diversity report 2009 – Volume 2 The publication highlighting diversity initiatives at

2009 – Volume 2
diversity report
The publication highlighting
diversity initiatives at
K&L Gates
Table of Contents
Creating Connections ......................................................................... 2
Recruitment Highlights from around the Firm................................................. 3
Affinity Groups Connect Communities......................................................... 4
London Diversity Inclusion Week............................................................... 5
Minority Women Pursuing the Law............................................................. 6
Fifth Annual Introduction to the Dallas Legal Market Event............................... 6
San Francisco Unified School District Pen Pal Program................................... 7
Future of the Law Institute......................................................................... 7
Events.................................................................................................... 8
Sponsored Events around the Firm............................................................. 8
Speaking Events.................................................................................... 8
Awards. ................................................................................................9
Client Spotlight................................................................................... 10
Creating Connections
K&L Gates is committed to promoting
In particular, we take a closer look at our
and supporting diversity in its
recently launched affinity groups. As part of
our retention efforts, affinity groups create
business and workforce. We seek
connections among lawyers throughout our
to achieve this through three key
offices, and two lawyers give their perspectives
tenets: recruitment, retention, and
on how these communities promote a positive
working environment.
outreach. In this report, we take
On the outreach front, we note several projects
stock of recent activity on all of
around the firm, including the Dallas office’s
these fronts.
popular “Introduction to the Dallas Legal
Market” event. We also report on our recent
recruiting activities, as well as recognition for
our various diversity efforts.
Wrapping up the report is a Q&A with
Associate General Counsel Timika ShafeekHorton from Duke Energy, who discusses the
company’s diversity strategy.
All of these efforts reflect our underlying
philosophy that a diverse workforce is essential
in working toward one key goal: to better serve
our clients.
Rick Jones
Director of Diversity
Recruitment Highlights
from around the Firm
Each summer, the Harrisburg office funds an
internship for a minority law student from an
area law school. The program, Capital Area
Managing Partners diversity initiative (CAMP
Diversity Initiative) is sponsored by the Dauphin
County Bar Association. The student, who is
funded with $6,000 from area sponsors, works in
a law firm for eight weeks. This year was the third
year the Harrisburg office has not only funded
a student, but also invited one to be a summer
associate in the office.
The Seattle office signed on to host the Northwest
Minority Job Fair for both 2009 and 2010.
Sponsored and funded by a consortium of private
and public sector employers, the 2009 job
fair was held in September. The fair provides
law students with an opportunity to meet legal
employers and fellow law students from across
the country, and fosters access to employment
opportunities for historically underrepresented
persons in the practice of law.
The firm has participated in a number of diverse job fairs this year, including:
• Boston Lawyers Group/Students of Color Job Fair (Boston)
• Dallas Bar Association Minority Attorney Business Development Initiative (Dallas)
• DuPont Minority Job Fair (Chicago, Delaware, Houston, Los Angeles)
• Lavender Law Job Fair (Seattle)
• New Jersey Law Firm Group Minority Job Fair (Newark)
• National Black Law Student Association Job Fair (Seattle)
• Northwest Minority Job Fair (Seattle)
• Southeastern Minority Job Fair (Pittsburgh)
• Southern Region Black Law Student Job Fair (North Carolina)
• Sunbelt Minority Recruitment Program (Dallas)
Affinity Groups Connect Communities
This year, K&L Gates rolled out five
The affinity groups bring together people who
share a common interest, background, or goal.
The purpose of these affinity groups is to bring
lawyers together to exchange information, ideas,
and common experiences while helping to promote
recruitment, retention, community outreach,
networking both within and outside the firm, and
informal professional and business development.
affinity groups as part of a new internal
diversity initiative. The groups, including
the Asian Pacific American group; the
Black/African American group; the
Hispanic/Latino group; the Disabilities
group; and the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual,
The groups are another reminder of the firm’s
ongoing commitment and support of diversity.
Says Jeremy Gottschalk, a Chicago associate
and affinity group participant, “The affinity
groups have connected communities of lawyers
from offices around the firm that might not have
otherwise become connected. By creating the
affinity groups, the firm is setting the tone that
acceptance and inclusion of everyone is of great
value to this firm.”
and Transgender group, are all inclusive
and open to all the firm’s lawyers who
wish to participate.
