Transit Signal Priority Peter P t G. G Furth th Northeastern University Transit Signal Priority – Help or Hype? • Zurich: nearly zero traffic delay for trams, even with mixed traffic (and punctuality!!) • San Diego trolley: green wave through downttown inttersecti tions • Some US app pplications: < 3 s savinggs per intersection , or … • No measurement at all all 2 Transit Priority as a Societal Societal Objective Objective • Transit use benefits society in terms of of – Congestion – Air quality, climate impact, energy use – Vibrant communities • Priority breaks the vicious cycle in which congestion drives people to switch from from transit to car 3 Priiority i Mak kes Sense • One extreme ($$$$): build a metro • Other extreme: do nothing, buses become swamped in congestion – Traffic delay can represent 30% of a bus route route’ss operating cost – Feeds vicious cyycle of ever-lower transit use • In between: – Priority in space: bus lanes lanes, etc etc. – Priority in time: signal priority 4 What Priority Means to a Transit Operation • Reduced running time ($$, passenger benefit). Measures: – Delay per intersection – Average route running time • Improved reliability ($$, passenger benefit). – Recovery time, cycle time based on 95-percentile running time – Tri-Met Line 12: reduced needed cycle length from 104 min to 93 min (11%) 5 Operational Control: Schedule Adherence, Crowding Schedule deviation along the route, without priority, Eindhoven With priority 6 Priority Makes Transit … • More competitive – Bus has natural disadvantages due to stops and walkingg / waitingg – Priority compensates, especially if cars suffer congestion • More socially acceptable (red carpet) – my great aunt … 7 Intelligent Signal Priority • Not “preemption” (too blunt) • Not “cautious priority” (almost useless) • Intelligent tactics, tactics algorithms, algorithms detection to give transit near-zero-delay service, without undue d iimpact on othher traffic ffi 8 Green Extension • Built-in logic in modern controllers • Large benefi fit to a few buses – Therefore little disruption to traffic • Extension E t i increment i t is i a parameter t (10 s?? 15 s?) ?) With green extension Without priority c u m u la t iv e v e h ic le s c u m u la t iv e v e h ic le s b u s d e la y b u s d e la y v 1 red 1 s g reen v t im e 1 X n o rm al s 1 red g reen 9 t im e “Priority Push” is not the same as Allowed Extension Without priority With green extension c u m u la t iv e v e h ic le s c u m u la t iv e v e h ic le s b u s d e la y b u s d e la y v 1 red 1 s g reen R2 1 E[delay ] = 2C 1 − v s v t im e 1 X n o rm al s 1 red g reen t im e ⎡ R X 2 2 ⎡ ⎤ ⎤ R2 1 1 E[delay ] = − ⎢ X − (1 − v s) ⎥ 2 C 1 − v s ⎣ C 2 C ⎦ Priority P i i push! Priority Push vs. Green Extension (cycle length = 100 s, red time = 50 s, degree of saturation = 85%) 12 0 12. 10. 0 8 0 8. Push 6. 0 ( s) 4 0 4. 2. 0 0 0 0. 5 10 15 Gr een Ext ensi on ( s) 20 Priority Push vs. Red Time for allowed green extension of 15 s ( l length (cycle l th = 100 s, degree d off saturation t ti = 85%) 16. 0 16 14. 0 12. 0 10. 0 Push 8. 0 ( s) 6 0 6. 4. 0 2. 0 0. 0 30 50 70 Red Ti me ( s) 90 Detection Sketch 1 • Check-in h k i detector d location i – Early enough to allow time to respond – Late enough to estimate bus arrival time • Checkout detector to cancel request – Avoid wasted green – Performance measurement • • • • In-gground vs. overhead Optical signal with calibrated sensitivity Co t uous detect Continuous detection o (sshort-ra o t ange ge radio) ad o) Automatic vehicle location (AVL) system 13 Upstream U t Detector, D t t with ith travel time = maximum green extension Simplicity: • Request = detection • No need for “priority request generator” Weaknesses: W k • assumes constant speed • no fl flexibili ibility for upd dates, time of day settings • may nott be b suit itable bl for other th priority tactics 14 What if There’s a Near-Side Stop? • Detector located just after stop • Disable optical signal until door closes (Portland OR) (Portland, • Does vehicle queue block entry to the bus stop? 15 Common Weaknesses in Signal Signal Priority Implementation Implementation 1. Lack of checkout detector = wasted green 2. Is extra time “borrowed” or “stolen”? – Lack of compensation creates large queuing impacts 3. “Cautious priority” – Inhibit priority for 5 minutes or 1 full cycle after a priority i interruption i – Inhibit priority if cross street occupancy exceeds threshold 4 Lack 4. L k off dat d ta coll llection ti and d analysis l i – Nobody ever gets it right the first time 16 Natural compensation with fully actuated (uncoordinated) operatiions • Transit it phase – Longer green in cycle with priority – Shorter green in next cycle, because some of its demand was served in previous cycle • Competiing ph hases – Longer red due to priority – Need more green, and get it, in next realization • System quickly recovers 17 Lack of compensation in coordinated systems • • • • Fixed cycle length Fixed point = end of coordinated phase Uncoordinated phases may run shorter than their allotted split, but not longer Coordinated phase gets the slack time (starts early) 1 SBT SBL 2 3 NBL 4 EBT WBL WBT WBL EBL EBT EBL NBL NBT SBT 5 WBT 6 E-W Street Suppose coordinated phase is 2 (EBT) • Green extension for 2 – no mechanism for compensation • Green extension for 4 – slight compensation NBT 7 SBL 8 N-S Street 18 Returning to Coordination In coordinated systems, recovery means • dissipating queues AND • Returning to the background cycle – “Short way” = shorten phases following an extension – “Long way” = lengthen phases, skip a cycle 19 Early Green Truncate and possibly skip preceding phases • What’s the truncation rule? – How much to shorten competing phases? Can they be skipped? • Smaller benefit to large number of buses – More traffic impact; hard to implement when bus frequency is high 20 Early Green Issues • Exclusive lane for bus? (No queue, easier arrival time prediction) • Mixed traffic: Eindhoven’s “electronic bulldozer” • Arrival time prediction – How far upstream? (Bus stop and intersection spacing …) – Tracking queue length to know how long is needed to flush out the queue (Zurich’s (Zurich s trap logic) 21 Early green (truncating competing phases) under coordination 1 2 3 NBL 4 EBT SBT WBL EBL 5 WBT 6 E-W Street NBT 7 SBL 8 N-S Street Assume ssu e phase ase 2 iss coo coordinated d ated • Early green for 2 is possible, but without compensation to shortened phases • Early green for 3 – not possible under standard logic 22 Eindhoven i dh Experiment i + 11 + Coordinated phase (ring road, no buses) 12 38 + 27 25 + 31 36 2 3 32 9 8 + 39 + + 23 34 6 + Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Buses every 10 min NB and SB 23 Existing Priority Scheme • Coordinated phase is 6 • Buses are on 4 and 8 (every 10 minutes) • Priorityy onlyyif bus is more than 20 s late (about half the buses) 1 2 3 NBL 4 EBT SBT WBL EBL 5 WBT 6 E-W Street NBT 7 SBL 8 N-S Street • G Green ee extension e te s o • Aggressive early green: reduce intervening phases to minimum green • “Short way” minimum green to return to background cycle 24 Intersection Experiment and Site Description O dday each One h off Entry • priority to all buses (absolute) • priority to late buses (conditional) Exit Exit •no priority •no Entry Exit Exit Camera facing each approach Film “trap” between entry & exit Playback in lab Entry Entry Experiment Eindhoven 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No Priority y Abs Priority AM South d Bound North d Bound South d Bound Cond priority North d Bound Delay y Public c Transp port Averag ge Transit Delayy [sec] [ ] PM Experiment Eindhoven: Traffic Impact 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No Priority y Abs Priority AM PM 5-6 4-5 3-4 2-3 10-11 9-10 8-9 Cond Prioriy 7-8 Delay Tim e Average Vehicle Delay [sec] Experiment Eindhoven Averag ge Vehicle Delayy per p App pproach [[sec]] 140 No Priority Abs Priority 100 Cond Priority 80 60 40 20 AM PM Sou uth Bou und Ea ast Bou und No rth und Bou We est Bou und Sou uth Bou und Ea ast Bou und No rth Bou und 0 We est Bou und Delay Tim me 120 Experiment Eindhoven Relative Cap pacity yp per App pproach ((no priority y= 100% ) 120 N P No Priority i it 100 Abs Priority 80 ond Priority 60 40 20 AM PM Westbound Eastbound Sout hbound Nort hbound Westbound Eastbound Sout hbound Nort hbound 0 Lessons from Eindhoven • Aggressiive early l green result ltedd in i near-zero delay d l for buses • Conditional priority needs finely-tuned schedule – Schedule too tight – bus always late – absolute priority – Schedule too loose – bus always early – no priority • Lack of comp pensation: OK for 6 interrupptions per hour, but not 12 • Capacity loss due to – Early green truncations, but more from … – “short – short way” way recovery to background cycle 30 Early Red Shorten bus street’s current green to get faster return to green in thhe next cyclle • Needs advanced detection (almost a full cyycle)) • Incompatible with typical coordination logic – custom programming 31 Flush and Return Flush-and-Return Early green tactic for Near-Side Stops Tested using simulation on San Juan (PR) arterial • Green extension to clear queue from bus stop • Force signal to red during stop – Minimizes bus’s impact on road capacity • Return to green as quicklyy as possible 32 Phase Rotation • Example: E ample: change leading bbuss phase to lagging – Lagging bus phase becomes leading – like early green – Leading L di bus phhase becomes laggi l ing – lik like green extensiion (more effective) • U Used d exttensiivelly in Germany • Zurich’s pre-application safety campaign: random phase sequencing for 6 months! 