~ spring. thIis Pras o(Ca1J{omia Univc=nity ilic by ! rbC' Leu1$, Wyndham ofAggmsion: Fabln book. new His lJnivl:rsiry, Vall: at i ends other from distinct qualitatively and it, to immanent is activity I any against ovt::r themselves means the of organization the foregrounds I "instrumentalization" Schoollterm Frankfurt th~ of value strategic the I ends suspends or brack~ts effectively split means/ends the degree what to understood ,~~;;::::; IS It until appreciated propelrly be cannot It Idea: paradoXIcal a IS thIS But ends. and t1::: I of models ratiOnal va.rio~ to according reconstructed and fragmented analytically .,::'::::, :::';:.:::::, :,.:.::: :' ii:" '; j:,!i!r "taylorizc:d," and reor:ganized instrumcntally are activity human of fonDS traditional "'.' , ,.:. ,',,': ::::", older the capitaliSm, U.lnder which, in way the describes rationalization) of analysis Weber's 0 ,' .':"' ~ir Max with ov~rlaid sl:rongly (here rei6cation of theory The culture. mass of works the to ,', . :.:' ~1 rei6cation commodir;y of theorio Marxist of application and extension the as characterized ~:~:';:: c ".,." be <:~ thjSview Bricfiy, exalted. view radical the which and stigmatizes it which ' f\l irid~ ci11~re:, the of produCts those precisely of analysis dose the for methodology ,," ru providcs"aworkin:g and orne theoretical intc:nsely an is others and Marcuse, Horkheimer, :'; wotkofAdomo, the po:sition, radical the of antithesis exact this for appropriate is as School; , c , theFraItkfurt by out wo:rked culture of theory the in rev~rsed then is position This c , content. their .:' inter~~to:'~Ycai)()ut of litttle had has and valorizes it obj~cts cultural those ~ven reading ; . for nQme~94 offers It finaIlly, art; modem of forms Important most the of much of stance ~~:~:; =~~~:~~:~:: ~:;~=~: c ,c c, arehQ~~~:,~ R3dicals intellectuals. by represented socially is what than population ,C widCf~~~r9(the far to meaningful cultura1language a speak dearly former the because Stevens9rH~J~~, Wallace with than r2ther orjaws, Godfatber, programs,1De tv with prde~~~tq:,~~ be wlould it one: social a therefore is invoked value The university. the ~~~~ in institutions, with association its by tainted irredeemably phenomenon, . , ~~~~t an is culture high that scnsc: based widely a articulates and radicalism " in:,~m(:an convictiQn rooted deeply a to responds clearly but content theoretical little pqsitiQn:,~ negative essentially this suggests, thrust intellectual anti. its As intellectuals, '.:"," ;.,'" . of ~~~ small of hoobby status a as stigmatized then is culture hermetic or high 0 , " , , of pursuit the it; to e:xposed people of numbers sheer the of grounds the on culture mass of priority the for argues elitism of motif familiar the Th~ value. of terms in staged essentially (1) ":, are and mirror-images, tw'o to themsdves reduce field this in positions often, so As (1) ': opposition. this of status objectivie the on rcficCting without culture high so-<:al1ed against ~ !!::! object its define to tended always known-has variously is it as ind~try, culture the culture, \, Z ;:i:, "popular" culrorc, com:merdal culture. mdicnce ID2M culturc-or m2SS of theory The ~;; H ~ [,;,::.:-:-:-: I . I ~~ ~tWeen diffe:rentiation a of lines the alon,g restruc.tur~ ess.en.tially and efficiency, ".', . ::~ili::,: : "U 0 ro JAMESON FREDRIC ~ ~ --0 R<> 0 Culture Mass in Utopia and Reification ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 '-1~~flo ",',' ,: ,'" ,:,,":, ~~~~~;;"" (J10 ::::' \NCfTl:D-XfTl Ii lC1ff i i other in activity, tI:'aditiona! In practic~. th~ir to assigned is which value hence themselves, ,'~:::ili::::" ""', j, o. Frl:nch the of usefully which " ~;:i;:i::i \10\. \ publishc=d bc te:lChd or end particular 11~::!::::;: '(J1CH(1)G)< will value the wor~, I~:~'::! ~t Fascist, as FR£DRJC:JA.