Farm Animal Genomics Andy Law Biological background z An organism’s genetic blueprint is contained within DNA z DNA is packaged into linear ‘strings’ or chromosomes z The number of chromosomes is a characteristic of the species Genomics and Bioinformatics Biological background z Over time, (random) changes occur Mutations in DNA sequence (polymorphisms) Duplications/Deletions of regions Fusion/Fission/Rearrangement at chromosome level. Genomics and Bioinformatics Biological background z Polymorphisms (mutations) within a species can be used to ‘map’ the genome of that species z Associations between locations on those maps and phenotypes provide clues to the presence of ‘important’ genes (QTL) Genomics and Bioinformatics Biological background z Evolution preserves functional regions (coding regions/regulatory elements) z We can identify pieces of DNA that share a common ancestor through the similarity of their sequence Genomics and Bioinformatics Biological background z Links from one species to another can be used to infer missing data Genomics and Bioinformatics Species A Gene Map Species A A B C D E Genomics and Bioinformatics Species B Gene Map Species B A D B E C Genomics and Bioinformatics Comparative Gene Mapping Species A Species B A A B B C C D D E E Genomics and Bioinformatics Identification of QTL gene Species A QTL is in here somewhere { Species B A A B B C C D D E E Genomics and Bioinformatics Identification of QTL gene Species A QTL is in here somewhere { A Species B A Gene 1 Gene 2 B B C C D D E E Gene 3 } Gene 4 These are potential candidate genes Genomics and Bioinformatics Integration z There are other data types z Links can be made indirectly across multiple species Genomics and Bioinformatics Pig Fat QTL Genomics and Bioinformatics Linkage and RH maps Fat Trait location Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Genomics and Bioinformatics Human homology Pig Fat Trait location Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Map Genomics and Bioinformatics Physical clones Pig Human BAC1 BAC2 Fat BAC3 Trait location Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Map Physical Mapping Genomics and Bioinformatics Chicken EST homologues Pig Chicken Human BAC1 EST1 BAC2 Fat EST2 BAC3 Trait location Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Map Physical Mapping Genomics and Bioinformatics Expression data Pig Chicken Human BAC1 EST1 BAC2 Fat EST2 BAC3 Trait location Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Cytogenetic Map Physical Mapping Expression Analysis Genomics and Bioinformatics Supporting literature Pig Chicken Human BAC1 EST1 BAC2 Fat EST2 BAC3 Trait location Linkage Map Radiation Hybrid Map Linked References Cytogenetic Map Physical Mapping Expression Analysis Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z Different name, same thing… TGF-B1, TGFB1, Tgfb1, Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1, TGF β1 TGF-B1, TGF-B4, TGF-B5 Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z Same name, different thing… There are at least 6 different markers recorded as ‘GH’ within ARKdb-pig Some primer pairs amplify multiple loci and the same anonymous symbol has thus been assigned to multiple chromosomal locations Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z Gene families TGF-B1, TGF-B2, TGF-B3, TGF-B4, TGFB5 Chicken, human have 3, Xenopus has 2 Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z Fat QTLs z Abdominal fat pad, shoulder, back, interstitial (marbling) Other phenotypes Are chicken wings equivalent to arms or limbs in general? What about drosophila wings? Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z Ontologies Graphs of controlled vocabularies Not perfect Current debate in MGED moving towards references to ontologies and collections of ontology-ontology mappings Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z z Ontologies provide a means to define hierarchies of attributes and functions We need a way to define relationships between instances of physical ‘things’ rather than their functions or attributes Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z Need a way to assert… A ‘is an alias of’ B C ‘is contained by’ D • Ergo D ‘contains’ C E ‘is homologous/orthologous to’ F G ‘differs from’ G1 Genomics and Bioinformatics Making the links z More importantly need to define flexible external data references A ‘has a sequence accession of’ AC012345 B ‘is defined at’ Genomics and Bioinformatics Integration z Technical issues… Systems developed stand-alone • Fine for ‘point-and-click’ • Less good for automated/bulk analysis Genomics and Bioinformatics Farm Animal Genomics z Ultimate goal is to identify causative genes z Comparative genomics/Data integration will play a large part z Need to focus on infrastructure Genomics and Bioinformatics Integration z Re-engineer systems z Define Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Define Structured Data Interchange Formats Use APIs to integrate data from different systems Genomics and Bioinformatics User resSpecies ARKdb Radiation Hybrid Database Diversity Databases Genomics and Bioinformatics Novel Analyses User resSpecies ARKdb Radiation Hybrid Database Diversity Databases Genomics and Bioinformatics User resSpecies Interface ARKdb Interface Radiation Hybrid Database Interface Diversity Databases Interface Application Programmable Interface resSpecies ARKdb Radiation Hybrid Database Diversity Databases Genomics and Bioinformatics User Novel Analyses Application Programming Interface resSpecies ARKdb Radiation Hybrid Database Diversity Databases Genomics and Bioinformatics User Novel Analyses Application Programming Interface resSpecies ARKdb Radiation Hybrid Database Array Diversity Expression Databases Data Sequence & Homology Genomics and Bioinformatics ? The GRID! Application Programming Interface resSpecies ARKdb Radiation Hybrid Database Array Diversity Expression Databases Data Sequence & Homology Genomics and Bioinformatics ?