1136 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 39, NO. 4, JULY/AUGUST 2003 Simulation of Fuel-Cell Stacks Using a Computer-Controlled Power Rectifier With the Purposes of Actual High-Power Injection Applications Jeferson M. Corrêa, Student Member, IEEE, Felix A. Farret, Jonas R. Gomes, and Marcelo Godoy Simões, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents the guidelines for simulation of fuel-cell (FC) stacks by using a computer-controlled high-power converter, which drives actual electric loads, or injects power to the grid. The FC output static and dynamic characteristics are closely reproduced in such a way the actual loads are seamlessly driven as if they were supplied by the simulated FC. The simulator characteristics include the membrane temperature and humidity, efficiency, flow of the reactants, cooling air fan and water pumps, the actual air environmental temperature and humidity, and the regimen of operation of the actual electrical load. Any type of FC of ordinary size can be simulated without having to use hydrogen with improved safety, variety of tests, flexibility, and demo facilities. Those features allied to the low cost of this FC simulator contribute for market analysis and life-cycle studies of a site installation. Index Terms—Alternative energy, computer control, fuel cells (FCs), interconnection, modeling, rectifiers, simulation. I. INTRODUCTION F UEL-CELL (FC) generation systems have been receiving more attention in the last years because of their high efficiency, low aggression to the environment, no moving parts and superior reliability and durability. In particular, proton exchange membrane FCs (PEMFCs) seem to be a good alternative source for distributed generation (DG) systems. The PEMFC has promising characteristics for such systems: 1) the by-product waste is water; 2) low-temperature operation allowing a fast startup with improved dispatchability; and 3) Paper IPCSD 03–053, presented at the V IEEE IAS INDUSCON, Salvador, Brazil, July3–5, 2002, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript submitted for review October 1, 2002 and released for publication May 3, 2003. This work was supported by the Coordination for Improvement of Advanced Education Personal (CAPES), by the National Council of Research and Development (CNPq), by the Foundation of Research Support of the Rio Grande do Sul State (FAPERGS), by the AES-Sul Distribution Company, and by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS 0134130. J. M. Corrêa is with the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria 97050-460, Brazil, and also with the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401-1887 USA (e-mail: jcorrea@mines.edu). F. A. Farret and J. R. Gomes are with the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria 97050-460, Brazil (e-mail: farret@ct.ufsm.br; jonasrg@ct.ufsm.br). M. G. Simões is with the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401-1887 USA (e-mail: msimoes@mines.edu). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2003.814548 Fig. 1. FC-Sim block diagram. they use a solid polymer as the electrolyte, which reduces concerns related to construction, transportation, and safety issues. However, the present high costs of FC stacks make research and development of such generation systems a difficult task, especially for developing countries and schools in general. There are still some concerns about the FC dynamic behavior in generating systems, such as its response to fast load changes, response to nonlinear loads, peak power, and peak current capabilities. There are also some safety concerns about storage and utilization of hydrogen, besides its current high price and lack of ready supplying facilities. In order to deal with all these matters and restrictions, this paper presents a prototype of a PEMFC stack power system simulator (FC-Sim) that allows an easier and cheaper development and demonstration schemes of FC generation systems. The main components of the simulator presented in the diagram of Fig. 1 are: 1) ac–dc controlled power converter; 2) microcomputer for control and data acquisition; 3) passive L–C low-pass filter; 4) electrical load or grid connection; and 5) graphical user interface. The FC-Sim control program and the user interface were developed in a LabView platform. More details about the FC-Sim operation are given in Section IV. II. MOTIVATIONS TO EMULATE AN FC SYSTEM The FC-Sim emulates, on the actual load terminals, the same characteristics as the simulated stack. In principle, any load or 0093-9994/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE CORRÊA et al.: SIMULATION OF FC STACKS USING A COMPUTER-CONTROLLED POWER RECTIFIER the grid can be connected to the FC-Sim. Several tests can be accomplished with the simulator, prior to the use of the real stack. This simulator can be used in a microgrid with the following motivations. • The generation site scheme can be economically evaluated at the design stage prior to the real system final configuration, allowing for cost reduction and energy optimization. • It is possible to develop the system without using hydrogen, which has some safety concerns and still high cost for low-volume use. • It is possible to make a scenario study and evaluate what should be expected from the FC stack in this market. • It is possible to expand the simulator to other FC models and stack configurations, by only changing the mathematical model (computer software). • The simulator can be expanded to other FC sizes and arrangements, by only changing the output converter. • This simulator represents only a cost fraction of the real FC stack. • It is