Optimum Amplitude and Phase Control for an Adaptive Linear Array Using a Genetic Algorithm You Chung Chung * youchung@unr.edu Electrical Eng. Dept. University of Nevada Reno,NV 89557 Tel : (775) 784-6921 Fax : (775) 784-6627 Randy L. Haupt haupt@ee.unr.edu Electrical Eng. Dept. University of Nevada Reno,NV 89557 Tel : (775) 184-6927 Fax : (775) 784-6621 1. INTRODUCTION Phase-only adaptive nulling cannot generate nulls at symmetric locations about the main beam, and it has a slower convergence rate than amplitude & phase adaptive nulling [I - 31. Phase-only nulling places a null at one angle, and it causes the sidelobe at the symmetric location to go up [l, 31. The amplitude & phase adaptive nulling with a GA overcomes these problems. The performance of amplitude & phase adaptive nulling with a GA will be compared with that of phase-only adaptive nulling with a GA. In addition, the best bit setup of amplitude & phase adaptive nulling with a GA will be found in terms of convergence speed and null depths when the interference is incident at various locations-single, adjacent, symmetric and nonsymmetric about the main beam. The 32 element half wavelength spaced linear array is used and simulated, and the power of symmetric, non-symmetric and adjacent interference are symmetric. 2. ARRAYS AND GENETIC ALGORITHM An amplitude & phase adaptive h e a r array with a genetic algonthm I S shown m figure 1, and the linear a m y pattern is given by [I, 21 (1) “=I a,, = m a y weight at element n, Y = kdu , k = 27rlL, = wavelength, d = spacmg between elements, 9 = angle in degree, = nullmg phase, An=beam-steenng phase, ~ n amplitudes z are even symmetnc, and the phase is odd symmetnc [1,2,4] incident ficld clemrms Figure 1 Diagram of an amplitude and phase adaptive h e a r m a y 0-7803-5639-W99/$3000 01999 IEEE 1424 The GA controls the least significant bits of the phase shifter bits and amplitude weight bits, and minimizes output power while it maintains the main beam direction and gain. The least significant bits of phase shifter-3,4 and 5-bits are used for phase-only adaptive array, and the least significant bits of amplitude weight and phase shifter-combination of 3,4 and 5 bits--are used for amplitude & phase adaptive array. Since controlling more phase shifter bits gives higher main beam reduction, the phase shifter bits for control should be limited. The results of each bit for control are averaged over 30 runs after 25 generations when a single and multiple-adjacent, symmetric and non-symmetric-interference is incident on amplitude & phase and on phase-only adaptive array with a GA, and the results are compared. The array pattern of half wavelength spaced 32 element linear array with initial -3OdB Chebyshev amplitude taper and possible interference locations are shown in Figure 2. n -1J cg -20 G I : la-30 4 3 - 2 -40 -50 -60 1 180 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 theta in degree Figure 2. Initial array pattern with possible interference locations. 3. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Figures 3 to 6 show that the resuts of some of the best bit setup of amplitude & phase adaptive nulling are compared with those of 3, 4 and 5 bits setup phase-only adaptive nulling. Those results are averaged over 30 runs after 25 generations on each bit setup of amplitude & phase and phase-only. The 5 bits amplitude weight with 3 bits phase shifter [5, 3 bits] control adaptive nulling with a GA outperforms any other bits control phase-only and amplitude & phase adaptive nulling with a GA when interference is incident at single, adjacent, symmetric and non-symmetric locations. Especially, in figure 5, the convergence speed of [5, 3 bits] amplitude & phase adaptive nulling is faster than any other bits for control when interference is incident at symmetric locations about main beam at [50 and 1301 degrees. Adaptive nulling with a GA generates nulls quickly, and the amplitude & phase adaptive nulling with a GA outperforms any phase-only adaptive nulling with a GA. The best adaptive nulling uses a 5 bit amplitude weight with 3 bit phase shifter [5,3 bit] control adaptive nulling with a GA, and it is strongly recommended for an adaptive nulling when any interference-single, adjacent, symmetric and non-symmetric-is incident on an adaptive array. 4. REFERENCES [l]. R. L. Haupt, “Phase-only adaptive nulling with a genetic algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Antennu Propagut., vol. AP-45, pp. 1009-1015,June 1997. [2]. Y.C. Chung, and R. L. Haupt, “Amplitude and phase adaptive nulling with a genetic algorithm ” USNCNRSI National Radio Science Digest, pp. 225, Atlanta, Ga., June 1998. . [3]. R. L. Haupt, “Comparison between genetic and gradient-basedoptimization algorithms for solving electcomagnetics problems,” IEEE Trans. Mugnetics, vol. 3 1, pp. 1932-1935, May 1995. [4]. Y.C. Chung, and R. L. Haupt, “OptimizingGenetic Algorithm Parameters for Adaptive Nulling,” accepted to the 15“ Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Monterey, Ca., March 1999. 1425 Generation Figure 3. Null depth of Amplitude & phase vs. null depth of phase-only when a single interferenceis incident on 141 degrees. -30 -35 -40 0 E -45 .., z -50 -55 _-_ Amp & Ph Bits = [4 31 - Amp &Ph Bits = [5 31 1 i -6C Figure 4. Null depth of Amplitude & phase vs. null depth of phase-only when adjacent interference are incident on [130and 1351 degrees. 1426 _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _.................... _...... -60 -65 5 10 15 20 25 Generation Figure 5. Null depth of Amplitude & phase vs. null depth of phase-only at symmetric interference are incident on [50 and 1301 degrees. 0 + 0 -- 5 10 15 Generation Phase Bits = [3] Phase Bits = [4] Phase Bits = [5] Amp & Ph Bits = [3 31 Amp&PhBts=[43] Amp & Ph Bits = [531 Amp & Ph Bits = [5 41 20 25 Figure 6. Null depth of Amplitude & phase vs. null depth of phase-only when non-symmetric interference are incident at [59 and 1301degrees. 1427