On a personal level, Gottschalk says that
being a member of the GLBT affinity group has
encouraged a sense of community among its more
than 30 members. “Having this community,” says
Gottschalk, “may support other people who might
otherwise be hesitant about joining the group
because the group shows that the firm is a safe
place to be out in the workplace.”
London Diversity Inclusion Week
For Harrisburg partner David Fine, the disability
affinity group serves as a candid, open forum
in which people around the firm have the
opportunity to join together and discuss their
common experiences. Fine, whose 15-yearold son has autism, sees the affinity groups as
a commitment from the firm to ensure that the
workplace is a hospitable environment for persons
with disabilities.
The London office’s inaugural Diversity and
Inclusion Week was built around a number of
formal and informal group activities which aimed
to provide information and break down barriers.
A series of three lectures focused on cultural
shifts in business organizations and the societies
in which we live. The lectures included a
presentation from a director of Stonewall U.K.,
one of the United Kingdom’s foremost political
lobbying and action groups for the lesbian/gay/
bisexual community; and a lecture on challenging
paradigms of perception from the diversity director
of the London Metropolitan Police.
As a parent of a child with special needs and
as a disability-rights advocate, Fine believes
that society tends to stereotype persons with
disabilities. If we look deeper, he says, we
generally learn that all people have important
abilities and potential. The most important asset
of any law firm is its people, and, by working
to create a hospitable work place for persons
with disabilities, the firm can retain talented
employees and cast a much wider net for talent
when it recruits.
Other events included a popular quiz night,
which raised money for the U.K.’s Prostate
Cancer Charity. The event successfully brought
together teams of partners, trainees, associates,
secretaries, and support staff, while also exploring
some serious questions on issues of diversity as
well as prostate cancer.
The disability group, which meets by
videoconference, can assist the firm in this
important goal by discussing ways in which
the firm has already made itself a welcoming
employer for persons with disabilities and
discerning additional areas for improvement.
Events such as the Diversity and Inclusion Week
are only one component of diversity. The London
office continues to make efforts to accommodate
talented individuals with disabilities, continue
outreach programs to schools and colleges, and
continue building affinity groups.
“Through these affinity groups,” says Fine,” we
recognize that people have a great many facets
to their lives -- facets that affect their lives both
personally and professionally. Perhaps more
important, we confirm to our colleagues and
potential colleagues that the firm respects the
ways in which we are different and, indeed,
embraces them as a means to enrich the firm.”
Minority Women Pursuing the Law
Fifth Annual Introduction to the Dallas
Legal Market Event
The Austin office partners with Minority
Women Pursuing the Law, a University of
Texas undergraduate organization. In April,
Austin partner Mary Schaerdel Dietz delivered
a presentation to organization members on
mentorship opportunities and the legal profession
in general. Shortly before graduation, the group
came to the office, where women lawyers and
legal assistants met with the undergraduates to
discuss law school and possible career paths.
Lawyers also provided the group with literature
on how to prepare for law school and what to
expect when attending.
The Dallas office planned and hosted its fifth
annual “Introduction to the Dallas Legal Market”
seminar. Organized by the office’s diversity
committee, the program is designed to introduce
minority law students to a variety of legal career
opportunities in the Dallas area. This year’s guest
speakers included a general counsel and a Dallas
city attorney.
K&L Gates lawyers Eddy Espinosa, Jaime Ramón,
and Angela Johnson shared their experiences in
private practice, government work, and public
services. Following the seminar, other K&L Gates
Dallas lawyers joined the law students for a
reception, giving the students a chance to make
valuable business contacts and ask questions in
an informal setting.
Due to the program’s success, the Texas offices
plan to expand next year’s event and are
considering hosting a seminar in both the Austin
and Dallas offices in 2010.
San Francisco
San Francisco Unified School District Pen
Future of the Law Institute
Pal Program
The Future of the Law Institute is a year-long program
for minority and economically disadvantaged high
school students interested in learning more about
a career in the law. The Seattle office is a strong
supporter of the program: the office makes an
annual contribution and Seattle partner Chris Hirst
serves on the board and annually travels to local
high schools to recruit students into the organization.
In addition, Seattle of counsel Fred Tausend was one
of two co-founders of the program.
