. 2.1 Basic Theory of Retention Let us consider the space between two parallel plates and a field applied orthogonal to them in the xdirection (measured across the channel thickness from the accumulation wall). Under the effect of the field alone, component particles are displaced with a velocity U. The particles’ motions give rise to a field-induced flux Uc defined as the number of particles per unit cross-sectional area per unit time directed toward the accumulation wall, that is in the negative x-direction. The field-induced displacement is, however, counteracted by a diffusive flux proportional to the concentration gradient dc/dx through the component’s diffusion coefficient D and directed in the positive x-axis direction. The mass transport across the channel determines a net flux Jx given by Equation (1): Jx D Uc D dc dx .1/ The concentration profile across the channel thickness reaches a steady state when the field-induced and diffusive fluxes are at equilibrium. At this point the net flux is equal to zero. Equation (1) is integrated and solved, assuming constant U and D, to give an equation that describes the steady state concentration profile (Equation 2): c.x/ jUj x .2/ D exp c0 D where c0 is the concentration at the accumulation wall, x is the distance from the wall, and jUj is negative for consistency with the coordinate system. Concentration decreases exponentially from the accumulation wall. Since it may be shown that an exponential distribution behaves as a much thinner layer positioned at a characteristic height `, Equation (2) may be rewritten as Equation (3): x c.x/ .3/ D exp c0 ` where (Equation 4) `D D jUj .4/ The mean layer thickness ` is a measure of the average distance of a sample component from the accumulation wall. It is apparent from Equation (4) that ` depends on the opposing effects of the field that acts to compress the solute layer and the diffusion process that broadens it. The quantity ` is frequently expressed in the dimensionless form shown in Equation (5): lD ` D D w jUjw .5/ where w is the channel thickness and l is the retention parameter basic to FFF equations. Since l may be shown to be dependent on the field strength and on a sample – field interaction constant, each component will have a characteristic l value. After the formation of the steady-state zone, a stream of liquid is allowed to flow along the longitudinal axis of the channel. Component particles are then carried downstream with an average velocity that depends on the region where they are found. The sample distribution at this point assumes a Gaussian distribution in the longitudinal direction because of the free diffusive motion of component molecules between regions of different velocities across the channel. The elution time will then be different for different components and may be used to measure the sample elution velocity once the channel void volume is known. Elution time, however, is not the most universal parameter defining the behavior of a species migrating along a chromatographic column or an FFF channel since it always depends on the average fluid velocity. The dimensionless retention ratio R, defined as the ratio of component migration velocity vp to the mean fluid velocity hvi (Equation 6), RD vp hvi .6/ is a more useful parameter. R is widely used in separation techniques as a measure of the retardation of the solute relative to the liquid carrier flow velocity. It is a more universal measure of retention than elution time and only depends on the field strength and on the particle property responding to the field, regardless of the flow velocity. It then frees the mathematical architecture from a variable. In the expression of R, the solute mean migration velocity is the average of the particle velocities expressed as vp D hcvi/hci..19/ Inserting this expression into Equation (6), substituting the concentration term with Equation (3) and the parabolic function to calculate v, and using Equation (5), one obtains an expression for R whose solution is given by Equation (7): 1 2l .7/ R D 6l cot h 2l Equation (7) is the basic retention equation in FFF. It shows that retention is solely dependent on l, which is characteristic of each eluting species. Approximate forms of Equation (7) may be used for low l values or high levels of retention. In particular, the approximation R D 6l has 4 POLYMERS AND RUBBERS an error of 20% at R D 0.25. The empirical relationship R D 6.l 2l2 / has the greater range of applicability with less than 10% error up to R D 0.7. The retention ratio may also be written as R D t0 /tr since V D L/tr and hvi D L/t0 , where t0 is the residence time of the eluent or of a nonretained component and tr the average sample residence time or retention time. In theory, any external field to which sample components are responsive may be used to induce selective retention and fractionation by FFF. The applied field determines the type of interaction and hence the sample property that will be measured. Besides FlFFF, ThFFF, SdFFF and ElFFF, the theoretical foundation has also been laid down for many less developed FFF techniques. One such technique uses a concentration gradient in a solvent mixture to establish a chemical potential gradient capable of driving solutes towards regions of lowest potential [concentration field-flow fractionation (CFFF)]..20/ A nonuniform electric field that induces charge polarization may exert selective dielectrophoretic forces on component particles and generate fractionation..21/ Interesting applications are reported using a magnetic field..22/ Photophoretic FFF.23/ is based on the transfer of momentum from a photon to a particle. An acoustic wave field.24/ may induce retention selective to particle diameter in addition to other parameters. The present discussion focuses on the FFF techniques that have been applied to polymer separations: FlFFF and ThFFF. These techniques have been extensively used for a great number of different samples. They are the FFF techniques par excellence for polymer fractionation. ElFFF has shown its potential only with a new channel design.25/ and may prove to be very useful for the characterization of charged polymers. In his investigations on the theory of Brownian motion, Einstein.26/ showed that in a system of point particles at infinite dilution, i.e. in the absence of flow perturbations due to the motion of one particle affecting another, the diffusion coefficient is inversely proportional to the friction coefficient (Equation 8): DD kT f .8/ If D is replaced with the Einstein equation and the relationship for the field-induced velocity specific for FlFFF (U D VP c /Lb) is used in Equation (5) one obtains lD kT V 0 f VP c w2 .9/ In Equation (9), the relationship V 0 D Lbw is also used to replace Lb with V 0 /w. It is worth noting that Equation (9) depends on the friction coefficient f as well as on the instrumental parameters V 0 and w. This is not the case with SdFFF where both D and U depend inversely on f , which then cancels out in the ratio D/jUj. The dependence of the retention parameters l and R on the friction coefficient in FlFFF is the key to obtaining solute physicochemical parameters from FFF measurements. More than a century before Einstein’s work in this area, Stokes.27,28/ found a quantitative relationship between the shape and the dimensions of a moving particle and its friction coefficient. For a spherical body of radius R0 moving in a fluid of viscosity h he showed that the friction coefficient could be expressed by Equation (10): f0 D 6phR0 .10/ Stokes’ equation may be used to relate diffusion coefficient to particle dimensions. Correction factors that extend Stokes’ relation to nonspherical particles were first introduced by Perrin.29/ and Herzog et al..30/ for solids of revolution such as prolate (cigar-shaped) and oblate (disk-shaped) ellipsoids. They chose to express the departure of the actual friction coefficient f , for an ellipsoid with axes of symmetry of different length from the friction coefficient of a sphere of same volume f0 . They found a quantitative relation between f /f0 and the ratio a/b of the semimajor axis a to the semiminor axis b. By combining Equations (8) and (10), Equation (11): D0 D kT 6phR0 .11/ is obtained. The Stokes – Einstein relation in Equation (11) is derived considering equivalent particle orientation which applies rigorously only to spherical bodies. The substitution of Equation (10) into Equation (9) gives the expression for l in FlFFF (Equation 12): lD V0 kT 6phR0 VP c w2 .12/ which shows explicitly the effective size-based separation in normal-mode FlFFF where samples are retained proportionally to their hydrodynamic dimensions. The expression for l in ThFFF is derived using a conceptual procedure similar to that followed for FlFFF. The derivation of this expression is complicated, however, by the distortion of the parabolic flow profile due to changes of viscosity with temperature across the channel..31,32/ In 1856, Fick (and later Soret in 1859) showed that if a salt solution of uniform concentration in a tall container is heated at the top and cooled at the bottom, a flux of matter originates that increases the salt concentration at the cold end of the column. This effect, named after Soret, is known as thermal diffusion since it is clearly a diffusive effect occurring only in the presence of a thermal gradient. The equation of flux (Equation 1) 5 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS set for molar thermal and diffusive fluxes gives dT dT dc C cg DT c Jx D D dx dx dx to Equation (16): .13/ where DT is the thermal diffusion coefficient and g is the coefficient of thermal expansion. The solution for zero net flux at the steady state yields the retention parameter for ThFFF (Equation 14): dT a Cg lD w T dx 1 .14/ where a is the thermal diffusion factor equal to DT T/D..33/ Both a and dT/dx depend on the local position x and thus on the temperature. The ordinary diffusion coefficient is strongly dependent on the temperature through the T/h term in Equation (11) where 1/h also increases with T. In the case of flexible-chain macromolecules, it must be borne