Title of Thesis
Srikanth Vishnubhotla, Master of Science, January 2007
Directed By:
Prof. Carol Y Espy-Wilson
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Maryland
The problem addressed in this work is that of detecting and characterizing
occurrences of irregular phonation in spontaneous speech. While published work tackles this
problem as a two-hypothesis problem only in those regions of speech where phonation
occurs, this work also focuses on trying to distinguish aperiodicity due to frication from that
arising due to irregular voicing. In addition, this work also deals with correction of a current
pitch tracking algorithm in regions of irregular phonation, where most pitch trackers fail to
perform well, as evidenced in literature. Relying on the detection of such regions of irregular
phonation, an acoustic parameter is then developed in order to characterize these regions for
speaker identification applications. The algorithm builds upon the Aperiodicity, Periodicity
and Pitch (APP) detector, a system designed to measure the amount of aperiodic and
periodic energy in a speech signal on a frame-by-frame basis. The detection performance of
the algorithm has been tested on a clean speech corpus, the TIMIT database, and on
telephone speech corpus, the NIST 98 database, where regions of irregular phonation have
been labeled by hand. The detection performance is seen to be 91.8% for the TIMIT
database, with the percentage of false detections being 17.42%. The detection performance
is 89.2% for the NIST 98 database, with the percentage of false detections being 12.8%. The
corresponding pitch detection accuracy increased from 95.4% to 98.3% for the TIMIT
database, and from94.8% to 97.4% for the NIST 98 database, on a frame basis, with the
reference pitch coming from the ESPS pitch tracker. The creakiness parameter was added to
a set of seven acoustic parameters for speaker identification on the NIST 98 database, and
the performance was found to be enhanced by 1.5% for female speakers and 0.4% for male
speakers for a population of 250 speakers. These results lead to the conclusion that the
creakiness detection parameter can be used for speech technology. This work also has
potential applications in the field of non-intrusive diagnosis of pathological voices.
Srikanth Vishnubhotla
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the
University of Maryland, College Park in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Advisory Committee
Dr. Carol Y Espy-Wilson, Chair and Advisor
Dr. Shihab Shamma
Dr. Rama Chellappa
© Copyright by
Srikanth Vishnubhotla
Mother is equivalent to God, Father is equivalent to God, and Teacher is equivalent to God.
I would like to express my undying and infinite gratitude towards my parents, who have
given me everything I wished for, and have made me what I am. I owe everything to them.
This is the best opportunity to express my sincere thanks and immense gratitude to my
teacher and guide – Prof. Carol Espy-Wilson. She has been my inspiration and Guru during
my work in the Speech Lab. She has taught me the philosophy and method of research, and
has helped me shape my research career.
I would like to express my thanks to the members of my thesis committee, Prof. Rama
Chellappa and Prof. Shihab Shamma, for sparing their invaluable time in reviewing the
manuscript of the thesis, and for providing valuable comment and suggestions.
My thanks to all my colleagues of the Speech Communication lab. Discussions with Om,
Tarun, Xinhui, Sandeep and Daniel have always proved to be fruitful and insightful. I would
especially like to thank Om for all his help and suggestions at various stages of my research,
especially with the APP detector. Sandeep has been a very good friend & colleague, and has
helped in acquainting me with the speaker ID setup. Daniel has provided valuable advice
and comments with the speaker ID experiments. I would like to thank Olakunle for his help
with verifying manual transcription of creakiness in the TIMIT database.
I would like to acknowledge the timely help and support from the ECE and ISR IT staff.
My thanks go to all my friends here at UMD, who have made the last two years really
memorable and have helped and supported me at various stages. Abhinav, Anuj and Pavan
will always find a place among the best of my friends, and they have my ever-lasting
gratitude. Ramya & Swati – thanks for all the good times outside and at home. And
everybody - thanks for all the participation in the innumerable games of AoM! Rahul,
Sudarshan, Gunjan – thanks for the wonderful food at 143, Westway! Jishnu & Sravya –
thanks for the late night rides. They’ve made a huge difference, I assure you! Bargava –
thanks for all the philosophical (and all else!) discussions. Pooja – thanks for participating in
the birthday bashes and the get-togethers. And for all the feedback!
Last but not the least – thanks to my family. My mom, dad and sister – I love you and miss
you all.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Introduction & Background
The Speech Production Process & The Acoustic Parameters
Phonation & Voice Quality
Irregular Phonation & Its Types
Why This Thesis?
Literature Survey & Contributions of this Thesis
Acoustic Parameters for Speaker Identification
Outline of the Thesis
Modifications to the APP detector
The APP detector
Dip Profiles in the APP Detector
Recommended Specifications
Acoustic Characteristics for Detection of Irregular Phonation
Detecting Suspect Regions of Irregular Phonation
Energy Threshold
Zero Crossing Rate
Spectral Slope
Dip Profile – Eliminating Voiced Fricatives and Breathy Vowels
Pitch Estimation
Final Decision Process : Combining Current Pitch Information
and Dip Profile Decisions
Experiments & Results
Database Used For The Experiments
Experiment 1 – Accuracy of Pitch Estimation
Experiment 2 – Detection of Irregular Phonation
Speaker Identification using Acoustic Parameters
Error Analysis and Discussion
Summary & Future Directions
Future Research Directions
Pitch Estimation Accuracy of the modified APP detector, as compared to
the earlier version
Insertion of voiced decisions for unvoiced speech
Accuracy of detection of creakiness instances in the TIMIT database
Accuracy of detection of creakiness frames in the TIMIT database
Accuracy of detection of creakiness instances in the NIST 98 database
Accuracy of detection of creakiness frames in the NIST 98 database
Error Rates for Speaker ID without and with the creakiness parameter
A Typical Pattern Recognition System for ASR Speaker ID
The Speech Production Process modeled as an electrical system
A front view and top view of the vocal folds and the associated muscles
Modulation of the air flow by the vocal folds
Volume velocity of the air flow through the glottis during modal (normal)
Glottal Configuration, Volume Velocity and Glottal Spectrum for a creaky,
modal and breathy vowel
Illustrative example showing the behavior of the pitch, zero crossing rate
and energy in a speech file. Shown are : the time signal, spectrogram with
the formants overlaid, pitch track as calculated by the ESPS software,
pitch track calculated by the modified APP detector, zero crossing rate,
short-term energy. The red lines delineate the boundaries of a region of
laughter in the speech file. The black lines separate the breathy voiced
regions of laughter from the aspiration regions.
Block diagram of the Aperiodicity, Periodicity & Pitch detector
Sample AMDF and dip strengths for a strongly periodic (left) and
aperiodic (right) frame
Spectro-temporal profiles & dip profiles for periodic or vowel, aperiodic
or fricative, breathy vowel, voiced fricative and creaky vowel regions
A sample modal vowel and creaky vowel compared in terms of
spectrogram, per/aper profile, time waveform, source or glottal signal
exciting the vocal tract and AMDF of the signal and associated dip
structure. The vowels being compared are the same (/e/)
Spectrogram, old APP detector and modified APP detector spectrotemporal profiles for a segment of speech contrasting a modal vowel,
creaky vowel and aperiodic region
Flowchart showing the main stages of the algorithm for detection of
irregular phonation
Illustration of the zero crossing rate in case of the voiced and unvoiced
regions. The zero crossing rate (ZCR) for the signal components >
2000Hz, the signal components < 2000 Hz with all its frequency
components are compared.
Spectrogram and high-spectrum ZCR of a region of speech, showing a
fricative, modal vowel, creaky vowel and laughter
Comparison of spectral tilt of a creaky vowel, voiced stop and fricative
Pitch tracking accuracy of three algorithms in creaky regions. Shown are
the waveform, spectrogram, pitch tracking using the ESPS software, pitch
track from the modified APP detector, and pitch track from the original
version of the APP detecto
Pitch tracking of the new APP detector algorithm in creaky regions.
Shown are the waveform, spectrogram, pitch tracking using ESPS
software, pitch track from the modified APP detector. The instantaneous
pitch tracking accuracy of the algorithm may be noted.
Failure to correct pitch in certain regions, due to high pitch confidence.
Shown are the waveform, spectrogram, pitch tracking using ESPS
software, pitch track from the modified APP detector. The pitch period of
0.004 sec (highlighted region in yellow) may be compared to the estimated
pitch frequency of 109.59 Hz, which is a pitch halving error. This is
because of high pitch confidence at twice the pitch period.
Creakiness detection results. Shown are the spectrogram showing the
regions of creakiness in the original signal and the same spectrogram as
above, with the creaky regions identified by the APP detector overlaid in
Improvement in speaker ID performance upon introduction of creakiness
as the eighth parameter
Chapter 1
Speech is the primary mode of communication in humans. Indeed, the most obvious
trait that sets the human race apart from the rest of the living world is the ability of humans
to communicate with each other with richness, efficiency and variety. The speech signal
produced by humans contains much more information than purely the message to be
passed: it also gives the listener an idea of the gender and emotional state of the speaker, the
language of communication, as well as the speaker’s identity in some cases. Each of these
components of information is processed by the listener, and then put together in the brain
to generate a complete picture of the particular conversation.
Automatic methods have been developed for a long time to capture these various
levels of information, and researchers have contributed to different areas of speech
processing by machines, like Automatic Speaker Recognition (ASR), Language Identification,
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Speaker Identification (Speaker ID), Emotion
Recognition etc. In addition, research has also focused on giving machines the ability to
speak, or Speech Synthesis. Further, there have also been major contributions to the area of
Speech Enhancement, with the intention of rendering speech signals more usable for
machines and humans. However, while there have been significant advances in all of these
components of speech technology, each of them is still far from perfect or even near-human
performance, and a lot needs to be done before the problem of “teaching machines to
converse like humans” can be declared solved. Indeed, for example, in the technology of
speech recognition, human speech recognition beats ASR by an order of magnitude in both
clear and noisy speech [1] – a gap that has not been bridged over the past nearly ten years.
There are several reasons for the marked difference between the performance of
humans and machines. In particular, for the problems of ASR and speaker ID, the
performance difference is significantly high and for most cases, unacceptable, and this might
be attributed to the approach taken towards the problem [1]. Most ASR and speaker ID
systems rely on the statistical pattern recognition framework, wherein the front-end contains
the Feature Extractor, and the back-end consists of one of several class-discriminating
modeling techniques. Figure 1.1 shows a typical statistical pattern recognition system akin to
those used for ASR and speaker ID applications:
Speech Signal
Training Phase
Speech Signal
Testing for Most
Likely Model
Testing Phase
Figure 1.1 : A Typical Pattern Recognition System for ASR Speaker ID
The speech signal is first processed in order to extract certain features that enhance
the discrimination between the different classes that are required to be identified (phonemes
for ASR and speaker characteristics for speaker ID). The features used in current state of the
art systems are the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), spectral features of
speech that have been processed by auditory-inspired techniques in order to mimic human
auditory processing [2]. In order to minimize the effect of channel distortions, these features
are smoothed using Relative Spectral Transform (RASTA) filtering [3], a technique that
applies a band-pass filter to the energy in each frequency band in order to smooth shortterm noise and to remove any constant offset in the band. To capture implicitly some of the
temporal information in speech, these MFCCs are complemented by their first and second
derivatives (ΔMFCCs and ΔΔMFCCs) which give the rate of change of these features with
Once the features are extracted, they are then fed into a modeling back-end, which
characterizes their statistical and temporal behavior by means of marginal and conditional
probability distributions, respectively. In state-of-the-art ASR systems, the back-end is a
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) [4] which characterizes temporal behavior of the features, as
well as their statistical description, by their conditional and marginal probability distributions.
For speaker ID applications, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), which accurately
describes the statistical distribution of the extracted features in terms of a set of Gaussian
distributions with varying means and variances, has been found to be most useful [5].
The reason why machine recognition has not lived up to expectations and still
demands new developments is that the modeling techniques, as well as the feature extraction
methods, have not been (i) accurate and (ii) appropriate to the tasks at hand. As an
illustration, the speaker ID technology uses a purely statistical mechanism to model speaker
characteristics, without taking temporal information into account. It is a known fact [6] that
speakers differ in the way they articulate the same phoneme, and therefore, the
characteristics of speech they produce should show different dynamic behavior. However,
the GMMs used for Speaker ID do not explicitly capture this temporal variation of the
features, and rely on the ability of features to model temporal behavior. This is unlike the
HMMs which characterize conditional distributions to capture temporal behavior, but which
are not used for speaker ID because of the inherent complexities in modeling multimodal
distributions, and the lack of enough training data for each of the marginal and conditional
More importantly, the choice of features is also a bottleneck in pushing the limits of
current speech technology. The MFCCs that have been traditionally used for speech and
speaker recognition are not very intuitively motivated, and more significantly, do not provide
a clear picture of why they should work or fail in certain circumstances. These features
implicitly code the human vocal tract characteristics, and their temporal behavior does not
clearly reflect the vocal tract activity that would have generated such a MFCC structure.
