IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 49, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 1 An Energy Management System for Building Structures Using a Multi-Agent Decision-Making Control Methodology Peng Zhao, Student Member, IEEE, Siddharth Suryanarayanan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Marcelo Godoy Simões, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Building energy management systems (BEMS) must consider energy utilization efficiency improvement, energy cost reduction, and renewable energy technology utilization in order to serve local energy loads in building structures with dispersed resources. The distributed management of building energy system proposed in this paper utilizes a semi-centralized decision-making methodology using multi-agent systems for BEMS for electrical, heating, and cooling energy zones with combined heat and power system optimizations aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing energy costs. A case study is presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed energy management scheme. Index Terms—Building energy management systems (BEMS), cyber-physical systems (CPS), distributed generation, multi-agent systems (MAS), net-zero energy buildings. I. I NTRODUCTION T HE PATH forward for sustainable energy for society is in the forefront of public interest, and it is a high priority for policy makers. In the US, two energy policy acts have been passed in the last decade, in 2005, and 2007, which include programs for conservation and energy development, with Grants and tax incentives for both renewable energy and non-renewable energy [1], [2]. There have been multiple goals and provisions for the improvement of energy efficiency by incentives for investments in modernization of the energy infrastructure based on the fact that the cost of generating energy is greater than the costs for savings. The US National Science Foundation has been supporting the application of cyberphysical systems (CPS), i.e., a contemporary breed of systems Manuscript received July 31, 2011; revised February 6, 2012; accepted May 1, 2012. Paper 2010-IACC-545.R1, presented at the 2010 Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 3–7, and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial Automation and Control Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. This work was supported by National Science Foundation Award 0931748 CPS Cyber-Enabled Efficient Energy Management of Structures. P. Zhao is with the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 USA (e-mail: S. Suryanarayanan is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80513-1373 USA (email: M. Godoy Simões is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 USA (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2012.2229682 with integrated computational and physical capabilities that can interact with humans, expanding system capabilities through computation, communication, and control. The work described in this paper deals with an application of CPS for building energy management via data fusion and analysis for real-time monitoring, prediction, and control of energy management systems in modern buildings and cyber integration along the lines of contemporary mandates. The primary objective of this paper is the framework and algorithmic aspects of a CPS for future generation building energy management systems (BEMS) and does not include aspects of hardware and controller design in this study. The US electricity grid is steadily increasing in supply and demand growth for the next two decades, while the trend in transmission systems indicates lack of investments and generally restrictive regulatory barriers for new transmission lines [3], [4], [18]. Therefore, management and control of distributed energy systems at the consumer end present a significant avenue for investigations and improvements [5]. Due to the limited capabilities of centralized computing on large-scale distributed systems, decentralized or semi-centralized decision-making process is viewed as a suitable option for employment in distributed energy systems. A possible approach to the solution of managing distributed energy systems is by the utilization of multi-agent systems (MAS) [19]. MAS can be considered an aggregation of networked agents or controllers, for achieving some global objectives by coordination and communication among the agents [6]. In this paper, the applicability of a MAS-based control methodology for BEMS, as an example of a distributed energy system, is presented. Building structures in the US consume significant levels of electrical energy and are responsible for substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [7]. A framework for addressing energy management has been proposed in [8] with assumed objectives of increased energy efficiency, decreased operation cost of energy utilization, decreased dependence on use of fossil fuel for energy needs, and consequently decreased GHG emissions. The definition of “net-zero energy costs” for zero energy buildings (ZEB) given in [7] is used to set an optimization goal for the MAS-based BEMS described in this paper [8]. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the framework and the algorithmic aspects of a CPS for increasing the energy utilization efficiency by decision-making control methodology. A detailed 0093-9994/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE 2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 49, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 Fig. 1. Physical layer of a building energy management system [8]. description of the physical aspect of CPS-enabled BEMS, the CEBEMS, is available in [8]. The methodology presented in the paper assumes an integrated data analysis program as in [9]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the system organization of BEMS; Section III presents the decision-making agents in three energy zone, Section IV presents a case study for achieving minimum energy cost, and Section V concludes. II. S YSTEM S TRUCTURES OF BEMS According to [10], for typical commercial buildings, 50% of the energy is consumed in heating, ventilating, and airconditioning (HVAC) system; when combined with hot water needs, the energy consumption in the heating and cooling energy zones may reach up to 60%. Lighting and office equipment take most of the rest of the energy consumption, around 20% in a commercial building [10]. During the last few years, there have been several advances in the architecture and civil engineering fields related to energysaving techniques such as passive solar heating, passive cooling, natural ventilation, natural day lighting, LED light bulbs, and certified appliances approaching net-ZEB goals [7]. The cyber-enabled BEMS (CEBEMS) based on the conceptual framework [8] is discussed in the following sections. The CEBEMS proposed in [8] has particular focus on the physical aspects, including novel hardware, and cyber aspects, including energy management schemes for heating, cooling, and electrical energy zones of a commercial building. electrical zone may possess some renewable energy sources (RES). In the case study presented in this paper, a photovoltaic (PV) array with grid connection and combined heat and power (CHP) units are used as generation units; the generation sources are supported by an electric energy storage unit (e.g., battery bank). Such a configuration can supply the electrical loads in the building. The heating zone in the building has a solarthermal heater, recovered heat from CHP units, with a natural gas furnace and thermal storage as heat generation and storage units. The heating loads may be split according to space heating and hot water needs. The cooling zone possesses an air-conditioning unit and an absorption chiller that uses the recovered heat from CHP to provide space-cooling needs. Probably not all the blocks shown in Fig. 1 are eventually employed in a practical CEBEMS. However, the selection and combination of the appropriate structure will depend on the building size and energy needs. In commercial buildings, onsite electric generator combined with waste heat recovery and absorption chillers are used for building cooling, heating, and power (BCHP) system [11], where the waste heat from the generator is utilized for both building heating and cooling. Typically, the fuel utilization efficiency BCHP system is around 80%, some systems may exceed 90%, [12], which is much higher than the maximum efficiency for delivered power of a central power plant (i.e., 55%–60%), when the carbon savings of BCHP system is compared with a traditional boiler and chiller system, the result is significant [12]. Commercial buildings can also employ solar thermal panels for domestic hot water (DHW), and solid oxide fuel cell in the CCHP system as clean and RES for the purpose of GHG reduction and fossil fuel independence. B. Cyber Aspect of CEBEMS The CPS of the proposed CEBEMS is achieved by a MAS approach as shown in Fig. 2. Reference [13] lists some applications of MAS in building energy management. In each zone identified in the previous subsection, the energy conversion, storage, and consumption are precisely measured and dispatched by the intelligent agent embedded in that zone. The respective agents are: 1) the E-agent for electricity; 2) the H-agent for heating; and 3) the C-agent for cooling zones, respectively. The three agents communicate with each other through local area network when the energy management task is beyond the capability of a single agent, or the agents are required to work together for a series of tasks. The energy management and control methods of three agents and their communication are discussed next section. III. M ULTI -AGENT D ECISION -M AKING S YSTEM A. Physical Aspect of CEBEMS Fig. 1 shows the building energy generation and storage and consumption units and the energy flow paths. The objective of such a system is to achieve overall high energy efficiency, low emissions, and economic feasibility, without compromising the preferences and comfort of consumers. The proposed local BEMS has three zones of interest: the electrical zone, the heating zone, and the cooling zone. The In a commercial BCHP system, the energy system sizing for electrical, heating, and cooling zones is very important, because when the on-site generation is working, the recovered waste heat should also be utilized simultaneously, otherwise, the overall energy efficiency will go down, and its advantage of energy efficiency and cost effectiveness will be lost. The system sizing has three comparative references: 1) tracking electrical load, 2) providing electrical base load, and 3) following ZHAO et al.: ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES Fig. 2. 