\I~N ~!;!!:!:::::' ~ Modernist ,'::J1I11;::;; I~tm::'-:. ,- I~: ::":rf-~~--;-=-;-;" ::, c kinds in such communities werc properly incomparabl~; in anci~nt : various that meant this Socially, play" or work human of fOnDS 131 of work othcr in Utopia articulatcd RciJication values or & '.. ':""':::::1:::::if Greccc, ! for inst3.nce,thc b.miliM Aristotelian schemaof the fourfold causesat work in handicraft or poeisis (matcrial. form2l,efficient, 2ndfin21)wcre appliC2blconly ta artisanall2bor,andnot . .:. , ,.. force of the application without 2n end, .. that purposc or end This trddidonal world" which power, lahar of or I of quality qu~dta- I ~ues, has 'I:; instrumcntality. or mear15 tcxtilC the of thc thcn, point, d~o[Jl1.inator this i! of typC5 distinct as differenti21tion At sheer as which against thc by Kant) as a "fina1i1;y nonct:hcless or politics scribblings, , all these activities of art can Dc measurcd or has no practical concrete holds for all art that works poctic from "ends" lcaVing (in particular activity surely distinct distinct systcm, to works philosophy of business or incpt as; common and tenns, of this nodop definition movies money. ~e uniquc by t,he market aesthctic "real composidon of thar is, as a goai-orientcd in thc that fall flat or home qufit2tive valuc r2.nged activity, or suspcndcd or Marx's that all forms of hurnm of capi~, opera undcr bm1ing, cxcbange hum2n of art by traditional generally. unique their from out wuvcrsal of is to say supernatural commodificadon universal the only with to brackcttcd ruthlessly The definition .':;. thc fonDS bcen bc free .'c. . '.. '. . . ";. various effcctively , opposed "n2tural"-which efficiency thc different precondiqon in .;,' .' . that~, Uvc, . .:'" .'. as reorganizcd ; a quite 2nd all ~versallY under ...::.:" (mining ~anufuc~rc), to . ..":::, '. had as thc fundamental sc:paratcd bc can activity ' ::::..' which designates labor Capital is It or war divine-basis. to agriculture but rather human praxis as such: not for stories for thc successful wor~ of mass and high culture alikc. We suspendour real lives and o,ur immediate practical preoccupations just as complctdy when wc watch The Godfatbe:raswhen wc rcad The rods of and :1:::::. :'::::::;: cod to ,:\;::~ fonDS of longer : ';fi'Ji no It a ::;::;;" "bc in landscapc-including, no th ' h doubt, the h disquic:ting bcwildc:nnent with h ' thc activity itself, h the th place-is into a fonn Carabiniers, personal when rcplaccd propcrty. the new world by the act of taking This is the conquerors meaning exhibit of possessi<Dn the their grc:at spo~: of it and converting scene unlike in Godard's Alexander. ey at be in the first w might wonder um2n, non- of such a confrontation thc confronting or purpose beings, uman the point en comfortably of w thus ansc and what must thcre 1r:::;::;i .,» :,i::j:;!l~~ 'H'.~ ' are doing :1':;(~ landscape :;:;::::;:~, lc:ts the its being" as Hcideggcr would have said, but takes a snapshot of it, thc:reby graphically transfonning space into its own matc:riaI im ag e. Thc concrcte activitY. of lookin g at a it Les they ;;;:i;i::: ' :::r:::::::::i!: no longeI' thc "bcing"and ;:t::;: satisfaction: iindcpendent means thc: V2rious become ;:l'i[- the along price a commodity consumption. and thcir less respectivc: commodity of shcd tourist no 2n thcir own its for also instruments capitalism Amc:rican of in which quantified, into as it can be "used": as of the tenus rcmain their tranSfomla~on activity insobr in a world arc all rigorously of money, univcrsal conccpt ::,:::':1. In commodity, its the Thc above consumptiion. medium by possibility as ronn. Ireorganization a means a to that many of so oftourism-the the introduces commodity the satisfactions world to comc commodity and of instrumentalizadon, their but only intrinsic is that bccome saying rc:duccd by in itscif, ~ent the of fumiJiareX2rnple thc of conccpt thc value losc their way has type, a ncw that schc:ma--they through phrasc now we ofwhatcver has any qualitative activity comparable in qualities . :,.:.,::-:.;.:".:'..',::. .. .:.' . .:.. split, objects : .;'::::;.:'..". : ,'. ,::.:;:::.;.,:'.::.',..:; wage-yct or ',: thing, :.:, ::'.;:.. : . ..:;:,:..'