Stormwater Mitigation Fee Task Force Testing for Consensus By Thursday, April 30, 2015, this survey is to be completed by the voting members of the Task Force and emailed to Rusty Rozzelle at The purpose of this survey is to test for consensus among the voting members of the Task Force. Please be reminded that consensus is achieved when you “can live with” or “not object to” the proposal being made. Consensus is accepting that the decision is the best that could be made given the circumstances and the many participating interests. Consensus does not mean everyone gets everything they want. All your responses to this survey will be carefully considered by staff as we work to build consensus. In addition, a summary of the survey results, not including the names of respondents, will be provided to the Task Force prior to deliberations. Name: Organization Represented: Date Survey Completed: 1. Can you live with the mitigation fee available to certain redevelopment as described in paragraph 18-161(c) of Charlotte’s Post-Construction Ordinance (ordinance text is provided below). YES NO c) Redevelopment not within transit station areas or distressed business districts. For a period of time beginning with approval of this Ordinance amendment and ending December 31, 2017, projects involving redevelopment of existing built-upon-area and the cumulative addition of less than 20,000 square feet of new built-upon-area, are allowed by right to forego meeting the requirements of this article, except for required stream 1 Stormwater Mitigation Fee Task Force Testing for Consensus buffers and phosphorous requirements, provided one of the following measures is implemented on the site: 1) If an analysis of the downstream storm water conveyance system confirms that volume and peak control facilities may be waived by the Storm Water Administrator, provide 85 percent TSS removal from first inch of rainfall for entire project and pay the city a mitigation fee according to rates set forth in the administrative manual for the pre-project built-upon-area and any additional impervious area; or 2) If an analysis of the downstream storm water conveyance system confirms that volume and peak control facilities may be waived by the Storm Water Administrator, pay the city a mitigation fee according to rates set forth in the administrative manual for the pre-project built upon area and any additional impervious area; or (3) Provide one-year, 24-hour volume control and ten-year, six-hour peak control for entire project and pay the city a mitigation fee according to rates set forth in the administrative manual for the pre-project built-upon-area and any additional impervious area. 2. The primary reason(s) for your response to #1 above are (select all that apply): a. You think that the use of the mitigation fee negatively impacts water quality. b. You think that the use of the mitigation fee promotes redevelopment while improving water quality through the implementation of offsite stormwater control measures. c. You think that the use of the mitigation fee eliminates many of the on-site controls that offer the best method for controlling pollution. d. You think that the mitigation fees collected by the City can be more effectively used to improve watersheds on a regional basis than on-site. e. You think that the City will be better able to maintain regional devices than on-site devices maintained by property owners. f. You think that the use of the mitigation fee allows flexibility and reduces the financial impact of ordinance compliance on the owner of the property. g. You think that the use of the mitigation fee allows flexibility and reduces the economic impact of ordinance compliance on the community. h. Other (specify): 2 Stormwater Mitigation Fee Task Force Testing for Consensus 3. Your response to #2 above is based on (select all that apply): a. My interpretation of facts and information provided to the Task Force. Specify: b. Facts and information contained in literature. Specify: c. Personal observations. Specify: d. Other (specify): 4. Can you live with the mitigation fee as described in paragraph 18-161(c) above if the following were added (select all that apply): a. Mitigation allowed only when specific criteria are satisfied. Specify: b. Mitigation allowed only when there is a demonstrated hardship associated with the installation of the required onsite controls. Specify: c. Limited onsite controls required in addition to mitigation. Specify: d. Mitigation not allowed in areas that discharge immediately upstream of high quality stream segments. Specify: e. Mitigation allowed if ordinance states the required ratio (e.g. 2:1). Specify: f. Mitigation allowed if the fee is increased. Specify: g. Mitigation allowed if there is no increase in built-upon area as a result of redevelopment (remove the 20,000 additional square feet in current ordinance). Specify: h. None of the above. i. Other (specify): 3 Stormwater Mitigation Fee Task Force Testing for Consensus 5. Would you reconsider your responses to the above questions 1 through 4 if additional facts/information were made available to you? YES NO 6. If you responded “Yes” to question #5 above, describe the facts/information that you would require. 7. If you have alternatives that you would like for the Task Force to test for consensus, please describe below. 8. Please provide below any additional related information. 4