Dear Mines Community:     As you all know, we launched a strategic planning effort in March and kicked off this effort with a series 

Dear Mines Community: As you all know, we launched a strategic planning effort in March and kicked off this effort with a series of forums specifically designed to collect broad campus input. In addition, we opened an electronic survey for individuals on the campus that were unable to attend the planning forums. Since that time we have been working on distilling the range of input received into a coherent set of institutional goals. We have a committee working on this effort with membership from the faculty, student life, and central administration. This committee is currently working to use the forum inputs to: 1) frame statements that carefully express our mission, vision, and values, 2) inform overall strategic goals for the institution, and 3) identify infrastructure and business‐process projects that should be undertaken as a way of improving the institution. We plan to communicate to campus in several weeks with interim results via email. We recognize that after graduation, many faculty are engaged in activities and programs away from campus. Please watch for this communication. Your attention to and consideration of the strategic planning materials this summer will help ensure that we can continue to develop the plan in the early fall semester. Finally, as we approach graduation on Friday, I want to take a quick moment to both thank the faculty and staff for another successful year for Mines and equally important, to wish the campus a pleasant, relaxing, and productive summer. All the Best! M. W. Scoggins, President T. E. Parker, Provost 