.. ': : The .. has conccivcd rcification-described angle, powcr, was in whatevcr and of a differcnt abstractly means/ends .. phenomenon l2bor what as such than in the production become intrinsic ... . thc including afiXlCty . into experience production-from can havc . across undifferentiatcd " SOn2ta. dUIcrcnti2tion bccn or at ,.; historical cuts cverything, ..' a Bccthoven of the aesthctic commodity activity hear howcvcr, and description or bc struCtural , Dove point, tbe this of At . Wings ::;i::::[ i,,:::j;::: c:!~ ::/": '. . .. _.c:.- f : this i j latter's the by and world real the in ! is "-which "solution the Ca5c, this end-in , I of bulk ending"-the the "for read you stories, I of sr:nsc) Brechuan a ~In un-naturality I possible bec?mes it light tb~ ~ follows; what an~ ~t :" each sr:1f-contarned. Itself, to vr:rt1caI werc It as IS poem of d~ription his and M{m~is, in, Odyssey th~ o.f II InstructJve IS It differentiation. means/ends a along restruCtured Itself i a ~e that Scho~l-sus.s~ts F~r:-t o(the that in as wr:l! as group Quel the in implicit ~ it culturc:-and instrumentalized of view this form, :.J shcer the for smoke or toma>bile au an of idea the buy an we how dor is j that in "used" be sentencc poetic a of materiality sheer the can how i of world the of logic the by anti-use, and play sheer o( non-practicality, of idea, abstract its than itself, thing the less consume, we and us, of have to image an essentially ~ car model new the given: also arc activities and the precisely is society conswmer contemporary in reifi.cation commodity of the that oftbeSpectacle, Society The book, important an in 3SSCrtion. Debord's Guy the also is This picturcs. dirty many so like Wat, Angkor Street. Wall pyramids, the Coliseum, 132 image of trivial. supremely is murderer an to histoncaI the discussion Auerbach'~ But objects our of sense , " frozen materialization the e;tr:::b~~~~Z~t:~r: the with whic:h in way the thereby not are dctr:ctivc the point every it people form ultimate merely own the images of evef)"thing. and triumphantly emding right. own =e: its imaginary means precedes what with !e~ ends. of ization " in :~::y an, co~~~~:eo~t~~ wr: as like strangeness, IS while realm other for ::" an of dcvalued which, at simplcst and ultimate : in process commcrcial insofar shecr the ofthc And mC3.I1S )', , " ~~: withou identity the books links process its In sense? 00: , :: 0:: consumption smaller insignificant verse paragraph and tableau somehow timeless and immanent.. bereft of any necessary or which j~ta~se aes~etics f;~( "finality contemporary I::::;\',:' in reading lif!;, to here ~¥::;,: ~:; way the : 1:\::: that becoming indispcnsi~le i}i~~ , ; appreciate to ~~~;': . . ;;' a I~..~!~:~'::;! ~~:'".', ::":.':" .:°:",' , ,' standards contcmporary ~j:\::!:: ,°: pagcs the ~\~:ii:::,::: ' , ° utterly itself °';:1:::1:,:" .° . , of practical ,i~;;::1!!:; " . sub-genres ""..,,' :;:... °,;,. . " ij!:i:i[j,!: :: ,'.-;, ,,:;~~!j::J:, ; 0' ..: j;ili:!:!::::';:" . ,::'.;: ':::j:1i!