in mind that, on polymer chemistry theoretical grounds, the molecular coil is expected to expand on increasing temperature as a consequence of the increased excluded volume. This property is treated in terms of the second virial coefficient..34/ The tendency of polymer hydrodynamic dimensions to increase with temperature is reported in light-scattering studies..35/ The local temperature gradient is not independent of T .31,32/ but the dependence is relatively small. DT is shown to depend on temperature.36/ but to a smaller extent than the ordinary diffusion coefficient. In the standard theory of FFF, however, l is generally used in an approximate form that is valid at high retention where the sample cloud is very close to the accumulation wall. The local values of dT/dx and a may therefore be assumed to be the same as those at the cold wall..37/ The term g becomes negligible.31/ and l may be rewritten as in Equation (15): l³ D T c D dT dT aw DT w dx c dx c .15/ where .dT/dx/c is the temperature gradient at the cold wall. 2.2 Molecular Weight Dependence on Physicochemical Parameters Synthetic polymers are often flexible-chain molecules whose dimensions cannot be defined precisely and must be considered as average values of all the configurations that the molecules assume. In such a situation it is convenient to introduce a new parameter called the radius of gyration, Rg . It is found from polymer theory that molecular weight may be related to polymer molecular dimensions through this statistical parameter according R2g / M M0 .16/ where M is the molecular weight and M0 is the molecular weight of the repeat unit (constant for synthetic homopolymers). The equivalent radius Re , defined as the radius of an equivalent sphere having the same value of the friction and diffusion coefficients as the polymer, is a convenient parameter that is often used. Since it may be demonstrated that Rg / Re ,.34,38/ equations dependent on Rg may be written in terms of the equivalent radius. For approximately spherical molecules, the volume of the molecule is linearly related to molecular weight. This may be expressed as Equation (17): R0 / M1/3 .17/ where R0 is the radius of a spherical particle. Globular proteins are an example of a real system that satisfies the model of a rigid spherical body. Even in such a simple case however, correction factors must be applied to Equation (17) to account for the hydration volume and deviation from the perfectly spherical symmetry. When the polymer molecule is a statistical chain that is allowed to meander randomly in a Brownian-like way with no forbidden physical volume, polymer theory shows that hR2g i is proportional to the number of repeat units in the macromolecule chain given by N D M/M0 . It follows that the equivalent radius (or Stokes radius) is given by Equation (18): Re / M1/2 .18/ If the polymer chain is not allowed to self-cross, there is some space occupied by other polymer segments from which each segment is excluded. Polymer conformations are significantly affected by the excluded volume and the equivalent radius for a three-dimensional polymer chain model becomes (Equation 19): Re / .M6/5 /1/2 .19/ Based on the model of the equivalent sphere (Stokes – Einstein relationship), Equation (11) may be applied to polymers in solution, and the diffusion coefficient, at a given temperature, may be related to molecular weight through the polymer equivalent dimensions Re and the friction coefficient..38,39/ Substituting Equation (18) or (19) into Equation (11) and grouping together all the constants, we obtain Equation (20): D D AM b .20/ where A is constant for a given polymer type and b is an exponent that depends on the polymer conformation in 6 POLYMERS AND RUBBERS solution. The value of the exponent in Equation (18) is obtained on theoretical grounds, considering zero attractive or repulsive interactions between different polymer segments as well as between polymer molecules and the surrounding medium. It also assumes infinitely dilute systems of neutral, nonfree draining molecules with average spherical symmetry. A system under these conditions is defined as a -system (theta-system) at temperature. -conditions are set by the type of solvent (which determines the energy of interaction with the polymer molecules) and by the temperature. Generally, only one solvent behaves as a -solvent for a given polymer type. Therefore, the theoretical value of the b exponent is always related to a specific polymer – solvent system at -temperature. The excluded volume has a considerable swelling effect on flexible-chain molecules and on the dependence of particle size on molecular weight. The excluded volume effect is similar to and may also be thought of as that due to a good solvent or to a temperature higher than the -temperature. By relating the diffusion coefficient and molecular weight at a given temperature, Equation (20) allows FFF-measured parameters to be correlated with the polymer molecular weight. Combining Equations (12) and (20), it appears that l in FlFFF is inversely dependent on molecular weight, that is, the zone mean migration layer decreases as the polymer molecular weight increases (Equation 21): l D AM b V0 VP c w2 .21/ A similar expression for ThFFF is complicated by the DT term in Equation (15). In the classical theoretical treatment of FFF, DT is considered independent of molecular weight,.37/ as predicted and experimentally observed by some authors.40/ (see section 5.1). Other authors,.41,42/ however, report a molecular weight dependence of the thermal diffusion coefficient. Assuming that, at a given temperature, we have (Equation 22): DT D BMb .22/ and considering Equation (20) for the dependence of the ordinary diffusion coefficient on molecular weight, the overall contribution of molecular weight to l in ThFFF is given by the D/DT term as Equation (23): A D D M DT B .bCb/ D M n .23/ where D A/B and n D b C b. The parameter must be temperature dependent because of the dependence of D on temperature. Equation (23) substituted into Equation (15) yields a negative exponential correlation between l and the molecular weight (Equation 24): l D M n w 1 dT dx c .24/ 2.3 Conversion of a Fractogram to Molecular Weight Distribution To obtain a meaningful molecular weight distribution of a polymer sample, it is necessary that elution occurs in the same mode (normal, steric, etc.) over the entire retention time interval with a monotonic function of some sample property. Transformation of a fractogram from a time-based function to a molecular weight function is readily accomplished but requires a correction to the amplitude to account for the nonlinear relationship between M and tr . The mass abundance in a time P r , must equal the interval dtr , corresponding to /Vdt mass comprised in the corresponding molecular weight interval dM. Integrating the mass distribution m(M) over that interval yields Equation (25): P r m.M/ dM D /Vdt .25/ where c(tr ) is the detected sample concentration at time tr and VP is the volumetric channel flow rate. For dtr ! 0, Equation (25) becomes Equation (26): dtr m.M/ D /VP dM .26/ The scale correction function dtr /dM allows the conversion of the retention timescale to the molecular weight scale. For a normal-mode elution, the molecular weight distribution may be obtained in theory from first principles..43/ 2.4 Calibration Methods It may be shown that the scale correction function depends on the constants A and b for FlFFF and and n for ThFFF, through the dependence of l on molecular weight. These constants may be found from theory and are available in literature for a wide number of polymer – solvent systems. However, it is common laboratory practice to obtain them through a calibration procedure with a set of well-characterized, narrowly distributed polymer standards whose molecular weights have been measured by some absolute technique such as light scattering, viscometry or osmometry. To obtain A and b values that can be transferred to an unknown polymer sample, calibration must be performed with standards of the same or similar composition as the unknown, in the same carrier liquid and at the same temperature. Constants A and b for the FlFFF analysis of 7 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS polymers are obtained from the intercept and slope of a plot of the measured log D versus log M (Equation 27): log D D log A b log M .27/ derived from Equation (20). The plot of log l versus log M would also give these constants. A similar log lT versus log M plot provides the constants and n for the calibration in ThFFF. Gao and Chen.44/ and Giddings.45/ have shown the system transferability of the ThFFF calibration constants. A more detailed treatment of the ‘‘universal calibration’’ in ThFFF.46/ also accounts for the change of the cold wall temperature on polymer retention and on the calibration constants. FFF constants allow a more universal calibration than size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) since they are derived from fundamental physical properties of the carrier liquid and of the polymer under investigation and do not depend on any system parameter. In contrast, calibration in SEC has no rigorous theoretical grounds; it is not valid for some pore structures.47/ and it is therefore not system transferable. Moreover, it is still under evaluation for some types of polymers.48 – 50/ and does not always apply to different polymer samples.51,52/ even when run in the same column under the same conditions..16/ Calibration in FFF may also be performed using a set of polydisperse standards.53,54/ or with a single broadly disperse sample when the relative molar mass is measured at two or more retention times by an absolute technique such as light scattering.55/ or mass spectrometry..56/ It should be noted that absolute molecular weight (M) measurements made by FlFFF combined with mass spectrometry show an excellent data fit for log l (and thus D) versus log M at molecular weight values far lower than those predicted from polymer theory. 