Adaptive Log Domain Filters Using Floating Gate Transistors Dr. Pamela A. Abshire, Eric Liu Wong, Yiming Zhai and Dr. Marc H. Cohen Introduction Significance ¾ Adaptive log domain filter with integrated learning rules for model reference estimation. ¾ First order low pass filter with on-line learning of gain and time constant implemented by multiple input floating gate transistors. ¾ Robust learning rules for both gain and time constant adaptation derived from adaptive dynamical system theory . Simulation and Testing 9First integrated Adaptive IIR filter (a) - (c) input: 9Lyapunov method for adaptation Mixture of sine waves at 10kHz, 20kHz, 40kHz, and 80kHz 9 Low power floating gate computation (d) - (f) input: Summation of 14 sine waves, whose frequency ratio is an irrational number 2p 5 , spanning from 5kHz to 97kHz. Derivation of Learning Rules Floating Gate Transistors Lyapunov method Floating gate surrounded by an insulator so electrons are prevented from escaping. Voltage inputs to a secondary control gate couple capacitively into the floating node to modulate transistor current. Find a Lyapunov function which is: 1. Positive definite 2. Negative definite time derivative 3. Radially unbounded Conservation of charge gives: HSPICE simulation of successful adaptation The different values Vt correspond to It of 40nA from 0-2ms, 80nA from 2-3ms, 20nA from 3-4ms, 160nA from 4-6ms, and 10nA from 6-8ms. V Time constant is inverse proportional to It and gain is proportional to e . In all cases the error converges to zero, and the model closely tracks the plant. gain n VG k 1 C kV k CGSVS CGDVD CGBVB Model reference adaptation CT n k 1 CkVk n where CT CT k 1 Ck Circuit Implementation We choose What we have Unknown plant output & adaptive estimator output V (e) = - Ae Minimize the error to ZERO 2 1 We choose the control laws: First order low pass filter: Ax1 ABu x3 x 2 e2 + e2 + e2 2( 1 2 3 ) To get a negative time derivative: What we want to do x1 x 2 V (e) = 1 unknown plant x3 x4 u adaptive estimator x e = - e 2 and e = - e Au 2 1x 3 1 3 For current mode filters: Error system: Circuit for both plant and filter Circuit for computing product of error and derivative Circuit for computing temporal derivative x3 e1 = x2 - x1 output error e2 = x3 - A (1/time constant) error e3 = x4 - B gain error u e2 = x3 0 Summary ※ Robust learning rules based on Lyapunov stability. ※ Log domain IIR filters have simulated cutoff frequencies above 100kHz with power consumption of 23uW. ※ Fabricated filters have measured cutoff frequencies above 20kHz with power consumption of 170uW. ※ Adaptation is currently being tested. If we only consider the direction but not the rate of adaptation: System dynamics: e1 = x2 - x1 0 A 0 Testing setup Fabricated chip Acknowledgements e3 = x4 e2 µ - e1 x2 and e3 µ - e1 We thank the MOSIS service for providing chip fabrication through their Educational Research Program. We thank Gert Cauwenberghs for his guidance as advisor at JHU. P.A. is supported by an NSF CAREER Award(NSF_EIA-0238061).