\1:;:!:::;:; , recapitulates ~::i:~~*:i~~:i;:::::::I::;$:;i . '., Jameson display thcir photos of the image itself. With this universalcommodificationof our object world, the fanliliar accounts of the other-directedness of contemporary conspicuous conslWDption and of the sexual- capable of the libidinal invcstments ingeniously arrayed for us by advertising. It is clear that such an account of commodification ha:s immediate relevance to aesthetics, if only because it implies that cverything in consUrnler socicty has taken on an acsthetic dimension, The force of the Adomo-Horkheimer analysis of the culturc industry, however, lies in its demonstration of the unexpected and imperceptiblc introduction of commodity structure into the very form and content of the work of art itself. Yct this is something like the ultimate squaring of the circle, the triumph ,of instrumentalization over t an end" which is art itself, the steady conqlJest and colonization of the i libidirull image of actors, writers, and modcb with cigarcncs in thcir hands, it is much less clear how a narrative could be "consumed" for the bencfit o( its own idca. .. [ ::~;s;::: ! tableau. tempo overprogrammed '1 ~ ~: ! "dramatic" the or sentence "fateful" the of swis of such re:1.ding me:mwhile I , 133 the whole object-like the Utopia around or right, Reification own its ~ I:;:, & .. ,~~" illust whic eith bef or afte the f:lc rec ou re bu w is to ttans the tran flow of lan as mu as po in m im :m objec wc can cons y ct this is still a rcla prim sag in thc co of na M s :md mor intC is thc way in wh sin na th bc h t to e inten real by It: the sen of de fam no fo in o "c h ! :.crsonat mea their ess ma bei co an cm th m m : form Itsclf an instr mca tow the co of th is It will be dea thcn tha I con the Fra Sc an of th c , struc of mas cult of the gre inte If. be I pr a so d way look at th~ sam phc it is no fe th ap h b exha On con we hav sca bc to wo ou aL co o such desc let alon to ma an exh inv of va m a 8 featu bes com rem in t(:n of wh su ar b What is unsa abou th~ Fran Sch pos is no its nc an cr valo of trad mo hig art as th~ loc so gc c a subv "aut aes pro H~ Ad na w ( w a Marc The Aes Dim ma a ret ov th di a assc a Sch ach in Th Ph of M M h histo and in part the irrc ag pro gr m fo But if this is so, then thc grc wo of mo hig cu it b S .,,: .'.",,' ".:', .' :, Beck or cven Bre him scr as a fix po or ~: st a ":: .'.:' undc tend in rec art pro ph in v litera texts likc thos of Pyn an inc in o h mass cultur tradi give rise and whi thc bin sy of and ther~ utterl incom to a deg ma cul )-tc to fu i so n [ . '. -1 " 1 by itS intennittent i I ! I, as seen than be is only mor~ little are c:m but sagas narrative various th~ the: narratives the in above "history" floatS consumption of which movem~ntS tone" whose gre:1.t of or towards earth the commodities many so : ~":;, ':. "feeling the way r~tructUres a classical ! .I and symphony spoke h~ when significant narrative of more denounced f9~ally diJIerentiation Adorno which and structUral historically This, ofhcaring" and v~rsions. broader a is scre~n of kind "fetishism listen~r so that the th~ namely ! yet as and of the ,', '; . and f ~ and historical r autonomous :4:.1 ! is we that phcnomena, demand'S int~rdepender1t approach an Such dia1~ctically and phenomcna. cultUr~ is rep1ac~d by a genuinely judgm~nt. :..":,,' cultUre, high than authcntic morc thus thcse aesthetic rclated objectiv~ly to of absolute approach realm as culrure mass '.' and popular is culture timeless dialectical high it has (mass to which twin evalu:ation high opposition thc rethink on as emphasis high the must we that that rcad a way me to seems in such opcrat~ cultur~ value culturc/mass it rcasons. these all For I I post-mod~rnist tragmcntary discov~ry Glass. Phil or indced, fundamcntal Riley, culture: dcpcnds, lattcr thc which mass Adorno's Terry of status Young. Lamonte of of the on valuc positivc judgmcnts the later Is pr~cisely "degraded" the music" type "new the rathcr from but I measure omitted to b~cn which ."':, ,': ::;~:: :'.;:',~~~:~;:: ;:::::::: ,:,::: ::: the contemporary or melody, apparatus, tune , tone th~ir about thc of feeling accompani~ manifestation ' ": :' ' , consumable that , , rhythms """ , :: a quasi-matcrial of produce I~ ' i ;'J . '; '::" :: ",::: ".'