3 Building energy management system via a multi-agent system approach [8]. thermal load. When sizing for tracking electrical load, the building should be considered islanded from the grid, so it can be energy independent from the service provider. Due to the fuel cost, on-site generator maintenance cost, and time of use electricity rate, this option 1) is not cost effective for buildings connected with the grid. When providing electrical base load as in 2), the system is designed for a grid connected building, so that the surplus electricity generated during the hours of offpeak grid conditions may be sold back to the grid to offset the electricity purchased during on-peak hours. However, the thermal demand is higher during the day and drops to a lower setpoint at night; this may lead to the thermal energy output being over generated during the night and under-utilized during the day. This condition results in surplus thermal energy wasted during the night, and requirement of supplemental boilers for the daytime. This results in extra installation costs, operational budget, higher energy cost, and eventual loss of BCHP system benefits. The approach taken in this current study is to size the BCHP system based on 3), i.e., to follow thermal load and electricity becomes a byproduct of the cycle, thus eliminating the need for thermal storage. The generator is viewed as an overall system, composed of a boiler to provide hot water for building heating and also a heat source of absorption chiller for building cooling demand. The electricity generation is viewed as an additional service, which can at least offset some level of demand, and any surplus is to be sold back to grid for profit. According to [10], the thermal load is higher than electric load in a typical commercial building, so sizing and scheduling the BCHP system based on comparative reference 3) may provide high energy utilization efficiency of BEMS, which will be examined in the case study shown in Section IV whereupon to the methodology to fully utilize the BCHP system in a BEMS will be presented. A. Energy Management in the Heating Zone—Decision-Making Control of the H-Agent The goal of the CEBEMS is to minimize the energy cost, so the real energy cost in each zone must be examined before any optimization technique is implemented for “minimized cost.” The proposed BCHP system in the notional commercial building is sized based on the heating load. The H-Agent is responsible for fully utilizing the recovered heat for heating. However, the space heating demand in each room of the building may not be accurately predicted, so a boiler is needed. In the heating zone, the possible energy cost comes from the generation and distribution side of hot water. Hot water recovered from generator is viewed as byproduct of electricity generation, so the fuel cost is already considered in the electrical zone, and this part of hot water is viewed as free of charge in heating 4 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 49, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 zone. Hot water produced from the supplemental boiler needs natural gas, so this cost should be counted in the heating zone. On the distribution side, regardless of the sources of hot water—be it powered by natural gas boiler or recovered waste heat of a generator, pumps need to be working all the time. The electricity consumption is also counted in the electrical zone, so the hot water distribution is viewed as free of charge in the heating zone. Therefore, the minimum energy cost of a day in the heating zone can be shown as (1), where the energy consumption is computed every 15 min and the sum of the costs in these time intervals will represent the cost for one day min 24 NG $N G × Et max Ei(t−t D) ij min Ei(t−t D) ij ηi provided by the ith supplier during t − tD ij (kg), minimum amount of hot water that must be provided by the ith supplier during t − tD ij (kg), efficiency of the hot water distribution pipe connected with the ith heating supplier, subject to the constraints: Ei(t−tD ) ≥ Djt ij (1) where $N G is the natural gas price, and EtN G is the hourly natural gas consumption, and t is the time. However, (1) does not show the energy-saving process (i.e. the recovered hot water generation, distribution, and natural gas burning reduction), and has no controllability on the energy savings and natural gas burning minimization. Therefore, the objective function in the optimization should be changed from minimizing energy cost to maximizing energy utilization efficiency. Due to the intrinsic losses in the hot water pipeline and other thermal losses and from the hot water generation side to the consumption end (i.e., heating coils or radiators), and the water flow speed limit in distribution pipes, the hot water distribution lagging time cannot be neglected and feedforward control must be used. In [14], a Just-in-Time (JIT) supply chain management method was first introduced for a district heating system; JIT requires the desired amount of hot water to