possible to know the requirements of hydrogen supply, environmental conditions, and secondary effects on the microgrid. In addition to the stack voltage, the FC-Sim delivers to the load a similar current and efficiency allowing a complete analysis of the generation system including all on-site electrochemical variables. The subject of simulating FCs and FC stacks can be found in the literature [2]–[6], [9], [10]. Most of these previous works deal with computer simulation and screen animations. In [9] is presented an FC plant simulator, but the authors address more the overall system and the authors do not intend to reproduce the FC characteristics (such as voltage, power, and efficiency) to supply real electrical loads. In [10], the authors present an FC dynamical modeling for DG. The work deals only with computational modeling and it does not present any hardware to actually supply the real emulated power. In addition, the previous papers do not deal with evaluation of reaction/cooling humidity and temperature. The hardware simulator presented in this paper allows real load tests to be conducted in the laboratory, contributing to a more detailed understanding of the power system interaction and improvement of overall performance. An electrochemical model is used in this paper to predict the stack dynamic performance in deeper detail. This model allows the evaluation of the situations commonly encountered in electrical power generation systems, such as load insertion and rejection, determination of the efficiency, and the best generating point [1]. Special attention is given to the FC dynamic response, which is fundamental for small-sized generation systems. For a practical evaluation, several simulation results are presented, using the model of a 500-W BCS Technologies stack. The polarization curve and the power characteristic of the real stack are compared with the simulation results with a very good agreement. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section III presents a summary of the dynamic model (more details can be found in [1]). Section IV presents a detailed description of the simulator. Section V presents some practical results. Finally, Section VI concludes our work. 1137 TABLE I PARAMETERS OF THE 500-W BCS STACK III. MODEL FORMULATION Hydrogen is introduced into a PEMFC through a porous conductive electrode. Hydrogen can be extracted from some hydrocarbon fuel, such as natural gas, methanol, or liquid petroleum, or from any component rich in the element . The ions (or protons) flow through the electrolyte and the electrons produced at the anode must pass through an external electrical circuit, producing electrical energy. The overall FC reaction is represented by (1) [7] heat electrical energy (1) In order to model an FC stack some parameters are required to fit our model. Although most of the parameters are obtained from the manufacturer’s datasheet, a few are still required from experimentation and from the available literature. In this paper, a model for a 500-W stack, manufactured by BCS Technologies, is used. The parameters for this particular model are presented in Table I. All these parameters must be defined in such a way as to represent a specific FC stack. The parameters listed in Table I can be described by the following: number of FCs used in the stack; membrane temperature used in the tests (K); membrane active area ( ); membrane thickness ( ); oxygen partial pressure (atm); hydrogen partial pressure (atm); membrane equivalent contact resistance ( ); parametric coefficient, used in the calculation of the concentration losses (V) [7]; ( ): parametric coefficients, based on electrochemical, kinetics, and thermodynamic laws [2]; parametric coefficient, used to model the membrane resistance (minimum 14, maximum 23) [2]; current density representing the fuel crossover and internal currents (A cm ) [7]; maximum current density (A cm ); equivalent electrical capacitance, used to model the stack dynamic behavior (F) [7]. The output voltage of a single cell can be defined as the result of the following expression [1], [2], [7]: (2) is the thermodynamic potential of the cell and In (2), is the voltage drop due it represents its reversible voltage; 1138 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 39, NO. 4, JULY/AUGUST 2003 to the activation of the anode and of the cathode; is the ohmic voltage drop, a measure of the ohmic voltage drop associated with the conduction of the protons through the solid electrolyte and electrons through the internal electronic resistances; represents the voltage drop resulting from the concenand tration or mass transportation of the reacting gases [7]. The first term of (2) represents the FC open circuit voltage, while the three last terms represent reductions in this voltage to supply the , for a certain operating condition. useful voltage of the cell, Each one of the terms in (2) can be calculated by the following equations, using the parameters listed in Table I [1]: Fig. 2. Polarization curve of the 500-W BCS stack. (3) (4) (5) (6) where Fig. 3. Power characteristic of the 500-W BCS stack. concentration of oxygen in the catalytic interface of the cathode (mol cm ); concentration of hydrogen in the catalytic interface of the anode (mol cm ); FC actual current (A); equivalent membrane resistance ( ); actual FC current density (A cm ). The gas concentration can be calculated using the following equation. For oxygen, for example, we have where represents the FC dynamic voltage, is the equivalent electrical capacitance (F), and is the FC electrical time constant (s), defined as (11) is an equivalent resistance. where Including