Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Computational Materials Science journal homepage: Roughness and structural motifs on the Si(1 0 3) surface C.V. Ciobanu a,*, B.N. Jariwala b, T.E.B. Davies a, S. Agarwal b a b Division of Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States Department of Chemical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Available online 22 July 2008 PACS: 68.35.p 68.35.Bs 68.35.Md 68.47.Fg 68.60.p Keywords: Genetic algorithm Molecular dynamics Semi-empirical models and model calculations Surface relaxation and reconstruction Silicon Germanium a b s t r a c t Si(1 0 3) is a stable nominal orientation of silicon crystals which was shown experimentally to be rough and disordered on the atomic scale. In this paper, we investigate 2 2 structures of the Si(1 0 3) surface retrieved via a genetic algorithm optimization. We have found a number of atomic scale structural motifs that are common to most of the 2 2 low-energy reconstructions. These reconstructions are assemblies of motifs with different types, numbers, and relative positions within the 2 2 surface unit cell. This analysis leads to the idea that the disorder on Si(1 0 3) could stem not only from the presence of several reconstructions with similar surface energies and diverse morphologies, but also from the fact that the structural motifs can be assembled together in variety of configurations apparently without incurring large energetic penalties and without having to form periodic patterns. This result is supported by molecular dynamics simulations of large-area Si(1 0 3) systems which show that the structural motifs can be retrieved individually (rather than in the prescribed combinations such as those retrieved by the genetic algorithm) at temperatures around 1000 K. Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The (1 0 3) orientation is stable both for silicon and germanium, i.e. it does not have a thermodynamics tendency to facet into other surface orientations. Studies of surface structure show that while Ge(1 0 3) undergoes a 1 4 reconstruction [1], the Si(1 0 3) surface remains rough and atomically disordered even after careful annealing [2,3]. Recent work in the Ge/Si(0 0 1) heteroepitaxial system has shown that the (1 0 3) surface can bound the pyramidal nanostructures formed in the Ge/Si(0 0 1) heteroepitaxial system. In particular, (1 0 3)-facetted pyramids have been observed to appear when Ge is deposited on (1 0 5)-facetted islands as an intermediate shape towards the formation of the multifaceted domes. Le Thanh et al. have illustrated that small (1 0 3)-facetted quantum dots with a 40 nm 40 nm base can persist at the expense of the larger, more common ones bounded by (1 0 5) facets [4]. Interestingly, Wu and coworkers have shown that (1 0 3) facets can also appear upon Si capping of large Ge/Si(0 0 1) quantum dots [5]. The physical origin of the (1 0 3)-facetted pyramids in the Ge/Si system is not yet well understood, and investigations of its atomic structure and stability may bring some insights into this problem. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 303 384 2119. E-mail address: (C.V. Ciobanu). 0927-0256/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2008.03.048 In a short letter [6], we presented limited results from a genetic algorithm optimization of Si(1 0 3) with 1 2, 2 2, and 1 4 surface periodicities, and made the following points: (i) there is a large number of nearly degenerate reconstructions between the different surface periodicities, (ii) these reconstructions may coexist as nanoscale domains on the nominal Si(1 0 3) orientation without significant domain boundary energies, and (iii) the results from the optimization of 1 4 surface unit cells indicate that the Ge(1 0 3)-1 4 model in the literature [1,7] is thermodynamically unfavorable, having a density of dangling bonds 2.4 times higher than that of the best models retrieved by the genetic algorithm. In this article, we focus on describing the Si(1 0 3)-2 2 reconstructions in some detail. In addition to reinforcing the point in Ref. [6] that there are many nearly degenerate reconstructions, we make here the following contributions: (a) analyze the atomic scale structural motifs that make up the low-energy Si(1 0 3)- 2 2 reconstructions, (b) show that even for one single surface periodicity (i.e., 2 2) there are nearly degenerate reconstructions with step bunch morphologies that consist in different combinations of single, double, and triple-height steps, and (c) show that the individual structural motifs found via the genetic algorithm can also be retrieved using large-area molecular dynamics simulations at temperatures around 1000 K, and C.V. Ciobanu et al. / Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 point