be dispatched to the desired consumption end at desired time [14]. This subsection will introduce the hot water distribution optimization based on the idea of JIT aiming at increasing hot water utilization efficiency for space heating. In (2), it is shown to maximize the recovered heat utilization efficiency, which will result in less natural gas burned in the supplemental boiler, so the energy cost in heating zone is minimized Ejt i=1 j=1 t=0 Ei(t−tD ) Eimax (t−tD ) × ηi (2) where the indices are: i ith heating supplier (from 1 to n), j jth heating consumer (from 1 to m), t time interval t, and the variables are: Ejt amount of hot water delivered to the jth consumer during t (kg); amount of hot water sent by the ith supplier during Ei(t−tD ) ij t − tD ij (kg), and the parameters are: Djt hot water demand of the jth consumer during t (kg), hot water distribution time from the ith heating tD ij supplier to the jth heating consumer, (4) ij ij (5) ij B. Energy Management in the Cooling Zone—Decision-Making Control of the C-Agent In typical commercial central cooling systems, the cold water from a central chiller system is distributed to cooling coils located at handlers, where fans keep blowing when cycled on; then, the cooled air flows into air-conditioned rooms with ventilation air. As the BCHP system is sized based on heating load, the absorption chiller might not provide enough chilled water for space cooling because of limited recovered heat. Therefore, an electric chiller (i.e., water-compression chiller) must be included in the cooling energy zone. Similarly, the chilled water in BCHP system should be optimized for maximum usage. The electric chiller is cycled on when the absorption chiller is not able to provide enough cooling for the demand. In a commercial central cooling system, (with only one electric chiller device) the cooling demand is satisfied with only one absorption chiller and one electric chiller. Therefore, the objective function in (6) shows an optimization function embedded in the C-Agent, where the chilled water provided from electric chiller is also included, because the cooling demand is supposed to be satisfied by both the absorption chiller and the electric chiller max 24 k q=1 t=0 ij max Eimin (t−tD ) ≤ Ei(t−tD ) ≤ Ei(t−tD ) . ij n m 24 (3) Djt ≤ Ejt ≤ t=0 max maximum amount of hot water can possibly be Eqt E at−taD + E et−teD ( q ) ( q ) (6) where the indices are: q qth cooling coil (from 1 to k), t time interval t, and the variables are: amount of chilled water delivered to the qth cooling Eqt coil during t (kg), a amount of chilled water sent by the absorption E(t−t aD ) q e E(t−t eD ) q chiller during t − taD q (kg), amount of chilled water sent by the electric chiller during t − teD q (kg), and the parameters are: chilled water demand of the qth Dqt cooling coil during t (kg), cold water distribution time from taD q the absorption chiller to the qth cooling coil, ZHAO et al.: ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES TABLE I D EMAND M ANAGEMENT OF E-AGENT [15] teD q max a e (E(t−t aD ) + E(t−teD ) ) q q min a e (E(t−t aD ) + E(t−teD ) ) q q ηq cold water distribution time from the electric chiller to the qth cooling coil, maximum amount of chilled water can possibly be provided by the two chillers during the interval that chilled water is sent for Eqt (kg), minimum amount of chilled water that must be provided by the two chillers during the interval that chilled water is sent for Eqt (kg), efficiency of the chilled water distribution pipe connected with the cooling coil q, subject to the constraints: max × ηq Dqt ≤ Eqt ≤ E(at−taD ) + E(et−teD ) q q E(at−taD ) + E(et−teD ) ≥ Dqt q (7) (8) 5 demand response to make a profit. On the other hand, the building users’ specific levels of comfort vis-à-vis thermostat setpoints and lighting levels are also respected. The local energy consumption and generation data will be collected by metering devices installed in the building, and then dispatched through an apt communication protocol to a database server (e.g., host server). The database server stores and archives the data, and building users can access and download appropriate real-time reports using dedicated or generic tools. D. Interactions Between E-, H-, and C- Agents The interaction between the three agents is shown in Fig. 3 where global information is shared in the computer simulation environment. However, the interaction between agents in real deployments will require specific candidate networking platforms. IV. C ASE S TUDY: ACHIEVING M INIMUM E NERGY C OST IN E FFICIENT B UILDINGS In this section, a case study is presented to show the energy saving capabilities of CEBEMS and a typical summer day and winter day based on local weather data of Golden, CO. A building simulation prototype [16] is used to examine the overall performance, where the utility energy price is based on raw data provided by the EnergyPlus software [15]. The following subsections describe some of the software applications used in this case study. q min ≤ E(at−taD ) + E(et−teD ) E(at−taD ) + E(et−teD ) q q q q max . (9) ≤ E(at−taD ) + E(et−teD ) q q C. Energy Management in the Electrical Zone—Decision-Making Control of the E-Agent The energy management in electrical zone has two main objectives: 