Further, the traditional set of MFCCs used are low time liftered, capturing only the vocal
tract information and are thus not fully efficient, since for example, the source information
of the speaker is also rich in speaker-specific information like voice quality and could be
used for speaker ID. Thus, it is useful to explore beyond the MFCCs and look for efficient
features that explicitly capture specific information that would be useful for the particular
task at hand. For example, recent work has shown that for speaker ID applications, the
performance of a set of eight acoustic parameters matches that of the traditional 39 MFCCs
for varying population sizes, typically beating the MFCCs in the case of female speakers [6].
Thus, it is a promising enterprise to embark on the search for parameters that would
explicitly capture specific information from the speech signal.
The Speech Production Process & The Acoustic Parameters
If it were possible to extract reliable features that explicitly capture the activities of
the speech-producing mechanisms, then it would be possible to improve the performance of
current speech technology. A brief look at the speech production process explains how:
Voicing Source
Vocal Tract Filter
Speech Signal
Aspiration Source
Figure 1.2 : The Speech Production Process modeled as an electrical system
The speech production process can be approximated by an electrical system, where a
source signal excites a filter [7]. The behavior of the glottis is modeled by the source – when
the glottis opens and closes periodically, as in the case of vowels, the source is represented
by a periodic or quasi-periodic signal. When the glottis remains partially open allowing air to
flow from the lungs and there are no major constrictions in the vocal tract, aspiration noise
created just above the glottis produces the sound /h/. When the glottis remains open and a
major constriction is created along the vocal tract, a second source is produced, either by
creating a close constriction like in the case of fricatives (/f/, /s/ etc.) or by allowing the
articulators to excite the vocal tract with sudden impulses, like in the case of stops (/p/, /t/
etc). In such cases, the source is represented by a noise source. In some phonemes, like the
voiced fricatives (/z/), both the periodic and aperiodic sources are simultaneously active, in
which case the periodic energy typically manifests itself in the lower frequencies, and the
aperiodic energy in the higher frequencies. Each of the different vowels is produced when a
periodic source is modified by a different configuration of the filter representing the vocal
tract; these configurations are represented by the resonant frequencies of the filter. The
harmonic spectrum of the periodic source thus gets modified by the vocal tract frequency
response, giving the resultant speech a spectrum that has peaks at certain frequencies. These
frequencies, called the Formant frequencies, are different for different vowels (and are in
fact characteristic of them).
In particular, taking the example of ASR for vowels, a simple way to identify vowels
automatically would then be to estimate the resonant frequencies from the speech spectrum,
and then identify the vowel using the formants thus obtained. Though the variability in
speech, both due to medium as well as due to speaker identity, renders the problem not so
simple to solve, the principle is more or less the same. Thus, it comes naturally to use the
formants as parameters for recognition of vowels – a subset of the parameters motivated by
the speech production process and the acoustics involved. These parameters that are called
Acoustic Parameters (APs) in the remainder of this thesis. For the case of speaker ID, the
motivation of using acoustic parameters is that each speaker has a characteristic pattern of
movement of articulators [6]. Thus, when acoustic parameters are used to characterize the
speaker’s speech, their behavior (both temporal and spectral) can help a lot in identifying the
speaker from others. Further, the physical attributes of a speaker also limit the range of
values that each of the acoustic parameters derived can take, and this can provide a valuable
clue to speaker identity. Putting together this potpourri of acoustic parameters, that captures
various characteristics of the speaker and speech generated, in an adequately capable
modeling system, can give significant results for speech technology. For example, it was
recently shown in Espy-Wilson et al, [6] that the speaker ID performance of a set of eight
acoustic parameters either matches or beats that of the traditional 39 MFCCs.
While capturing features, it is necessary to characterize both the vocal tract filter as
well as the source signal exciting the vocal tract. The set of acoustic parameters that have
been used in Espy-Wilson et al, to characterize the vocal tract are the four formants. The
degree of periodicity (and aperiodicity) in the source signal exciting the vocal tract, as well as
the spectral tilt of the speech produced, are used to characterize the source information. The
motivation for selection of these source features is elaborated on in [6].
The aim of this thesis is to develop an acoustic parameter that characterizes a
particular type of source information (i.e., voice quality). In particular, this work deals with
automatically detecting regions in speech where the source signal exciting the vocal tract
shows irregular behavior – the signal is neither periodic nor noise-like, but has a different
structure as a consequence of irregularity in the pattern of vibration of the vocal folds [8].
Phonation & Voice Quality
While it is the vocal tract that determines the phoneme to be produced, it is the
mechanism of production of the glottal pulses exciting the vocal tract that determines the
quality and perceptual attributes of the speech signal produced [7,9]. In this section, a brief
description of the source mechanism during voiced speech is given [7]. The glottal pulses
exciting the vocal tract are actually produced by the building of air pressure just behind the
glottis. When the air pressure (coming from the lungs) is adequately high, the vocal folds that
close the glottal opening are pushed apart to allow the air to escape. The volume velocity of
Figure 1.3 : A front view (left) and top view (right) of the vocal folds and the
associated muscles (adapted from [7])
this air excites the vocal tract, causing it to resonate at certain frequencies according to its
Figure 1.3 shows the front view of the glottis and vocal folds. Air pressure from the
lungs causes the glottis to open by pushing the vocal folds apart and leaking through the
opening thus formed. The figure on the right shows a top-view of the vocal folds and
associated muscles. Because of the close (but importantly, not exact) symmetry between the
muscles controlling the two vocal folds, the vocal folds usually open and close in synchrony
to each other, and thus the resultant volume velocity is a smooth function of time, with both
the vocal folds modulating the air velocity equally and in a balanced way. It is noteworthy
that the modulation by the vocal folds shapes the volume velocity that excites the vocal tract,
and thus influences the nature of the speech produced. The actual modulation of the air by
the vocal folds is shown in Figure 1.4.
This is a view of the glottis and vocal
folds from the front. It can be seen that the
lower part of the vocal folds first separate out
due to build up of sub-pressure, and then there
is a gust of air that pushes through the vocal
folds. Thus, the upper muscles now open apart
and the air escapes from the glottis to the vocal
tract. As the gust of air moves through the
glottis, the lower muscles of the vocal folds start
pulling them back together and the vocal folds
Figure 1.4 : Modulation of the air
flow by the vocal folds (adapted
from [7])
start closing, from lower part to upper part.
Thus, a Bernoulli Effect is seen in the opening
and closure of the vocal folds. Further, the closure of the vocal folds is faster than the
opening. This is because the vocal folds that are inherently closed have to be pushed apart
and therefore take a sufficiently large sub-glottal pressure to be opened. Once they are
opened, there is a large volume of air traversing upwards and thus, the vocal folds are held
apart. In contrast, once the air rushes out, there is no pressure to keep the vocal fold muscles
apart and they close shut more rapidly. These mechanisms are reflected in the structure of
the volume velocity that excites the vocal tract. The source signal that excites the vocal tract
is seen to have a slower and more gradual opening phase, and a faster, more rapid closing
phase (Figure 1.5).
Figure 1.5 : Volume velocity of the air flow through the glottis during modal
(normal) voicing (adapted from [7])
It is obvious that the physical characteristics of the speaker greatly determine the
source signal modulating the vocal tract. Indeed, the typical durations of opening and closing
of the glottis are a function of the acoustic mass of the upper and lower part of the vocal
folds, as well as their acoustic compliances and the coupling compliance between them.
(Mathematical details can be found in [7]). Thus, different speakers are expected to have
different excitation patterns for their vocal tracts. Further, speakers are not consistent in the
way they excite their vocal tract – the source signal for the same vowel can significantly
change within a period of 10-15 msec for the same speaker during spontaneous speech. To
complicate matters, the two vocal folds are not perfectly symmetric in terms of their
properties like acoustic mass, hardness etc. and this causes an imbalance in the modulation
of the volume velocity by the two vocal folds. All these phenomena result in the source
signal exhibiting characteristics that differ so greatly from one phoneme to another, that it
sometimes becomes difficult to define what can be called “normal” and “abnormal” for a
specific speaker.
Perceptually, however, one can broadly classify “what speech sounds like” (i.e., the
perceptual quality of speech, or Voice Quality) into three classes – Modal, Breathy and Creaky.
Modal voicing is simply the normal voicing of a speaker – perceptually, it can be said that
modal voicing is what a speaker usually sounds like. In this case, the vocal folds vibrate in
the mode as described above, with the glottis opening and closing at regularly intervals and
the vocal folds behaving symmetrically offering no greater resistance than they usually do [9].
In the case of Breathy voicing, the vocal folds do not always close completely and there is
always a leakage of air through the slightly-open glottis (figure 1.6). Consequently, the speech
produced has a slightly whispery or breathy quality to it, in the sense that there is always an
underlying noisy element even during the vowels. Because of the leakage of air, the volume
velocity has a non-zero DC component. This constant leakage of air also causes the
resistance of the vocal fold muscles to be less cumbersome to air-flow, and thus, the opening
phase is usually as free and the closing phase – giving rise to a symmetric glottal pulse. This,
along with the fact that there is coupling between the sub-glottal and supra-glottal regions,
explains the more sinusoidal nature of the glottal source pulse. Spectrally, the glottal source
signal has a steeper slope (-18 dB/octave) than that of the modal case (-12 dB/octave). This
is because of two reasons – the DC offset given by the leakage of the air, and the sinusoidal
nature of the signal (as a signal approaches a sinusoid, its spectrum approaches that of an
impulse and thus becomes steeper). This also causes the first harmonic (H1) of the source
spectrum to be significantly higher than the second harmonic (H2). The H1-H2 difference
for breathy vowels is usually about 6 dB more than that of the modal vowels. It must be
noted that in the case of breathy voicing, the frequency of vocal fold vibration does not
change and the pitch (F0) remains the same as it should in the modal case. Physiologically,
the difference only exists in that the vocal folds allow a leakage of air during closure. Finally,
this kind of voicing should also be noted as another example where a voiced source and
aperiodic source act simultaneously, with the former dominating the lower frequencies and
the latter, the higher frequencies.
Figure 1.6 : Glottal Configuration (top pane), Volume Velocity (middle pane)
and Glottal Spectrum (bottom pane) for a creaky (left column), modal (middle
column) and breathy (right column) vowel. (adapted from [9])
In the third voice quality class, i.e., creaky (or laryngealized) voicing, the vocal folds
do not open completely, and close more abruptly than in the modal case. This could be due
to one of several reasons – physically, creakiness is usually attributed to heavier or strained
vocal folds [7]. The vocal folds do not open completely and therefore, the volume of air
flowing out is also usually less as compared to the other two voicing modes. The frequency
of glottal opening and closure also reduces (i.e, the period, or pitch, of the source signal
reduces) because of the difficulty in opening the vocal folds. The opening and closing phases
are significantly shorter than the modal case, for the same reason. Spectrally, this translates
to a spectrum that is flatter than the modal or breathy case. This is because of the abruptness
in the opening and closing, which makes the source more impulse-like, rendering it a flatter
spectrum. The typical spectral roll-off is -12 dB/octave, and the H1-H2 difference is actually
negative, and less than that of the modal or breathy case. In this thesis, this mode of voicing
is also classified as being irregular because the glottal opening and closure is not as it
normally should be, and the pitch also does not fall in the same range it usually does.
Irregular Phonation & Its Types
In this study, we focus on one of the variations of voice quality, namely irregular
phonation. This particular category is a super-class comprising of sounds that various
researchers from different disciplines have called creak, vocal fry, diplophonia, diplophonic
double pulsing [10, 11], glottalization [12], laryngealization [9], pulse register phonation [10],
vocal fry [10] and glottal squeak [10]. While it is clear that each of these terms is well-defined
in literature, there still remains some difficulty in defining the exact perceptual correlates of
each of these phenomena. This is because of some common source mechanisms occurring
in these various forms, which do not give a characteristic clue that identifies them from
other types. However, the main characteristics of all these various forms of phonation are
that the vocal folds do not vibrate as they would for a modal case, and the difference comes
either in asymmetry of the behavior of the vocal folds, or a significant difficulty in opening
the two vocal folds to the extent that would happen in modal case. As an example, in the
case of diplophonia (or diplophonic double pulsing), the vocal folds do not vibrate
simultaneously and are out of phase. Thus, the volume velocity is modulated in a two-fold
way, and there are two glottal pulses in each cycle, one being delayed and damped with
respect to the other. The corresponding speech signal exhibits a waveform that shows two
distinct pulses exciting the vocal tract, and a spectrum that shows interharmonics arising due
to the interaction of these phase-inconsistent source signals. Most pitch trackers fail to track
the pitch correctly in such cases, as was tested by the author on a few samples of such
speech. An extreme case of diplophonia is diplothongia, where the vocal folds do not vibrate
in synchrony at all and thus, two distinct tones are produced, one due to each vocal fold.
In this work, we therefore avoid the confusion due to literary definitions, and instead
rely on the work in [10] that has shown that in spite of their varying definitions, some of
these phenomena are similar to each other, and are classified together by listeners to fall in
the same perceptual space, thus narrowing the variety to very few classes. We thus clearly
define our task as the automatic detection of all sounds that will fall in the above perceptual
category, namely irregular phonation. Irregular phonation is defined for the scope of this
thesis as “those sounds which fall into one of the categories of creak, vocal fry, diplophonia,
diplophonic double pulsing, glottalization, laryngealization, pulse register phonation, glottal
stop or any mode of phonation that arises from either asymmetric vibration of the vocal
folds or due to a relatively abrupt closure of the vocal folds”.
Why This Thesis?
Speakers have a certain characteristic quality to their voice, which is a consequence
of their style of phonation, as well as their individual source properties. The variety in voice
quality is a well-studied phenomenon, and researchers from various disciplines like speech
processing, voice pathology, phonetics, linguistics and music have examined the various
aspects of phonation. Detection of irregular phonation by visual inspection, and description
of the characteristic features that identify it, as well as those that distinguish it from modal or
breathy speech, has opened the doors to approaching one of the most important problems
in speech processing – capturing the source information. This is especially true in present
speaker identification systems, as studies have shown that different speakers can glottalize at
different rates that are characteristic to them [12]. Traditional speaker identification and
speech recognition systems have, however, focused on modeling the vocal tract, and there
have been relatively few studies that try to incorporate source information into the system.
One of the probable reasons for this is that there is still no set of parameters that one can
use to explicitly and automatically arrive at the source information. The goal of research in
the Speech Communication Lab at the University of Maryland is, in addition to other
applications, arrive at a set of parameters that can identify automatically the degree and type
of irregular phonation in a speaker. Since voice quality is a characteristic of the speaker, such
a set of parameters would certainly boost the performance of a speaker identification system.
Identification of creaky regions has been one of the tasks in this long-term goal.
In addition to speaker identification, the task of automatic detection can contribute
to ASR as well. Most ASR systems rely on the traditional MFCCs, but recently, research is
also being pushed into the direction of landmark-based ASR using acoustic-parameters [c.f.
13]. Identifying the source information and removing it from the speech signal to arrive at
the vocal tract behavior could give insight into the actual articulators involved during the
production of that phoneme. This could well lead to the recognition of the phoneme being
spoken. However, in order to remove the source information, it is important to get an idea
of what kind of voicing is involved and what the glottis configuration has been – the
irregular phonation detector could give insight into these issues and thus help in ASR.
Automatic identification of irregular phonation can also aid in the study of voice
pathology. This is an important potential application, as it can lead to non-intrusive diagnosis
of laryngeal problems. It may be possible to identify the exact problem by simply processing
the speech file with an algorithm that can identify how the vocal folds are vibrating and what
physical activity is going on inside the larynx. While this thesis does not really focus on this
particular problem, it is a step in that direction and gives sufficient thought to that possibility
as being a possible future application, in terms of design of the pitch detection algorithm and
other internal working details.
This work can contribute to phonetics by identifying regions of speech such as turntaking etc., and also to the task of language identification, as there are a variety of languages
that exploit creakiness and breathiness to articulate certain sounds [11]. Analyzing the rate of
occurrence of certain creaky vowels can help in identifying the language of communication.
Lastly, this work can also aid in automatic emotion recognition. Speakers under stress and
those who have spoken for a long time, as well as physically exhausted speakers, show a
tendency to go creaky in their speech. This fact can be exploited to detect if a certain speaker
is under a stress of some kind. It also seems possible to use this system to detect voice
imitation, as certain speakers may have certain patterns of irregularity in their phonation, and
this may not be possible to mimic by the imitator.
While a number of such potential applications have been listed, this work also
supports one of them– speaker identification – numerically, as an illustration. Thus, it is
indeed a worthwhile task to design a system that can automatically detect irregular
Literature Survey & Contributions of this Thesis
The problem of trying to identify certain source characteristics has long been
investigated by various researchers for different potential applications, and are too numerous
to list with just a few references. However, there has been significantly little work done on
actually arriving at irregular vocal fold activity during spontaneous speech. Further,
developing this phenomenon as a means to characterize speakers is an idea that has not been
investigated previously.
Published attempts at explicitly detecting creaky voicing by automatic methods seem
to have been made in parallel by three other authors, all in the period of 2004-2005. In the
first of these works, published by Ishi in 2004, [14], the author tries to classify segments of
clean speech as belonging to either vocal fry or modal voicing. Both voiced and unvoiced
regions of speech are investigated. The acoustic cues that have been proposed for the
purpose are the variation of short-time power over consecutive glottal cycles, and features
called intra-frame periodicity and inter-pulse similarity, based on the properties of the autocorrelation function of the voiced segments. The detection rate reported was 73.3%, with an
insertion rate of 3.9%.
Independent and parallel work was published by Slifka [15] in 2005, where the task
was to classify tokens of clean speech from the TIMIT corpus containing modal voicing
from those containing creaky voicing. The acoustic features extracted from the voiced
segments are the pitch, normalized root mean square amplitude, smoothed energy difference
and shift-difference amplitude. These features have been used with a Linear SVM as a backend, and have yielded a detection accuracy of 91.25%, with insertion error rate 4.98%.
Parallel work was also published by Yoon et al [16] in the same year, with the task
being the same as the other two, namely, classification of segments of speech into modal or
creaky voicing. However, the task was tougher in the sense that the corpus used was
telephone speech, which exhibits significant channel distortion, and where pitch detection
algorithms have been reported to fail even in voiced regions of speech [17]. Preprocessing
steps were to boost the speech in order to equalize the channel effects, and then use a robust
pitch tracking algorithm to detect creakiness. Fundamental frequency (F0) and spectral cues
were used with an SVM to perform classification, and the classification accuracy was
reported to be 75%.
The work done in this thesis, independent from and parallel with the above works, is
a significantly different task because of various reasons. The first is the data that has been
used to evaluate the algorithm. The idea of developing the Irregular Phonation Detector was
to be able to detect and numerically characterize creakiness in spontaneous speech, which
includes regions of speech with no voicing and where the speech need not be clean. Indeed,
this algorithm has been tested on both clean and noisy speech corpuses, and has been found
to give results approaching the best of the above approaches ([15]) in clean (no results are
reported in [15] for noisy telephone speech). Specifically, in the case of noisy speech that the
algorithm was tested on, various degrading elements like channel distortion, laughter and
coughing, etc. have been worked on. Also, while the above works have been tested on
regions of voiced speech that have been predetermined and extracted manually, this
algorithm operates on speech and non-speech from all sources. While it is a trivial affair to
identify regions of voicing in the case of clean speech like from the TIMIT corpus, using
either the transcription labels or a sufficiently good pitch detection algorithm, the same is
not the case with spontaneous speech. In the latter case, transcriptions are not available for
detecting sonorant (voiced) regions, and pitch detection algorithms have been reported to
fail detection of voicing [17] and detect voicing in regions where there is no voicing in reality
(observed by author on various occasions). Even other simple and well-established acoustic
features like the zero crossing rate, energy thresholds etc. fail when they are used to identify
voiced from unvoiced regions in spontaneous speech from telephone data. All these facts
are illustrated in the Figure 1.7 (next page), which demonstrates the temporal behavior of
some of these features in telephone speech.
The figure 1.7 shows a region of laughter (/ehehe/, boundary marked by red lines),
where the region is partitioned into five regions: the first, third and fifth regions are voiced
and breathy (/e/) and the second and fourth are aspirated. These two regions should be
separated from each other by an appropriate voiced/unvoiced detector. Further, the detector
must be able to separate unvoiced regions from creaky regions (which are voiced). It may be
noted that the pitch detector of the ESPS software does not do a good job at detecting all
the creaky regions, and thus cannot be used for purposes of this thesis. Further, the zero
crossing rates and the energy are also not very useful in separating out these regions. For
example, in regions 1,2 and 3, wherein 1 and 3 fall in the voiced category and 2 in the
unvoiced, the zero crossing rate it seen to be in the same range. Further, even the short-time
energy parameter in regions 1 and 2 are in the same range. Thus, no statistical framework
can be used in this case to separate the voiced regions from unvoiced. Further, it may also be
seen that the energy parameter in the unvoiced regions (which is typically expected to be low
compared to voiced regions) is significantly higher than the voiced regions towards the end,
where creakiness sets in. This kind of behavior is very common in spontaneous speech, and
it is simply impractical to use any of these measures in a simple way and expect good
separation between the voiced and unvoiced regions.
In this work, not only has the creakiness detection algorithm been designed to
handle noisy speech containing distortions, as well as non-voiced parts of speech that would
be identified as voiced by most current voicing-detection approaches, but an accurate pitch
detection algorithm has also been incorporated into an Aperiodicity, Periodicity and Pitch
(APP) detector [18]. An illustration of its performance may also be seen in figure 1.7. The
ESPS pitch tracker clearly fails to track the correct pitch in creaky regions, and in regions
with modal regions followed by creaky, it gives wrong pitch estimates for one of these tow
modes of voicing. The APP detector pitch tracker, however, is seen to perform a decently
better job at tracking the pitch, and fails to find only one voiced region – the breathy region
5. It does not give the correct pitch value in some frames in one of the creaky regions, and
shows a doubling error, but still, it could be said that on an overall basis, this modified pitch
tracker shows greater accuracy than the ESPS pitch tracker. This modified pitch detection
algorithm has been found to give pitch detection accuracy of 98.3%, compared to detection
accuracy of 95.4% of the earlier version of the APP detector. The irregular phonation
detector gave a detection accuracy of 91.8% with an insertion rate of 17.4% instances, or
frame-wise, 5.6%. The irregular phonation detector was incorporated into the APP detector
system. Further, as a demonstration of the speaker-distinguishing capability of the parameter
thus developed, speaker identification experiments have been performed.
Acoustic Parameters for Speaker Identification
Figure 1.7 : Illustrative example showing the behavior of the pitch, zero crossing rate and energy in a speech file. (i) the time signal, (ii)
spectrogram with the formants overlaid, (iii) pitch track from the ESPS software, (iv) pitch track from the modified APP detector, (v)
zero crossing rate, (vi) short-term energy. The red lines delineate the boundaries of a region of laughter in the speech file. The black
lines separate the breathy voiced regions of laughter from the aspiration regions.
While traditional speaker identification systems rely on the vocal tract dynamics and
under-emphasize the significance of the source, more recent work has shown (c.f. [19]) that
the addition of source information can prove to be valuable speaker-specific information.
The set of knowledge-based APs proposed for speaker ID includes four parameters (the
amount of periodic and aperiodic energy in the speech signal, the spectral slope of the signal,
the amount of creaky energy in the speech signal) related to source information
complementing four parameters characterizing the vocal tract behavior four formants (F1,
F2, F3, F4) [6]. Text-independent speaker identification experiments were performed using
this feature set and the standard MFCCs for populations varying from 50 to 250 speakers of
same gender.
The relative amounts of periodic and aperiodic energy differ considerably depending
upon the voice quality.
For modal voice, sonorant regions (vowels and sonorant
consonants) are strongly periodic with little if any aperiodicity. For breathy voice, sonorant
regions are periodic at low frequencies with some aperiodicity in the region of F3 and the
higher formants [9]. Finally, for creaky voice, there is irregular vocal fold vibration so that
the irregular phonation detector (now incorporated into the APP detector) finds creaky
energy. Speakers differ not only in the voice quality used to produce sonorant sounds, but
also in the tradeoff between the supraglottal turbulent source and the glottal voicing source
used to produce voiced fricatives. The differences in the amount of periodic, aperiodic and
creaky energies, due to various factors, is captured by the APP detector. Another measure
used to capture information about the source is the spectral tilt of the speech signal, as
explained in an earlier section.
In addition to the various measures used to characterize the source, the formant
frequencies F1 through F4 are used to characterize the vocal tract. The frequency range over
which these formants vary is an indication of vocal tract size and shape. F3 characterizes the
length of the vocal tract of the speaker, and hence an average measure of F3 helps in
characterization of the vocal tract. Finally, it has been speculated that F4 (sometimes called
the singer’s formant) in vowel regions is attributed to the resonance of the laryngeal cavity
[20]. Given the relative stability of F4 in running speech for a particular speaker and its
variance in frequency across speakers, it may be an additional measure of voice quality [21].
Outline of the Thesis
Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to speech technology and the speech
production process, and motivates the use of the acoustic parameters for various speech
technology applications. This chapter describes in detail the source mechanisms in voiced
speech, as well as irregular phonation. The motivation behind this work is then described,
and the contributions of this thesis are highlighted.
Chapter 2 briefly describes the APP detector system, and explains the failure modes
of the pitch detection algorithm in regions of irregular phonation, which also hinders the
detection of such regions. Solution to this problem is then motivated, and the chapter ends
with a description of appropriate signal processing parameters for the APP system.
Chapter 3 details the acoustic characteristics that are essential to detect creakiness,
and motivates their use. The correction of pitch, and detection of creakiness, is then
Chapters 4 discusses the results of the creakiness detection and pitch detection
experiments, and demonstrates the use of creakiness as an acoustic parameter for speaker
identification. This chapter also discusses the reasons for errors and the influence that some
of these errors may have on the other tasks.
Chapter 5 discusses ways to improve performance and to deal with channel
variations. The interplay of the acoustic parameters, and possible extension to the realms of
ASR and other applications is then discussed.
Chapter 2
The algorithm for the detection of irregular phonation can process an input speech
file and automatically identify regions of the signal where the speaker exhibits irregular
phonation. The algorithm is an extension of the Aperiodicity, Periodicity and Pitch (APP)
Detector [18], a system that processes a speech file to give a spectro-temporal profile
indicating the amount of aperiodicity and periodicity in different frequencies with time. The
APP detector exploits the behavior of the Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF)
to arrive at decisions of periodicity and aperiodicity for each frame. A complete description
of the APP detector is given in [18]. In this chapter, the system is first briefly described for
the sake of completeness, and then the reasons for the failure of the APP system to detect
pitch in regions of irregular phonation are discussed. The output of the APP detector for
different kinds of regions of speech is then discussed, and the current behavior of the APP
detector for regions of irregular phonations is shown, highlighting the goals of this thesis.
Finally, working parameters for using the APP system are recommended.
The APP Detector
The APP detector is a time domain algorithm that, at a broad level, makes a decision
about how much voiced and aperiodic energy is present in a signal. To be more precise, this
algorithm estimates 1) the proportion of periodic and aperiodic energy in a speech signal and
2) the pitch period of the periodic component. While most of the algorithms used to detect
aperiodicity are passive, i.e., aperiodicity is considered as the inverse or lack of periodicity,
they are prone to errors in situations where the signal has simultaneous strong periodic and
aperiodic components. The APP detector is thus particularly useful in situations where the
speech signal contains simultaneous periodic and aperiodic energy, as in the case of some
voiced fricatives, breathy vowels and some voiced obstruents. Figure 2.1 shows the block
diagram of the APP detector:
The first block in the APP Detector is an auditory gamma-tone filter-bank that splits
the channels into 60 frequency bands, with the upper-most center frequency being defined
by the sampling rate. The choice of the filter-bank is in order to capture the perceptual
importance of different frequencies. The outputs of the higher frequency channels (channels
centered above 300 Hz) are then smoothed using the Hilbert transform to extract the
envelope information and remove the finer structure. The next stage of the APP Detector
incorporates frame-by-frame silence detection by applying a threshold to the signal energy in
each channel. The energy is first normalized by the max energy in the speech signal, and then
an empirically determined threshold of 0.0015 is used.
Following this, the signal in each channel is then processed to obtain the frame-wise
Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF) to identify the amount of periodicity or
aperiodicity in the signal. The signal is analyzed on a frame-by-frame basis. For each frame, a
windowed portion of the signal, centered at the frame center, is used to compute the
AMDF. The windowed signal is subtracted from a windowed portion of its neighbor located
at a lag of k samples. The resultant signal is added to get a single number. For each such lag,
the AMDF gives a number, and thus, for each frame, one obtains the AMDF as a function
of the lag k. Mathematically, the AMDF γn[k] of a signal x[n] is defined as
γ n [k ] =
x[n + m]w[m] − x[n + m − k ]w[m − k ]
m =−∞
where w[n] represents a rectangular window centered at n and having a width as required.
The conceptual idea behind the AMDF is the same as that of the Auto-Correlation Function
(ACF) - signals which have periodicity content will yield an ACF that shows peaks at
locations that are periodic with period equal to pitch frequency. However, the ACF involves
multiplication, and is thus computationally expensive when calculated for a large number of
lags. The AMDF is a computationally less expensive substitute for ACF, in that it
incorporates subtraction instead of multiplication. The AMDF behaves like the ACF, with
Figure 2.2 : Sample AMDF and dip strengths for a strongly periodic (left) and
aperiodic (right) frame
one difference – with varying lag k, the periodic signal causes dips instead of peaks at
locations corresponding to pitch period and its multiples. This is quantified in the APP
detector by calculating the dip strengths using the convex hull of the AMDF.
Figure 2.2 above contrasts a sample AMDF function from a single channel of a
strongly periodic signal with that of a strongly aperiodic signal. The vertical lines superposed
on the figure represent the strength of the dips. The noteworthy features are that the AMDF
shows strong dips at lags equivalent to the pitch period and its multiples in the former case,
while the dips are significantly weaker and randomly distributed in the latter case. Decisions
of periodicity and aperiodicity are made by summarizing this trend across all channels. For a
periodic frame, it is expected that all non-silent channels will exhibit a similar trend in the
AMDF dips, due to the underlying periodicity that occurs due to the glottal source. Thus,
when the dips are summarized across all channels by addition, the dips will all cluster tightly
together at lags equaling the pitch periods and its integer multiples, and give a significant
strength of dips. If this is the case for a particular frame, then that frame is classified as being
periodic (per). Channels that contribute to this periodicity profile will then be called periodic
channels, and other non-silent channels are called aperiodic (aper). For an aperiodic frame, on
the other hand, the dips, when summarized, will display a random behavior as a consequence
of the individual channel behavior. The summary measure of periodic and aperiodic content
is obtained by multiplying the frame per/aper decision by its energy and then adding it across
channels. Thus, for each frame, a decision of per/aper is made for the frame, its individual
channel-wise per/aper profile is produced, and the amount of aperiodic and periodic energy is
also obtained. The entire speech file is processed this way, to get frame-wise output.
Dip Profiles in the APP Detector
Figure 2.3 : (left) Spectro-temporal profile of periodic energy (blue) and aperiodic energy
(red) generated by the APP detector for a (a) periodic vowel (b) aperiodic (c) breathy vowel
(d) voiced fricative and (e) creaky vowel region. The relevant regions are highlighted in the
dotted box. (right) Corresponding dip-profiles for a sample frame of the respective regions.
The key to detection of regions of irregular phonation, and pitch correction in such
regions, is the dip summary or profile in those frames. Figure 2.3 demonstrates the dip
profiles for the cases of a single frame of a vowel, fricative, breathy vowel, voiced fricative
and a creaky frame. It may be noted that these profiles are obtained by adding together the
dip strengths across all the channels for each frame. The vowel, being a periodic signal,
shows strong dip clusters at multiples of pitch period. The maximum strength of the dip
profile is noteworthy, as well as the distribution of the dips. Typically, this value is greater
than 10 for periodic frames, because of the fact that most channels are periodic in nature
and thus show the AMDF dip in the same location, giving an added strength of at least 10.
Because of the well formed strong clusters, the decision is that the frame is periodic. The
channels that contribute to this dip cluster are all called periodic, while the others are called
aperiodic. Since most channels in periodic channels also show a periodic AMDF, thus, the
APP detector spectro-temporal output is seen to be periodic (blue) in most of the vowel
regions. The fricative, on the other hand, displays a random distribution of dips, which have
a very low strength even upon summary across channels – this is clearly because the dips do
not cluster to add up together. Thus, the typical value of the maximum dip in the summary
profile is less than 1.5. Due to the lack of strong clusters, the APP detector decision is that
the frame is aperiodic, and since the channels do not show any periodic behavior that
contribute to any clusters, the APP spectro-temporal profile shows mostly aperiodic (red)
behavior. In the case of the breathy vowel and the voiced fricative, the dips show a mixed
behavior – there is clustering of some dips (which is due to the voiced (glottal) source at the
low frequencies), and there is also some randomness in distribution of some other dips
(which is due to the turbulence caused by the supra-glottal source, dominating at the higher
frequencies). Thus, the strength of the dips is less than that of the periodic frame, but greater
than that of the aperiodic frame. Typical values of the dip maximum lie between 1 and 10.
The corresponding decision made by the APP detector depends on the strength of clustering
of dips. If the dips are clustered strongly enough, the decision is that the frame has some
periodicity, and the channels contributing to the periodicity are marked as periodic in the
spectro-temporal profile. The channels that do not contribute to the periodicity are called
aperiodic, and they are identified in red in the spectro-temporal profile. As is expected, most
of the periodic energy in the APP output profile is located at the lower frequencies, and
most of the aperiodic energy is located at the higher frequencies.
Finally, the case of the creaky frame is midway between that of the periodic frame
and the aperiodic frame. It lacks the tightly packed dip structure of the periodic frame, but
also lacks the randomness of the dip structure of the aperiodic frame because of an inherent
structure in the voicing source. In the case of breathy vowels and voiced fricatives, the
clusters are not strongly prominent, but are still tight in the sense that the dips that belong to
periodic channels are located in a cluster that is very narrow. This is the reason why the APP
detector identifies such regions as being periodic. However, for the creaky vowel, the
clusters that are formed by the dips are much broader than would be for the periodic frames
(the reason for this is explained shortly), and thus, the APP detector does not identify any
“periodic” (or more precisely, phonation) structure in these dip profiles. The lack of tight
clusters and the weakness of the maximum dip (which is usually around 1.5 and thus
comparable to that of the aperiodic frame) cause the APP detector to make a decision of
aperiodic for all creaky frames. As the corresponding frames’ channels are also called
aperiodic, the spectro-temporal profile in such cases would show primarily aperiodic energy
(red), as shown in the figure 2.3.
Signal with Strong
Periodicity (Modal Vowel)
Signal with Irregular Periodicity
(Creaky Vowel)
Figure 2.4 : A sample modal vowel and creaky vowel compared in terms of (i)
spectrogram, (ii) periodicity (blue) /aperiodicity (red) profile, (iii) time waveform, (iv)
source or glottal signal exciting the vocal tract and (v) AMDF of the signal and
associated dip structure. The vowels being compared are the same (/e/)
The root of the behavior of the APP Detector for frames with irregular phonation
can be traced to the AMDF structure of such frames. Figure 2.4 shows the time waveform,
the corresponding glottal waveform obtained by the Inverse Filtering technique [22] and the
corresponding AMDF obtained by the APP Detector for one frame of the modal and creaky
vowels shown in Figure 2.4. The most striking point here is that the AMDF closely captures
the information in the glottal waveform – this is evident in the relative position of the peak
of the glottal waveform and dips of the AMDF in the case of the modal vowel. This
correspondence is not so exact for the creaky vowel, owing to the fact that the pitch shows
some jitter and thus, the AMDF does not have exact alignment of the signal and its delayed
version to give dips at exactly the pitch period. This causes the AMDF to have dips that do
not cluster properly, and are not in alignment with their counterparts from other channels.
Further, these dips are not as strong as in the case of periodic frames, due to the fact that the
irregular vibration of the vocal folds results in a glottal pulse that has lower amplitude than
modal phonation. The dips may also not be of equal strength. For example, in certain cases
like diplophonia, where the glottal pulse consists of a main pulse followed by a delayed pulse
reduced in amplitude, the AMDF shows two kinds of dips corresponding to each of the two
different pulses – one stronger than the other, and each repeating after periods
corresponding to their respective pulse. In all such cases of irregular phonation, the dips are
of different strengths and at different locations. A summary measure of the dips across
channels exhibits a dip profile significantly different from the modal vowel, due to the lack
of periodicity and varying dip strengths at different lags.
Owing to these differences in the glottal pulse of modal and irregular phonation, the
summarized dip profile of irregular phonation exhibits dip clusters that are existent but not
very well-defined, and at locations not equal to integral multiples of the pitch. It is not
surprising that the APP Detector calls such frames aperiodic – these frames do indeed
exhibit a profile that does not show tight clustering and has an overall dip strength
comparable to the dip-profiles of aperiodic frames. The goal of this thesis is to modify the
decision process of the APP detector in such a way that it accommodates the loose clusters
of the creaky vowel, but is still able to identify the fact that tight clusters imply presence of
periodic (modal phonation) energy and lack of clusters implies aperiodic energy. Thus, the
spectro-temporal profile of the APP detector must change from one that looks in 2.5 (b), to
one that looks in 2.5 (c), where the green region represents a region of irregular phonation,
as opposed to a blue region that represents periodic energy due to modal phonation and a
red region that represents aperiodic energy due to turbulence.
Figure 2.5 : (a) Spectrogram of a segment of speech containing a creaky vowel, (b)
Spectro-temporal profile of the old APP detector, which identifies the creaky
vowel as being aperiodic, (c) Spectro-temporal profile of the modified APP
detector, which identifies the creaky vowel as having irregular phonation and
classifies it as being separate from aperiodicity due to turbulence
Recommended Specifications
The APP detector has been designed to operate at various frame rates and window sizes as
desired in potential applications. However, in order to detect creakiness, the set of
specifications used should satisfy certain criteria, because of the inherent acoustic
characteristics of this phenomenon. In particular, since it is known that the pitch falls
relatively low during creaky regions, sometimes as low as 60Hz, it must be ensured that the
window size is large enough to accommodate at least one pitch period – this will ensure
formation of a loose cluster that can then be used to detect creakiness. When the sampling
frequency is high, the window size must be large; when low, the window must be smaller.
Typically, it is useful to have a window size 1.5 times that of the minimum pitch frequency
expected – this will ensure proper formation of a cluster.
Creakiness usually manifests itself for durations of less than 20 msec. Typical
duration of creakiness in the TIMIT corpus is about 10 msec. Thus, if it is desired to
properly identify the region of creakiness and not just an instance, it is necessary to have a
high frame rate. If the frame is displaced by 2.5 msec, then for a 10 msec creaky region, four
frames will be called creaky and thus identify a region. If the frame were displaced by 10
msec (as is the typical frame rate for most speech processing applications), there would only
be one frame which would be called creaky. This is not a very good idea, because finding just
one frame as creaky does not give a method to eliminate any false alarms. If the frame rate
were high, then any spurious locations of detection could be median-filtered and removed.