out that for Si(1 0 3) it may not be necessary to assemble these motifs in certain 2 2 periodic structures to achieve low surface energies; as one expects, the specific combinations of motifs that make up the best 2 2 structures cannot be retrieved through molecular dynamics simulations. The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents the geometry of the supercell and the details of the genetic algorithm optimization and the molecular dynamics simulations. In Section 3, we describe the 2 2 reconstructions retrieved by the genetic algorithm and identify the structural motifs that make up these low-energy reconstructions. We reiterate that many surface structures with different morphologies are nearly degenerate. In Section 4, we discuss these morphological variations in terms of stepped Si(0 0 1) surfaces. We show that the 2 2-Si(1 0 3) reconstructions can be viewed as regular arrays of step bunches in which the steps can have different heights (some as high as three monatomic (0 0 1) layers) and yet yield very similar surface energies. We also present molecular dynamics simulations of large-area Si(1 0 3) slabs in which all the structural motifs described in Section 3 are seen to emerge from the thermal motion of the atoms at temperatures around 1000 K. Although the motifs do not arrange in periodic 2 2 patterns, the surface energies are still comparable to those obtained in the genetic algorithm global search. Our concluding remarks are presented in Section 5. 2. Computational approach and details 2.1. Supercell geometry Before giving the geometric and structural details of the Si(1 0 3) surface, we briefly recall the structure of the bulk truncated 151 Si(0 0 1) and Si(1 0 5) surfaces. Fig. 1a depicts the Si(0 0 1) surface, with the [1 0 0] and [0 1 0] periodic directions. Any Si(10k) (k = 3, 4, 5, . . .) surface can be viewed as a regular array of Si(0 0 1) terraces with monatomic steps oriented along the [0 1 0] direction. Different inter-step separations of the [0 1 0]-oriented steps amount to different surface orientations, i.e., different values of k in Si(10k). For example, Fig. 1b and c show the Si(1 0 5) and Si(1 0 3) surfaces, respectively, with the latter having smaller (0 0 1) terraces and denser steps. The surface unit cell for Si(1 0 3) is defined by the primitive and the [0 1 0] directions, respecvectors ax and ay in the ½301 p tively. These vectors have the lengths of a 2.5 and a, where a = 5.431 Å is the bulk lattice constant of Si (as shown in Fig. 1d). The simulation cell has the dimensions 17.17 Å 10.63 Å, with periodic boundary conditions imposed only in plane of the surface, and with a slab thickness exceeding 24 Å. The choice of the 2 2 cell is based on recent evidence [6] that this periodicity most likely gives the lowest energy reconstructions for Si(1 0 3). Even if that turns out not to be the case (e.g., upon analysis at the level of density functional electronic structure calculations), the 2 2 unit cell allows for a large number of bonding configurations to be formed within this area and thus we may retrieve (or at least get closer to) the minimum surface energy by exploring the structure and stability of 2 2-Si(1 0 3). The maximum total number of atoms in our simulation cell is n = 234, and there are eight surface atoms that define a (1 0 3) surface layer (the green atoms inside the unit cell shown in Fig. 1d). A genetic algorithm structural search was used for finding low-energy reconstructions of 2 2-Si(1 0 3) for each of the 8 numbers of atoms that give distinct surface structures, 226 6 n < 234. Fig. 1. (a) Structure of the bulk truncated Si(0 0 1) surface. (b and c) Stepped Si(0 0 1) surfaces with regular arrays of monatomic steps oriented along [0 1 0] make up the Si(1 0 5) and Si(1 0 3) orientations. (d) Top view of the bulk truncated Si(1 0 3) surface. The larger (green) atoms have two dangling bonds, the intermediate-sized (red) ones p have one dangling bond, and the small gray atoms are four-coordinated. The vectors of the 1 1 unreconstructed cell are ax = a 2.5ex and ay = a ey, where a = 5.431 Å is the lattice constant of Si, and ex and ey are the unit vectors along ½301 and [0 1 0], respectively. The rectangle shows the 2 2 surface cell whose reconstructions are addressed here. [Panel (d) has been adapted from Ref. [6] with permission from the American Institute of Physics] (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 152 C.V. Ciobanu et al. / Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 a c ¼ ðEm nm eb Þ=A; 94 n=232 γ (meV/Å2) 92 90 n=226 n=228 88 n=230 86 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Index in genetic pool b 94 n=227 γ (meV/Å2) 92 90 n=229 n=231 n=233 88 86 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Index in genetic pool Fig. 