1) demand management, i.e., the reduction of the peak electric load; and, 2) communication with the utility (service provider/grid) for demand response protocols and realtime prices of electricity and natural gas, trying to engage the building to participate in demand response, and uploading the building energy usage information on to an appropriate database for certain authorized entities to download and use in control actions. CEBEMS allows demand management by reducing lighting set-point levels and also setting back the cooling setpoint during peak hours [15]. The demand management has three levels as shown in Table I. The demand management level changes from moderate to more aggressive. The purpose of load management is to engage the building in demand response participation with the utility, so there is a goal of making profits toward net-zero costs for the building. The E-Agent continuously communicates with the utility for receiving energy prices and demand response information, and attempts to reduce local load demand to participate in A. Building Energy Simulation Environment EnergyPlus: EnergyPlus is a building energy analysis and simulation software, developed based on BLAST and DOE-2 [14]. EnergyPlus can calculate the building heating and cooling loads, simulate building HVAC system, and energy generation and consumption, based on user’s description of the building and the associated energy system [14]. Newer versions of EnergyPlus also include DG and RES (e.g., PV, fuel cell, wind turbine and micro-CHP system) for energy efficient building applications. AMPL: AMPL is a powerful modeling language for both linear and nonlinear optimization problems [17]. AMPL does not solve optimization problems directly, but calls outside solvers, such as CPLEX, SNOPT, MINOS, IPOPT, KNITRO, LANCELOT. Appropriate nonlinear programming methods are SQP, based on Lagrange multipliers and IPM. AMPL is a global solver and there is no concern about reaching local extrema. Control Optimization From AMPL to the Building Model in EnergyPlus: Space heating and cooling water flows are optimized (as introduced in Section III) by AMPL. The results are the amount of water that should be sent from hot or chilled water suppliers during each time interval (i.e., 15 min in this case). Actuators in the water pumps change the water flow rate (i.e., Qijt and Qcqt in heating and cooling zones, respectively) according to the optimized value calculated by H- and C-agents. EnergyPlus supports user-defined schedules of variable flow pumps. Thus, water demanded at the supply side in each time 6 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 49, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 Fig. 3. Complete CEBEMS. interval is input into the schedule of appropriate pump as control signal from actuator, then the building heating and cooling loads are satisfied by the optimized water flow schedule calculated by AMPL. TABLE II B UILDING E NERGY C ONSUMPTIONS C OMPARED ON A T YPICAL S UMMER DAY IN G OLDEN , CO B. Building Test System The CEBEMS is simulated for a single-floor, rectangular, five-room setting of area 102.19 m2 , with details available in EnergyPlus [16]. The building energy and cost saving will be compared among: 1) base case where the building is connected to the grid and air-conditioned by electric chiller and heated by heating coils with hot water from a natural gas boiler; 2) BCHP model where the building has a micro-turbine combined with heat recovery for space heating and absorption chiller for space cooling. The natural gas burner and electric chiller are also installed as supplemental devices in BCHP, and 3) a CEBEMS model, based on the BCHP model but advanced with the proposed E-, H-, and C-Agents. C. Results Tables II and III show the energy consumption at the end use compared with the base case, BCHP model, and CEBEMS model. The energy consumers in the base case are HVAC system (i.e., cooling, boiler, and fans as shown in Table II), interior and exterior lighting, and interior equipment. The BCHP and CEBEMS model also have on-site generation with of the hot water loop, the cold water loop, the condensing loop, and the heat recovery loop and their associated water pumps installed as the BCHP system. The interior lighting, exterior lighting, and interior equipment (appliances and miscellaneous loads) are base loads that are kept in the base load unless load management from E-Agent is performed. The space heating and DHW needs are satisfied by boilers in the base case and by recovered heat in the other two models. Analysis can be made from the three energy management system models compared in Tables II and III, and the following observations are made: 1) The comparison of base case and BCHP model shows the electricity usage in BCHP model has been significantly reduced (particularly in the summer), but the natural gas consumption has been greatly increased due to the BCHP TABLE III E ND U SES OF B UILDING E NERGY C ONSUMPTIONS C OMPARED ON A T YPICAL W INTER DAY IN G OLDEN , CO system installation that has changed the major energy consumption from electricity to natural gas. 2) The comparison of BCHP model and CEBEMS model shows that both the electricity and natural gas consumption have been reduced in the CEBEMS model, because ZHAO et al.: ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES 7 Fig. 4. Comparison of BCHP and CEBEMS models on a typical summer day in Golden, Colorado. Fig. 5. Comparison of BCHP and CEBEMS models on a typical winter day in Golden, Colorado. the H- and C- Agents have optimized the water generation and dispatch from on-site generator, so excessive hot water production is avoided. 