San Francisco of counsel Elaine Lindenmayer
organized a group of 20 lawyers and staff from
the San Francisco and Palo Alto offices to join
the San Francisco Unified School District’s Pen
Pal Program. The program connects classroom
learning to the real world by pairing diverse
students in area schools with volunteers who
become pen pals, writing short letters about topics
related to the current classroom curriculum.
FLI provides students with substantive legal
workshops, career counseling, a mock trial,
courthouse tour, and opportunities to meet with
legal professionals. Students are also matched
with an attorney, judge, or law student mentor
for the school year. Additionally, FLI offers
competitive paid and unpaid summer internship
opportunities in law firms and courts as well as
scholarship opportunities.
The Seattle office plans to welcome one or more
students into firm-sponsored summer internships
in 2010.
Sponsored Events around the Firm
The firm has recently participated in a number of diversity-related events, including:
• A
ll Corporate Counsel Women of Color events, including the 5th Annual Career Strategies
Conference (lead sponsor)
• National Bar Association Annual Conference (San Diego)
• California Public Utilities Commission Diversity Reception (Los Angeles)
• N
ational Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) California-Nevada Regional
Conference (Los Angeles)
• K&L Gates Women in the Profession Reception (Los Angeles)
• National Hispanic Bar Foundation Reception (Washington, D.C. and Miami)
• NAPABA and D.C. Minority Networking Association events (Washington, D.C.)
• Dallas Symphony Orchestra Latino Festival Reception (Dallas)
• Texas Bar Association 2009 Annual Retreat, Asian Pacific Interest Section (Dallas)
• Dallas Hispanic Bar Association Reception for Ramona Romero, in-house counsel, DuPont (Dallas)
Speaking Events
International Association of Defense Counsel
Washington Minority Bar Association
Statewide Diversity Conference
Los Angeles partner Paul Sweeney moderated
a panel titled “The Impact of Diversity in the
Modern Courtroom” at the mid-year meeting of
the International Association of Defense Counsel.
Judges on the panel discussed diversity in the
courtroom and how the increasing number of
diverse judges, lawyers, and jurors may impact
the ways lawyers try cases.
Seattle partners Tisha Pagalilauan and Pallavi
Wahi spoke at the Fourth Annual Statewide
Diversity Conference. Pagalilauan presented on
“Addressing Bias/Stereotypes in Negotiations,
Mediations, and Client Meetings,” and included
discussions on recognizing biases carried by
every individual and how to deconstruct your own
assumptions as well as being thoughtful as to how
others may regard you.
Wahi presented on “Switching Practice Focus:
What it Takes to Develop an Expertise in a New
Area,” and focused on building experience and
dealing with new employment realities in an
economic downturn.
Pennsylvania Bar Association
Hispanic National Bar Association
The Pennsylvania Bar Association included K&L
Gates on its Honor Roll of Legal Organizations
Welcoming Women Professionals in its 2009
Annual Report Card on Women in the Profession.
Dallas partner Martin Garza was named “Latino
Lawyer of the Year” by the Hispanic National
Bar Association.
Texas Lawyer
King County Bar Association
Partner Martin Garza was also honored by Texas
Lawyer as one of “25 Extraordinary Minorities in
Texas Law.”
Seattle partner James Andrus recently began
serving his term as the 103rd president of the
King County Bar Association (KCBA). Andrus
is the first African-American lawyer to serve as
president in the KCBA’s history.
Dallas Hispanic Bar Association
Dallas partner Jaime Ramón received the Dallas
Hispanic Bar Association’s President’s Award. The
award is given annually to a member who has
made outstanding contributions to the association
and the Hispanic community through distinguished
service and mentorship.
Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year Award
The King County Bar Association recently
honored Seattle partner Pallavi Wahi with the
organization’s Outstanding Young Lawyer of the
Year award.
National Bar Association
American Bar Association’s Standing
Committee on the Federal Judiciary
The National Bar Association (NBA) recently
awarded Seattle partner James Andrus its
Presidential Award for his work done on behalf
of the NBA during 2008-2009, particularly
his service as chair of the Wiley Branton Issues
Symposium in 2008.
Dallas partner Kim Askew, as chair of the ABA’s
Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary,
testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee
during the Supreme Court confirmation hearings
of Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Client Spotlight
Charlotte partner Felicia Washington recently discussed diversity with firm
client Associate General Counsel Timika Shafeek-Horton at Duke Energy.
