Annual Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Report Master’s Programs

Annual Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Report
For Academic Year 2014-15 Master’s Programs
Department: ______________________________
Person Submitting This Report: ______________________
Email address: _______________________
The purpose of assessment is to promote excellence in student learning and educational practices by
fostering a campus culture of self-evaluation and improvement. The annual assessment report enables
CSM to document progress toward program and student learning improvement. Complete this report for all
doctoral programs that are serviced by the department. If you did not submit an assessment report in 2015,
this report is due September 25, 2015. Otherwise, please email this completed document to by January 23, 2016.
If you would like assistance with developing an assessment plan, measuring outcomes, analyzing outcome
information, or preparing this report, please contact Kay Schneider at 3087 or via email at
1. Below are the institutional student learning outcomes that were approved by Graduate
Council and Faculty Senate and possible assessment strategies for measuring each outcome.
Please indicate which assessment strategies you have implemented in the past year and
describe how you have used that information to improve your program, courses, etc.
Departments are not expected to implement all of the assessment measures below, but it is a
best practice to use multiple measures of outcome attainment. If you are using assessment
methods that are not on this list, please expand the list as needed. Also feel free to expand the
space for the “action taken” column as needed.
Student Outcome 1: Graduates will demonstrate exemplary disciplinary expertise.
Assessment Strategy
Specific questions on qualifying exam
Expert review of course projects, papers,
research, etc.
Thesis proposal
Oral presentation (rubric)
Thesis committee audit form
(Condensed version Long version)
Thesis defense (rubric)
Office of Graduate Studies exit survey
Alumni survey Results*
Publication/citation rates
Employer feedback
Feedback from external assessors
(industry, academia, or visiting
Peer review of a project, paper, etc.
Peer reviewed publication requirement
Other, please describe
Other, please describe
implemented discussed
this strategy by faculty
*Information is provided by the Office of Assessment by request.
Describe the action taken in
response to this information
(timeline, people responsible,
Student Outcome 2: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to conduct directed research; the
ability to assimilate and assess scholarship; and the ability to apply scholarship in new, creative
and productive ways.
Assessment Strategy
Specific questions on qualifying exam
Expert review of course projects, papers,
research, etc.
Thesis proposal
Oral presentation (rubric)
Thesis committee audit form
(Condensed version Long version)
Thesis defense (rubric)
Office of Graduate Studies exit survey
Alumni survey Results*
Publication/citation rates
Employer feedback
Feedback from external assessors
(industry, academia, or visiting
Peer review of a project, paper, etc.
Peer reviewed publication requirement
Other, please describe
Other, please describe
implemented discussed
this strategy by faculty
*Information is provided by the Office of Assessment by request.
Describe the action taken in
response to this information
(timeline, people
responsible, etc.)
Student Outcome 3: Graduates will demonstrate professional skills (e.g., oral and written
communication, time-management, project planning, teamwork and team leadership, crosscultural and diversity awareness, ethics, etc.) necessary to succeed in a student's chosen career
Assessment Strategy
Specific questions on qualifying exam
Expert review of course projects, papers,
research, etc.
Thesis proposal
Oral presentation (rubric)
Thesis committee audit form
(Condensed version Long version)
Thesis defense (rubric)
Office of Graduate Studies exit survey
Alumni survey Results*
Publication/citation rates
Employer feedback
Feedback from external assessors
(industry, academia, or visiting
Peer review of a project, paper, etc.
Peer reviewed publication requirement
Other, please describe
Other, please describe
implemented discussed
this strategy by faculty
*Information is provided by the Office of Assessment by request.
Describe the action taken in
response to this information
(timeline, people
responsible, etc.)
Student Outcome 4: Program-specific student outcome (Optional): __________________________
Assessment Strategy
Specific questions on qualifying exam
Expert review of course projects, papers,
research, etc.
Thesis proposal
Oral presentation (rubric)
Thesis committee audit form
(Condensed version Long version)
Thesis defense (rubric)
Office of Graduate Studies exit survey
Alumni survey Results*
Publication/citation rates
Employer feedback
Feedback from external assessors
(industry, academia, or visiting
Peer review of a project, paper, etc.
Peer reviewed publication requirement
Other, please describe
Other, please describe
implemented discussed
this strategy by faculty
Describe the action taken in
response to this information
(timeline, people responsible,
*Information is provided by the Office of Assessment by request.
2. Describe any changes that you are planning to make in your assessment plan for next year.
3. Describe how you have used the assessment committee’s feedback to improve your
assessment efforts.