3) The end energy uses indicated in Tables II and III did not specify the energy sources, so on-site generation from the BCHP model and CEBEMS model are further investigated in Figs. 4 and 5. The electric and thermal demand of BCHP model are plotted in Figs. 4 and 5 for comparative reference, because if no load management is performed by the E-Agent, the energy demand is the same in these two models. On the other hand, if load management is performed, the energy demand in CEBEMS model will be less, so only the energy demand in the BCHP model will need to be plotted as a comparative reference. The following results are observed from Figs. 4 and 5: 1) In the BCHP model, both the thermal and electric generations are greater than the demand; the surplus electricity generation is sold back to the grid. Tables II and III also shows that natural gas usage in boilers is kept zero in the BCHP and CEBEMS model, showing that heating demand is totally satisfied by recovered heat. Spacecooling electricity usage in the BCHP model is greatly reduced when compared with the base case. However, the absorption chiller did not totally replace the electric chiller, because the BCHP system is sized based on the space heating demand, so the absorption chiller’s chilled water output is limited by the hot water produced by the on-site generator. 8 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 49, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 2) In the CEBEMS model, the thermal energy output of BCHP system is optimized by H- and C-Agents, the thermal generation spikes are corrected with the calculated data, which is enough for the end-use requirement; thus, excessive hot water generation is avoided. Notice that the thermal generation in CEBEMS model can be higher than the thermal generation of BCHP model. This can be used as a preparation for the upcoming higher energy demand period. As stated in Section III, the BCHP model is following the thermal load, but that is high in the early morning hours (7 AM) and evening (7 PM), so the associated electric generation from the on-site sources should also ramp up and down concomitantly, which will potentially decrease the energy efficiency of the generator. In the CEBEMS model, the thermal output from the generator is relatively smoother than that in the BCHP model, so the associated electric output is also smoother, which helps the generator to avoid some fast response actions to the sudden rising demand. The electrical and thermal demand shown in Tables II and III are the energy usage at the end-user level. The electrical demand includes interior lighting, exterior lighting, interior equipment, and fans, pumps, and air-conditioning system of the HVAC system; and the thermal demand is the amount of energy calculated to meet the specific indoor air heating or cooling setpoints during a certain time. However, when employing the EnergyPlus software for calculating the electrical and thermal demand values at the end-user level, the following are not taken into account: any energy consumed in the generation and the distribution processes, any losses in the processes, and any of the efficiencies of the system and equipment. Tables II and III indicate the respective base loads of the base case, the BCHP model, and the CEBEMS model for comparisons between the three energy models, as well as show the changes in energy usage with the progressive installations of CHP system in the BCHP model and the cyber aspect in the CEBEMS model. The electrical and thermal energy generation shown in Figs. 4 and 5, however, considers the energy consumed in the process, losses, and efficiency of the system and components. Since CHP system plays a key role for energy generation in the BCHP and CEBMES model, these values can be significant. Tables II and III when combined with Figs. 4 and 5 provide a qualitative description of the energy generation and demand as follows. In the base case model, the electrical generation exactly matches the demand, since it is assumed that the losses are supplied by the grid/utility. When the thermal generation from the gas boiler is multiplied by the efficiency and losses are subtracted, it equals the thermal demand. In the BCHP model, when the electrical generation from the CHP system is accounted for the efficiency for converting natural gas to electric power, any differences between the electric energy bought from the utility and the electric energy used inside the BCHP model and losses should equal the demand. Similar accounting procedures are handled for balancing the thermal generation and the thermal demand. In the CEBEMS model, the physical aspect remains the same as the BCHP model; thus, the same statements are also hold true here; the addition of the TABLE IV E NERGY C OSTS C OMPARED ON A T YPICAL W INTER DAY AND S UMMER DAY cyber aspect helps to increase the efficiency of