2. (a and b) Results of genetic algorithm runs for all numbers of atoms in the supercell that give distinct 2 2 surface reconstructions. The surface energy c at the level of HOEP potential [10] is plotted for each structure in the genetic pool at the end of the runs with (a) even and (b) odd number of atoms in the 2 2-Si(1 0 3) surface slab. 2.2. Genetic algorithm optimization The genetic algorithm for finding surface reconstructions has been presented recently in various degrees of detail [8,9]. To keep this paper as self-contained as possible, we shall briefly describe below the constant-number version of this algorithm, version which we have used to find 2 2-Si(1 0 3) reconstructions. The algorithm is based on principles of evolution, in which the members of a generation (pool of models for the surface) mate and compete to survive so that better specimens evolve, i.e. low-energy reconstructions are generated. ‘‘Generation zero” is a pool of p different structures obtained by randomizing the positions of the topmost atoms (thickness d), and by subsequently relaxing the simulation slabs through a conjugate-gradient procedure. The evolution from a generation to the next one takes place by mating, which is achieved by subjecting two randomly picked structures from the pool to a certain operation O: (A,B) ? C. Before defining this operation, we describe how the survival of the fittest is implemented. In each generation, a number of m mating operations (crossovers) are performed. The resulting m children are relaxed and considered for the possible inclusion in the pool based on their surface energy. The interatomic potential that we used to compute slab energies is the highly optimized empirical potential (HOEP) due to Lenosky et al. [10]. The surface energy c is defined as the excess energy (with respect to the ideal bulk configuration) introduced by the presence of the surface: ð1Þ where Em is the potential energy of the nm atoms that are allowed to relax, eb = 4.6124 eV is the bulk cohesion energy given by HOEP, and A is the surface area of the slab. If there exists at least one candidate in the pool that has a higher surface energy than that of the child considered, then the child structure is included in the pool. Upon inclusion of the child, the pool structure with the highest surface energy is discarded in order to preserve the total population p. As described so far, the algorithm favors the crowding of the ecology with identical metastable configurations, which slows down and likely halts the evolution towards the global minimum. To avoid the duplication of pool members, we retain a new structure only if its surface energy differs by more than d when compared to the surface energy of any of the current p members of the pool. We also consider a criterion based on atomic displacements to account for the possible situation in which two structures have equal energy but different topologies: two models are considered structurally distinct if the relative displacement of at least one pair of corresponding atoms is greater than e. Relevant values for the parameters of the algorithm are 10 6 p 6 40, m = 10, d = 5 Å, d = 105 meV/Å2, and e = 0.2 Å. We now describe the mating operation, which produces a child structure from two parent configurations as follows. The topmost parts of the parent models A and B (thickness d) are separated from the underlying bulk and sectioned by an arbitrary plane perpendicular to the surface. The (upper part of the) child structure C is created by assembling the part of A that lies to the left of the cutting plane and the part of slab B lying to the right of that plane: the assembly is placed on a thick bulk slab, and the resulting structure C is relaxed. We have found that the algorithm is more efficient when the cutting plane is not constrained to pass through the center of the surface unit cell, and also when that plane is not too close to the cell boundaries. Therefore, we pick the cutting plane such that it passes through a random point situated within a rectangle centered inside the unit cell. In the constant-n version of this algorithm used here, the number of atoms n is kept the same for every member of the pool by rejecting any child structures that have different numbers of atoms than their parents. As implemented, the genetic algorithm performs a global search of the configurations space although there is no guarantee that the lowest HOEP surface energy will be achieved in some prescribed number of mating operations. We have repeated the genetic algorithm runs starting from different initial conditions and found that for each values of n, at least 10 of the low-energy structures are common for all the runs longer than 8000 crossovers. We close this subsection with a brief justification regarding