. .', :. , ." " ;. . .' ;. :', .. . " ;;': .: . : . :: 134 Jameson :and inseparable fomlS of the fission of acsthctic production undcr late capiulism. From this perspective, the dilemmaofthc doublestandardof high and m~ culture remains,but it has becomc-not the subjective problem of our own standards o,f judgment-but rather an - objective contradiction which has its own social grounding;. Indeed, this view of the emergence of m2SSculture obliges us historically to rc:spccify the nature of the "high culture" to which it has conventionally been opposed:the o,ldcrcultUrecritics indeed tended looscly to raise comparative issuesabout the "popular culture" of the past. Thus, if you see Greek tragedy. Shakc:spc2Ce, Don Quijole, still widely re2d romantic lyric of the type of Hugo, or best-selling rC2listic novcls like those of Balzac corDickens. asuniting a widc "popular" audiencewith high aesthcticquality, then you are f2tally lockcd into such f2lse i other tenn would then be Wallacc Stevcns,or Joycc, or Schoeruberg, or Jackson Pollock, but surely not culrural artifacts such as the novels of Balzac or the plays of Moliere which i:::; ~tially preccde the historical separation betWeen high anld mass cultUre. it:::! as well: the commercial products of the laner can surely not wilthout intellectUaldishonesty I[~~: be ~i!:" dependent iil::;: "org:lnic" exprc:ssionof so many distinct socialcommunities lor castes,such asthe pc2SaI1t8 ~:;; ~~1~1!~; :~!~i:;:i village, the court, the medieval town, the polis, and even the classiol bourgeoisie when it was still a unified social group with its own cultUral specifiicity. Thc historically unique tendencial effect of late capitalism on all such groups has been to dissolve and to fragment or :;~::::: J;:!!!:, atomize them into agglomerations (Gesellscbaften) of isollatcd and equiva.lcnt private individuals, by way of the corrosive action of universal commodification and the market cultUre the and 111 were and ~ich rcflect~ wcre mass fact of past. definitions realiues, social on qUIte diffcrcnt ~e of our art folk ~one,. let po~ular. ~cd to and disciplines or research than : the mod~m1Sm, only in this or that branch for sod2I1Y d~nbcd abov~: have thcir mission as a.spcciillzation we culture conceivcd and historiaUy intelligiblc more havc strategically mass ,:;~ Ii) rethink .. :::aj:::::j::::1:i::;~::;~;~;::;; It which structUral ':~1::::::;;!:;;:; to older fOmlS of popular ordialectical folk art. opposition and profound structural intcrrclatednC:SSof Thus understood, the modernism and contemporarymassculture opensup a who;Ie ncw field for cultUralstUdy, which ::!f};:\i:~!;, :~~:~i:;!:i:Rj\;~'~:; :~j;::::!;~ :'~'. :.!i~;:;:;;,". " . ...:'~:. .: .~. . ..'.,~ : , ...:.:::' ': . ::::~:;;;~::'1:::..:: :::':',:' ~,'.::, on " . . .. .',;,'. .; ,:.., . US marginalized conditions (internal and extcmal pockets of so-calIcd underdevelopmcnt wiiliin the capitalist world systcm). The commodity pr~uction of contemporary or industrial mass culturc thus has nothing whatsoCver to do, and nothing in common, with be :~~~:;~;.: ., obliges system. Thus. the "popular" as such no longcr exists, cxcept under very ~ific to ~;~:!:::i, ~~~:::::;;i: . . . ,...' .. . clearly for their producuon influence '. . specification promises m~:::::::!; such 2SS~ted But ,:,'" ! The modernism. as dcsignatcd generally production artistic :; ~;L i I even this or of Hitchcock, senselc:ssness Ford, uner JOM The Chaplin. as O'Hara. John quality or high of Simenon, auteurs Andrew contemporary Wyeth. that .. such ! intercsting subject of conversation becomes clC:lr when it is understood that from a historical point of view the only form of ,'high culture" which ;can be sajd to constitute the dialectical opposite of masscultUre is that high cultural production contemporaneous with say ." . to .' , is ' ...' laner, .' Frost. popular