Solar Energy Courtesy: Pam Spath, URS John Jechura – Updated: January 4, 2015 Energy Markets Are Interconnected 2 How much is available? • Earth receives 174 PW (petawatts, 1015 ) of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the upper atmosphere • 89 PW absorbed by land & oceans Energy usage in 2002 about the same as solar energy at surface in 1 hour • Solar energy can be harnessed in different levels around the world. Depending on a geographical location the closer to the equator the more "potential" solar energy is available 3 How does location affect available energy? • Intensity reaching the surface of the earth strongly dependent upon the latitude (angle to incoming ray of sunlight) City Seattle El Paso Rio de Janeiro Glasgow Tokyo Naples Cairo Johannesburg Mumbai Sydney Insolation [W/m2] 125 240 200 100 125 200 280 230 240 210 4 5 How do we make use of solar energy? • Photovoltaic • Solar thermal Water heating Space heating & cooling Process heat generation • Concentrating solar furnaces 6 Solar cooling? • Based on evaporation carrying heat • Adsorption chillers driven by hot water rather than large amounts of electricity (like conventional air conditioners) 7 What is Driving Growth in Solar? • Renewable Portfolio Standards • Tax credits: 30% investment credit until 1/1/2017 8 Phototvoltaic Photons converted directly to electricity using semiconducting material (without moving parts) 9 Phototvoltaic Cell Types: Polysilicon - single or multicrystalline (largest percentage) Thin film – amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, etc (industry moving towards) Multi-junction – multiple layers (utilizes multiple parts of the spectrum) Nanotubes (novel technology) Cell efficiency = 5 - 40% Commercial modules = 10-15% 10 Cell Efficiencies 11 PV Potential ‐ Worldwide PV capacity: - ‐ at end of 2008: 15 GW ‐ by 2012: 26 GW ‐ U.S. PV capacity: - ‐ at end of 2008: 250 MW ‐ by 2012: 6 GW (3.9 GW in California) ‐ Majority are fixed flat plate but can have tracking system (single or dual); also concentrating PV ‐ Residential rooftops (2 – 5 kW) ‐ Commercial rooftops (5 – 10 kW) ‐ Utility (5 – 54 MW): largest U.S. 22 MW in Florida, largest world 54 MW in Spain ‐ Current cost ≈ $4,000/kW (low price of silicon has decreased PV prices by 50% in last 2 years) 12 Innovative PV Technology PV shingles First full-scale production facility for Dow Powerhouse solar shingle being built in Midland, Michigan 13 Parabolic Trough Parabolic shaped mirrors concentrate sun to central receiver Focus light on linear receiver above mirrors Organic heat transfer fluid (750 ºF – above this fluid breaks down) Mirrors, receivers, heat exchangers, steam turbine and possibly energy storage 14 Energy Storage Increases capacity factor 8 hours of storage = doubling of solar field Dispatchable power Premium power price when demand is high to help pay for additional capital 15 2 Tank Energy Storage System (current technology) Molten salt (60% sodium nitrate / 40% potassium nitrate) For parabolic trough: Cold storage = 300°C (572°F) Hot storage = 386°C (727°F) (limited by heat transfer fluid) Salt solidifies below 200°C Higher temp for Power Tower (550°C) Heat Transfer Fluid Temperature Range 16 Single Tank Thermocline Transfer heat to/from inert material (rock/sand) Hot fluid at top; cold fluid at bottom; in between is thermocline Must maintain thermocline; will be a zone of unusable energy Advantages: ‐ ‐ 1 tank ‐ ‐ storage medium potentially less expensive Disadvantage: ‐ ‐ operation more complex ‐ ‐ unusable portion spreads over time ‐ ‐ potential for thermal cycling issues; ‐ settling of fill material 17 Other Energy Storage Concrete Advantages: Disadvantages: ‐ low cost ‐ low energy density ‐ good thermal stability ‐ low thermal conductivity ‐ easy to pour/shape Phase change materials (solid‐liquid) Advantages: Disadvantages: ‐ higher energy density ‐ more complex operation ‐ lower cost ‐ energy penalty from sensible heat to latent heat and back 18 Current & Future for Parabolic Trough Total capacity of current operating plants = 625 MW Total capacity of being constructed plants = 2,270 MW (majority in Spain) Total capacity of planned plants = 6,615 MW (86% or 5,665 MW in California or Arizona) Many new plants include energy storage 19 Parabolic Trough ‐ Plant Size & Cost ‐ Modular but optimal steam turbine size is 100 – 125 MW (economics of pumping heat transfer fluid vs steam turbine located centrally around solar field) ‐ Current largest plant = 100 MW ‐ Constructed plants = 50 MW or 100 MW ‐ Planned plants = many 250+ MW ‐ Current cost ≈ $6,500/kW (levelized cost ≈ $0.18/kWh; compared to $0.11 ‐ $0.07/kWh for residential to industrial) 20 Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) Arrays of optically-shaped reflector mirrors Focus light on linear receiver above mirrors Direct steam production (saturated or superheated) Augment existing plant or stand alone Prototype in Australia 21 Dish/Engine No water in power generation Stable design up to 90 mph wind (“wind still” position) 3 large scale utility projects breaking ground in California & Texas in 2010 Power Most efficient solar technology Conditioning Unit (PCU) 22 Power Tower Tracking mirrors focus sunlight to central receiver (usually mounted on a tower) Molten salt or direct steam generation Higher temperatures than parabolic trough (1050ºF vs 750ºF) 3 plants operating in Spain (48 MW) 3 plants being built in Mojave Desert (400 MW) 23 Land Requirement PV = 5 – 10 acres/MW Compact Linear Fresnel = 3 acres/MW Solar Trough = 4 acres/MW Dish/Stirling = 6 acres/MW Power Tower = 8 acres/MW 24