2.5 Zone Broadening The previous discussion on calibration in FFF assumed that broadening of the peak was due solely to molecular mass differences. In contrast, a number of concomitant effects contribute to the increase in peak width. A measure of zone spreading, and hence of resolution, is given by the plate height. As with other separative techniques, the overall plate height in FFF is given by the sum of contributing uncorrelated terms (Equation 28): X H D Hl C Hn C Hr C Hp C Hi .28/ In Equation (28), the zone spreading due to longitudinal diffusion Hl arises from concentration gradients along the sample plug and increases with the residence time. It is linearly related to the diffusion coefficient as Hl D 2D/Rhvi and therefore becomes negligible for very slowly diffusing components such as macromolecules. In contrast, the nonequilibrium term Hn arising from the random displacement of component molecules across the channel is one of the dominant contributions to peak broadening in FFF. The band spreading associated with the time needed for the zone to reach the equilibrium position in the presence of the longitudinal flow, Hr , may be minimized by adopting aPstop-flow procedure (see later). Other contributions, Hi , associated with system nonidealities such as dead volumes or injection volumes, may be disregarded in a well-designed channel. The spreading due to differences in a characteristic property such as molecular weight Hp is only an apparent broadening. It arises from the fact that individual molecules of a macromolecular or a particulate sample may differ somewhat from one another in their relative mass or size and are retained to a slightly different extent. If the difference in M is not large enough to produce distinct peaks, the sample zone will appear as a broadened peak with different mass elements continuously distributed in a molecular weight interval. It may be shown that (Equation 29):.57/ Hp D LS2M .µ 1/ .29/ where µ D MW /MN is the sample polydispersity index which gives a measure of the departure of the weightaverage molecular weight MW from the number-average molecular weight MN . For monodisperse samples, the two averages coincide. It appears from Equation (29) that the plate height, and hence resolution, strongly depend on the system selectivity SM , which is defined as the retention volume difference of components of different M relative to the molecular weight difference (Equation 30):.58/ d ln Vr d ln R D .30/ SM D d ln M d ln M The subscript M denotes a molar mass-based selectivity whose value is a measure of the system ability to discriminate samples by their mass. Under conditions of high retention, the approximation R D 6l may be used and SM becomes in the limiting form (Equation 31): d ln l .31/ SM D d ln M Application of Equation (31) to Equations (21) and (24) shows that selectivity values for FlFFF and ThFFF coincide with the exponent of molecular weight, i.e. b in FlFFF and n in ThFFF. Assuming that the thermal diffusion is independent of molecular weight, b and n may be associated with the polymer molecule conformation in a given solvent and temperature system. From polymer theory, values of exponent b are predicted to be 0.33 for solid spheres, 0.5 for random-coil macromolecules.39/ in -conditions and about 0.7 for 8 flexible-chain polyelectrolytes..59/ The theoretical selectivity for FFF is considerably higher (0.5 – 0.7).60/ than that for SEC, where typical values range between 0.05 and 0.1..58,61/ Differences in selectivity when polymers are analyzed in organic solvents or aqueous solutions are expected considering that water generally behaves as a good solvent for hydrophilic polymers whereas -systems are mostly reported for neutral polymers in organic solvents. The theoretical value of 0.588.38,62/ for polystyrene (PS) in tetrahydrofuran is obtained in ThFFF at a specific cold wall temperature..46/ The same polymer, run in ethylbenzene by FlFFF,.63/ gives a selectivity ranging between 0.51 and 0.56. Synthetic water-soluble polymers are generally fractionated with a selectivity above 0.6..64 – 69/ Polyvinylpyridine is an interesting example of a polymer that behaves as a neutral statistical chain in tetrahydrofuran and as a charged coil in water where it is soluble only as a polyelectrolyte. This polymer, bearing a six-term aromatic ring in the repeat unit, is fractionated with a selectivity of 0.51 in tetrahydrofuran by ThFFF and of 0.62 in an aqueous medium at low pH..65/ Systematic studies of polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution by FlFFF indicate a strong effect of the solution ionic strength on the selectivity, which generally decreases with increasing concentration of the added simple electrolyte..68/ Further investigations on the change in selectivity with the ionic strength of aqueous solutions and with the type of added electrolyte have been used to show specific interactions between the polymer and some metal ions..69/ Retention and selectivity in ThFFF of neutral polymers in organic solvents appear to increase with rising solubility parameters of the polymer – solvent system..70/ This effect was first registered in early investigations on ThFFF of polymers..37/ Comparative studies on the separation of copolymers by ThFFF and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) show that only the former yields a good separation of a diblock copolymer of poly(styrene-co-isoprene) from a triblock poly(styrene-co-isoprene-co-styrene)..71/ This ThFFF separation is attributed to the difference in thermal diffusion coefficient of the two polymers. 2.6 General Theory of Asymmetric Flow Field-flow Fractionation The general concepts of FFF were first developed for uniform field strengths and constant flow velocities along the channel. The symmetric FlFFF channel, shown in Figure 2(a), was designed to achieve these characteristics. In 1987, Wahlund and Giddings.72/ introduced a new design of a FlFFF channel with only one permeable wall and no independent transverse flow. In this variant of FlFFF named ‘‘asymmetric FlFFF’’, shown in Figure 2(b), the permeable upper wall is replaced by a solid glass POLYMERS AND RUBBERS Symmetric flow FFF Crossflow in Permeable frit Membrane Permeable frit (a) Crossflow out Asymmetric flow FFF Glass wall Membrane Permeable frit (b) Crossflow out Hollow-fiber flow FFF Crossflow out Hollow-fiber membrane walls (c) Crossflow out Figure 2 Different configurations of FlFFF channels. The symmetrical (a) and asymmetric (b) channels are commercially available and thus more commonly used than the hollow-fiber configuration shown in (c). plate that conveniently allows visual inspection of the interior of the channel. Both the channel and crossflow originate at the channel inlet but exit the channel as two separate streams at the channel and crossflow outlets. Using this asymmetric channel configuration, a crossflow velocity gradient is established across the channel thickness. The sample concentration in the transverse coordinate in this design may no longer be described by Equation (3), but it approaches the exponential distribution of the standard FFF model for highly retained samples. Expressions for R and l are found following the same mathematical procedure as in the symmetric configuration but taking into account that the flow velocity profile is linearly decreasing along the channel at a rate determined by the crossflow velocity. For high retention levels (x/w ³ 0.1), l may again be approximated by Equation (9). Rectangular and trapezoidal.73/ shaped channels have been used in asymmetric FlFFF. In the latter case, the breadth decreases as a function of channel length. An exponential 9 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS decrement in channel breadth.74/ is shown to give a constant average channel flow velocity. 2.7 Retention in Hollow-fiber Channels An interesting but commercially unavailable configuration of FlFFF utilizes a hollow cylindrical fiber with porous walls in place of the rectangular channel..75/ In this arrangement, illustrated in Figure 2(c), the axial flow is provided by an external pump connected with the inlet of the hollow-fiber membrane while the transverse flow is obtained by removing liquid radially from the channel with a second pump. The two flow velocity profiles in this configuration are different from any of the previously described FlFFF systems, both being variable with the distance Z from the inlet because of the pressure drop along the channel. From studies of fluid dynamics in hollow fibers,.76/ it is found that the axial and radial flow velocities decrease exponentially as a function of Z and the permeability of the fiber and the fluid viscosity. Retention time in this type of channel is a function of channel length and Péclet number. 3 INSTRUMENTATION An FFF system is generally assembled in a manner similar to that of a chromatographic apparatus. It uses most of the ancillary equipment employed in chromatography such as injector valves, pumps for the carrier liquid delivery, detectors, and some data acquisition devices such as chart recorders or more conveniently computers. A generalized FFF system is shown in Figure 3. 