this electrical dynamic behavior term, the resulting FC voltage is then defined by (7) (12) The equivalent membrane resistance can be calculated by [2] The polarization curve of an FC represents its output voltage against the load current density (or against the load current). This curve is important because it shows how the FC voltage behaves when the load current changes. However, it is important to note that the polarization curve represents just the cell static operation, because each voltage point in this curve is obtained only after it reaches its steady-state value. Using (2)–(12) and the data in Table I, the polarization curve presented in Fig. 2 was established for the 500-W BCS stack, which also allows a comparison between the manufacturer’s [8] and the simulated data. This stack is composed of 32 unit cells, with a membrane active area of 64 cm . Hydrogen and air are supplied at the atmospheric pressure (1 atm). For this test, the stack runs at a temperature of 60 C. The maximum current for this stack is 30 A. For most parts of the curve in Fig. 2 the results show good agreement. However, at the beginning and at end of the simulation, there is only a poor agreement. The reason for this is the difficulty of finding out the right parameters set for the FC stack. Fig. 3 presents the stack output power against current, again for the manufacturer’s data and for the simulated data. Except for the end of the simulation, the results again show a good agreement. Other points of interest in an FC model are the hydrogen flow rate, flow rate of reactants, and flow rate of products. With such (8) is the membrane specific resistivity ( where can be obtained by cm), which (9) is the specific resistivity ( where the term cm) at no current and at temperature of 30 C; the exponential term in the denominator is the temperature factor correction if the cell is not at 30 C. The parameter was defined in Table I and it is considered an adjustable parameter, with a possible minimum value of 14 and a maximum value of 23 [2]. To consider the FC dynamics, one needs to address a phenomenon known as “charge double layer” [7]. This phenomenon means that there is a first order delay in the dynamic operation of FCs, affecting the activation and concentration voltages [1], [7]. The differential equation stating this dynamic relationship is represented by (10) CORRÊA et al.: SIMULATION OF FC STACKS USING A COMPUTER-CONTROLLED POWER RECTIFIER 1139 valuable information, the designer may have a good idea of what to expect as operating conditions when using the real stack. In an FC stack supplied with pure hydrogen, the fuel consumption can be obtained by [7] (13) is the hydrogen mass flow rate (kg/s); is the FC where is the stack electrical voltage (V), obtained from (12); and power (W), obtained from (14) where is the number of cells used on the stack. The air mass flow rate (kg/s) can be obtained using (15) (a) where is the stoichiometric rate. Finally, the rate of water production, in kg/s, in a stack operation is calculated by (16) IV. POWER CIRCUIT HARDWARE SIMULATOR The block diagram presented in Fig. 1 was implemented in the laboratory; the FC load was a resistor bank (the dc/ac grid tied subsystem is under development). Fig. 4 shows photographs of our system; the main elements are the ac–dc power converter, the passive L–C filter, the load, and the computer used to model the FC stack and to control the power converter. All the software routines were implemented in National LabView software. The actual load current is sensed and used in the control program to establish the new stack voltage based on the FC model. This voltage is used as a reference for the power converter closed-loop control system. For the purposes of control, the converter output voltage is measured and compared to the reference voltage. The resulting signal is used as the input of a proportional–integral (PI) controller. The PI output signal is then used to drive the power converter, which is fed by a three-phase stand-alone power supply. According to Fig. 1, the converter output voltage and the load current must be measured for control purposes. Fig. 4(a) shows the measurement circuitry used in the simulator: the voltage measurement uses an isolator amplifer and the current measurement uses a Hall-effect device. Fig. 4(a) also shows the gate drivers board, which is used to turn on the thyristors. The three-phase power rectifier is basically a Graetz bridge, with six thyristors. The gate drivers are implemented using standard circuits. The computer send a voltage control signal that is used to change the delay angle . The actual FC output voltage is a pure dc voltage. In this way, it is necessary to use a low-pass filter on the converter output terminals, as shown in Fig. 4(b), to reduce the voltage ripple. The filter used is an L–C passive filter, with an inductor of 17.5 mH and a capacitor of 820 F. The resulting corner frequency is 42 Hz. Fig. 5 shows the FC-Sim Graphical User Interface, developed in LabView. The interface allows the user to control the simula- (b) Fig. 4. FC-Sim laboratory prototype. (a) Measurement and gate drivers’ circuitry. (b) Output L-C filter. Fig. 5. Fuel-cell simulator—graphical interface. tion start and simulation end times and it also presents important data online. The data that are shown in the graphs are updated every 100 ms and they are also saved in files. Using these data it is possible to have information about the hydrogen needed for the test, the generated heat, the FC temperature and humidity, besides electrical variables, such as voltage, current, power, and efficiency. The main idea is to use this valuable information to evaluate the real conditions for FC usage, prior to the real tests. 