the choice of empirical potential for the genetic algorithm optimization. In previous work [11], we have performed a comparison with other empirical potentials and found that the HOEP potential performs reliably for the Si(0 0 1) and Si(1 0 5) surfaces. In both these cases, the optimal structure at the level of HOEP is the same as that derived from scanning tunneling microscopy experiments and density functional theory calculations (see, e.g, Refs. [12,13]). In related work on Si(kkl) surfaces [9,14], we have found that lowest energy structures computed with HOEP do not maintain this energetic ranking upon relaxation at the level of density functional theory calculations. Nevertheless, low-energy HOEP reconstructions found via genetic algorithms remain important as good structural candidates for further optimization at the level of density functional theory [9,14]. 2.3. Molecular dynamics simulations Although molecular dynamics simulations are not expected to reproduce time evolutions that are anywhere close to the anneal- C.V. Ciobanu et al. / Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 153 Fig. 3. (a–d) Si(1 0 3)-2 2 reconstructions for a total number of atoms n = 228 in the simulation cell (top and side views, i.e. views along [1 0 3] and [0 1 0], respectively). The 2 2 unit cell is shown as a rectangle in each panel. Atoms are colored according to their coordinate along the [1 0 3] direction, from red (highest position) to blue (lowest position) in the slab shown. The main structural motifs that occur for n = 228 are rebonded atoms (r), dimers (d), and tetramers (t). Dimers with two atoms bridging (rebonding) beneath them create a u-shaped motif that is characteristic for the (1 0 5) surface but that can also appear on Si(1 0 3) [6] (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.). ing times used in experiments, it is of interest to know if any type of ordering on the Si(1 0 3) surface could appear in such simulations. Indeed, we were able to illustrate that direct molecular dynamics simulations performed for relatively low temperatures, in the range 800–1000 K, could retrieve parts (or motifs) of the reconstructions. The time scales afforded by molecular dynamics simulations means that most, if not all, configurations formed on the surface occur through small atomic displacements. Since only short-range atomic motion occurs, then the structural motifs found by molecular dynamics should be relatively independent of the choice of empirical potential. We have tested that this is indeed the case by using two potentials with very different functional forms [10,15]. Interestingly, all the favorable motifs identified by analyzing the 2 2 reconstructions were also found (in different combinations) during molecular dynamics simulations of slabs with large areas. Furthermore, the large-area structures have surface energies that are similar to those found via the genetic algo- rithm, which indicates that the configuration analysis for Si(1 0 3) becomes extremely difficult once one considers non-periodic arrangements of motifs. 3. Results We have performed the genetic algorithm search for numbers of atoms ranging from n = 226 to n = 233, and for each of these values of n we kept a population of p = 30 structures in the corresponding genetic pool. We have therefore found a total of 240 low-energy structures at the end of the optimization procedure, and the resulting surface energies are summarized in Fig. 2a and b show the surface energies retrieved by the optimizations with n even and n odd (respectively), as a function of the index of the structures in each genetic pool. It is apparent that the even n structures explore lower surface energies than the odd-number ones. This difference between odd and even n is likely due to an 154 C.V. Ciobanu et al. / Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 Fig. 4. (a–c) Si(1 0 3)-2 2 reconstructions (top and side views) for n = 230. At the level of HOEP potential [10], the optimal number of atoms is n = 230, and the optimal 2 2 reconstruction is the one shown in panel (a). Atoms are colored as explained in Fig. 3. In addition to u configurations, we have also found incomplete u motifs (iu) in which the dimmers are bridged by only one rebonded atom [panel (b)]. Another new pattern is the eight-atom ring (8-r) which can be stand-alone or merged with an u motif [panel (c)]. [Panel (a) has been adapted from Ref. [6] with permission from the American Institute of Physics] advantageous pairing of the atoms on the surface, pairing which is more readily achieved with an even number of atoms. Fig. 2c shows a histogram of all the surface energies found for 2 2 reconstructions. The reconstructions span a surface energy range of 86 < c < 94 meV/Å2, with most structures grouped in the middle