3.1 Flow Field-flow Fractionation FlFFF is the most universally applicable FFF technique because any solute particle is subject to transport in a liquid stream. As shown in Figure 4, the spacer containing the channel form is clamped between two parallel blocks of some material such as Plexiglas, polyethylene, anodized aluminum, or stainless steel that accommodate two porous frit panels with 2 – 5-µm pores. Ceramic frits are more commonly used while polyethylene,.64,77/ polypropylene,.18,78/ and stainless steel.63,64,79/ are generally employed with clamping blocks of the same material. An important component of the FlFFF channel is a permeable, generally polymeric, membrane placed over the accumulation wall to impede sample loss through the frit. Given the importance of the membrane in the successful application of FlFFF, a specific section (section 6.3) is dedicated to this topic. The design of the asymmetric FlFFF channel is somewhat different from that of the symmetric channel, as shown in Figure 2(b), but besides the dissimilarity of the channel geometry and the absence of the top porous wall it bears few differences from the symmetric FlFFF system. Some operational procedures, such as sample injection and relaxation, however, differ from those routinely used in the symmetric channel. A hollow-fiber channel has to be placed in a mantle, possibly of cylindrical symmetry, such as an empty stainlesssteel chromatographic column, and the two coaxial tubes sealed to each other at the ends. The mantle must have a port connected to a crossflow pump that draws fluid out through the wall of the fiber. The channel flow is supplied by another pump connected to one of the hollow-fiber extremities. Sample injection and relaxation also in this case are particular to the set-up and will be dealt with in section 4.2. Standard FFF theory assumes constant and uniform field strength and average flow velocity in the length and breadth dimension (edge effects not considered). Therefore, accurate control and continuous measurements of both these parameters are necessary when operating an FFF system. In FlFFF, the pump flow rates for both the longitudinal and transverse streams must be kept constant and continuously checked because, after mixing inside the channel, both flows may exit the channel through the outlet with the lower pressure. It is therefore of primary importance to equalize the pressures at the channel and crossflow outlets. This is achieved by placing back-pressure regulators at one or both outlets Control Computer Injection valve Data acquisition Pump Detector Field Flow rate measurement Fraction collector Carrier reservoir Channel Figure 3 FFF system assembled with the ancillary equipment. Waste 10 POLYMERS AND RUBBERS Channel flow in (sample injection) Crossflow in Channel flow out (to detector) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FFF ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, chan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Clamping block Porous frit Spacer Membrane Porous frit Clamping block Crossflow out Figure 4 Diagram of the constituent elements of a FlFFF channel. (Reprinted from M.H. Moon, J.C. Giddings, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 11, 911 – 920 (1993). Copyright 1993, with permission from Elsevier Science.) and checking the pressure with in-line pressure gauges. An easy, cheap, but time-consuming method to check the flow rates is to measure the liquid volumes displaced over unit time with a buret and a stopwatch. Alternatively, a balance can be used to measure the weight of the carrier liquid exiting from each outlet as a function of time. The balance may be connected to a computer.80/ to store data on time-dependent flow rates that may be used for accurate calculations of the retention parameters. This is particularly useful in programmed runs (see later) where the field strength, and hence the crossflow rate, is varied with some function of time. 3.2 Thermal Field-flow Fractionation ThFFF channels (Figure 5) are formed by clamping a polyimide spacer (with the FFF channel volume removed) between two copper blocks with highly polished nickel or chromium surfaces. The field in this system is a thermal gradient that is provided by electrically heated metal elements inserted into one block and a stream of cold water flowing through the second block. Holes are drilled into the copper blocks to allow the insertion of temperature-measuring probes at different positions along the channel. 3.3 Detectors Virtually any of the detectors used in chromatography is compatible with FFF apparatus. The HPLC separation Channel inlet Channel outlet Hot copper bar yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Cartridge heater Spacer Cold copper bar Coolant circulation Figure 5 ThFFF channel. (Reprinted with permission from J.C. Giddings, V. Kumar, P.S. Williams, M.N. Myers, Adv. Chem. Ser., 227, 3 – 21 (1990). Copyright 1990, American Chemical Society.) mechanism generally induces a concentration of the initial sample plug so that samples of continuously decreasing concentration may be detected. In FFF, the solute plug undergoes considerable concentration during the relaxation process.81/ and considerable dilution during separation and elution. While reduction of the injected sample mass is always sought, particularly for high-molecular-weight polymer samples, the final concentration must be considered and the injected load adjusted to give a good signal-to-noise ratio. Nonspecific detection methods, such as refractive index.61,71,82,83/ or viscosity,.84/ may be generally used while others may be employed only when the solute is susceptible to specific response. This is the case for spectrophotometric detection, one of the most widely used methods in chromatography and FFF. Spectrophotometric detection FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS M 106 105 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ve (mL) (a) 1.0 dW/dM 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 105 106 MW (b) Rg (nm) 100.0 mass distribution..85/ The Mie theory.86/ used in these corrections takes into account the dependence of the scattered intensity on the particle size, the refractive index, and the scattering angles. Fluorescence detection is most often used with derivatized samples..87/ A recent development in polymer characterization is the coupling of FFF with a multiangle light scattering (MALS) detector..88 – 91/ This hyphenated system combines the high resolution capabilities of FFF with the absolute and independent molecular weight determination of light scattering, thus eliminating the need to calibrate the FFF system. The absolute determination of molar masses by MALS also allows for small nonidealities in the operating conditions such as fluctuations in temperature and flow rate. The best results are obviously obtained when optimum separation conditions are used and in the absence of nonidealities. The high fractionating capability of FFF is registered as an increase in the relative molar mass along the eluted peak as shown in Figure 6(a – c). The integrated FFF MALS apparatus has also allowed an indepth study of the effect of experimental conditions such as injected sample mass or crossflow rate on the elution and fractionation of polymer samples..92/ A detailed discussion on these topics may be found in sections 6.1 and 6.2. The generally low sensitivity of laser light scattering detection is a problem, particularly for low-molecularweight components and polyelectrolytes whose molar mass determinations are meaningful only at high ionic strength..93/ This problem has been overcome by coupling an electrospray mass spectrometer to a FlFFF channel.56/ as mentioned in section 2.4. 4 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 10.0 4.1 Sample Preparation and Handling 1.0 105 (c) 11 106 M Figure 6 ThFFF/MALS of PS microgel. (a) Increase in molecular weight with increasing elution volume Ve ; (b) molecular weight distribution determined from MALS (dashes) and calculated by calibration (open circles); (c) radius of gyration Rg versus molecular weight. (Reproduced by permission of Wiley-VCH from Antonietti et al..90/ ) depends on the absorption of radiant energy of specific wavelengths by the chromophores. However, when the solute particle size becomes comparable to the detector wavelength, the output signal is considerably affected by light scattering. Consequently, the measured signal must be corrected in order to obtain an accurate No special treatment is generally required for the preparation of samples to be analyzed by FFF. Specific procedures, such as extraction, purification, and concentration, may be necessary for polymers of natural origin since synthetic polymers undergo sample purification as part of the production process. As mentioned previously, the narrow sample pulse injected in an FFF channel undergoes considerable changes in concentration as it is relaxed and fractionated.81/ (see later). The concentration of the injected polymer sample solution is therefore a parameter that must be carefully controlled. Injection of large sample masses affect the plate height.94/ even before the effect of overloading is registered by other retention parameters. The sample concentration during relaxation depends on the mass injected and can be one or more orders of magnitude higher than that of the initial sample solution depending on the retention ratio (concentration at the wall is approximately 12 equal to the sample concentration divided by l which is expected to be 0.1). The effect of molecular dimensions on the concentration of polymer solutions is known from theory. Four model polymer solutions are generally identified: the dilute solution corresponding to a concentration of molecules separated by large volumes of solvent, the intermediate regime with a much reduced distance between polymer chains that may touch each other but still do not overlap, the semidilute, and the concentrated regime. In the last two cases, the polymer concentration is so high that chain entanglement dominates and the system may not be regarded as that of individual molecules suspended in a liquid medium. The solution properties are not governed by the properties of individual molecules and such systems will therefore have a behavior very different from that of any concentrated solution of small molecules. For this reason, the concentration cŁ corresponding to that of the intermediate regime has been the subject of several theoretical and experimental investigations. In a number of studies, the dependence of cŁ on molecular weight was found to follow a power law of the type cŁ / M a , where a is ¾0.7..95 – 97/ From considerations of the polymer coil density and volume fraction , it may be shown that the threshold value Ł for the transition between the dilute regime and the semidilute is related to the number of repeat units N in the macromolecular chain and the square of a characteristic parameter d/l (the ratio between the coil thickness d and its length l). An estimate of the volume fraction Ł shows that the onset of the semidilute regime occurs at much lower concentration for more elongated macromolecular