In the approaches mentioned in the literature survey, features are extracted by moving the
window over one sample, thus giving an extremely high frame rate. In the case of the APP
system, a frame rate of 2.5 msec is recommended in order to reduce computational load and
at the same time, ensure frames close enough to detect regions of creakiness and remove
spurious false alarms.
Chapter 3
Detection of regions of irregular phonation is not a trivial problem, and when
potential applications include processing speech from real-time corpuses, provision must be
made to either counter the influences of corrupting factors, or render the algorithm invariant
to such factors. In this thesis, the algorithm has been designed to work on speech from
telephone data and no prior assumptions are made about knowledge of regions of voicing or
characteristics of channel. The general approach to the problem has been to first detect
suspect regions of irregular phonation, and then to identify if such regions do indeed exhibit
voicing, and if so, if the voicing is due to creakiness (voicing might, otherwise, be in the case
of voiced fricatives or breathy vowels, and show a more periodic structure). This is done by
taking into account a number of acoustic characteristics that could deliver hints about
voicing and creakiness. Conventional approaches, namely the zero crossing rate and energy
threshold, are used to separate the voiced regions from unvoiced. These prove inadequate to
make a clear distinction between the two, as demonstrated in Figure 1.7. Therefore, the dip
profile is also used to make the voiced/unvoiced decision. At this stage, the dip profile is
tested for whether it is due to creakiness or due to voicing in breathiness or voiced fricatives.
Once creakiness is suspected, an estimate of the pitch is made from the dip profile.
Following this, creakiness is reconfirmed by using the pitch estimate to identify the
confidence of creakiness in that dip profile. At the end of this stage, the decision of whether
the frame is creaky or not is made. This entire procedure is shown in the following
APP Detector Pitch Confidence < 25% ?
ZCR > Threshold ?
Spectral Slope > Threshold ?
Voicing Detector
Creakiness Detector
Cluster dips above 1000 Hz
Dip Profile shows some (wide) clustering?
Estimate Pitch from maximum dip
Sufficient channels contributing to dip profile?
Creakiness Decision : Yes
Pitch Estimate
Y : Yes
In all decision stages, if the decision is a No, then the algorithm exits
Figure 3.1 : Flowchart showing the main stages of the algorithm for detection of
irregular phonation
Each of the stages in this flowchart, and the motivation leading to their inclusion in
the algorithm, is elaborated in this chapter.
Detecting Suspect Regions of Irregular Phonation
The APP detector consists of a pitch detector that looks at the dip profiles, and then
gives voiced/unvoiced decisions and pitch estimates depending on the clustering of dips in
that particular frame. If the frame is judged as voiced, then the main cluster is said to be that
cluster which has a maximum, and which was used to estimate pitch. The channels which
contribute to the main cluster are then identified, and the (normalized) energy of all these
channels is added together to obtain what is called the pitch confidence. Thus, the maximum
possible pitch confidence would be equal to the number of channels present. In periodic
frames, the pitch confidence is typically greater than 50% of the maximum possible. In
regions of creakiness, voiced fricatives and breathy vowels, where there is some voicing but
clustering is not as strong as that of the periodic frames, the pitch confidence lies between
10% and 40% of the maximum possible. In creaky frames specifically, the pitch confidence
is seen to be rarely greater than 25% of the maximum. For purely aperiodic frames, the pitch
confidence is usually near zero and does not exceed 10% of the maximum. Thus, regions
having pitch confidence greater than zero and less than 25% of the maximum possible are
identified as suspect regions where creakiness could be possible.
Energy Threshold
Using an energy threshold is a common strategy applied for speech detection in
many speech processing applications. In real and spontaneous speech data as in the case of
telephone speech corpuses, the presence of background noise and instrument noise due to
telephone microphone and recording instruments cause the existence of a non-zero random
signal in the recorded speech signal. This random signal component can sometimes
demonstrate a dip profile that appears very similar to that of irregular phonation – this is
purely a coincidence and not due to voicing. Such instances of dip profiles must be
eliminated from further analysis since they may be called creaky if subject to the dip profile
analysis. A simple solution would be to apply an energy threshold that would suffice to
separate speech from non-speech. In the original APP detector algorithm, a threshold of
0.015 was empirically found to be apt for such separation, and it seems to suffice as a
threshold for creakiness as well. It was also seen that this threshold does an appreciably good
job in separating some weak fricatives, glides and consonants from voiced regions.
Zero Crossing Rate
Another common strategy to separate fricatives from regions of voicing is to exploit
the zero crossing rate (ZCR). Fricatives, having a more noise-like random nature, have a
higher ZCR than voiced regions. Thus, in typical clean speech processing applications, the
ZCR proves to be a good candidate for detection of voicing. However, in case of telephone
speech, ZCR is not a good candidate. It is observed that fricatives can sometimes have the
same ZCR as voiced regions. This is due to the channel and device noise that rides the
voiced regions, causing the ZCR to increase and approach that of the fricatives. Figure 3.2
demonstrates one such case, where the ZCR for a fricative is different from that of one
voiced region, but is about the same as another voiced region. Thus, one needs a more
complex analysis for using the ZCR than merely using a fixed threshold.
It has been observed that in case of laughter and coughing, unlike the case of
fricatives, noise is spread over all the frequencies and has an approximately flat spectrum,
except at the really low frequencies (< 300Hz). Therefore, if the ZCR should be used, there
should be a provision for accounting for the spectral spread of various phenomena – the
noise due to fricatives (which occurs at frequencies above 2000 Hz) should be treated the
same as that due to laughter (which occurs at almost all frequencies). However, if the ZCR
were merely used taking all frequencies into account, the fricatives would show a lower ZCR
than laughter, because laughter would consist of high frequency noise (equivalent to fricative
noise) riding on a low frequency noise. In order to treat these phenomena at the same level
Figure 3.2 : Illustration of the zero crossing rate in case of the voiced and unvoiced regions. Here, the 3rd pane is the zero
crossing rate (ZCR) for the signal components > 2000Hz, and the 4th for the signal components < 2000 Hz. The last pane
shows the ZCR of the speech signal, with all its frequency components. It may be seen that the ZCR for the fricative in
region 3.45 to 3.55 sec is the same as that of the vowel in region 3.55 to 3.6, and 4.15 to 4.25 sec. These, in turn, are
significantly different from the ZCR in the vowel region between 3.85 to 3.95 secs.
for ZCR processing, it is necessary to account for frequency of extent of these phenomena.
A further problem that is encountered is that the ZCR of creakiness is very close to
that due to fricatives. This is explained as follows: due to the significant damping of the
vocal tract impulse response in creakiness, the speech signal becomes weaker in amplitude,
and thus more susceptible to noise, than the modal voiced signal. Since the pulses exciting
the vocal tract are placed far apart in creaky voicing, the vocal tract sometimes damps down
completely and thus the signal has a speech component equaling that of the noise
component. Thus, the noisy characteristics of the channel and recording device render the
creaky signal having a ZCR that is nearer to that of the fricative.
With these factors determining the behavior of the ZCR, a possible solution seems
to split the signal into separate frequency regions and compare the ZCR in these spectral
bands, rather than across the spectrum. This has a two pronged advantage. The first is that it
gives a good way of comparing the ZCR due to frication to that due to laughter – for
example, by looking at frequencies above 2000 Hz in both cases, these noise factors are both
brought into a common platform for comparison with other phenomena like voicing etc.
The second is that if the frequencies below 2000 Hz alone are used, the noise riding on the
weak transients of the creaky voicing (which typically have great high frequency content,
because of its “white” spectral nature) are filtered out significantly, and the resulting signal is
more free of the imposing channel and device noises. Thus, noise due to laughter will now
be better discernible from the noise in creaky voicing, the latter having been considerably
reduced after filtering. The choice of 2000 Hz is motivated by the fact that strident fricatives
show spectral energy at frequencies above 2000 Hz, and thus, the ZCR for fricatives could
be attributed to being caused by spectral bands above this frequency. The temporal behavior
of the ZCR obtained after filtering the signal for frequencies above 2000 Hz (called herein
the high-spectrum ZCR) for a fricative, modal vowel, creaky vowel and laughter, is shown in
the figure 3.3. It is seen that the high-spectrum ZCR is different for the vowel regions (both
modal and creaky), from that of the fricative and laughter regions. In addition, the fricative
and laughter regions have a ZCR that fall in the same range, while the creaky vowel and
modal vowel have a ZCR falling in the same range. An additional point to note is that the
speech sample from the two figures are taken from two different speakers – the creaky
samples from two different speakers are seen to be falling in the same range as well. It might
be the case that the high-spectrum ZCR is a speaker-independent parameter that can be used
with reasonable success for the task of separation of voiced regions from unvoiced regions.
modal vowel
creaky vowel
Figure 3.3 : Spectrogram and high-spectrum ZCR of a region of speech, showing
a fricative, modal vowel, creaky vowel and laughter. Approximate boundaries of
these regions are marked with vertical lines. The speech file on the left and right
are from two different speakers.
In the algorithm, motivated by the above reasons, three kinds of ZCR have been
used – the full-spectrum ZCR (which gives a gross level separation from some undesirable
sounds and hence proves useful sometimes), the ZCR for all frequencies above 2000 Hz
(high-channels ZCR) and the ZCR for all frequencies below 2000 Hz (low-channels ZCR). A
critical point here is determining the threshold that can be used to separate voiced regions
from unvoiced and noisy regions. As has been observed from inspection of various speech
files from different databases, such a universally applicable threshold is not valid, because of
the variation of the noise (and hence the ZCR) characteristics over different channels, and
the susceptibility of speech to such noise (which is a function of the speaker’s speaking
strategy). Thus, a better idea is to arrive at a proper threshold for each speech signal
separately. A useful strategy seems to be to store the three ZCR characteristics for the voiced
and unvoiced regions and maintain their running average over frames. For each current
frame, the average ZCR characteristic is calculated for the voiced and unvoiced frames that
have passed and been identified until then. Then the threshold of ZCR for that specific
frame is set to be the mid-point between these representative means. This procedure is
followed for each of the suspected frames, using all the voiced and unvoiced regions
obtained until then (including the purely periodic and aperiodic frames). If all three ZCR
characteristics are classified as belonging to the voiced region, then the frame is classified as
being voiced; if not, then unvoiced. It was observed that this apparently conservative
decision rule in fact does not miss a significant number of creaky regions, and actually allows
a leakage of unvoiced regions into voiced regions. In essence, it could be said that the false
alarm rate is high and the false rejection rate is low using this strategy.
Spectral Slope
While the above steps allow some separation between the voiced and unvoiced
frames, they are still not adequate to ensure false alarm rate is low. Indeed, the above
characteristics have been conditioned in such a way as to ensure that creaky regions are not
rejected in the decision process, even if that allows certain unvoiced regions to the next
stages of processing. A further issue is that in spontaneous speech, where co-articulation
effects are significantly high on one hand and articulation of phonemes may not be accurate
due to speaker tendencies on the other, there can exist other regions of speech where the
consonants could take a form that closely matches that of irregular phonation. For example,
there exist many instances where stops show a phonation pattern (and therefore, dip profile)
very similar to that of a creaky vowel [12], and they would therefore be allowed by the ZCR
constraints. Further, in case of some voiced stops, the voicing pattern also seems very similar
to that of the creaky voicing, and could easily be mistaken for irregular phonation. (In fact,
for certain cases, it is not clear whether to call such stops as having regular or irregular
voicing. Such cases are classified as false alarms in this thesis, though there is reason to
question if they are regular phonation. Please see chapter 4 for more discussion). There is a
need to eliminate the acceptance of such consonants into the following stages of the
To achieve this, a useful parameter to use is the Spectral Tilt. Vowels are produced
by a source signal whose spectrum has a falling slope, exciting a vocal tract whose spectrum
contains several peaks (formants), which causes the speech spectrum to essentially have a
falling slope. However, consonants are produced by forming constrictions in the front part
of the vocal tract. This either increases the resonant frequencies of the vocal tract and causes
the speech spectrum to have a rising slope (like in case of fricatives), or causes the spectrum
to be flat like in cases of stops which have an impulse like nature. As an illustration, Figure
3.4 shows the spectral behavior of three different kinds of phonemes – a creaky vowel, a
stop and a fricative. It can be seen that in the frequency region of 0 to 2000 Hz, the creaky
vowel has a falling slope, while the stop and the fricative show a relatively flatter slope. At
frequencies above 2000 Hz, the vowel still shows a slope though not as pronounced, and the
stop shows a more or less flat slope. The fricative, however, shows a rising slope in this
frequency range. We could thus exploit the spectral slope to separate voiced sounds from
unvoiced sounds. Indeed, all voice qualities – breathy, creaky or modal – exhibit a falling
slope, albeit at different slopes, thus characterizing voicing.