Robert . ,. : .' "...". .," ;:.. . . the ,, " problems as the relativc va.lue--wcighcd against Shakespeare or even Dickens-of which ,,' .:':"': ,;, ,';,., ,:.:::.,.. ! .. , : ;, " . "."' . . , . ' .' . .;.," . ,. of utterly m:lterials raw by free. a and unreality commodity the is, (that simulacrum :1::) Je:m for ".' '-&-AU ,;::~~ formal antithetical the ,;:~ has which theme, such further one ::!' ': ;'::' : the which of tenDS in phenomena or ,:~;:::;~ an making involve initiially then would ;':-;, ;. , :~~f ',,!: ' ::jt::::!:;~ ! structural kcy a is matcrialization or remotion which in ,:;'.:(::;'::.j~' ambivalent propc:riy more a into terms) inessc:n~ and essential ,j i:':::!::::;:):::: ;: bad, and good its intO opposition binary every programs fatally (which value of 'i ':;:::;::::::':, : , f2lsc the of mtroduCtlon ::[:.t: :,':r:::, fundamental a o~ !bascd ~ to out turns ~ebate great id~logical this cultur2lly~en an.d .;" '::.,~;~:::;c.:::~~~:: historically phenomcnon-both same the and onc arc signifiers matc:riaJized increasingly . :::";;:::::::::::::::r::;:::::;:: "textUal of or text" tlhe of "matcri2llty the and significr" "matcrial the of celebration ..;.,..",*:"",:;.«,: :i;::2i::::~k:;.:!:i:::::: the to juxtaposition judgment-tn value negative furnishes remotion-which has attracted f is it something explored, be usefully can study of culture. mass and situation negative, and problem many so as systems SIgn Its of logic the and ') :~ :':~::', the is that and situation. specifying in note thcmcs area new this historical and positive styles ;::':& has Kicrk-'-'~""'. to own we social cornmon merely modernism problematic modcmism both of dialectical ( one featUre handicraft) or the post.-stJ'Ucturalism: form modem their to significance will I and culture such defining of task The feature languages and modem. both another yet an calls he recent in its in culture greatest point, this mass of other of inventory an ilssue that casc. the which natUre, with ch2taCterizes what of structure which ept, the of At hcre. do to interrelationship pnvzte faCt to by taken original) no have elaborations new m2SS and be to me to early too mISunderstanding. Once agaIn, theconfusIon stems from the in producti\on world object our marks and which conc modc:rnism of seemed It IS not i:s This constitute to hitherto place the (e.g., repetitive the ~ rr-.-tition. reactions thetcrm ofa productiom artisarull of "originals" the by "copies" -y- of notion reasons, rC2ct. formation. social carlier any in cpitalism interesting and rich known obVIous but aesthetic rcpetition expect would referent" of example, for Baudrillard, (for cannot another contemporary of or "the of consumer of reproduction the . theory or way experienced absence production . . MarxISt we then C:ISe, production, primary floating ..' . contemporary one situation the is anything and ."' .. : . . ; . , mdiVldual. in cultUre mass this If unlike ::'" . . ':.' ". . . contradictory thc . .. . :.::::.:::, ::: .:;.ti. '. .. and ism . " . :.:.,:::::::::. isolated ~ :;:;::ill\I;r:::i:i:i:; ;:::::::i:~::~:~:;:::;::: loses all social statusand facesthe options of becomingapoetr maudit or a journalist, dIe (, j'"... 1: and - were genres pre-capitaJLst once innovation-at such rcccnt omnibus these novels: "original" by reduplicated meta-generic new devising by competition 19405 and 19305 of pat1tcnl traditio~ the contemporary in work at systCml generic me sure, and production the and series, tv weekly of sub-generic now the of a1I1 reinforce displays airport or mass of realm the in afterlife powerful a -<ontinue "text" or "livre" by replaced now itself, novel" "the even length at and comedy, and ,., fixed older the repudiated succcssivdy have which revolutions modernist various the . ,~ worked sys[cmatically thereby and itself process aesthetic the into drawn is