chains. Theoretical findings are corroborated by experiments when the behavior of flexible chain polymers, for which the d/l value is between 1/2 and 1/3, is compared with that of DNA, which has a value of ¾1/50. The critical concentration for this macromolecule hence decreases 2500-fold. The experimentally determined critical concentration reported for DNA is 2.2 – 2.6 µg per 100 µL..98,99/ An injection concentration 100 times lower than the critical value is recommended in FFF experiments. For synthetic polymers, concentrations of 0.05 – 0.50 g L 1 and injection volumes of 1 – 10 µL give easily detectable peaks under conditions of total sample recovery..68/ 4.2 Sample Injection and Relaxation Sample solutions may be introduced into an FFF channel through an injection valve with a constant-volume loop such as those commonly used in chromatography or through an on-line tee-union fitted with a septum. The latter does not limit the injected volume but the polymer septum should be isolated from the channel with an on-line zero-dead-volume filter. When sample particles POLYMERS AND RUBBERS are first introduced into the channel, they are dispersed over the entire cross-section and experience the same field strength but different longitudinal migration velocities depending on their distance from the accumulation wall. While under the effect of the field alone the sample plug would concentrate in a narrow layer of exponential concentration. However, with displacement by the longitudinal flow, the plug undergoes a considerable dispersion along the channel length. This happens because molecules starting their migration far from the accumulation wall will take longer to reach the equilibrium position and will be swept ahead of species closer to the accumulation wall. A simple way to circumvent this problem and greatly reduce the relaxation contribution to the plate height is to halt the longitudinal flow as soon as the sample enters the channel. This stop-flow procedure allows the field to complete the sample relaxation process without the undesirable effects of differential migration velocities..1/ The stop-flow time, tsf , depends on the channel thickness, the field strength, and the final transverse position of the zone’s center-of-gravity. It has limits for low and high l of w2 /2D and w2 /12D, respectively. In practice, the relaxation process is started when all sample molecules have entered the channel. The delay time between the injection and the beginning of the relaxation is given by the ratio of the volume of the tubing between the injection port and the channel inlet and the volumetric flow rate. Although the stop-flow procedure has proven successful in yielding well-shaped peaks at the expected retention times, it is associated with a number of nonideal phenomena such as sample loss due to adsorption on the accumulation wall, baseline disturbance and increased analysis time. Different channel designs have been adopted to achieve sample relaxation without stopping the axial flow. A wellrelaxed sample zone can rapidly form by applying a strong field in a small area localized at the channel inlet or by reducing the channel thickness in the same region. Hydrodynamic relaxation, currently applicable only to flow systems, may be achieved by isolating the inlet portion of the depletion wall and applying a higher field strength only in that area..100/ Sample components entering the channel are rapidly transported to the accumulation wall and relaxed. This system has been mostly used for biological macromolecules..101/ The pinched-inlet channel, applicable in principle to any FFF system,.102/ has been tested experimentally on latex particles in an FFF channel under gravitational force..103/ Hydrodynamic relaxation obtained with a thin channel splitter.104/ has been examined in SdFFF with latex particle samples..105/ Hybrid split and frit-inlet FlFFF systems have been designed and tested..106/ The relaxation procedure in asymmetric FlFFF is somewhat different from that in a symmetrical system. It may be achieved virtually at any point along the channel FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS 13 length by injecting sample material at a chosen distance from the channel inlet when two inflows of carrier liquid are introduced at both the channel inlet and outlet..72/ This procedure is termed ‘‘opposing flows relaxation’’. The two flows entering the channel through the inlet and the outlet meet at a focusing point that depends on the ratio between the inlet flow rate and the sum of the inlet and outlet flow rates. The focusing point in an asymmetric channel may thus be adjusted by selecting the flow rates. Alternatively, the flow entering through the inlet end may be eliminated so that only the reverse flow is maintained. This procedure defined ‘‘reverse flow relaxation’’ allows the sample to migrate to the very beginning of the channel and relax at the inlet point. When the opposing flows relaxation is used sample material may be loaded through either the inlet or the outlet or even an independent port at a given point along the channel. In this case, an additional pump must be used. The opposing flows approach has given rise to the opposed flow sample concentration procedure which allows very large volumes of dilute sample to be loaded on to a FlFFF channel..107/ As much as 105 -fold concentration has been reported (1-L sample volume introduction). This sample concentration technique can be applied to symmetrical, asymmetric, and hollow-fiber FlFFF. In the hollow-fiber FlFFF technique, sample relaxation is obtained much as in the asymmetric set-up by pumping opposing flows in from the inlet and outlet while maintaining a constant radial flow. undergo adequate retention and separation before starting the programmed decrease of the field or increase of the fluid velocity. It has been shown that the fractionating power is a convenient universal parameter for comparing the effectiveness of different forms of programming. The diameter-based fractionating power, Fd , or the molecularweight-based FM , is defined as the resolution Rs of two sequentially eluting species divided by the relative difference in their size or molecular weight..109/ Linear and parabolic decay programs,.64,110/ the first functions to be investigated for polymer separations, resulted in a considerable improvement over a constant field strength separation. However, closer examination showed an initial rise in Fd followed by a rapid decrease as the field strength went to zero..111/ The exponential field decay program introduced by Kirkland et al..112,113/ for particle size analysis by SdFFF has been applied to polymer separations by FlFFF.114/ and ThFFF..110,115 – 117/ This type of program also resulted in an initial increase of the fractionating power followed by a strong decrease..109/ Only a power-law dependence of the field decay proposed by Williams and Giddings.118/ yielded a constant molecularbased fractionating power for a wide range of molecular weights..119/ 4.3 Operation with Constant or Programmed Field 5.1 Organic-soluble Polymers When complex mixtures have to be analyzed, differences in the property of interest of the species under investigation may be so large that no constant experimental condition may yield a satisfactory result for all species in a single run. This situation, well known in the chromatography of complex natural mixtures, is circumvented in HPLC with the so-called gradient elution, where the eluent composition is changed with time. The basic concept of gradually decreasing the retention power in order to let the most retained sample elute in a shorter time, thus gaining in detectability, has been applied to FFF..108/ Programmed field strength and/or flow rate are particularly useful for polydisperse samples whose elution would be spread over a wide time interval because of the high system selectivity. In FFF, there is an almost unlimited number of programming choices considering that both the field and the channel velocity may be varied as needed. In principle, the eluent composition may also be programmed but this option has only been applied to the carrier fluid density in SdFFF..108/ Both the fluid velocity and field strength may follow a step, linear, quadratic, parabolic, or exponential time-dependent function. In any of these forms of programming a period at constant conditions is usually applied to allow early-eluting particles to The high versatility of FFF has proven suitable to so many applications in different fields that a complete survey would be impossible. We therefore choose to report here only selected examples of the most innovative and recent applications. Many others may be found in the literature. ThFFF with field-strength programming has been used to separate PS standards with molecular weights spanning 4000 – 7 100 000 Da. In Figure 7(a), the T follows a parabolic function that decreases from 70 to 0 ° C..110/ Since this early ThFFF work, the analysis time has been dramatically reduced to 20 min without significant loss of resolution by the advent of new instrumentation and the introduction of the power program function..119/ An application of this form of programmed elution is shown in Figure 7(b). Although FFF was conceived as a separative technique, its rigorous theoretical background has demonstrated that measurements of fundamental physicochemical properties may be very accurate and in some cases unachievable by other techniques. This is the case for investigations of the thermal diffusion of polymers and copolymers and their correlation with the polymer and solvent chemical composition. Studies in this field showed a linear relationship between the thermal diffusion coefficient DT and the 5 APPLICATIONS 14 POLYMERS AND RUBBERS 1h 6h p(SI)2 + p(SIS)l 70°C 97k 20 k 4k 51k 411k 860 k 1800k 7100 k ∆T (a) GPC Response 200k Inject Void peak Void peak p(SI)2 p(SIS)l 80°C t 0 35 k ThFFF ∆T 90 k 200 k 13°C 400 k 10 20 30 40 Time (min) Response 900 k Figure 8 Co-elution of a sample of diblock copolymer of poly(styrene-co-isoprene) and triblock poly(styreneco-isoprene-co-styrene) from a GPC column