2016 FISCAL YEAR Mecklenburg County, North Carolina BUDGET In Brief www.mecklenburgcountync.gov Mecklenburg County EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mecklenburg County’s Fiscal Year 2016 Adopted Budget totals $1.57 billion; a $42.4 million (2.8 percent) increase from the FY2015 Adopted Budget. The FY2016 Adopted Budget supports 5,561 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff, while the tax rate remains stable at 81.57 cents per $100 of valuation. The Adopted Budget leverages the results of our fiscal discipline and economic growth, while not harming our long-term financial future by making financial decisions that may prove unsustainable. Important themes in the development of the FY2016 Adopted Budget: 1. Health and Human Services – The Adopted Budget includes several investments to improve service levels for the most needy in our community. 2. Investing in the County’s Assets – The County is investing in our most important asset, employees; as well as new and existing facilities. 3. Public Safety – The investments in jail diversion programs have generated savings within detention services. 4. Arts, Literacy, Education – The Adopted Budget provides funding for 28 Community Service Grantees, Read Charlotte, and the Public Library. Mecklenburg County REVENUE Mecklenburg County Revenue by Source Federal $112,755,299 State 124,910,095 Other 169,832,360 County TotaL 1,164,344,522 $1,571,842,776 Fund Balance allocation is included in Other Revenue. Investment Income Local ABC $4,015,000 Fire District Tax .26% Profit $4,363,660 Other Revenue Law Enforcement $3,580,000 .28% Service District .23% $68,525,446 $14,838,995 4.36% Licenses & Permits .94% $23,939,837 1.52% State Sources $40,092,095 2.55% Federal Sources $112,755,799 7.17% Charges for Services $89,039,080 5.66% Sales Tax $247,441,786 15.74% Property Tax $963,251,078 61.28% The ad valorem property tax is Mecklenburg County’s largest source of revenue. The FY2016 adopted tax rate remained the same as FY2015 at 81.57 cents per $100 of valuation. Mecklenburg County uses the Law Enforcement Service District (LESD) to finance and provide law enforcement services to the unincorporated areas of the County. The tax rate for FY2016 is 21.14 cents, an increase of 1.77 cents from FY2015. A fire protection service district tax is used to pay for fire services in the towns and unincorporated areas. The tax rate throughout the County ranges from 5 to 7 cents. All tax rates will remain flat in FY2016. Mecklenburg County EXPENSES Total expenditures amount to $1.57 billion in the FY2016 Adopted Budget, of which $1.16 billion is County cost. The County services are categorized into four Focus Areas. Debt service is the annual budget appropriation for repayment of the County’s outstanding debt for capital building projects such as government buildings, schools, parks and libraries. Debt Service Fund* $234,958,880 20.18% Education Services $438,736,301 37.68% Social, Education and Economic Opportunity $75,428,858 6.48% General Debt Service $31,859,860 2.74% Education services include operational funding for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) and Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC). CMS and will receive $404 million. This amount Effective Efficient Government $170,823,314 includes $4 million in one-time funding 14.67% from unallocated fund balance for technology, maintenance and capital Community Health replacement needs. CPCC will receive and Safety $169,258,418 $35 million in operational funding. This 14.54% includes CPCC-WTVI Merger funding in the amount of $200,000 and one-time funding from unallocated fund balance in the amount $1,555,134 for technology and maintenance needs. Sustainable Community $43,278,891 3.72% *Includes debt service for CMS and CPCC Mecklenburg County TOTAL EXPENDITURE COMPARISON Expenditures Asset and Facility Management Behavioral Health Division Business Support Services Agency Child Support Enforcement Commissioners Community Service Grants Community Support Services County Assessor's Office Criminal Justice Services Economic Development Education Services Elections Emergency Medical Services Finance General Debt Geospatial Information Services Historic Land Commission Hospitals Human Resources Information Technology Internal Audit Joint City County Land Use and Environmental Services Law Enforcement Public Library Managed Care Organization Manager's Office Medical Examiner Non-Departmental Park & Recreation Provided Services Organization Public Health Public Information Department Register of Deeds Sheriff Social Services Tax Collector Transit Sales Total Appropriations Adopted FY2014 Adopted FY2015 Adopted FY2016 1,688,044,201 1,529,476,402 1,571,842,776 50,514,596 7,797,803 411,602 3,903,616 9,394,956 10,023,735 8,595,256 10,067,226 545,177,205 4,334,872 12,430,000 9,965,468 167,319,087 4,467,797 230,465 225,000 1,043,333 6,908,472 60,443,434 13,799,422 26,495,331 241,769,455 5,859,002 1,572,304 70,578,276 29,477,335 16,100,945 41,921,549 3,127,644 114,492,287 167,393,669 7,103,059 35,100,000 8,846,650 53,339,356 8,530,466 418,801 3,795,919 11,060,421 12,600,798 9,370,249 11,971,762 592,949,658 3,920,797 12,430,000 10,214,672 161,787,589 1,245,665 1,500,000 4,936,857 1,230,220 7,168,630 59,308,371 14,497,899 30,608,277 6,226,268 1,744,163 56,994,778 33,822,590 16,751,661 51,129,922 2,440,956 3,191,994 118,232,028 172,889,705 6,319,280 38,000,000 26,279,439 11,506,604 8,878,126 418,827 4,064,919 14,160,068 12,063,649 9,544,705 10,274,680 628,494,461 5,219,953 12,430,000 13,111,420 153,019,383 256,724 1,500,000 5,519,634 19,194,072 1,258,668 7,619,917 69,444,746 15,668,995 31,419,942 8,993,218 2,087,915 49,158,083 37,949,417 715,352 65,704,831 2,365,409 3,213,962 113,663,314 183,667,324 4,975,019 38,000,000 Mecklenburg County CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) Mecklenburg County’s FY2014-FY2018 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) allows the County to complete prioritized projects and authorize new projects. The total cost for the FY2014-FY2018 CIP is approximately $1.08 billion. The CIP effectively coordinates the addition, renovation or replacement of County-owned facilities, infrastructure, equipment, and land acquisition. Additionally, the County has the responsibility of funding capital projects for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library. CIP Planned Projects CMS - 26 Projects CPCC - 10 Projects Government Facility - 10 Projects Library - 4 Projects Parks and Recreation - 66 Projects Mecklenburg County CIP FUNDING Mecklenburg County Library $30,604,000 3% The FY2014-FY2016 Capital Improvement Projects have been approved and funded in the amount of $687.20 million. Central Piedmont Community College $280,004,500 26% The FY2017 and FY2018 projects totaling $393.92 million have been approved. Funding will be appropriated when the County Manager presents the capital project ordinances at the beginning of the appropriate fiscal year. Parks and Recreation $189,931,065 17% Government Facility $184,176,237 17% Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools $396,398,674 37% The FY2014-FY2018 CIP calls for the issuance of $100 million in bonds per fiscal year. The costs to implement all approved projects are expected to extend beyond FY2018. budget in brief MECKLENBURG COUNTY VISION To be the best local government service provider MECKLENBURG COUNTY MISSION To serve Mecklenburg County residents by helping them improve their lives and community Made with recycled material Mecklenburg County North Carolina • Office of Management and Budget 600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor • Charlotte, NC 28202-2842 Phone: 704-336-2776 • BudgetBook@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov www.mecklenburgcountync.gov