Figure 3.4 : Comparison of
spectral tilt of a creaky vowel
(top left), voiced stop (top right)
and fricative (bottom left). The
slope changes from negative to
near flat to positive
Important considerations for using this parameter then are – the range of
frequencies over which to calculate the spectral slope, and the threshold value that can be
used to separate out the voiced and unvoiced regions. One important detail to be considered
is that this parameter should be independent of, or at least robust to, the channel being used
or the recording device. The spectral characteristics of these devices can significantly
influence the spectral tilt and thus render the parameter unusable. In order to make the
parameters least susceptible to such effects, the range of frequencies over which the tilt is
calculated is restricted to a small range – 100 to 2000 Hz. The motivation is that the range
should include voicing information and thus include the lower frequencies, and yet contain a
significantly large spectral band to ensure consistency of the parameter across that spectral
range. The cutoff of 2000 Hz ensures that the spectral characteristics of various phonemes
remain consistent in that range. The operating bandwidth of most devices also includes this
range of frequencies, although the lower cutoff frequency may be slightly higher than 100
Hz sometimes. Thus, it can be expected that this parameter will be sufficiently robust to any
channel variations. The spectral tilt parameter is extracted by calculating the FFT of the
windowed signal, and then calculating the slope of the spectrum between frequencies 100 to
2000 Hz by fitting a line using Minimum Mean-Square Error (MMSE) criterion.
The threshold for using spectral tilt to separate voiced and unvoiced regions was
found using a linear support vector machine (LSVM). The spectral tilt parameter was
calculated for 1000 frames each of voiced and unvoiced speech, from different databases
including both clean and telephone speech, and this parameter was then fed to a LSVM for
classification of the unvoiced and voiced. The entire set was used for both training and
testing, and the minimum false rejection rate for the voicing class was obtained at an
effective threshold of -16 dB/octave for the spectral tilt. Thus, -16 dB/octave is used as the
threshold for detection of voiced/unvoiced to eliminate frames that have consonants.
Dip Profile – Eliminating Voiced Fricatives and Breathy Vowels
Once the suspected creaky frames have been identified and any possible unvoiced
frames have been eliminated, the first test for creakiness is performed. In this stage, the dip
profile of the frame is analyzed for the pattern that should be characteristic of creaky regions
– namely, loosely formed clusters that yield a high pitch period. It was observed that by this
stage, the majority of the frames detected had irregular phonation, but some breathy vowels
and voiced fricatives were also being detected. This can be explained by the fact that similar
to the irregular phonation, the breathy vowels and voiced fricatives have some underlying
periodic energy because of voicing, and this causes them to be identified as voiced, which is
not an error after all. However, as had been pointed earlier, these frames have a dip profile
that looks very similar to that of the creaky voicing, because of the voicing accompanied by
the noise. If these frames are directly checked for their dip profile properties, they would
also be called creaky. To eliminate the breathy sounds and voiced fricatives, the fact that can
be exploited is that the voicing in these two cases will often be in frequencies 0 – 1000 Hz,
while irregular phonation is expected to show its characteristic irregularity at all frequencies.
This is because as mentioned in Chapter 1, the spectral roll-off of breathy voice is high, and
thus, the source signal is not very strong at the higher frequencies. Even for modal voicing,
the roll-off is higher than the creaky voicing. For the creaky voicing, which typically shows
distinct impulse-like glottal pulses, the glottal spectrum is usually flatter and has strong
spectral harmonics even at higher frequencies. This fact is also apparent from the
spectrogram of a creaky vowel, where the vertical striations arising from the glottal pulses
show a strong presence at the higher frequencies as well. Thus, the dip profiles are obtained
by summarizing across only those channels that span frequencies above 1000 Hz.
The next step is to characterize the dip-profile that is unique to irregular phonation.
This is done by finding all the local maxima in the dip-profile, and eliminating all those
maxima that lie too close to each other – this is done in order to ensure that the
corresponding pitch estimate remains below 150 Hz, as is expected for irregular phonation.
Local maxima in the dip clusters are then identified and defined as cluster centers, and
clusters are formed around these centers that are loose, in the sense that they are wider than
expected for periodic clusters. For periodic clusters, a typical width of five lags on either side
of the cluster center ensures more than 50% contributing to the cluster. In the case of
irregular phonation, the width of the cluster is increased from 11 to 31, by allowing 10 lags
on either side. Out of the total number of channels contributing to the dip cluster, some will
contribute to the clusters thus formed, while others have dips lying outside the cluster. A
score is made identify the channels which have a majority of their dips contributing to the
clusters – a score of 1 is given if not more than one dip falls outside the clusters, and 0
otherwise. The cluster center is then recalculated, using only those channels that have been
identified above to have confidence 1. The motivation for this is that by eliminating the dips
lying outside the clusters and allowing only channels that contribute to clusters, any potential
aperiodic (arising from voiced fricatives & breathy vowels) channels are not allowed to
contribute to the process.
Redefining the cluster centers using only these channels, the channel scores of all the
channels are calculated again. The channel scores are then added across frequency, and if at
least 50% of the channels show a score of 1, the frame is declared to have the characteristic
dip-profile. It is obvious that this process ensures that aperiodic frames are eliminated – if a
frame is aperiodic, it would have a large number of channels with their dips lying outside the
clusters, and thus, the required channel threshold of 50% would not be crossed. The
possibility of capturing turbulence is further reduced by conditioning the ratio of number of
dips present within the cluster, to the number of non-zero dips, to exceed a threshold of
40%. For frames with irregular phonation, the aperiodicity is not random, and therefore the
number of non-zero dips lying inside the cluster will be higher compared to the cases of
breathiness and voiced fricative, which show random aperiodicity and hence will have a large
number of dips outside the cluster.
Thus, at the end of this stage, a frame is classified as being either irregular or
aperiodic. If the frame has been classified as having irregular phonation, it is then used for
pitch detection in that frame.
Pitch Estimation
The next step would be to identify regions of voicing and then label these regions as
creaky, if certain pitch constraints are satisfied. One of the most obvious solutions for
detection of creaky regions in speech is to identify regions with significantly low or irregular
pitch. Thus, pitch correction is a very useful step in the detection of creaky regions. The
APP detector has a pitch detector algorithm that relies on the AMDF dip clusters to estimate
the pitch in the voiced regions. However, since the APP detector does not see creaky regions
as being periodic or voiced, it does not give any pitch estimates for such regions. This is not
an uncommon problem with pitch detection algorithms – most pitch detection algorithms
fail to detect the pitch correctly in regions of irregular phonation, due to various algorithmic
constraints, like in-built pitch memory, maximum allowed change in pitch etc. If these
constraints would not be placed, then the pitch detection algorithm would not perform a
good job in cases of spontaneous speech due to noise and distortion, and would be
susceptible to pitch halving and doubling errors. However, enforcing such constraints does
not allow detection of creaky regions (since absence of pitch implies absence of voicing, thus
detection of creakiness and estimation of pitch must go hand in hand).
If it were possible to detect voicing by some other means, and then declare that
frame as being voiced, then it would be possible to either estimate the pitch first and then
detect creakiness in that frame, or call that frame creaky because of presence of voicing and
absence of pitch, and then proceed to find the pitch estimate. However, such a voicingdetection scheme must be robust to channel distortions, noise due to various sources and
other phenomena encountered in spontaneous speech, like coughing, laughter etc., in order
to be put to practical use. Typical voicing detection techniques, like pitch estimation, zero
crossing rate, zero crossing rate in different channels (frequency bands), energy thresholding,
rate of energy change in different channels etc. do not perform up to expectations in case of
spontaneous speech. Figure 1.7 illustrated this difficulty in the case of a speech file from the
NIST 98 corpus, which consists of telephone speech. The speech signal in question contains
instances of modal voicing, laughter, breathy vowels and creaky vowels. It may be seen that
there is no possible combination of all of the above mentioned features that could lead to a
separation of the voiced region from the unvoiced region. Furthermore, a comparison of the
same features for the laughter, and the creaky region, prove the above mentioned parameters
to be totally inadequate for separation of voiced and unvoiced regions. In fact, in spite of an
extensive literature survey by the author, there have been no methods that proved efficient
to separate voiced regions from unvoiced regions in such cases.
It becomes clear thus that pitch estimation is indeed a very difficult problem and can
not be solved easily. Indeed, the nature of the problem is in itself rather tricky – what is
needed is a pitch detection algorithm for creakiness detection, but such pitch detection can
be done only when voicing (i.e., creakiness) is detected. In order to solve this problem, the
approach taken in this work is to use the channels of the auditory filter-bank to make a vote
about whether the particular frame is voiced or not. This is done by first considering the dip
profile of the frame and forming loose clusters of dips and identifying how many channels
contribute to the cluster. If the number of channels exceeds a certain threshold (40% of total
channels contributing to the dip cluster), an initial guess is made about the frame being
creaky. Then, conditioned on the satisfaction of some more acoustic properties detailed in
the next chapter, the maximum of the cluster with most dip contribution is estimated to be
the dip corresponding to the pitch period. The pitch frequency is calculated accordingly.
Thus, an estimate of the pitch is made in suspected creaky frames. Once the pitch estimate is
made, the confidence of creakiness is recalculated using this estimate. In this second pass,
slightly narrower clusters are formed near this pitch period estimate, and the required
threshold for the contributing channels is increased to 60%. If the frames exhibit a dip
cluster confidence that exceeds this threshold, then the frame is judged to be creaky and the
pitch estimate is retained. If the dip cluster fails to satisfy the required threshold of
confidence, the pitch estimate is disposed and the frame is adjudged to be unvoiced.
Thus, creakiness is used to first estimate pitch, and this pitch is then used to
recalculate the confidence of creakiness of the frame. While calculation of creakiness
happens to be a deciding factor in pitch estimation, it may be noted that this is not the only
criterion, and that there are a significant number of other properly motivated acoustic
characteristics that are also used to confirm creakiness, before pitch is estimated. Indeed,
pitch estimation is a consequence of those steps and is merely used to reconfirm the
confidence of calling the current frame creaky. The following figure shows the pitch
estimates obtained in the case of the same speech file as shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5 : Pitch tracking accuracy of three algorithms in creaky regions
(boundaries marked by vertical red lines). (i) waveform, (ii) spectrogram, (iii)
pitch tracking using the ESPS software, (i)pitch track from the modified APP
detector, (v)pitch track from the original version of the APP detector
It may be seen that the ESPS pitch tracker, as well as the original version of the APP
detector, fail to get the correct estimate of the pitch in creaky regions, while the modified
APP detector gives the correct estimate. The ESPS pitch tracker fails in most creaky frames,
and in one instance confuses the modal voice for creaky voice, yielding a low pitch. A
comparison of the number of creaky frames whose pitch has been correctly identified by the
original APP detector with that by the modified APP detector, shows that the pitch
detection accuracy has increased. Especially in the last creaky region, the original APP
detector almost completely loses the pitch track, but the modified APP detector is able to
find a pitch track in some of the frames. In addition, the number of frames where pitch
Figure 3.6 : Pitch tracking of the new APP detector algorithm in creaky regions
(identified by vertical red lines). (i) waveform, (ii) spectrogram, (iii) pitch tracking
using ESPS software, (iv) pitch track from the modified APP detector. The
instantaneous pitch tracking accuracy of the algorithm may be noted.
values are given when there actually is no voicing is also very small. Further, it may be seen
in the second creaky region of Figure 3.5 (region between 1.2 and 1.3 sec) that the
instantaneous changes in the pitch are being tracked very accurately. Figure 3.6 also shows
that the pitch tracker is able to track instantaneously the irregular changes in pitch, while at
the same time also maintaining a consistent pitch track with no halving or doubling errors in
other regions. The algorithm does not necessitate the use of a memory for pitch estimation,
as do most pitch detection algorithms – this is what allows pitch tracking even in regions of
irregular pitch.
It is also noteworthy that pitch estimates in the voiced regions, and unvoiced regions
where there is no reason to suspect creakiness, are left unchanged. Thus, by modifying the
pitch estimation algorithm, the pitch estimates can only be expected to get better and not be
harmed in any way (in the voiced regions). This improvement is demonstrated in the figures
above. However, a consequent problem is that in regions where the APP detector has also
made pitch detection errors like other pitch trackers, no corrective measures could be taken
since the pitch confidence was sufficiently high not to cause the pitch correction algorithm
to be applicable there. An illustrative example is seen in Figure 3.7. Between the region of
0.94 sec to 1.0 sec, it may be seen that the pitch period is 0.004 sec, and therefore the pitch
estimate should be around 250 Hz. However, both the ESPS pitch tracker and the APP
detector (modified) show a pitch track around 110 Hz. This kind of pitch halving error is
probably due to the modulation of the envelope of the speech signal in that region.
However, because the pitch confidence is high in that region (the pitch estimate is at twice
the actual pitch period, and since there are dips there as well, its strength might override that
of the first cluster of dips), the modified version does not try to correct the pitch there.
The next chapter describes the actual creakiness detection algorithm that precedes
pitch estimation.