the system, thus, less energy is consumed in the processes. Table IV shows the energy cost for the base case, BCHP model, and CEBEMS model based on the utility dynamic energy price provided as raw data in the example model in EnergyPlus [16]. The total utility cost shown in Table IV is calculated by the following methodology: the sum of energy charges, demand charges, and service charges constitutes the basis, which is added with adjustments and surcharges that constitute the subtotal, added with taxes (8% in this case). In this case, the adjustments and surcharges are zero, so they are not shown in Table IV. For energy charges, unit cost of electricity and natural gas price are defined as 10.23 cents/kWh and $9.55/MCF, respectively. The service charges are determined by the electricity demand of the building from the utility. If the building peak demand is above 10 kW, then the service charge will be $87.3 per month; if not, then the service charge will be $12.74 per month. The services charges applied here are divided by 30 to reflect the cost for one day of the month. The demand charges are employing block rates determined by building service charges type. For detailed block rates, refer to [16]. In this case study, the energy cost of the BCHP model has a significant cost savings compared to the base case, because the BCHP system is energy efficient in nature and the CEBEMS model has more energy cost savings compared with the BCHP model due to the cyberenabled MAS decision-making control system working toward optimizing overall energy utilization. For real implementation, the real cost savings will be dependent of the prescribed utility tariffs. Fig. 6 compares the performance of BCHP and CEBEMS energy management approaches, showing that in a typical 24 h time span, there are significant reductions of thermal power generation, and at the same time the electrical power generation is met without constraints, showing the improved performance achieved by the present control methodology. V. C ONCLUSION This paper investigated an application of MAS for cyberenabled energy management of building structures known as CEBEMS. The efficient energy management system is achieved by tapping both physical and cyber aspects of the building, such that the BCHP building model provided an applicable ZHAO et al.: ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES Fig. 6. Comparison of electrical and thermal energy consumption for BCHP and CEBEMS models. energy management computational structure for energy efficient buildings. The CEBEMS model advances a BCHP model and optimizes the energy generation and distribution. The test building chosen in the example shown in this paper is for a typical food service center, whose thermal demand is relatively constant compared with common commercial office building; it is expected that the control methodology studied in this work can be applied for office building as well. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge the Center for Advanced Control of Energy and Power Systems at Colorado School of Mines and are grateful to the help of Dr. A. Newman at Colorado School of Mines and Dr. S. Leyffer at Argonne National Laboratory on AMPL. R EFERENCES [1] 109th Congress of the United States of America, Energy Policy Act 2005 (EPACT05), Aug. 2005. [2] 110th Congress of the United State of America, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA07), Dec. 2007. 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Peng Zhao (S’09) received the M.S. degree in engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, in 2010. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder. His research interests are commercial building and electric grid systems integration, intelligent control systems for buildings, and building energy efficiency. Siddharth Suryanarayanan (S’00–M’04–SM’10) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University, Tempe, in 2004. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, where he serves as the Site Director of the Center for Research and Education in Wind, and as a 2011–2012 Resident Faculty Fellow of the School of Global Environmental Sustainability. His research interests are in the design, operation, and economics of finite-inertia systems and integration of renewable energy systems to electric grids. Marcelo Godoy Simões (S’89–M’95–SM’98) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1985 and 1990, the Ph.D. degree from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1995, and the D.Sc. degree (Livre-Docência) from the University of São Paulo in 1998. He is an Associate Professor with the Colorado School of Mines (CSM), Golden, where he has been establishing research and education activities in the development of intelligent control for high-powerelectronics applications in renewable and distributed energy systems, and where he currently serves as the Director of the Center for the Advanced Control of Energy and Power Systems. He has been involved in activities related to the control and management of smartgrid applications since joining CSM. In 2002, he received an NSF CAREER Award “Intelligent-Based Performance Enhancement Control of Micropower Energy Systems.” Currently, he is the Chair for the IEEE IES Smart Grid Committee.