1140 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 39, NO. 4, JULY/AUGUST 2003 Fig. 6. Actual load current for insertion/rejection test. Fig. 7. Reference voltage, representing the stack output voltage. Fig. 8. Converter output voltage. Fig. 9. Controller output signal. V. PRACTICAL RESULTS The FC-Sim can be used to reproduce the FC stack behavior against actual electrical loads at very high power levels. Despite that, low power levels can also be simulated with very reasonable voltage and current waveforms. The following results are based on the loading insertion/rejection tests, using the 500-W BCS stack modeling. An overall test was run in order to analyze the stack performance against variations of an ordinary real load. The load used in the following tests consists of a variable resistance at a maximum value of 750 , which allows the simulator output power to vary from practically no load to full load. The load current waverform of the test is shown in Fig. 6. The maximum value is about 1.5 A and it was applied for a period of about 20 s. Fig. 7 shows the computer simulated stack voltage, which is the reference voltage. Fig. 8 shows the converter output voltage, which corresponds to the voltage applied to the load. Figs. 7 and 8 show that there is a voltage drop when the load current increases. This voltage drop is about 6 V, from a no-load condition to a current load of 1.5 A. This dynamic behavior was considered by using (1)–(12). Also, it should be noted that, even for this small load current, there is a significant voltage drop. Comparing the two curves, one can see that the converter output voltage presents a good agreement with the reference voltage. The signal of the converter controller is shown in Fig. 9. The curve presents a soft shape, showing relatively good control performance. Fig. 10 presents the simulated stack output power for this test. The maximum power is about 40 W. The resulting stack efficiency for this power is about 52%. It can be considered a high efficiency, but one should note that the power in this case is just 8% of the full power. The following results were obtained for a higher load current, to evaluate the stack behavior in such a situation. The load current for this test is shown in Fig. 11 and the comparison between the simulated stack voltage and the converter output voltage is presented in Fig. 12. For this test it is possible to observe that Fig. 10. Simulated stack output power. Fig. 11. Actual FC load current. Fig. 12. Output voltage from simulated stack and from converter. the converter voltage presents some more noticeable oscillation at instants of quick load changes, about 160 and 270 s. This CORRÊA et al.: SIMULATION OF FC STACKS USING A COMPUTER-CONTROLLED POWER RECTIFIER 1141 REFERENCES Fig. 13. Simulated FC output power. response is characteristic of the passive LC filters used in controlled power converters working as a voltage source to supply resistive loads. The power supplied to the load in this test is presented in Fig. 13, with a maximum value of about 180 W, corresponding to 36% of the full load. Even at this higher power, the stack behaves almost the same as for the lower current. Therefore, the FC-Sim can be used to evaluate low-power and high-power situations, making it a versatile tool for analysis of FC systems. [1] J. M. Corrêa, F. A. Farret, and L. N. Canha, “An analysis of the dynamic performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells using an electromechanical model,” in Proc. IEEE IECON’01, 2001, pp. 141–146. [2] R. F. Mann, J. C. Amphlett, M. A. I. Hooper, H. M. Jensen, B. A. Peppley, and P. R. Roberge, “Development and application of a generalized steady-state electrochemical model for a PEM fuel cell,” J. Power Sources, vol. 86, pp. 173–180, 2000. [3] J. J. Baschuck and X. Li, “Modeling of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells with variable degrees of water flooding,” J. Power Sources, vol. 86, pp. 181–196, 2000. [4] J. C. Amphlett, R. F. Mann, B. A. Peppley, P. R. Roberge, and A. Rodrigues, “A model predicting transient responses of proton exchange membrane fuel cells,” J. Power Sources, vol. 61, pp. 183–188, 1996. [5] J. Padullés, G. W. 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CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented a computer-controlled power converter with a LabView graphical interface system suitable to emulate a realistic FC response. The user interface permitted online electric evaluation as well as electrochemical information. The power converter acted as a voltage-controlled source, supplying the load with the same power as the actual simulated FC stack. The simulated results agreed within less than 3% with the results presented in the current manufacturer’s datasheet for the polarization curve. The dynamic behavior of a specific set of FC stacks was analyzed using the FC-Sim simulator. Results for the – characteristic showed clearly the expected output voltage dependence on the load current. The converter output voltage has shown good agreement with the stack reference voltage, as a result of the PI controller performance. However, at points of quick load changes, some voltage oscillation across the load terminals was noticed. These oscillations were caused by the natural converter response. Taking the results presented in this paper into account, the developed simulator prototype seemed to be suitable for laboratory tests as it may help development of stack power control algorithms, dedicated power converters for power injection into the grid, online market analysis, as well as being an aid in developing FC operation control methods. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors extend their special thank to L. N. Canha, J. B. Parizzi, and A. S. Padilha for their help with this work. The authors also recognize and appreciate the strong support from the Federal University of Santa Maria for allowing all of the tests to be performed in their laboratories (LHIPAE, NUDEMI, and NUPEDEE), and the Engineering Division, Colorado School of Mines. Jeferson M. Corrêa (S’95) was born in Augusto Pestana, Brazil, in 1972. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in 1997 and the M.Sc. degree in 2002 from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil,where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree. He is currently conducting research at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, working with integration of renewable energy sources and with power quality improvement. He has been supported by the National Science Foundation and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES-Brazil). His experience as a Manufacturing and Maintenance Engineer includes the companies General Motors do Brasil Ltda, Philip Morris Brasil SA, and WEG Automação Ltda., where he was mainly developing factory automation systems and predictive and preventive maintenance coordination. His research interests include control systems, renewable energy sources, modeling and simulation, industrial automation, and power electronics. Mr. Corrêa has received distinctions for his higher performance in graduation, from the Brazilian agency CACISM, and from the Brazilian company CRT. He also received awards for paper presentations and the IEEE Student Travel Grant to attend the 2002 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. Felix A. Farret received the B.E. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil, in 1972 and 1986, respectively, and the M.Sc. degree from the University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., and the Ph.D. degree from the University of London, London, U.K. Since 1974, he has been with the Department of Electronics and Computation, Federal University of Santa Maria. He works in an interdisciplinary educational background related to power electronics, power systems, nonlinear controls, and renewable energy conversion. He is currently committed to undergraduate and graduate teaching and to research 1142 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 39, NO. 4, JULY/AUGUST 2003 activities. His first book, in Portuguese, is Use of Small Sources of Electrical Energy (Santa Maria, Brazil: UFSM Press, 1999). Energy engineering systems are the focus of his present interests for industrial applications. He has been a Visiting Professor with the Engineering Division, Colorado School of Mines, Golden. In recent years, he has coordinated several technological projects in renewable sources of energy which were transferred to Brazilian enterprises such as AES-South Energy Distributor, Hydro Electrical Power Plant Generation of Nova Palma, and CCE Power Control Engineering Ltd., related to integration of micro power plants from distinct primary sources; voltage and speed control by the load for induction generators; and low-power PEM fuel-cell applications and their models development. Injection of electrical power into to the grid is currently his major interest. In Brazil, he has been developing several intelligent systems for industrial applications related to injection, location, and sizing of renewable sources of energy for distribution and industrial systems, including fuel cells, hydropower, wind power, photovoltaic applications, and other ac–ac and dc–ac links. Jonas R. Gomes received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering in 1996 and 1999, respectively, from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in a project of harmonic minimization through firing angle modulation to be tested in the 2.5-GW dc link of Garabi, São Borja, between Brazil and Argentina. He is an experienced engineer in design of highpower controllers and automation of industrial systems and remote surveillance of power systems. His research interests include minimization of harmonics in HVDC converters and high-power controllers. Marcelo Godoy Simões (S’89–M’95–SM’98) received the B.E. and M.S. degrees from the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, in 1985 and 1990, respectively, the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1995, and the D.Sc. degree (Livre-Docência) from the University of São Paulo, in 1998. He joined the faculty of the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, in 2000, and has been working to establish research and education activities in the development of intelligent control for high-power electronics applications in renewable and distributed energy systems. Dr. Simões was a recipient of a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award in 2002. It is the NSF’s most prestigious award for new faculty members, recognizing activities of teacher/scholars who are considered most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century. He is currently serving as IEEE Power Electronics Society Intersociety Chairman, Associate Editor for Energy Conversion as well as Editor for Intelligent Systems of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, and also serving as Associate Editor for Power Electronics and Drives of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. He has been actively involved in the Steering and Organization Committee of the IEEE/DOE/DOD 2003 International Future Energy Challenge.