Figure 3.7 : Failure to correct pitch in certain regions, due to high pitch
confidence. (i) waveform, (ii) spectrogram, (iii) pitch tracking using ESPS
software, (iv) pitch track from the modified APP detector. The pitch period of
0.004 sec (highlighted region in yellow) may be compared to the estimated pitch
frequency of 109.59 Hz, which is a pitch halving error. This is because of high
pitch confidence at twice the pitch period.
Final Decision Process : Combining Current Pitch Information and Dip
Profile Decisions
When a frame has been determined to be creaky, and the pitch has been estimated, it
is rechecked for creakiness. This is done by first checking if the pitch estimate obtained is
below the “normal” or modal pitch estimate for that speaker. For this, a running average of
the pitch values in modal voicing is made for all the frames that have been processed so far.
For each frame, all the pitch values for all the regions that have been identified as being
voiced but not creaky are stored in memory, and their mean is taken as a threshold. If the
current pitch estimate is less than some percentage (empirically set to be 75%) of this
“normal pitch”, then the current frame could possibly be a creaky frame, as are characteristic
of creakiness in particular and irregular phonation in general. Further, in some cases of
irregular phonation, the pitch may not fall low, but the pitch track may be irregular, and
show a big difference (as high as 30Hz) from its immediate previous value. Such changes are
also tracked, by maintaining a running memory that stores the past 10 pitch values, and
detects regions where the pitch has deviated significantly from the stored values. If the
current pitch estimate exhibits such a behavior, then too the frame is classified as being
possibly creaky.
Only if either one of the two above conditions related to pitch is satisfied, the next
creakiness check is made. The dip profile is again checked to verify if it shows the dip-profile
behavior with the current pitch estimate. In this second pass, tighter clusters are formed (8
lags on either side of the pitch period estimate) and the channel scores for this cluster are
calculated. If the total number of channels contributing to the cluster now exceeds 60% of
the total number of channels, then the frame is finally adjudged to be creaky, and the pitch
estimate obtained above is declared to be the pitch for that frame. Once the frame is called
creaky, the energy of all the channels that have shown a score of 1, i.e., which contribute to
the creakiness profile, are added together to give what is called the creakiness energy in the
frame. This is the measure used to numerically characterize creakiness in that frame.
Thus, the creakiness detection algorithm is a combination of various knowledgebased acoustic features built upon an Aperiodicity, Periodicity and Pitch detector, rendering
the APP system now capable of distinguishing aperiodicity due to turbulence from that due
to irregular phonation.
The next chapter discusses the performance of the Irregular Phonation detector,
some failure modes, and its application to speaker ID experiments.
Chapter 4
The algorithm for detection of irregular phonation has been described in the
preceding chapters. This chapter details the experiments that were performed to validate the
performance of the algorithm, and an application of the creakiness parameter in speaker ID
experiments. The first set of experiments is to verify the pitch detection accuracy of the
modified APP detector. This is a first step validation of creakiness detection. The next set of
experiments deals with finding the detection rate and false alarm rate of the creakiness
detection algorithm. The final set of experiments demonstrate the improvement in the
recognition rates in speaker ID experiments upon inclusion of the creakiness parameter
Database Used For The Experiments
In order to find the pitch estimation accuracy, a reference can be obtained from the
standard pitch detection software available. In this thesis, the reference pitch has been
obtained using the ESPS Wavesurfer software using the autocorrelation method. To find the
creakiness detection accuracy, however, there is a need for a reference or ground truth which
can be used to evaluate the performance. However, there is no available standard database
that can be used for describing voice quality and testing the performance of the algorithm.
Thus, ground truth needs to be marked by hand in one of the standard speech databases. In
this thesis, the TIMIT database has been used for the first two experiments, as hand-marked
transcription for irregular phonation in those speech files was available from Dr. Slifka at
MIT. Since there is no clearly defined reference that marks irregular phonation, and since the
boundaries and occurrences of such phonation are difficult to define, we have called all
those locations marked in the reference, as well as those identified by our algorithm but
missed in the reference (confirmed by visual inspection by the author), as the total number
of instances of irregular phonation. Specifically, the “test” subset of the TIMIT database was
used. The number of files processed was 895, and it included 65 male and 45 female
speakers from eight dialect regions (dr1 through dr8). The total actual number of instances
of irregular phonation was 1,400.
Since the long term goal of this work is to use the algorithm in real world speech
applications, the algorithm has also been tested on spontaneous speech from telephone data.
The NIST 98 database was used for performing the speaker ID experiments. The first two
experiments were also performed on the NIST 98 database, to ensure that the algorithm
works well in spontaneous speech. The “test” subset was used for the first two experiments,
and 100 files of the NIST 98 database were hand marked for irregular phonation by the
author, yielding 200 instances of irregular phonation, 100 for each gender. For both these
tasks, the test session of the NIST 98 data was used, and the first 5 sec were extracted for
each file and treated as one speech file. For the task of speaker identification, a subset of the
database containing 250 male speakers and 250 female speakers was chosen. The training
utterances are taken from the train/s1a/ directory and the testing utterances are taken from
the test/30/ directory of the database. There is no handset variation between the training
and the test utterances. The length of each training utterance is approximately 1 minute and
the testing utterances are about 30 seconds in duration. An energy threshold was used to
remove the silence portion (which sometimes has low amplitude background noise) from the
speech. This resulted in training utterances of about 30 to 40 seconds and testing utterances
of about 10 to 20 seconds.
A short comparison of the two databases would be in place here. The TIMIT
database is clean speech sampled at 16 kHz, and contains speech from the same speaker.
The speech is controlled, in that the phonemes are uttered clearly and except silence, there is
little other non-speech in this database. On the other hand, the NIST 98 database is
spontaneous speech sampled at 8 kHz. The speech is subject to telephone channel distortion
that corrupts the amplitudes of the lower harmonics (up to around 300 Hz) and contains
background noise. Further, effects like laughter, coughing etc are also seen in some files.
Thus, this latter case presents a tougher challenge than the former.
Experiment 1 – Accuracy of Pitch Estimation
This experiment was performed on both the databases. As mentioned, the reference
pitch is obtained from the ESPS Wavesurfer software using the autocorrelation method. The
frame rate of both pitch tracks is the same, namely 2.5 msec. The window size for
Wavesurfer was set to be the default (optimal). Pitch detection and all experiments with the
APP detector are performed with a window size of 20 msec.
As mentioned in section 2.3, the APP detector makes some errors and detects pitch
in the unvoiced regions (even before the incorporation of the creakiness detection
algorithm). Thus, the voiced regions and unvoiced regions have been compared separately.
Comparison in the Voiced Regions
The mode of comparison is as follows: in case of voiced regions, only those regions
where the reference pitch detector has non-zero pitch estimates have been considered. The
voiced regions include regions of both regular and irregular phonation. If, for a frame, the
pitch values of the APP detector and the reference vary by more than 15 Hz or 10% of the
current pitch, whichever is minimum, then the pitch track of the APP detector for that
frame is declared to be in error. It may be noted that the reference pitch detection is not
always very accurate. It has been shown in Figure 2.5 that the pitch tracker fails to track the
correct pitch in regions of creakiness. However, such regions have not been separated out in
this task, since there can be no automatic way of determining if the reference pitch track is
indeed correct, and it is manually very difficult to visually verify this for each of the errors.
Thus, the numbers given below give a representative idea of the general pitch tracking
performance. The following table shows the results for this test:
# of frames
# of frames where pitch was detected correctly
Before modification
After modification
Table 4.1 : Pitch Estimation Accuracy of the modified APP detector, as
compared to the earlier version
Approximately 50 sec of voiced speech, from both male and female speakers, was
taken from the NIST database. In the case of the TIMIT database, about 20 sec of voiced
speech was taken, from speakers of both genders. It may be seen that the pitch detection
accuracy has increased by about 3% in case of both databases. Recall that the reference
tracker sometimes fails in tracking the correct pitch in creaky regions. This might mean that
some mismatch can happen when the APP detector tracks the pitch correctly, but the
reference is wrong. It could also mean that the APP detector pitch track is not accurate.
Assuming that the reference pitch track is always accurate and correct, the performance of
the modified APP detector is then increased by about 3% for both databases. This implies in
turn that there is at least a 3% improvement (and possibly more) in the actual pitch tracking
Comparison in the Unvoiced Regions
The mode of comparison is as follows: in case of unvoiced regions, it is required to
find out how many times the modified APP detector has detected a region as voiced and
given a pitch track, in addition to what the earlier version of the APP detector used to do.
Using the reference pitch tracker to identify regions of unvoiced speech, about 50
sec of unvoiced speech in NIST and 20 sec in TIMIT was used for testing. The following
table shows the results:
# of frames
# of unvoiced frames where pitch value was given
Before modification
After modification
Table 4.2 : Insertion of voiced decisions for unvoiced speech
It is seen that the number of insertion errors has increased by a very small amount
(<1%) for a large number of frames. This proves that the voiced / unvoiced decision made
by the modified APP detector is almost as efficient as the original, and the number of frames
which are judged as being voiced and for which pitch estimates are given, does not increase
significantly. Once again, it is possible that the region marked as unvoiced by the reference
pitch tracker is in fact creaky, but has been marked unvoiced due to the tracker’s failure to
give a pitch reading in that case. If that were the case for any frame, then the region is
actually voiced and thus, the insertion error is less than what is reported above. Thus, it
could be said that the maximum possible increase in the insertion error rate is about 0.4%.
These experiments indicate that the pitch tracking algorithm of the APP detector has
been improved by the modifications described in chapters 2 and 3, at the expense of little
debilitating effects. The next set of experiments details the creakiness detection accuracy.
Experiment 2 – Detection of Irregular Phonation
The following Figure 4.1 shows a sample run of the creakiness detector on a speech
file. The areas identified as being creaky are marked in black on the spectrogram. It may be
seen the creaky areas have all been successfully detected.
The creakiness detection performance is evaluated using two metrics: the detection
accuracy and the false alarm rate. Each of these will be presented below.
Detection Accuracy of Irregular Phonation
Two kinds of measures are used to measure the performance of the creakiness
detector: the percentage of instances of creakiness detected, and the relative number of
frames that have been correctly identified. These are defined below:
Instance detection accuracy =
Frame detection accuracy =
Total number of creakiness instances detected
× 100%
Total number of hand-marked instances
Total number of frames of creakiness detected
Number of frames in the hand-marked instances
Figure 4.1 : Creakiness detection results. (top pane) Spectrogram showing the regions of creakiness in the
original signal; (bottom pane) Same spectrogram as above, with the creaky regions identified by the APP
detector overlaid in black
The following tables give a statistical summary of the performance of the creakiness
detection algorithm, for the TIMIT database:
Total # of instances
# Identified
Percentage Identified
Male + Female
Table 4.3a : Accuracy of detection of creakiness instances in the TIMIT database
Total # of frames
# Identified
Percentage Identified
Male + Female
Table 4.3b : Accuracy of detection of creakiness frames in the TIMIT database
The following tables give a statistical summary of the performance of the creakiness
detection algorithm, for the NIST 98 database:
Total # of instances
# Identified
Percentage Identified
Male + Female
Table 4.4a : Accuracy of detection of creakiness instances in the NIST 98 database
Total # of frames
# Identified
Percentage Identified
Male + Female
Table 4.4b : Accuracy of detection of creakiness frames in the NIST 98 database
The creakiness instances detection accuracy is seen to be slightly above 90% for each
of the two datasets, and is about the same for both genders. Both female and male samples
are handled equally well by the algorithm, which confirms that irregular phonation possesses
acoustic features that do not depend on gender. Further, the algorithm performs well even
with the NIST 98 database, in spite of debilitating conditions. Errors were more for male
speakers than female speakers, and this is attributed to the low pitch of male speakers, which
may often cause the dips to scatter from clusters and thus manifest the sound as being
similar to irregular phonation. Also, the inherently low pitch in males causes some of the
creaky regions to be missed because creakiness detection is conditioned on the pitch falling
below a certain threshold. In terms of identification of number of frames, the performance
goes down slightly owing to the possibility that not all frames may be detected by the
algorithm, as marked in the reference. Considering the possibility that some of the instances
identified as creaky may be marked so for a larger number of frames than in the reference,
this implies that the actual frame detection accuracy may be even lesser than the above
reported numbers.
False Alarm Rate
The false alarm rate can also measured in terms of two measures: percentage of
instances inserted, and percentage of frames inserted. Each of these terms is defined below:
False Instances Rate =
False Frames Rate =
Total number of instances of false alarms caused
× 100%
Total number of actual creaky instances
Total number of frames of false alarms
× 100%
Total number of frames - Total number of creaky frames
In reality, it is the second term that actually defines the false alarm rate correctly.
However, for this set of experiments, because the total number of frames is too large a
number compared to the number of false alarm frames, this second measure becomes a
number too small to be of significance. Thus, the second measure is redefined in the
following way:
False Frames Rate =
Total number of frames of false alarms
× 100%
Total number of creaky frames
The first and redefined second measures have been used to describe the false alarms.