33 Phase Insertion • Secondd reali lizatiion on bus detectiion onlly • Greatly reduces red period for bus – big reduction in delay • Zurich’s “insert and return” 34 Passive Priority • Treatments that favor buses and that don’t rely on bus detections • Favorable splits for bus phase • Favorable offsets (progression) for bus – Hard to do over more than a few intersections due to uncertain dwell time • Short cycles or double realizations (short red is the key) 35 Ruggles Bus Terminal Study Study with Burak Cesme, PhD student at Northeastern Univ. Using VISSIM simulation and VAP signal controll programmiing 36 Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Bus Del B D lays with ith Incremental Priority Treatments, by Route Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. 38 Passive priority: more time to bus left turn. Note: 5 s increase in split consumes only 2.5 2 5 s! Max Green = 21 seconds 00.90 90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0 20 0.20 0.10 0.00 Proportion Pr roportion Pr roportion Max Green = 16 seconds 8 9 10 11 12 13 Green Time ( s ) 14 15 16 00.90 90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0 20 0.20 0.10 0.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Green Tim e ( s ) Avg Green (EBL) = 15.3s 15 3s p (max-out) = 84.6% Avg Green (EBL) = 17.8s 17 8s p (max-out) = 51.2% Avg bus delay = 98 s Avg bus delay = 67 s 39 39 Intelligent Green Extension: 10 s extension for “cost” cost of 0.5 0 5 s s With Green Extension 0.60 060 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 Prroportion Prroportion No Priority 0.30 0.20 010 0.10 Extended Green 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Green Time ( s ) Green Time ( s ) p (max-out) = 0.512 Avg Green (EBL) = 18.1s p (max (max-out) out) = 0.247 0 247 p (extended) = 0.213 Avg gGreen (WBT))= 30.3s AvggGreen (WBT)) = 29.8s Avg Green (EBL) = 17.8s 40 Inserting 10 s phase: only consumes 2.5 s Primary Phase , when Phase Insertion is Programmed Green Extension Only 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.25 Extended Green 0.15 0.20 Proportion n Proportion n 0.20 0.10 0.05 0 00 0.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Extended Green 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 00 0.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 GreenT ime ( s ) Green Time ( s ) Avg Green (EBL) = 18.1s Bus delay = 55 s Avg Green (WBT) = 29.8s p (insertion) (i ti ) = 0.386 0 386 Avg Green (primary) = 14.7s Avg Green (insertion) = 4.4s A G Avg Green (t (total) t l) = 19.1s 19 1 Bus delay = 33 s Avg Green (WBT) = 27.3s 41 Conditional Priority Priority to Late Buses • • • • • Less interference with traffic (Eindhoven) Push pull means of operational control (Einhoven) Push-pull What is “Late:” 15 s or 3 minutes? Demands fine-tuned schedule y for short-headwayyservice Headwayy-based priority 42 Priority Queue Management • Detectors & logic for queue management – Stopped cars, not moving cars, hinder buses (Zuriich) (Z h) (Eindhoven) 43 Z i h’ Custom Zurich’s C t Programming P i • 5 full-time programmers work on signal control programs • Logic runs in central computers; field controllers ll merely l implement i l & communicate i • Exp perience has taugght them: – Delay tram green until trams start to slow down –Evaporated Evaporated traffic – Early red for the safety of last-moment crossing pedds 44 Prediictive i Priioriity Remote, upstream detection: simulated on Huntington Ave, used in Salt Lake City • D Detect t tor 1 used d to t predi dictt bus b arriivall att 4 (~2 ( 2 miinuttes advance) • Adjust cycle lengths so that bus will arrive on green • Last-minute priority as backup • Adaptive Adapti e (learning) algorithm for predicting bus b s arrival arri al 45 Dynamic Coordination Coordination ((Zurich)) –S Small ll zones (1-3 (1 3 intersections) i t ti ) – No fixed clock – Shape green waves through the zone around bus – Zone boundaries are segments that offer storage bu e buffer 46 Self-Organizing Coordination Simulated for San Juan, Puerto Rico • Each signal’s start of green becomes a request to downstream signal – Peer-to-peer communication between signals – upstream t signal’s i l’ requestt has h lower l priority i it that th t bus b request • Result lt: sponttaneous green wave • Inherently interruptible 47 M l i Levell Pri Multi-L P iority i (South Tangent = Haarlem – Airport – Amsterdam South) • Bus is early: green extension only • 0 to3 min late: “normal” early green • More than 3 min late: aggressive early green (skip competing phases) 48 Bus Delays with Incremental Priority Treatments, Treatments by Route Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. 49 Six Keys to Perfformance Si 1. Aim for near-zero delay 2. Multiple intelligent and aggressive tactics, with with compensation 3. Coordinate with scheduling (cond (cond’ll priority) priority) 4. Alternatives to rigid coordination 5. Advanced prediction with gradual cycle adjustments 6. Custom programming, performance measurement, & continual improvement 50 MIT OpenCourseWare 1.258J / 11.541J / ESD.226J Public Transportation Systems Spring 2010 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: