S h i l l i n g t o...

storm drainage improvement project
August 12, 2009
Dear Resident,
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services held its third public
meeting on July 9, 2009 at Sharon United Methodist Church for
the Shillington Storm Drainage Improvement Project.
The meeting presented the final improvements and discussed
easement acquisitions necessary to construct the proposed
improvements. Meeting highlights:
Stewart Edwards, Project Manager, provided general
information and briefly reviewed the project scope and goals.
Richard Hiner, Project Manager for our design consultant
PBS&J, gave a general description of the project and identified
the project limits, the existing storm drain systems, and the
proposed improvements. He defined the primary system as
the main branch of the drainage network, which is fed by the
secondary smaller pipe and/or channel systems.
Julie Milea with City of Charlotte Real Estate gave a general
definition and description of what an easement is and
its purpose. She introduced Craig Long with Professional
Engineering & Property Management
Storm Water Services Division
600 East Fourth Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Shillington Project Update
Property Services and explained that his company would be
handling the individual easement negotiations on behalf of
the City. This process is expected to take six to nine months.
Julie mentioned that she has already spoken with about 25%
of the affected residents and will be making more contacts in
the coming weeks.
A question/answer session was held. Stewart then invited the
citizens to visit one of the four tables staffed by project team
personnel to ask property-specific questions.
For more information about this project or detailed
meeting minutes, please visit our website at
http://stormwater.charmeck.org and click on Storm Water
Projects, Storm Water Projects again, then Shillington.
If you have any questions about this project, please contact the
Project Manager, Steward Edwards at 704-336-7036 or email