The false instances rate has been found to be 12.8% for the NIST 98 database, and 17.4%
for the TIMIT database. Surprisingly, the false alarms are more for the cleaner database
(TIMIT) than the one which has noise and distortions. Of all these false triggers, 35% were
due to voiced fricative /sh/. About 40% of the false detections were due to stops being
called irregular, while the remaining 25% of the false triggers were due to stops wherein the
vowel preceding the stop was identified as creaky. Though we have currently included the
detections in the latter category as false detections, studies have shown [11, 12] that there do
exist cases of stops in both American English and other languages, where both voiced and
unvoiced stops may be accompanied by irregular phonation. Further, it is possible that the
end of vowels preceding such stops may also exhibit irregular phonation. Thus, it may
actually be the fact that the algorithm is capturing such instances of irregular phonation too,
in which case the false triggering rate will actually be considerably low. In addition, it has also
observed that we are identifying what we suspect are some glottal squeaks (4 instances).
However, due to the lack of a standard reference, it is not possible to confirm these
speculations at this juncture, and this count has been added to false triggers.
Typically, each false alarm instance is about 3 to 4 frames long, as compared to actual
creaky regions which are typically more than 10 frames long. However, a significant
percentage (about 10%) of creaky regions are also short (of the same duration as the above
false alarm instances) and thus, it is not possible to set a duration threshold for elimination
of false alarms. The false instances rate of 12.8% translates to a false frame rate of 3.4% for
the NIST 98 database, and the TIMIT false instances rate of 17.4% translates to a frame rate
of 5.6% (which confirms that the false alarm instances are about one fourth of the duration
of a creaky instance).
Speaker Identification using Acoustic Parameters
One of the potential applications of this parameter is to use it in speaker
identification tasks. The creakiness parameter is a parameter that characterizes the source
information of the speaker, and should hence be able to help in speaker identification. To
verify if this parameter can help in speaker identification and if so, how it affects
performance, this parameter has been used in combination with seven other acoustic
parameters described in section 1.6. These parameters are the four formants, the amount
periodic and aperiodic energies, and the spectral tilt. The speaker ID performance for the
seven acoustic parameters was seen to be comparable with that of the standard MFCCs in
[6]. The creakiness parameter is added as an eighth parameter to this set, and the speaker ID
performance of the seven APs is compared with that of the eight APs.
The speaker models were constructed using the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
and were trained using maximum-likelihood parameter estimation [5]. The MIT-LL GMM
system was used for constructing the speaker models. Various model orders were tested and
it was empirically determined that the 32-mixture GMM gave the best performance. The test
utterance was identified with the speaker whose model yields the highest likelihood for the
test utterance. The accuracy of the system was computed using the identification errors
made by the system. To obtain the accuracies for different population sizes, the 250 speakers
of each gender were divided into groups where the number of speakers in each group is the
population size. The accuracy for the particular population size is the average of the
accuracies over all the groups. The following table gives the error rates of the seven APs
versus the eight APs when used for speaker identification:
(# of test utt)
Seven APs
Eight APs
Female (1379)
Male (1308)
Female (1104)
Male (1093)
Female (1379)
Male (1308)
Female (1379)
Male (1308)
Table 4.5 : Error Rates for Speaker ID without and with the creakiness parameter
The results in this table are shown in the following plot in Figure 4.2:
Figure 4.2 : Improvement in speaker ID performance upon introduction of
creakiness as the eighth parameter – the error rate has gone down or remained
the same in all cases, for all population sizes and both genders
It is seen that for various populations, the speaker identification error rate goes down
slightly, upon introduction of the creakiness parameter. Though the improvement is typically
about 1% for female speakers and less than 1% for male speakers, this is because of the fact
that creakiness occurs very sparsely and hence offers very less training and testing data.
Indeed, the creakiness parameter consists of zeros in most regions and hence, when modeled
using the GMM, should show a prominent Gaussian at zero for models of all speakers, thus
rendering the parameter not significantly useful for speaker ID. However, if there existed a
supervised approach that could exploit the creakiness parameter more appropriately for
speaker ID, the creakiness parameter would hold some promise as a good acoustic
parameter. This is demonstrated by the fact that speaker ID performance improves more for
female speakers than for male speakers, though the creakiness detection accuracy does not
differ as significantly. This might be explained by the fact that females, having a higher pitch,
are thus being more distinctive of their identity whenever they exhibit creakiness. This
information is probably captured by the creakiness parameter, which thus helps to
characterize effectively some of the female speakers. Therefore, using a supervised approach
to exploit the creakiness information could be one possible direction of future research in
applications of this parameter.
Error Analysis and Discussion
Missed Detections
The creakiness detection algorithm does not give perfect detection accuracy. Almost
10% of creaky instances are not identified, and therefore there is still scope for improvement
of the algorithm. The failure of the irregular phonation detector in such cases could be
explained by several possible reasons. The first is when the location of irregular phonation is
at the very beginning of the file – in this case, the algorithm fails to detect creakiness because
the AMDF can be computed only after a few initial frames. Also, even when creakiness is
not at the very beginning but is in the first few seconds, it might still be missed on some
occasions. This is because the voiced/unvoiced thresholds, which are determined adaptively
using the values stored in memory are not yet well adjusted to the proper values. If
creakiness occurs before adequate voiced and unvoiced regions are seen, the representative
values for both these regions are not yet obtained and thus, the threshold calculated is not
accurate to make a correct decision. Thus, some false insertions or false rejections could
occur. In one case, if creakiness occurs after voiced regions, with no unvoiced regions until
that point, then the unvoiced region threshold is biased towards the voiced threshold, and
thus, the creaky region is called voiced. This might also sometimes result in some weak
fricatives or voiced fricatives being called voiced – they need not be called creaky at the
subsequent stages but they might be called voiced at this stage. In the contrast case, if
creakiness follows an unvoiced region, the voiced threshold is not set appropriately. This
causes the creaky region to be called unvoiced and causes a missed detection error. The next
possible reason of missed detection is when the pitch falls so low that the analysis window
used cannot capture even one full cycle – when that happens, the AMDF structure cannot
capture the characteristic dip profile. A solution for this is to adaptively change the analysis
window size. A fourth reason for false rejection could be due to some instances of
creakiness which are not significantly different from modal voicing, or which have most of
their voicing energy in the lower frequencies. Because only the higher frequency channels are
used to cluster the dips, such creaky regions may be rejected since they do not have much
voicing energy in the higher regions.
False Alarms
False alarms are mainly due to stops, and about one third of them are due to
fricatives. Typically, when these kinds of consonants are adjacent to vowel regions, their
characteristics get influenced by their neighboring phonemes due to co-articulation. Thus, a
possible reason for these false alarms could be that the values of spectral tilt, ZCR etc. of
these regions are near what would be expected for periodic regions, and this is what allows
such regions past the voiced/unvoiced decision stage. The effect of voicing in the coarticulated phonemes could exist in such frames, which possibly gives them a dip profile
looking similar to that of the creaky frame. Another possible reason for false alarms could be
as mentioned above – the voiced/unvoiced detector has not had enough number of samples
to make representative thresholds for the voiced and unvoiced regions and thus, some
unvoiced sounds are called voiced.
While reasons for missed detections have been elaborated upon, it is hard to find
appropriate solutions for some of these causes. For example, the voiced/unvoiced decisions
are always hard in case of spontaneous speech, much more so in channels causing
distortions. There is always an error in even the current state-of-the-art systems, and voicing
detection accuracy is never 100% accurate. In such cases, the best solution is to rely on the
optimal trade-off between false alarms and missed detections. In this work, though a ROC
curve has not been used explicitly to determine the most optimal operating point, the
parameters of the system were varied around the currently existing parameters, and the
performance did not vary significantly in terms of missed detection and false alarm
A matter of consideration is also the performance of the algorithm when multiple
speakers are present. It may be recalled that the creakiness detection algorithm relies on a
memory track of the pitch in voiced regions, in order to decide if a given region is creaky or
not. When more than one speaker is present in a speech file, and their pitches differ
significantly, then the average pitch threshold that is used for creakiness detection may
become unusable to detect creakiness. For example, if a conversation has a male speaker
followed by a female speaker, then the pitch memory would have significant number of low
(around 100 Hz) and high (around 200 Hz) pitch values. In such a case, the pitch detection
threshold would be lower than what it should be if the speech file had a single female
speaker. In such cases, when the female speaker goes creaky, it might not be identified by the
algorithm, because the threshold has been reduced by the presence of low pitch values due
to the male voice. Similarly, a female speaker preceding a male speaker could cause false
alarms during the male speaker’s turn for the same reason. Although this problem is not
handled in this work, it is of noteworthy importance and will be an improvement in a future
version of the system.
Chapter 5
This thesis has focused on the development of an algorithm that will automatically
detect and numerically parameterize regions of irregular phonation (creakiness) in speech.
This work is significantly different from other research efforts in this direction, in that it
processes all regions of speech and not just the voiced regions. Further, it is meant to handle
spontaneous speech with effects like channel distortions, non-speech like laughter etc. Thus,
the scope and applications of this work are more far-reaching than other parallel efforts.
The algorithm is an extension of the Aperiodicity, Periodicity and Pitch (APP)
detector. The APP detector is now incorporated with the irregular phonation detector, and
gives a periodicity, aperiodicity, creakiness profile that identifies the three regions
respectively in speech. The pitch estimation algorithm in the APP detector has also been
improved to correctly identify the pitch frequency in regions of creakiness. The creakiness
detection performance is high and matches that of the best performance of other algorithms,
and the pitch detection accuracy has also shown improvement. The number of false
insertions, both in creakiness detection and in pitch estimation, is low, and counted framewise, is less than 5%. This is a set of encouraging results and proves that the creakiness
detection algorithm can be used for speech technology on real speech data.
Future Research Directions
Improving performance of the algorithm
The creakiness detection algorithm shows about 10% missed detection rate, and this
implies that there is still some work to be done to improve the detection rate. However, the
problem happens to be very difficult, as creakiness and irregular phonation are not discrete
steps over modal phonation, but are actually a part of a continuous spectrum with breathy
phonation on the other end. As such, it is difficult to define the occurrences of irregular
phonation and associated acoustic properties in various cases. Further, because of various
effects like co-articulation and channel distortions, some of the acoustic features that
characterize creakiness do not manifest themselves in some instances. In order to improve
the detection accuracy, it is thus necessary to investigate for further acoustic cues that would
help identify creakiness, and incorporate them into the APP detector. Further, some of the
signal processing strategies of the APP detector should also be modified in order to catch
instances that have been missed. This should, however, be done in a way that the current
performance of the APP detector is not deteriorated, which is not an easy task considering
the fact that pitch values from 60Hz to 350 Hz should all be detected and recognized. Thus,
an adaptive signal processing scheme should be incorporated into the APP detector, which
toggles between various sets of signal processing parameters (like window size, frame rate
etc) to find the optimal set to process a particular region of speech. In addition, the
voiced/unvoiced detector can also be improved by incorporating additional conditions, to
reduce the false insertion rate. Finally, the degradation in performance that is expected when
multiple speakers are present in the speech file should also be handled. One possible way to
do this is to rely on creakiness to identify turn taking in the speech signal (or rely on other
methods) and then set separate threshold for each speaker, to identify creakiness in the
following regions.
Application to speaker ID
In terms of applications, the creakiness parameter has shown to be of use for speaker
identification. The improvement in performance may not be marked, but it proves that the
parameter is helping in speaker recognition by modeling some of the speakers’ inherent
voice qualities and speaking strategies. However, the creakiness parameter is zero for most
of the frames, since creakiness is not a very common occurrence. This, when modeled in
usual statistical frameworks like the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)(, gives a large
Gaussian centered at zero, which might override the effects of other peaks nearby. However,
the GMM does not have the provision to supply non-applicable data, and therefore, the
performance of speaker ID is not optimal when creakiness is used as described above. Thus,
there is a need to find a better scheme of modeling the data, and to use a semi-supervised
approach, wherein the creakiness parameter is used only when applicable (i.e., non zero). A
possible modeling scheme could be the Hidden Markov Model (HMM), or a more general
approach like the Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) [23]. In either case, it remains true
that modeling this parameter should be done in a more useful and applicable way.
Application to ASR
The application of creakiness to speaker ID motivates its use for ASR as well. In
landmark-based ASR [ref], the features that are used are acoustically motivated, as the ones
that have been used in this thesis for the speaker identification experiments. During the
extraction of such parameters, creakiness might cause some hindrance because of the
difference in phonation that generates slightly different acoustic cues than expected.
Detection of creakiness before extraction of such features could help reduce such
confusions, by provision of alternative features for such regions, or compensating the effect
that creakiness has. Further, identifying regions of creakiness can also help in identifying
turn-taking in spontaneous speech, as speakers often tend to get creaky when they pass the
turn to the next speaker.
Application to diagnosis of voice disorders
An important application of the irregular phonation detector is to help identify voice
disorders by non-intrusive methods. The algorithm runs purely on the speech signal
produced by the speaker, by looking at specific acoustic cues that would manifest themselves
because of the activity at the vocal folds. This motivates the idea that the activity at vocal
folds can be understood in an implicit way, and the specific cues found in the speech
produced might give an idea about the specific physiological disorder that the speaker has, at
the vocal folds.
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