irritant external its made and appropriated has project modernist the Robbe-Grillct, to Stein Genrudc from whidt, rcpctition of kinds dIe Meanwhile, itself. text the of microcosm the within now but models formal older or forn15 older with break the of level the on merely not repetition defy ~~: the of vocation this dcmomstrate openly writing schizophrenic of ideal me and "text" a of c::1~ conception post-modernist the time, own our In itself. repetition of rcality objective the to ~':.;;.!;;~~1 respond to fonn, their of bon,e and flesh very me in and themselves, of spite in forced, been have modernisms various the which in ways the detecting for symptoms useful are they yet . change- of view cyclical of kind a projecting and history, social alone let fonns, of history ",:~:",,~"' the even out flattening up end period given any in change stylistic of content concrete the value-for theoretical or criticall no sure be to have ideologies aesdIetic Sudt equivalence. commodity of feature universal a as repetition of gravity of force dIe through breaks " and resists whidt something produce to new", it "make changcs-to bshion and style ~1 , ,i' prcssure-geometrically me styles. previous with brcak obligatory me novelty, and 'l!!" ' fonnulations hegemonic me through passing and group, Quel Tel me to Romantics the from ~ . ideological stance of all modernizing theory and practice one thing, they arepurdy fonDalandby abstt2ctingsomeempty concept of innovationfrom A.: 'v: biography, or porno- signs of something like an aesthetic "contraCt" between a cultural producer and a certain of the situation of aestheticproduction andconsumption,that is to say,from dIe faCtthat the ~ ~ : neutralized. symbolically and out" "acted over, ~."'. . . " ' ,"," ';":'::,. ' .. by discou~tigmatized generic older the that observed becn frcqucntiy has it Indeed, But it is dear that the inftuencc of repetition on rD2SS culmre hasbeen no lessdecisive. i and collective and social the from older the m~t the only from be classification dru~torc tragedy, lyric, of fonns ,': '. .' ;;Sf"".. . artist question- in production of mode vitality historically: television to (to films conventional unclassifiable the .,:' ,,:.', ,: ",: " 136 the institution social a . the to their drew generally distinct utterly is Paperback culture. , . , ,:,"" specificity. and validation anather way?r according is film" rcspond to had the betwccn gothic, bestseller, mysteries, science fiaion, conswnption artistic of oWn! its with one in still they development this "disaster thentselves Hollywood do as graphy, '..'" .:" '. - .."'" production, commodity statUS institutio~ was public; group or has film of marketing . ::! -.:. :,. ; of branch more relationship widely varied sure specify and commercial ~, need only invoke the ~tional this public and artist class forms, produCtion, f~;" . one market, interpersonal and be to bccomc new "gel':res""in dIeir own right, and fold back into dIe usual generic stereotyping however-the omnibus or ~" ":" becomes the of betwecn must reproductior.). [O[1nS, distinctions art social we But and t . coming homogeneous .. ~ ~;: ...".:: vanishes: st2tus-which . ", ~ . .., the relationship .,' -. . j:... 1 concrete a ;: . ::: .:::', ,': . ",..' ~1""'. ":.. With ..'..'.. ;.;,' ":,: :, ~., , production ,'.'. ,': " ,'.": .:. . :..'.,: : .::.::.. ~ ,,:. ::,'; " ~::':::.~:'~ i ::.:. '. . :':.1;::~;.:::~::;:;: .::i~;::;:; : :... .' ' .., : :: ':", , ~~ ,.:.. , Jameson , of classicalAnglo-Americanmodernism,to observeme strategic emph2Sison innovation incr(:a5ing widI dIe ever swifter historicity of consumer society, with its yearly or quanerly j: ,I,;,l'; modernist aesthetic to produce sentences which arc radically ,discontinuous, and whidt own, can bc seen as a kind of homeopathic stra[cgy whereby dIe :scandalous and in[olcr2blc . -~