Follow up questionnaire – INTERVENTION PARENTS ONLY

Follow up questionnaire – INTERVENTION PARENTS ONLY
PARTICIPANT NUMBER: _________________
Which children’s centres, if any, are you currently using?
Please name centre/s used
Part A: General questions about you and your family
Check that it is the same person that answered the original questionnaire.
The questionnaire will ask most of the same questions as we asked you 6 months ago. We’ll
start with some general questions about you and your family. Please choose your answers from
the options on the answer sheet in front of you.
Has your marital status changed in the last 6 months?
No Separated (but still legally married) Married Divorced Co-habiting or civil partnership Widowed Occasionally Never 1 or 2 days a week 8.
What do you use it/them for?
For ‘other’ please ask the parent to specify and write on the line
Child care Courses or classes Stay and play sessions Support and advice For ‘other’ please ask the parent to specify and write on the line
Groups e.g. dads, young people Other Full-time parent/homemaker Employed part-time Long-term sick or disabled Self-employed or freelance Carer Unemployed – looking for work Other Full/part-time student ___________________________
Part B: Questions about your food intake
These questions are about what you had to eat and drink yesterday. Please try to
answer as honestly as possible. Start from question 13.
Do you currently receive any of these benefits?
No benefits Child Tax Credits Job Seeker’s Allowance Child Benefit Income Support Healthy Start Housing Benefit Other Did you eat any of the following foods yesterday?
If yes, please ask what sort and how much and write details on line
For ‘other’ please ask the parent to specify and write on the line
Every day 3 or 4 days a week Has your employment situation changed in the last 6 months? Yes No Employed full-time 3.
Yes Single (never married) How often do you use it/them?
Fruit (includes fresh, frozen, canned, dried)
Vegetables or salad (includes fresh, frozen, canned)
Puddings, desserts or ice cream
Have you received any other qualifications since our last visit?
For ‘other’ please ask the parent to specify and write on the line
No Yes
If yes, please record:
How many children do you have (who live in the same house as you)?
Insert number
Chocolate or confectionery (sweets)
Alcoholic drinks (e.g. beer, wine, spirits)
Cakes or biscuits (any kind)
If the parent mentions anything unusual about ‘yesterday’ please enter here:
Did you drink any of the following drinks yesterday?
If yes, please ask what sort and how much and write details on line
Fruit Juice (100%, freshly squeezed or from concentrate)
Part C: Questions about your knowledge and attitudes towards food
Now I have some more questions about food. Please choose your answers from the
options on the answer sheet in front of you. Start from question 15.
Squash or ‘fruit drinks’ (e.g. Ribena, High Juice, Fruit Shoots)
How many portions of fruit and vegetables a day are health professionals
advising children to eat?
Prompt for standard or low sugar varieties
Please tell me if you think the following statements are true or false.
Fizzy drinks (e.g. Coke, Fanta, lemonade)
Prompt for standard or diet varieties
Tinned fruit is a good source of vitamin C.
True 17.
False Don’t know Plain water (from a tap or bottled)
Milk or flavoured milk (e.g. milkshakes)
The first ingredient listed on a food label is the one present in the largest
True False Don’t know 19.
Children may need to try a new food up to 10 times before they like it.
True 20.
Don’t know Frozen vegetables do not contain as many nutrients as fresh vegetables.
True d.
False Hot drinks (e.g. tea, coffee, hot chocolate)
Don’t know The best drinks for children under 5 years are milk and water.
True 3
False False Don’t know 4
For the next questions (21-24), please look at the scale and tell me which number between 1 and
5 reflects how confident you feel about each of the following statements.
Insert number 1-5 next to each statement
1 = Not at all confident
For the next questions (30-41), please look at the scale and tell me which number
between 1 and 5 reflects your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the
following statements.
Insert number 1-5 next to each statement
5 = Extremely confident
1 = Disagree strongly
2 = Disagree
3 = Neither agree or disagree
How confident do you feel about being able to cook from
basic ingredients?
4 = Agree
5 = Agree strongly
How confident do you feel about following a simple recipe?
How confident do you feel about introducing new foods to
your child under 5?
How confident are you that you know what foods are good
for your child?
I don’t think much about food each day.
Cooking or barbequing is not very fun.
Talking about what I have eaten or am going to eat is
something I like to do.
The next questions (25-29) are about potential barriers to healthy eating for you – not your child. How
certain are you that you could overcome the following barriers?
Compared with other daily decisions, my food choices are
not very important.
Please look at the scale and tell me which number between 1 and 4 reflects how certain you feel about
each of the following statements.
Insert number 1-4 next to each statement
When I travel, one of the things I anticipate most is eating the
food there.
I do most or all of the cleaning up after eating.
I enjoy cooking for others and myself.
When I eat out, I don’t think or talk much about how the food
I do not like to mix or chop food.
I do most or all of my own food shopping.
I do not wash dishes or clean the table.
I care whether or not a table is nicely set.
1 = Very uncertain
3 = Rather certain
2 = Rather uncertain
4 = Very certain
I can manage to stick to healthy foods even if I need a long
time to develop the necessary routines.
