FS 10 June 1962 AVALALL Controlling Moss on Roofs Prepared by I. C. MACSWAN, Extension Plant Pathologist, and M. G. HUBER, Extension Agricultural Engineer Oregon State University Moss is a simple form of plant growth that thrives in damp, shaded locations. It is likely to be found on the north slopes of roofs and roofs shaded by overhanging trees. Control measures include removal of overhanging branches, scraping away as much moss as possible, and spraying the area with chemical. Spraying is most effective in warm weather when the moss is active1y growing, and when rain is not likely for several days. Zinc chloride Spray moss with a 10% solution. Zinc chloride is corrosive to metals and injurious to plants. Arsenic compounds (sodium arsenite, arsenic trioxide) Spray surface of moss with solution of to ounce in 10 gallons of water. Arsenic compounds are very poisonous to humans and animals and are injurious to plants. Arsenic solutions have fair residual effect. Table salt Recommended Materials Zinc galvanized or copper flashings and ridges A galvanized or copper ridge will be effective for about 10 to 15 feet down from the ridge on most roofs. Normal corrosion from bare copper wires, stretched about every 10 feet horizontally along the butt ends of shingles, will provide some moss control. Pentachiorophenol This material can be used as a water solution or mixed 50-50 with diesel oil. Water solution: Prepare a 5% solution according to the directions on the container label. Diesel oil mix (do not use on asphalt roofs since the oil will dissolve the asphalt) : Mix equal parts of pentathlorophenol and diesel oil. Several applications of pentachiorophenol on wood, shingle, or shake roofs will provide good moss control for some time. Sodium pentachiorophenate (5% solution) To prepare 5 gallons of 5% solution, mix 2 pounds of sodium pentachlorophenate powder in 5 gallons of water. Sodium pentachlorophenate solutions may be used safely on asphalt roofs. Copper sulfate (blue stone) Copper is effective when sprayed on moss at the rate of to ounce per 10 gallons of water. It is corrosive to metal eave troughs, down spouts, and metal spray equipment and they should be washed thoroughly with water immediately after treatment. Copper sulfate solution has a good residual effect, depending on type of roof, amount of penetration, and amount of rainfall. Spray surface of moss with 10% to 20% solution or sprinkle dry table salt when moss is wet. Table salt does not have a residual effect and is not as effective as some of the other materials. Table salt is also corrosive to metals and injurious to plants. Mercury compounds Some mercury-containing fungicides are being recommended for moss control. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for safe and effective use. Mercurycontaining compounds are very poisonous to humans and animals. Other weed killer compounds Some compounds normally used as weed killers are also effective for moss control. Follow the manufacturer's directions and precautions for use. Cautions Use extreme care when applying the materials mentioned above. Keep them from children and animals and prevent contamination of plants. Be sure that spray does not fall or drift onto plants and that spray solution is not carried down drainspouts to injure plants in foundation plantings. Use of a sprinkler can for applying solutions may reduce the drift hazard. Remember that several of the chemicals recommended for control of moss are very corrosive to metal. Be sure gutters and down spouts are clear, so solutions washing off treated roofs do not stand in troughs. Thorough flushing with fresh water may save costly replacement of metal gutters. Equipment can be protected by adding 2 tablespoons of household ammonia to a gallon of water for the final flushing through the sprayer. This is one of a series of Fad Sheets reporting Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, F. E. Price, director. Printed and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Oregon State University, Oregon counties, and U. S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.