of the interval. This may seem puzzling, because the expectation would be that high-energy structures should occur more frequently than low-energy ones. However, we note that since the genetic algorithm in its present implementation is greedy (i.e. strictly favors child structures with low energies), the bell-shape aspect of the histogram is the result of the fact that high-energy structures are systematically discarded instead of being optimized and collected. This feature of the algorithm allows us to select for further analysis structures with surface energies that are lower than that of the histogram peak, c < 89 meV/Å2. From these structures, we shall describe below only several which have even values of n, although we have verified that our main conclusions regarding the structural motifs do not change upon including odd n low-energy structures in our analysis. Fig. 3 shows example reconstructions with n = 228 atoms, with the main features (motifs) indicated in bold lettering in panels (a–d). A prevalent motif on the Si(1 0 3) reconstructed surface is the rebonded atom [16], denoted by r in Fig. 3. The rebonding occurs because the (1 0 3) bulk truncated surface consists in short (0 0 1) terraces and steps, and atoms can move along the h1 1 0i directions to lower the number of dangling bonds at the steps. It is interesting to note that there exists at least one reconstruction model that can be formed solely by rebonding: indeed, in Fig. 1d we can see that each atom in the unit cell will have at most one dangling bond when the 2-coordinated atoms (colored green in Fig. 1d) are moved diagonally to bond to the 3-coordinated atoms (colored red) that are closest to them. The terraces can accommodate at most one dimer d (refer to Fig. 3a and c), unless step bunching and the consequent terrace widening occur. When two atoms rebond underneath a dimer (refer to Fig. 3a), they form a structure conveniently referred to as an u motif due to the resemblance with the letter U [17]. The u motifs have been shown to be responsible for the stability of the (1 0 5) surfaces under compression [13,18–20], and given the similar terrace-step structure (Fig. 1) there is not much surprise that they also appear on Si(1 0 3). Another motif encountered during the n = 228 optimization runs is the tetramer [21], a four-atom coplanar structure denoted by t in Fig. 3a and b. By analyzing all the reconstructions, we have found that the tetramer is not nearly as frequent as the di- C.V. Ciobanu et al. / Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 Fig. 5. (a and b) Si(1 0 3)-2 2 reconstructions (top and side views) for n = 232. Atoms are colored as explained in Fig. 3. The dimers d can appear both isolated and as parts of the u motifs. 155 mers, rebonded atoms, or the u motifs. Another observation about the u motifs shown in Fig. 3 is that there can be 1, 2, or 4 such motifs per 2 2 unit cell, and that they can either form far from other structural features (Fig. 3a) or can merge (i.e. share atoms) with other structural motifs. For example, they can share the dimer with a nearby tetramer (Fig. 3b) or they can merge with other u structures as shown in Fig. 3d. Fig. 4 shows several structures with n = 230, which appears to be the optimum number of atoms for 2 2-Si(1 0 3). The lowest energy structure (Fig. 4a) has two u-shaped motifs per unit cell [6], similar to the recently elucidated Si(1 0 5) single-height rebonded (SR) model [13,19,20]. The similarity between the best Si(1 0 3) reconstruction at the level of HOEP (Fig. 4b) and the SR model for Si(1 0 5) is remarkable, as both models have two u motifs in their respective unit cells and nearly equal densities of dangling bonds. Another important resemblance is that the two u motifs present in the SR model and also in Fig. 4a do not directly share bonds or atoms: this is important because the u structures can lower their substrate-mediated elastic repulsion (and consequently lower the surface energy) if they are farther away from one another. Other interesting structures evidenced here are the incomplete u motifs (iu), which consists of one dimer and one rebonded atom (Fig. 4b), and the eight-atom surface rings denoted by 8-r in Fig. 4c. Finally, Fig. 5 shows two low-energy structures with n = 232 atoms. There are no new motifs on these reconstructions, but the combination of motifs on the surface is different than those presented before. One of the n = 232 reconstructions contains two clearly separated u structures (Fig. 5a) and the other one contains one u, one iu, and one dimer in the unit cell (Fig. 5b). Just as in the case of n = 230, we find that the isolated u motifs lead to low surface energy while the ones that are merged into other motifs are not likely to allow for sufficient relaxations of