I can manage to stick to healthy foods even if I have to try
several times until it works.
I can manage to stick to healthy foods even if I have to
rethink my entire way of eating.
I can manage to stick to healthy foods even if I do not receive
a great deal of support from others when making my first
I can manage to stick to healthy foods even if I have to make
a detailed plan.
Part D: Questions about your child’s eating behaviours
Questions 42-50 are about your child who is attending Cherry (must be aged 18 months
to 5 years) so please think about him/her when you answer. Please choose your
answers from the options on the answer sheet in front of you. Start from question 42.
Does he/she have a baby’s bottle at all these days, even just to go to bed
Include all drinks given from a bottle
Yes 42.
My child refuses new foods at first.
Never 43.
Sometimes No, never has a bottle Often Always My child enjoys tasting new foods.
Never 44.
Rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Always Often Always Part E: Questions about how you feel about parenting
The next questions (51-58) are about how you feel about parenting. Please choose your
answers from the options on the answer sheet in front of you. Start from question 51.
My child enjoys a wide variety of foods.
Never Rarely Sometimes 51.
I feel that I have too little time by myself.
Never 45.
Rarely Sometimes Often 52.
Always Rarely Sometimes Often 53.
Always Rarely Sometimes Often Always Sometimes Often Always Often Always My child gets on my nerves.
Never Rarely My child decides that s/he doesn’t like a food, even without tasting it.
Never Rarely Sometimes Often 54.
Always My child makes too many demands.
Never Rarely Sometimes Does your child eat the same food as the family?
Never Rarely Sometimes Often 55.
Always I feel that I am not as good a parent as I could be.
Never 49.
Always My child is interested in tasting food s/he hasn’t tasted before.
Never 48.
Often I wish I did not have so many responsibilities.
Never 47.
Sometimes My child is difficult to please with meals.
Never 46.
Rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Always What does your child usually drink from?
A feeder or beaker with spout Go to Q50
A plastic cup or beaker without spout (with or without
straw) A ‘no spill’ beaker Go to Q50
An ordinary cup (with or without straw) Go to Q50
A bottle with a screw-on top or sports top Go to Q50
A baby’s bottle Go to Q51
Something else Go to Q50 or 51
I feel that being a parent is much more work than pleasure.
Never Go to Q50
Sometimes Often Always I am doing everything I can to give my child a good life.
Never 58.
Rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Always Often Always I feel tired from raising a family.
Never Rarely Sometimes For ‘something else’ ask for details and enter below
What changes, if any, have you made to your own diet as a consequence of
What sorts of food activities are you doing now that you were not doing before you
attended Cherry? (tick all that apply)
Questions about your views on Cherry
These last questions are about the Cherry programme and how useful you found it.
How many Cherry sessions did you attend?
4 Why did you miss some/all of the sessions?
Time constraints/too busy
Unhappy with course format
Eating together as a family
Yes No Don’t know Content not relevant
Child did not enjoy it
Involving my child in cooking food
Yes No Don’t know Course did not meet expectations Illness
Using herbs and spices instead of salt
Yes No Don’t know Other:
Using portion size information on recipe cards
Yes No Don’t know Using the techniques from the tiny tastes charts
Yes No Don’t know Stopped using bottle
Yes No Don’t know Yes No Don’t know Using cow’s milk instead of follow on milk
Yes No Don’t know Buying frozen veg/fruit
Yes No Don’t know Comparing prices between shops
Yes No Don’t know Cut down eating ready meals
Yes No Don’t know Buying in bulk to save money
Yes No Don’t know Internet shopping
Yes No Don’t know Childcare problems
Changed the snacks that I give my child between mealtimes
If parent did not attend any sessions, thank parent and end interview.
Overall, how beneficial did you find the Cherry programme?
Very beneficial
Not very beneficial
Not at all beneficial
Which CHERRY session did you find was the most useful?
Session 1 – Top
tips for healthy
eating for you and
your children
Quite beneficial
Session 2 – Top tips
for introducing new
Session 3 – Top tips
for healthy snacks
and drinks
Session 4 – Top tips
for food shopping
and healthy eating on
a budget
What changes, if any, have you made to your child’s diet as a consequence of
Did you use the Tiny Tastes chart at all?
If the answer was yes, please go to 67.
If the answer was no, please go to 69.
YES NO 67.
How strongly do you agree with the following statements?
I learned something new from the Tiny Tastes chart
Disagreed strongly 68.
Agree Strongly I think Tiny Tastes worked to make my child more willing to try vegetables.
Disagreed strongly 69.
Disagree Neither agree
nor disagree Disagree Neither agree
nor disagree Agree
Agree Strongly If No, why didn’t you try Tiny Tastes?
(Tick all that apply):
a) I was too busy to play Tiny Tastes
b) 1-14 tastes seemed like too many
c) I found the Tiny Taste instructions too complicated
d) I did not think Tiny Tastes would work for my family
e) My child already likes vegetables so I did not see any point
Other (please give details below)
Do you have any other comments on any aspect of Cherry?