and separation of the same mixture by ThFFF based on the difference in thermal diffusion coefficient. (Reprinted from Cho et al.,.71/ by courtesy of Marcel Dekker Inc.) 3800 k 0 (b) 0 5 10 15 20 Time (min) Figure 7 Separation of two mixtures of PS standards in a similar molecular weight range with field strength decay. (k D kDa) (a) Parabolic programming. (Reprinted with permission from J.C. Giddings, L.K. Smith, M.N. Myers, Anal. Chem., 48, 1587 – 1592 (1976). Copyright 1990, American Chemical Society.) (b) Power programming. (Reprinted with permission from M. Myers, P. Chen, J.C. Giddings, ACS Symp. Ser., 521, 47 – 62 (1993). Copyright 1993, American Chemical Society.) temperature at the center of the sample zone for PS in ethylbenzene.36/ and a similar correlation between DT and the mole fraction of one of the monomers in random copolymers..120/ This finding has a number of implications, one of which is that ThFFF has an additional separating dimension that allows samples to be resolved according to chemical composition as well as hydrodynamic size. This is shown in Figure 8, where the diblock copolymer poly(styrene-co-isoprene) is separated from the triblock of same size poly(styrene-co-isoprene-co-styrene) only by ThFFF. Hydrodynamic chromatography (HDC), another analytical technique for polymer separations, has a higher efficiency than FFF but, like GPC, discriminates samples only by size. Consequently, fractions of PS, polyisoprene and polybutadiene (PB) with similar hydrodynamic dimensions are only partially separated by HDC whereas they are completely resolved by ThFFF.121/ because of their different thermal diffusion coefficients. Although retention in ThFFF is dependent on DT , the evaluation of absolute values of this parameter is not straightforward since the measurable retention parameter l yields values of D/DT . DT alone may therefore be determined only if the diffusion coefficient is measured by an independent technique. One approach is to couple SEC to ThFFF and determine D using light scattering. This multidimensional approach allows the fractionation of polymer samples according to size by SEC and to thermal diffusion by ThFFF..122,123/ The usefulness of the combined SEC/ThFFF technique is demonstrated in the analysis of polydisperse samples of copolymers whose relative composition, which may vary with molecular weight, gives rise to materials with different properties. The preliminary fractionation of a polydisperse sample of PS by SEC may occur with a selectivity of 0.15 in the molecular weight range 150 000 – 1 000 000 Da and drops to 0.04 for lower M fractions..122/ This selectivity, well below that commonly found in FFF, is obtained after a system calibration with well-characterized PS fractions and the lightscattering determination of diffusion coefficients. The thermal diffusion coefficient, calculated from retention measurements once both molecular weight and ordinary diffusion coefficients are known, is generally independent of molecular weight..124/ Fractionation according to 15 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS SEC 1 (a) 8 2 4 3 10 12 B A B 2 14 B B 5 18 22 20 A A C B C A 6 B 7 A B 8 B 9 0 (b) 16 A A B 4 9 ThFFF B 3 8 7 6 5 2 A 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (min) Figure 9 (a) Size exclusion chromatogram of a blend of PS, is different and that it increases with M in the second case..122/ Increasing DT with increasing weight fractions of vinyl acetate is reported for poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) copolymers..83/ Multidimensional analysis may also be obtained by coupling a ThFFF system with HDC..126/ Samples with the same D/DT eluting from the ThFFF system are subsequently fractionated according to size by HDC. ThFFF appears to be the only separation technique suitable for the analysis of gels and rubbers.82,90,127/ because irreversible adsorption evident in other methods is minimized..90,127/ In addition, the need to filter samples prior to their injection into a GPC column results in the removal of high-molecular-weight polymer components as well as of the gel. This causes the average molecular weight and molecular weight distributions to be consistently lower in GPC than in ThFFF..127/ The open FFF channel design eliminates the problem of plugging that is encountered in GPC when gel containing samples are not filtered before the analysis. Hence polymer and gels may be completely separated within a single run by ThFFF,.128/ as shown in Figure 10. PB and PTHF and (b) ThFFF of individual fractions taken after the SEC elution. Numbers along the y-axis of the ThFFF fractogram correspond to the labeled SEC fractions in (a). (Reprinted from A.C. van Asten, R.J. van Dam, W.Th. Kok, R. Tijssen, H. Poppe, J. Chromatogr. A, 703, 245 – 263 (1995). Copyright 1995, with permission from Elsevier Science.) Void + soluble polymer Response differences in thermal diffusion coefficient alone gives information on the copolymers’ chemical composition. Figure 9(a) and (b) show the partial fractionation (a) by SEC of a blend of PS, PB, and polytetrahydrofuran (PTHF) and then (b) by ThFFF of some SEC fractions collected at different retention times. The ThFFF fractogram indicates the presence of different polymer species (fractions 3 – 6) whose measured DT are in good agreement with values of the corresponding PB and PTHF homopolymers determined by ThFFF and light scattering, e.g. 0.22 ð 10 7 and 0.47 ð 10 7 cm2 s 1 K 1 versus 0.23 ð 10 7 and 0.50 ð 10 7 cm2 s 1 K 1 ..125/ The measurement of the thermal diffusion coefficient has become a key step in the determination of copolymer relative chemical composition. Two styrene – methyl methacrylate copolymers with different styrene content analyzed by SEC/ThFFF.122/ show different DT versus retention time trends when analyzed by ThFFF, although the SEC traces are almost identical. Using a calibration plot for the SEC column based on PS standards (which is not a rigorous procedure), the fractions may be assigned a molecular weight and DT may be related to this parameter. The invariant trend of the thermal diffusion coefficient of one sample and the clearly increasing values of the second sample suggest that the styrene percentage ∆T = 90 K ∆T profile Rubber particles ∆T = 5 K 0 20 40 60 80 Time (min) Figure 10 Separation and characterization of the polymer and gel components present in acrylonitrile – butadiene – styrene plastics. (Reproduced from P.M. Shiundu, E.E. Remsen, J.C. Giddings, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 60, 1695 – 1707 (1996). Copyright 1996, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) 16 Molecular weight and particle size distributions are calculated for both the polymer and the gel components. Although other techniques have been used successfully to analyze gels and rubbers, SEC has been considered the separative methodology par excellence in spite of its limitations..129,130/ It was shown that the different DT values for different polymers have been exploited in the ThFFF analysis of core-shell latex particles..131/ The retention time is sensitive to the composition of the polymer shell. A calibration curve may be drawn to relate retention time and percentage of methacrylic acid in the shell. The sensitivity of DT to the particle surface composition is further illustrated using similar sized particles of different polymeric and inorganic surfaces..132,133/ 5.2 Water-soluble Polymers Early studies in ThFFF.37/ showed that different organic solvents had a very similar effect on the retention of polymers. In contrast, when water is used as the carrier liquid, the thermal diffusion factor a is very low and retention is negligible unless a considerable amount of some organic solvent (¾60%) is present. Except for a few results confirming the poor retention in such a solvent,.117/ water-soluble synthetic polymers have been analyzed by the most versatile technique of the FFF category, FlFFF. This technique was recognized since its first appearance as highly suited to polymer fractionation..134,135/ Although resolution and analysis time were not optimized, the early results allowed the determination of molecular parameters, such as hydrodynamic size, on the basis of theoretical concepts that have subsequently been extensively confirmed. Polyacrylamide (PAAm) is a widely employed polymer in many fields that is difficult to characterize and fractionate. Commercially available fractions of PAAm generally have a broad distribution..136/ The FlFFF fractograms of the three PAAm samples illustrated in Figure 11 consistently show the presence of low-molecular-weight components in each polymer sample..68/ A similar peak asymmetry is also observed for broadly disperse samples in organic solvents..63/ As mentioned earlier (section 2.4), in the absence of an absolute technique for the molar mass determination, the molecular weight distribution may be accurately determined by calibration. The calibration procedure, however, should be performed with narrowly distributed, wellcharacterized standards of closest possible chemical composition to the unknown. When standards with these characteristics are not available, absolute measurements of the diffusion coefficient may be used to evaluate the polymer hydrodynamic size using the Stokes – Einstein equation. The absence of non-ideal sample – wall interactions on the elution of PAAm is verified by comparing measurements POLYMERS AND RUBBERS Hydrodynamic size (nm) Poly(ether sulfone) Cellulose membrane membrane 80 k 80 000 500 000 1 400 000 500 k 12 28 49 12 29 54 1400 k 0 50 t 0 100 150 Time (min) Figure 11 FlFFF separation of three samples of PAAm of different nominal molecular weight. The hydrodynamic diameters were determined using two different membranes. (Reproduced from M.-A. Benincasa, J.C. Giddings, J. Microcol. Sep., 9, 479 – 495 (1997). Copyright 1997, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) made in solutions of identical ionic strength but with membranes of different composition, namely poly(ether sulfone) and cellulose..137/ As discussed in the theory section, the overall polymer molecular dimensions are anticipated to depend, to a certain extent, on the properties of the surrounding medium. This effect is expected to be enhanced for charged polymers. The effect of solvent and ionic strength was identified in the first study in FlFFF of water-soluble polymers..135/ Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), a polymer widely used in biomedical and biotechnological applications because of its non-toxicity, shows an almost ideal correlation between the measured diffusion coefficient and molecular weight in aqueous sodium sulfate solutions..69/ Similar to the observation reported by Hassellöv et al.,.56/ this correlation is found for polymers with molecular weights well below the range for which the general polymer scaling laws are expected to hold. The correlation between diffusion coefficient and molecular weight in potassium sulfate is very different to that in sodium sulfate. The authors attribute this difference to the capability of low-molecular-weight PEO fractions to form complexes with some metal cations, as reported in independent studies..138/ The elution profiles of PEO samples in a molecular weight range 250 000 – 1 000 000 Da may be obtained by FlFFF with good resolution as shown in Figure 12. Charged amphiphilic graft copolymers are a particular type of sample that may dramatically change their conformation in different solvents because of the presence of hydrophilic and hydrophobic 17 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS 250 000 A Absorbance 990 000 590 000 0 25 t0 50 0.002 AU B C 75 Time (min) D Figure 12 Separation of three PEO samples by FlFFF in aqueous 0.025 M Na2 SO4 . moieties derived from different homopolymers. In aqueous solutions, they form a hydrophobic core with the hydrophilic moieties on the surface. At low pH and in the presence of salts, aggregation may occur for the copolymer of styrene, methyl methacrylate and maleic anhydride with grafts of poly(ethylene oxide) monomethyl ether (MPEO)..139/ The polymer molecular conformation and solubility in water depend on the pH, which affects dissociation of the carboxyl groups, and on the solvent ionic strength. An extended conformation may exist at high pH or aggregation may occur at low pH and high ionic strength. The copolymer hydrodynamic diameter increases with decreasing pH. This effect is attributed to the formation of aggregates of less charged copolymers at low pH, a phenomenon that seemed amplified when long stop-flow times are used. When a ca. 0.002 M buffer solution is used as the carrier liquid, the molecular dimensions are considerably higher (16 – 40 instead of 2 – 20 nm) than those measured in unbuffered solutions. It is postulated that the buffer salts cause shielding of charged sites which consequently promote aggregation through hydrophobic interactions of the polymer backbone. Formation of aggregates is evidenced by the particle size distributions shown in Figure 13..140/ SdFFF is a technique usually associated with particle rather than polymer analysis. The maximum field strength or centrifuge speed of currently available commercial instruments is insufficient to induce transport of the polymers to their equilibrium positions at the accumulation wall. Consequently, retention and separation by SdFFF are poor. However, an instrument with highfield-strength capabilities can be used to characterize high-molecular-weight polymers..141/ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 d H (nm) Figure 13 FlFFF-derived particle size distributions of an amphiphilic grafted copolymer poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate-co-maleic anhydride) and MPEO. Aggregation is observed as the sodium sulfate concentration is increased. The carrier liquids used were (A) pure water, (B) 1 µM Na2 SO4 , (C) 10 µM Na2 SO4 , and (D) 100 µM Na2 SO4 . (Reprinted with permission from B. Wittgren, K.-G. Wahlund, H. Dérand, B. Wesslén, Langmuir, 12, 5999 – 6005 (1996). Copyright 1996, American Chemical Society.) 6 METHOD DEVELOPMENT 6.1 Determining Experimental Conditions Before starting an analysis, specific requirements may be set for a number of experimental parameters such as analysis time, resolution, and selectivity. A thorough discussion of this topic would require a long navigation through FFF theory and is beyond the scope of this article. Therefore, some practical recommendations are given here with reference to theoretical fundamentals on which they are based. Demonstration of these concepts may be found in the specific literature and will not be dealt with here. A generally desired characteristic is short analysis times. The retention time in FFF is linearly related to the applied field strength, ceteris paribus. This translates into a dependence on the temperature gradient, crossflow rate, solvent viscosity, channel thickness, and void volume. 18 Although in theory values of these parameters may be accurately determined, common laboratory practice has shown that void volume V 0 and channel thickness determination in FlFFF is not a trivial procedure. A peak breakthrough technique.142/ has been proposed that allows the determination of the channel void time, and related volume, from the time needed for an unretained sample to emerge from the channel under high-flow-rate conditions. Experiments must be carried out with great care and in the total absence of a crossflow. A simple way to ensure this is to block the crossflow inlet and outlet. More accurate void volume determinations may be obtained by sandwiching the spacer and the membrane between two glass plates with holes drilled through one of the plates to act as the channel inlet and outlet. The determination of the actual void volume in FlFFF may not be bypassed since it also yields a measure of the channel thickness. This last parameter is the most critical in FlFFF since the retention time varies with w2 . Molecular weight measurements, obtained from retention parameters, are strongly affected by the channel thickness. The crossflow rate VP c and channel flow rate VP have opposing effects on P An increase in tr since they contribute as the ratio VP c /V. the two flow rates which does not alter this ratio would have no effect on tr . However, l and t0 would decrease. This would translate into a decrease of the retention ratio t0 /tr and a higher compression of the sample zone with a greater probability of overloading and sample interaction with the accumulation wall. Resolution, which depends P 1/2 , would increase with the 3/2 power of the on .VP c3 /V/ crossflow rate and decrease with the 1/2 power of the channel flow rate. Studies on the effect of field strength and injected sample load on polymer fractionation by FlFFF have shown that the molar mass distribution seems to broaden with increasing crossflow rates or decreasing injected sample loads..92/ Unlike ThFFF, where the flow profile is considerably affected by the field, perturbations due to the crossflow in FlFFF are negligible..143/ In general, axial flow rates of 0.2 – 2 mL min 1 are used for polymer analysis. Low flow rates and velocities protect samples from shear degradation and peak broadening due to the nonequilibrium contribution to the plate height that depends linearly on the flow velocity. Unlike FlFFF, the retention time in ThFFF does not depend directly on the channel thickness. It depends on the void time t0 , which is related to w. The retention time is a function of the thermal gradient dT /dx, which can be increased by reducing w or increasing the hot wall temperature. The first approach is useful when the working temperature is above the solvent boiling point and further pressurization of the system to elevate the boiling point.3/ is not an option. However, the reduction of w in ThFFF is limited by heat transfer that may require substantial heat fluxes POLYMERS AND RUBBERS between the hot and cold walls. In addition to the previous considerations, w affects resolution and sample dilution in all the FFF techniques. Generally, 90 – 99% of the FFF channel volume is occupied by pure solvent during elution. The injected sample is hence very diluted on elution from the FFF channel. This effect may be reduced using stream splitters.104/ or frit outlet systems..100/ All channel dimensions may in principle be varied. An increase or reduction of either b or L has some advantages and some disadvantages. An extensive discussion on the theoretical and practical aspects of changing these dimensions is reported in the literature..144/ The dimensions of asymmetric FlFFF channels are subject to more constraints..145/ Commonly used channel flow rates in ThFFF are of the same order of magnitude as those used in FlFFF. Data collected over a 15-year period using a number of different channels have shown that retention in ThFFF is affected by the absolute value of the cold wall temperature Tc ..146/ Higher Tc values lead to lower retention with the same T. The use of binary solvents in ThFFF has been shown to enhance retention considerably in some cases. This result may be used to extend the range of applicability of ThFFF toward lower molecular weight limits..147/ 6.2 Effect of Sample Size Sample size effects on retention were described in early FFF studies..135/ These effects, common to other separation techniques, manifest themselves in FFF as distortions of the elution profile and shifts in retention time that cannot be related to any sample physicochemical property but rather to the amount of sample injected. It was also recognized in the early FFF work that the ionic strength changes remarkably the effect of sample load on retention time..135,148/ The effect of sample load depends on the polymer – solvent system rather than on the FFF technique employed. The general trend of increasing retention time with increasing injection amount is observed for FlFFF and ThFFF of PS in ethylbenzene and tetrahydrofuran..81,149/ In this case the role of molecular weight in enhancing the effect of load even at very low T values was shown. Longer retention times are also reported for higher amounts of PTHF analyzed in toluene by ThFFF..150/ The opposite trend is found in aqueous separations of particles by SdFFF.148/ and for synthetic.65,68,135/ and biological polymers..151/ The dependence of sample overloading on the physicochemical properties of the polymer – solvent system rather than on the analytical technique is substantiated by the findings that aqueous synthetic and biological polymer systems also show a decrease in retention time with increase of load in FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS hollow-fiber FlFFF..152,153/ The observed decrease in retention time with increasing sample load for particles and charged polymers has been explained on the basis of excluded volume effects. For systems where the sample volume fraction is not negligible, l values are expected to be higher than those predicted from standard FFF theory, which assumes infinitely small non-interacting species..154/ Since both the interparticle electrostatic repulsion and chain expansion due to intramolecular repulsion contribute to an increase in the effective volume occupied by the sample species, an enhanced overloading effect is expected for charged particles. In contrast, a depression of the phenomenon may be predicted with a reduction of the electrostatic effects. It follows that the ionic strength of the carrier liquid should considerably affect the onset of sample overloading. High ionic strength is expected to reduce both the overall molecular dimensions of flexible-chain macromolecules and the double-layer thickness. The reduction of these parameters decreases the effective sample volume to a greater extent than the lower solvating power of a concentrated salt solution alone. Experiments on synthetic water-soluble polymers show that the ionic strength.65/ and the type of electrolyte added to the carrier liquid may affect the relationship between sample size and retention..69,139/ 6.3 Membranes in Flow Field-flow Fractionation A unique feature of the FlFFF system is the semipermeable membrane that is laid over the frit and serves as the accumulation wall. The possibility of wrinkling or swelling of the membrane and uncertainties in the performance of the different polymer materials used in their fabrication have been the main deterrent in the development of FlFFF. The membrane used in the FlFFF channel must meet a number of specific requirements not necessarily fulfilled by commercially available membranes. The pore size and the pore density, i.e. the number of pores per unit area, have to be uniform. Inhomogeneous pore density leads to regions of nonuniform permeability and crossflow rate. The nominal and effective pore sizes are often given by the manufacturer. While the first is an absolute measurement obtained by electron microscopy, the second must be considered an indication of the membrane performance with respect to the specific probe and to the conditions used for this determination and may not be directly transferred to samples with different physicochemical properties. For example, the Celgard isotactic polypropylene membrane is marketed with a nominal pore size of 50 nm and an effective pore size of 20 nm, but samples of much smaller diameter are retained..65/ It is known that filtration through 19 a membrane is not a purely mechanical process and that a number of parameters contribute to the sample permeation or retention by a membrane. A higher percentage of latex particles of considerably smaller diameter than that of PS samples in tetrahydrofuran are retained by a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane with a nominal 20-nm pore size..155/ A regenerated cellulose membrane from Millipore with a 10 000 molecular weight cut-off (MCO) retains PEO samples in the 4000 – 1 000 000 molecular weight range whereas a membrane of the same material and from the same supplier with a lower cut-off shows no elution of the PEO samples..156/ Considering the lower MCO, it may be inferred that adsorption occurred in this case. Specific tests to check sample permeation through the membrane are always recommended, however. They may be carried out by connecting the crossflow outlet to a detector and monitoring the eluted carrier liquid for the presence of sample. The general scarcity of membranes capable of withstanding organic solvents has been one of the main limitations in the application of FlFFF to organosoluble polymers. Cellulose nitrate gave a good performance in the first experiments of FlFFF in ethylbenzene,.81/ but many more membrane materials compatible with organic solvents such as fluoropolymers, polyvinylidene, polyaramide and PTFE are now commercially available..155/ Ultrafiltration membranes such as those commonly used in FlFFF may be classified as cellulosic and noncellulosic. Cellulose and its derivatives were one of the first materials employed as a semipermeable membrane and successfully used in the FlFFF analysis of aqueous systems of proteins, synthetic hydrophilic polymers, and latex particles. Cellulosic ultrafiltration membranes are available in a variety of MCOs and are cast on a thicker, more permeable support material. The presence of this support adds robustness and ease of handling to the membrane. Thin-film (5 – 25 µm) unsupported membranes, most often noncellulosic, are more difficult to handle but their flexibility allows easy positioning on the frit wall. Unlike cellulosic ultrafiltration membranes, these mainly hydrophobic membranes do not allow wicking of carrier liquid out of the area of permeation (no leaking). An ample variety of membranes used with various solvents and samples is listed in Table 1. Besides preliminary considerations on the physicochemical properties of both the membrane material and the sample to be analyzed, an unambiguous answer on the performance of a membrane is given by a test of the absolute sample recovery..68,137,157/ This is accomplished by comparing the peak area of the output signal of a regular FFF run with the area acquired upon injecting the same sample amount through an open tube. 20 POLYMERS AND RUBBERS Table 1 Summary of membrane materials and their applications in FlFFF Membrane material Acrylic copolymer Cellulose Cellulose acetate Cellulose nitrate Fluoropolymer Polyamide Polyaramide Polycarbonate Polyelectrolyte complex Poly(ether sulfone) Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Poly(phenylene oxide) Polypropylene, isotactic Polysulfone PTFE Polyvinylidene Regenerated cellulose Regenerated cellulose, modified Sample Carrier composition Proteins, lipoproteins PAAm, humics Viruses, proteins PS PS Polyethylene, toner pigment PS Antibodies, proteins, humic and fulvic acids Proteins, viruses PAAm, PEO, Poly(styrene sulfonate), PS, carbon black, Polyethylene Proteins PS Poly(styrene sulfonate), polyvinylpyridine, proteins Minerals, cells, humic and fulvic acids, poly(styrene sulfonate), dextrans, latex PS, PEO, latex, silica PS Algae, bacteria, amphiphilic copolymers, DNA, hemoglobin, microspheres, lipoproteins, liposomes, nucleic acids, plasmids, pollens, polysaccharides, PEO, ribosomes, silicas, Poly(methyl methacrylate) PEO Aqueous solution Aqueous solution Aqueous solution Ethylbenzene Tetrahydrofuran Xylene Toluene Tetrahydrofuran Aqueous solution Aqueous solution Aqueous solution Xylene, cyclohexane Xylene Aqueous solution Tetrahydrofuran Aqueous solution Aqueous solution Tetrahydrofuran, acetonitrile Tetrahydrofuran Aqueous solution Tetrahydrofuran Ammonium acetate in methanol solution Literature related to the applications reported here may be found elsewhere..137,155,157,158/ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS / K.R.W. acknowledges support from the Colorado School of Mines by a start-up grant for this work. d D D0 DT f f0 Fd Fm H Hi Hl LIST OF SYMBOLS a A b b b B c c0 axis of prolate or oblate particles constant defined by DMb axis of prolate or oblate particles field-flow fractionation channel breadth exponent in diffusion coefficient expression empirical constant in Equation (22) particle or molecule concentration particle or molecule concentration at the wall Hn Hp time-dependent sample mass concentration at elution width of polymer chain diffusion coefficient diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution thermal diffusion coefficient friction coefficient friction coefficient of an isolated sphere diameter-based fractionating power molecular weight-based fractionating power plate height instrumental contribution to plate height longitudinal diffusion contribution to plate height nonequilibrium contribution to plate height polydispersity contribution to the plate height 21 FIELD FLOW FRACTIONATION IN ANALYSIS OF POLYMERS AND RUBBERS Hr Jx k ` l L m.M/ M M0 dM Mw MN n N R Re Rg R0 Rs SM t0 tr dtr dtr /dM tsf T Tc T U VP VP c V0 Vr hvi vp w relaxation contribution to plate height flux of particles Boltzmann constant sample mean layer thickness length of polymer chain channel length mass distribution as a function of molecular weight molecular weight molecular weight of repeat unit difference in molecular weight interval weight-average molecular weight number-average molecular weight exponent in Equation (24) number of repeat units retention ratio in Equation (6) equivalent sphere radius radius of gyration spherical particle radius resolution molecular weight selectivity void time retention time retention time difference scale correction function stop-flow time absolute temperature cold wall temperature temperature difference across the channel field-induced velocity volumetric flow rate volumetric cross flow rate void volume retention volume mean fluid velocity zone migration velocity channel thickness Greek characters a thermal diffusion factor b exponent in thermal diffusion Equation (22) g thermal expansion coefficient h fluid viscosity l retention parameter µ molecular weight polydispersity coefficient in Equation (24) or polymer volume fraction (section 4.1) FFF FlFFF GPC HDC HPLC MALS MCO MPEO PAAm PB PEO PS PTFE PTHF SdFFF SEC ThFFF RELATED ARTICLE Biomolecules Analysis (Volume 1) High-performance Liquid Chromatography of Biological Macromolecules REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 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