MACRO DESIGN MODELS FOR A SINGLE ROUTE Outline 1. Introduction to analysis approach 2. Bus frequency model 3. Bus size model 4. Stop/station spacing model Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 1 Introduction to Analysis Approach • Basic approach is to establish an aggregate total cost function including: • • • operator cost as f (design parameters) user cost as g (design parameters) Minimize total cost function to determine optimal design parameter (s.t. constraints) Variants include: • • Maximize service quality s.t. budget constraint Maximize consumer surplus s.t. budget constraint Total Cost Cost User Cost Operator Cost Hop T 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 Headway 2 Bus Frequency Model: the Square Root Model Problem: define bus service frequency on a route as a function of ridership Total Cost = operator cost + user cost Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 3 Square Root Model (cont’d) This is the Square Rule with the following implications: • high frequency is appropriate where (cost of wait time/cost of operations time) is high • frequency is proportional to the square root of ridership per unit time for routes of similar length Frequency-Ridership Relationship Frequency Constant Load Factor Capacity Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 Ridership 4 Square Root Model (cont’d) • Load factor is proportional to the square root of the product of ridership and route length. Bus Capacity-Ridership Relationship Passengers/ bus Load Factor >1 t1 t1>t2 Bus Capacity t2 Ridership Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 5 Square Root Model (cont’d) Critical Assumptions: • bus capacity is never binding • only frequency benefits are wait time savings • ridership ≠ f (frequency) • simple wait time model • budget constraint is not binding Possible Remedies: • introduce bus capacity constraint • modify objective function • introduce r=f(h) and re-define objective function • modify objective function • introduce budget constraint Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 6 Bus Frequency Example If: c = $90/bus hour b = $10/passenger hour t = 90 mins r = 1,000 passengers/hour Then: hOPT = 11 mins Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 7 Bus Size Model Problem: define optimal bus size on a route Assumptions: • • • • Desired load factor is constant Labor cost/bus hour is independent of bus size Non-labor costs are proportional to bus size Bus dwell time costs per passenger are independent of bus size Using same notation as before plus: w = labor cost per bus hour p = passenger flow past peak load point k = desired bus load - the decision variable to be determined Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 8 Bus Size Model (cont’d) Result is another square root model, implying that optimal bus size increases with: • round trip time • ratio of labor cost to passenger wait time cost • peak passenger flow • concentration of passenger flows Previous example extended with: p = 500 pass/hour w = $40/bus hour all other parameters as before: Then:hOPT Nigel Wilson = 55 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 9 Stop/Station Spacing Model Problem: determine optimal stop or station spacing Trade-off is between walk access time (which increases with station spacing), and in-vehicle time (which decreases as station spacing increases) for the user, and operating cost (which decreases as station spacing increases) Define and Nigel Wilson Z Tst = = total cost per unit distance along route and per headway time lost by vehicle making a stop c s = = vehicle operating cost per unit time station/stop spacing - the decision variable to be determined N v D = = = vacc w cs = = = number of passengers on board vehicle value of passenger in-vehicle time demand density in passenger per unit route length per headway value of passenger access time walk speed station/stop cost per headway 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 10 Stop/Station Spacing Model (cont’d) Yet another square root relationship, implying that station/stop spacing increases with: • • • • • • walk speed station/stop cost time lost per stop vehicle operating cost number of passengers on board vehicle value of in-vehicle time and decreases with: • • Nigel Wilson demand density value of access time 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 11 Bus Stop Spacing U.S. Practice • • • 200 m between stops (8 per mile) shelters are rare little or no schedule information European Practice • • • • 320 m between stops (5 per mile) named & sheltered up to date schedule information scheduled time for every stop Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 12 Stop Spacing Tradeoffs Walking time Riding time Operating cost Ride quality Operator + User Cost • • • • total extra cost extra walk time extra riding time extra operating cost Stop spacing (m) Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 13 Walk Access: Block-Level Modeling a Main Street with Existing Stops Shed Line b Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 14 SCALE 0 0.5 MI 1 B BAY NU HEATH 10 8 6 4 2 F HILLS S TO P S / M I Results: MBTA Route 39* Existing stop Discrete model optimal stop Existing route Continuous model optimum MBTA guideline Discrete model optimum Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. AM Peak Inbound results •Avg walking time up 40 s •Avg riding time down 110 s •Running time down 4.2 min •Save 1, maybe 2 buses Source: Furth, P.G. and A. B. Rahbee, “Optimal Bus Stop Spacing Using Dynamic Programming and Geographic Modeling." Transportation Research Record 1731, pp. 15-22, 2000. Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 15 Bus Stop Locations and Policies • Far-side (vs. Near-side) • • • • less queue interference easier pull-in fewer ped conflicts snowbank problem demands priority in maintenance • Curb extensions benefit transit, peds, and traffic (0.9 min/mi speed increase) • Pull-out priority (it’s the law in some states) • Reducing dwell time (vehicle design, fare collection, fare policy) Nigel Wilson 1.258J/11.541J/ESD.226J Spring 2010, Lecture 16 16 MIT OpenCourseWare 1.258J / 11.541J / ESD.226J Public Transportation Systems Spring 2010 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: