Carbon Capture & Storage Thanks to: Prof. Tom McKinnon Mark Lockhart, formerly URS Corporation •2 Topics • History of international action • U.S. Government Mandates • GHG Emissions Control Cap‐and‐Trade Program? • Carbon Capture & Storage •3 Topics • History of international action • U.S. Government Mandates • GHG Emissions Control Cap‐and‐Trade Program? • Carbon Capture & Storage •4 Montreal Protocol • 1930s. CFCs produced commercially by DuPont. Excellent phase properties for refrigerants. Non‐toxic. Non‐flammable. • 1974. Molina & Rowland discovered that CFC breakdown by UV light can lead to ozone destruction. • 1985. Antarctic ozone hole discovered. • 1988. UN treaty in Montreal led to orderly phase‐out of CFCs. • Inspired confidence that international action could be marshaled for GHG control •5 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) • Formed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) • One of the biggest science‐related endeavors in history Doesn’t conduct science on its own Evaluates scientific results to assist policy makers Several hundred international scientists • First report issued in 1990 with others following every 5 – 6 years • Shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore •6 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC) • Signed in 1992 at Rio Earth Summit 155 countries, including the US • Industrialized countries (“Annex I”) agreed to voluntary targets Reduce Year 2000 emissions to 1990 levels • 200 projects with a value of $500M started • Became apparent rapidly that voluntary measures were not working •7 Kyoto Protocol • • Adopted in 1997, Kyoto, Japan Binding emissions targets Reduce emissions by an average of 5.2% below 1990 levels by 2012 Each country held to different standards • • Covers six GHG: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 Established market mechanisms i.e. carbon trading • Applies only to OECD nations plus former East Bloc China and India not bound • Entered into force on Feb 16, 2005 when Russia signed •8 Global Kyoto Commitments Commitments respond to a reduction of 30‐40% below BAU forecasts by 2012. •9 US and Kyoto • March 2001, President Bush indicated the U.S. would not sign the Kyoto Protocol Argument against. • China and India not bound by the treaty so US would not hurt the economy Argument for • On a per‐capita basis, emissions from China and India are a small fraction of US emissions • As the largest GHG emitter, the US has the duty to lead •10 Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms • International Emissions Trading. Countries below their cap can sell excess emissions allowances to another country. • Joint Implementation. Project occurring between “Annex I” countries (all regulated countries). Transference of emissions allowances. • Clean Development Mechanism. Industrialized countries can develop GHG mitigation projects in developing countries and receive Certified Emissions Reductions. •11 Kyoto and EU ETS • The Kyoto treaty led to an emissions trading scheme (ETS) in the European Union. • Cap‐and‐trade system. Emissions permits given out for free to large emitters (e.g. power plants). Poor data available on which to base the allocation of permits. Lots of incentive to over‐report emissions levels. • Emitters w/ excess permits can sell them. Emitters exceeding their allowances must buy permits. • Several collapses in the carbon market. • Model for US cap and trade plans. •12 Copenhagen Summit • United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark, December 2009 • Copenhagen Accord was “taken note of” but not “adopted” Drafted by the US, China, India, Brazil & South Africa Not passed unanimously Many countries & non‐governmental organizations opposed to this agreement • Document recognized that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the present day and that actions should be taken to keep any temperature increases to below 2°C • Document is not legally binding & does not contain any legally binding commitments for reducing CO2 emissions •13 Topics • History of international action • U.S. Government Mandates • GHG Emissions Control Cap‐and‐Trade Program? • Carbon Capture & Storage •14 Waxman‐Markey American Clean Energy & Security Act (2009) • Emission cuts Cap GHG emissions Require high‐emitting industries to reduce output to specific targets between now & middle of the century • Covers 85% of overall economy • Includes suppliers – electricity producers, oil refineries, natural gas suppliers • Includes energy‐intensive users – iron, steel, cement, & paper manufacturers Emission cuts would start in 2012 The cap‐and‐trade program would be completely phased in by 2016 • Emission permits Regulated industries would need to acquire permits for their emissions • Offsets Allowed to purchase carbon offsets to meet portion of required emission reductions • Can fund clean‐energy projects elsewhere instead of cutting their own emissions • • • • • • Renewable electricity standard Investments in energy technology Coal‐fired power plants Bill as drafted has little Energy‐efficiency standards Worker transition Smarter cars and smarter grids likelihood for passage Ref:‐06‐03‐waxman‐markey‐bill‐breakdown/ •15 EPA CO2 Endangerment Finding • Endangerment finding April 2007 Supreme Court ruled in Massachusetts v. EPA that the Clean Air Act gives the EPA authority to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases if they are a threat to human health & welfare Dec. 2009 EPA finalized finding that greenhouse gases pose a threat to human health & welfare • Mandatory reporting 25,000 ton/yr CO2(e) threshold •16 Cap‐and‐Trade • Administrative approach to provide economic incentives to reduce emissions of pollutants Government issues limit on total amount of pollutants an industry can emit Companies issued permits to allow emissions to a certain limit • Buy credits if emitting more than allowed • Can sell credits if emitting less than allowed • Offsets & credits o Carbon Offset Credits – production & use of clean forms of energy: wind, solar, hydro, & biofuels. o Carbon Reduction Credits – collection & storage of carbon through reforestation, forestation, ocean & soil collection, & storage efforts • Similar systems already in place European Union Emission Trading Scheme since 2005 United States’ Acid Rain Program NOx Budget Trading Program in U.S. Northeast •17 Trading Carbon Credits/ Allowances – An Overview Facility A reduces emissions by 10,000 TPY and sells CO2e credits to Climate Exchange for $15 each ($150,000 minus fees) Company B plants trees on grassland to create 2,000 CO2e offsets. Sells offsets to climate exchange for $15 each ($30,000 minus fees). Facility C increases emissions by 12,000 TPY and buys CO2e credits/offsets from Climate Exchange for $15 each ($180,000 plus fees) Climate Exchange •18 Alternatives to Cap‐and‐Trade • Carbon tax Carbon tax monies flow to government Cap‐and‐trade monies flow between commercial entities • Cap & dividend Cap placed on carbon • Downstream cap: where CO2 leaves the economy & enters the atmosphere • Upstream cap: where carbon enters the economy in the form of a fossil fuel Dividends • Cost of permits passed on to consumers • Monies received for permits flow into a not‐for‐profit trust & ultimately into equal shares & wired to every American’s bank account •19 Topics • History of international action • U.S. Government Mandates • GHG Emissions Control Cap‐and‐Trade Program Alternatives • Carbon Capture & Storage •20 Global Warming Potential Carbon Dioxide CO2 GWP 1 Methane Nitrous oxide CH4 N2 O 21 310 HFC-23 HFC-32 HFC-125 HFC-134a HFC-143a HFC-152a HFC-227ea HFC-236fa HFC-4310mee CF4 11,700 650 2,800 1,300 3,800 140 2,900 6,300 1,300 6,500 C2F6 9,200 C4F10 7,000 C6F14 7,400 Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 23,900 Water Vapor H2 O ??? Gas Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) •21 U.S. Annual Carbon Dioxide Emissions “Study places CO2 capture cost between $34 and $61/ton” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 2009 •22 Industrial Emissions •23 Reducing Energy Costs and Emissions Use Energy More Efficiently within Process Optimize Process Online control and optimization Improve monitoring and operation Recover More Heat Reduce waste and leaks Improve heat integration New Process Technology New catalyst and new technology •24 Topics • History of international action • U.S. Government Mandates • GHG Emissions Control Cap‐and‐Trade Program Alternatives • Carbon Capture & Storage •25 Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) • CO2 Capture Technologies Post‐Combustion Pre‐Combustion Oxy‐Combustion • Transport • Storage / Sequestration • Issues •26 CO2 Capture Routes • Post‐Combustion Capture CO2 from flue gas after combustion device • Pre‐Combustion Gasify / convert fuel to CO2 and hydrogen (H2) Capture CO2 prior to combustion device Use H2 for fuel • Oxy‐Combustion Air Separation Unit (ASU) to produce oxygen (O2) Use O2 & fuel for combustion Condense water (H2O) from flue gas Resulting flue gas is a CO2 stream •27 Post‐Combustion •28 Pre‐Combustion •29 Oxy‐Combustion •30 Merits of CO2 Capture Approaches Advantages Post‐combustion Barriers to Implementation • Applicable to the majority of existing coal‐fired power plants Flue gas is . . . • Retrofit technology option •Dilute in CO2 •At ambient pressure . . . Resulting in . . . •Low CO2 partial pressure – Significantly higher performance or circulation volume required for high capture levels – CO2 produced at low pressure compared to sequestration requirements Pre‐combustion Synthesis gas is . . . • Concentrated in CO2 • High pressure . . . Resulting in . . . • Oxy‐combustion High CO2 partial pressure – Increased driving force for separation – More technologies available for separation • Applicable mainly to new plants, as few gasification plants are currently in operation • Barriers to commercial application of gasification are common to pre‐ combustion capture • Availability • Cost of equipment • Extensive supporting systems requirements • Potential for reduction in compression costs/loads • Very high CO2 concentration in flue gas • Large cryogenic O2 production requirement may be cost prohibitive • Retrofit and repowering technology option • Cooled CO2 recycle required to maintain temperatures within limits of combustor materials • Decreased process efficiency • Added auxiliary load •31 CO2 Removal Technologies CO2 Removal Absorption Chemical Adsorption Adsorber Beds Cryogenics Membranes Microbial/ Algae Systems Gas Separation MEA Alumina Polydimethylsiloxane Caustic Zeolite Polyphenyleneoxide Other Activated C Physical Regeneration Method Selexol Pressure Swing Rectisol Temperature Swing Other Washing Gas Absorption Polypropelene Ceramic Based Systems •32 CO2 Sequestration and Storage CO2 Sequestration/ Storage Geologic Sequestration Ocean Sequestration Biological Sequestration Other Methods Salt Domes Deep Ocean Injection Forests & Terrestrial Sys Permanent Storage Depleted Oil & Gas Wells Unconfined Release Marine Algae Solid Storage (Insulated) Abandoned Coal Seams Dense Plume Formation Dry Ice Injection •33 CO2 Capture and Sequestration Power Station/Industrial Facility 500m OIL CO2 CH4 1000m 1500m CO2 CO2 IMPERMEABLE CAP-ROCK IMPERMEABLE CAP-ROCK CO2 Replaces Methane Trapped in Coal COAL SEAM Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2 Displaces Oil) SALINE RESERVOIR IMPERMEABLE CAP-ROCK CO2 Stored in Saline Formation •34 CO2 Capture & Storage (CCS) Issues • Capture • Storage 75 ‐90% of the CCS cost Long‐term storage & liability High capital cost & energy penalties Land & mineral access rights for geologic storage • Transport Infrastructure • Pipeline • Right of ways Limited by economics of transport distance • Research Focus Cost & energy penalty reductions Providing scientific and operational basis for safe & effective injection & long‐term storage •35 CO2 Sources “Study places CO2 capture cost between $34 and $61/ton” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 2009 •36 CO2 Sources & Disposition Options “Study places CO2 capture cost between $34 and $61/ton” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 12, 2009 •37 Deep Saline Aquifers in the United States Ref:‐gas‐in‐aquifers‐0320.html •38 Topics • History of international action • U.S. Government Mandates • GHG Emissions Control Cap‐and‐Trade Program Alternatives • Carbon Capture & Storage •39