What are the key aspects of Duke Energy’s
diversity strategy?
In what ways does Duke Energy execute its
diversity strategy?
Duke Energy recognizes the value of diversity in
decision-making and we encourage a diversity
of opinions and backgrounds in both our internal
legal department and in our outside counsel. The
nature of our business is such that we work with
diverse stakeholders and on many complex issues.
One of Duke Energy’s values is to continue
to build a high-performance culture focused
on diversity and inclusion. In support of this
principle, the Office of General Counsel
is focused on attracting, developing, and
retaining diverse internal and external legal
professionals. Additionally, to evidence Duke
Energy’s commitment to diversity, the company’s
Chief Legal officer, Marc Manly, joined with
other general counsels of major corporations
and the managing partners of several law firms
in Charlotte in 2006 to sign the action plan of
the Charlotte-Mecklenburg General Counsel and
Managing Partners Diversity Initiative.
What is the OGCDC and what role does it
play in your diversity efforts?
Duke Energy Corporation’s Office of General
Counsel Diversity Council (OGCDC) was formed
following the merger between Duke Energy and
Cinergy Corp. in 2006 to devise, promote,
and guide the Office of General Counsel’s
diversity efforts. Since its formation, the OGCDC
has worked to refine its goals and develop an
action plan to demonstrate its strong commitment
to increased diversity in the legal community,
including its own Office of General Counsel.
Since 2006, Duke Energy has participated in a
highly regarded internship program that enables a
first year law student to spend half a summer in our
law department and the remainder of the summer in
a Charlotte law firm. The company also participates
in another internship program in partnership with the
North Carolina State Bar Association that allows
another first year law student to spend an entire
summer clerking in our law department. Inspired by
these North Carolina programs, the company has
implemented another program under which minority
interns are hired to split a summer between the law
department and one of our relationship firms, in
Plainfield, Ind., and Cincinnati, Ohio.
Client Spotlight
What is the importance of your suppliers,
specifically law firms, exercising diversity?
The Duke Energy law department has set
expectations for its relationship firms on their
diversity efforts. Meetings are held with
representatives of those firms periodically to
gauge progress by those firms and the law
department itself.
How does Duke Energy address the topic
of biases in the legal profession?
Duke Energy recognizes that there are inherent
biases in the legal profession, borne out by the
fact that so few women and minorities make
partner in large law firms and attrition rates for
women and minorities tend to be higher at such
firms. Although we recognize that we cannot
change this single-handedly or overnight, Duke
Energy is committed to providing opportunities for
women and minorities to develop their practices
across a wide spectrum of legal areas.
For more information about our diversity activities, please contact:
Paul Sweeney
Rick Jones
Partner & Chair of Diversity Committee
Director of Diversity
Local Committee Chairs:
Felicia Washington (Charlotte)
David McDonald (Seattle)
Michael Martinez (Chicago)
Elizabeth Thomas (Seattle)
Cynthia Ohlenforst (Texas)
Ndenisarya Bregasi (Washington, D.C.)
K&L Gates is a global law firm with lawyers in 33 offices located in North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and
represents numerous GLOBAL 500, FORTUNE 100, and FTSE 100 corporations, in addition to growth and middle market
companies, entrepreneurs, capital market participants and public sector entities. For more information, visit www.klgates.com.
K&L Gates comprises multiple affiliated partnerships: a limited liability partnership with the full name K&L Gates LLP qualified
in Delaware and maintaining offices throughout the U.S., in Berlin and Frankfurt, Germany, in Beijing (K&L Gates LLP Beijing
Representative Office), in Singapore (K&L Gates LLP Singapore Representative Office), and in Shanghai (K&L Gates LLP Shanghai
Representative Office); a limited liability partnership (also named K&L Gates LLP) incorporated in England and maintaining
our London and Paris offices; a Taiwan general partnership (K&L Gates) which practices from our Taipei office; and a Hong
Kong general partnership (K&L Gates, Solicitors) which practices from our Hong Kong office. K&L Gates maintains appropriate
registrations in the jurisdictions in which its offices are located. A list of the partners in each entity is available for inspection at
any K&L Gates office.
This publication is for informational purposes and does not contain or convey legal advice. The information herein should not
be used or relied upon in regard to any particular facts or circumstances without first consulting a lawyer.
©2009 K&L Gates LLP. All Rights Reserved.