the u-shaped features. Indeed, models in Fig. 4a and Fig. 5a both have two well-separated u structures in the unit cell, and surface energies of 86.449 meV/Å2 and 86.894 meV/Å2, respectively. In contrast, model 3(d) has four u motifs that are merged with one another so as to create two adjacent 1 2 unit cells and its surface energy is higher, 88.393 meV/Å2. Fig. 6. The Si(1 0 3) surface can be viewed as a stepped (0 0 1) surface in which the terraces are 3a/4 wide(along [1 0 0]) and the monatomic steps have a height of h = a/4. The direction, covering four terraces and four single-height steps. The reconstructions retrieved by the genetic 2 2 unit cell spans from point A to point B along the ½301 algorithm can have distinct stepped morphologies, as exemplified in panels (b–f): exclusively monatomic steps (b), double steps [(c and d)], and triple steps [(e and f)]. The atoms are colored as explained in Fig. 3. 156 C.V. Ciobanu et al. / Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 While inspecting the side views of the reconstructions shown in Figs. 3–5, we notice various corrugation patterns at the atomic scale. These corrugations, which can be quite dramatic (compare, for example, the side views in Figs. 3b, 4a, 5b with the nearly flat model in Fig. 3d), can be rationalized starting from the bulk truncated Si(1 0 3) structure, as discussed in detail in the next section. Despite the different corrugation patterns, it is interesting to note that these structures have surface energies that are within 1–2 meV/Å2 of one another. This-near degeneracy may play an important role [6,22] in the atomic scale disorder observed on Si(1 0 3) and Si(1 0 5) [2]. 4. Discussion to allow for proper reconstructions; nevertheless, some favorable motifs had still appeared, consistent with our expectation that motifs can form via local atomic moves. The temperature of 1100 K is sufficient (at least with the empirical potential that we are using) to generate surfaces with at most one dangling bond per atom; the favorable motifs form (along with some overcoordinated features, e.g., 4c in Fig. 7c), but once formed they cannot readily move to organize together into stepped reconstructions such as those shown in Fig. 6. Interestingly, the molecular dynamics simulations give rise to (out-of-plane) atomic scale roughness of the same order of magnitude as the stepped surfaces obtained via the genetic algorithm, so one cannot conclusively rule out the kinetically trapped configurations (Fig. 7c) as a factor causing the surface disorder on Si(1 0 3). To discuss the Si(1 0 3) reconstructions in terms of stepped (0 0 1) surfaces, we start by rotating the surface slabs in such a way as to have [0 0 1] as the vertical direction in the plane of the page. In the view shown in Fig. 6a, a 2 2 unit cell extends from point A to point B, in the direction of the vector ax (i.e. along Since the projection of any Si–Si bond on [0 0 1] or [1 0 0] ½301). equals a/4 and there are four single-height steps from A to B, the horizontal distance between A and B is 3a and the vertical drop between the same points is a. Despite the fact that terraces are small, we have found that it is possible to have single-height reconstructions, and show one such example in Fig. 6b. Of the four steps that make up the unit cell in Fig. 6b two contain rebonded atoms and two do not; other combinations of rebonded and non-rebonded single-height steps are also possible. Fig. 6c–f show multiple height steps selected from the cases when (0 0 1) terraces, however small, could still be identified in the views along [0 1 0]. Two double-height steps can make up the 4-step reconstruction (Fig. 6d). The best structure found so far at the HOEP level is made of one double-height and two single-height steps, as shown in Fig. 6c. Interestingly, even tripleheight steps are possible, with little or no penalty in the surface energy (Fig. 6e, f). The reason why [0 1 0]-oriented steps (both rebonded and non-rebonded) can form and bunch easily is that their formation energies are small [12,23]. The repulsion between steps is also optimized in the genetic algorithm process, which creates and retains favorable combinations of step-heights and step bonding structures to make up the 2 2 reconstructions; given the diversity of such combinations, we do not attempt here the decomposition of the surface energy into step formation energies and repulsive interactions. Despite the complex patterns of step height and rebonded structures, we have found that most low-energy reconstructions found by the genetic algorithm can be a posteriori understood as clear and distinct sequences of atom additions, removals and small, local displacements of single atoms. Given the local character of atom displacements, we conjecture that the structural motifs on Si(1 0 3) could be obtained even by direct molecular dynamics simulations starting from the bulk truncated structures. To verify this, we have started with large surface unit cells so as to allow more diverse (and possibly non-crossing) diffusion paths for the atoms, and performed simulations for temperatures between 800 K and 1200 K. We have found that when temperatures are large enough (e.g., higher than 1000 K), atoms can move sufficiently within the affordable simulation times (200 ps) and indeed create the motifs reported in Figs. 3–5. Fig. 7 shows the output of three molecular dynamics simulations performed at different temperatures, with the same duration. The lower temperature simulations (Fig. 7a, b) show some 2-coordinated atoms on the surface (2c in Fig. 7a, b), which could indicate that the low temperature simulations are perhaps not long enough Fig. 7. Snapshots from molecular dynamics simulations of large-area Si(1 0 3) slabs, taken after 200 ps for (a) 800 K, (b) 1000 K and (c) 1100 K . C.V. Ciobanu et al. / Computational Materials Science 45 (2009) 150–157 5. Concluding remarks In summary, we have used a genetic algorithm to find 2 2Si(1 0 3) reconstructions, and identified rebonded atoms, dimers, u-shapes, eight-atom rings, and tetramers as the most likely structural motifs to appear on this surface. We have found that these structural motifs can be quite easily formed by local moves of atoms on the surfaces. The motifs can be selected and positioned to create either periodic reconstructions or non-periodic arrangements; the presence of diverse reconstructions over small areas of Si(1 0 3) samples and of non-periodic arrangements of motifs both contribute to the rough and disordered aspect of this surface. This finding complements the previous proposal that the rough aspect of Si(1 0 3) is due to the coexistence of several nearly degenerate structural models with different bonding topologies and surface periodicities but with similar surface energies. We have found that the lowest energy (1 0 3) reconstructions display the same atomic scale motifs (i.e. various combinations of dimers and rebonded atoms) as Si(1 0 5) [22], which leads us to believe that the physical origin of the observed disorder is the same for both Si(1 0 3) and Si(1 0 5). In the case of Si(1 0 5), the structural degeneracy is lifted upon applying compressive strains [22] or through the heteroepitaxial deposition of Ge [13]. The reason for which the SR model is favored on the facets of Ge/Si(0 0 1) islands or on the Ge/Si(1 0 5) surface is that on the SR-reconstructed Si(1 0 5) surface all the bonds of the u-shaped structures are stretched with respect to their nominal value. Therefore, upon depositing germanium (which has a higher lattice constant than Si) the Ge surface bonds are closer to their bulk value and the surface energy consequently decreases [13,19,20]. Similar to the case of Si(1 0 5) [20], we have verified that the u motifs appearing on the low-energy Si(1 0 3) structures (not only on the most favorable one) have all the bonds stretched. This suggests the possibility to remove the degeneracy and create a periodic pattern on Si(1 0 3) by epitaxially depositing Ge at low coverage, a possibility which to our knowledge has not been investigated so far [24]. If such experiments were to be performed, the calculations presented here would predict that the likely model to emerge is that in Fig. 4a, which is similar to the SR reconstruction of Ge/Si(1 0 5). There is, however, a subtle difference between the case of Si(1 0 3) and Si(1 0 5), namely that in the latter case there seems to be only one single-height rebonded step reconstruction [11,22], whereas in the case of Si(1 0 3) we have found several such single-stepped surface structures. Therefore a natural question to ask is if biaxial compression is sufficient to remove the degeneracy of the (1 0 3) structures that contain only (or mostly) u-shaped motifs, or the (1 0 3) orientation would remain nearly degenerate albeit to a smaller degree. Future calculations at the level of density functional theory are planned to investigate whether the 157 structural degeneracy can be removed by applying compressive strains on Si(1 0 3). Such calculations could also help explain the presence of the (1 0 3)-facetted islands [5] that appear upon Si capping of the Ge/Si(0 0 1) quantum dots. Acknowledgments CVC thanks Dr. Wojciech Paszkowicz from The Polish Academy of Sciences for the kind invitation to write this article. BNJ was supported by a grant from the ACS Petroleum Research Fund (44934G5). We also acknowledge the contributions of Feng-Chuan Chuang and Damon Lytle at the early stages of our ongoing work on the Si(1 0 3) surface. 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