Grid based Integration of Real-Time Value-at-Risk (VaR) Services

Grid based Integration of Real-Time Value-at-Risk (VaR) Services
Paul Donachy
Daniel Stødle
Terrence J harmer
Ron H Perrott
Belfast e-Science Centre
Brian Conlon
Gavan Corr
[some names here]
First Derivatives plc
DataSynapse, Inc.
Version 0.4
The workings within the financial sector are largely cyclical based on
approximately 8-hour sessions, which contain overlaps due to worldwide
activities starting with Asia, then involving Europe and finally North America.
In each of these regions comprehensive risk assessment calculations are
performed. One such assessment is Value-at-Risk (VaR), a statistical measure,
initially developed by JP Morgan. VaR calculations are highly computationally
intensive containing vast amounts of financial derivatives calculations.
The financial sector depends heavily on such measures to gain a competitive
advantage. At present such tasks are performed onsite in distributed
environments. Despite the advances in distributed technology, a number of
shortcomings exist in current practice. However, Grid Computing presents an
alternative technology to provide shared access to heterogeneous resources in a
secure, reliable and scalable manner.
This paper outlines the shortcomings in current practice and proposes a gridbased service oriented framework providing secure, reliable and scalable
access to core VaR services. Such a framework would allow the current time
zone to utilise unused resources in the other global locations. Finally some
initial experimental results from the eScience RiskGrid project will be
1 Introduction
market transactions as input to detailed and
complex simulations.
The requirements and demands of the
financial markets are largely cyclical based
on approximately 8-hour sessions, which
contain overlaps due to worldwide activities
starting with Asia, then involving Europe
and finally North America. As a result of the
stock market activities in these regions,
comprehensive risk assessments are
performed upon share portfolios using stock
One such calculation is Value-at-Risk
(VaR). VaR is a statistical measure, initially
developed by J. P. Morgan in the 1980’s for
its own internal company-wide value-at-risk
system. Subsequently in the 1990s, VaR
measures became increasingly important and
were combined with Profit and Loss
statements (P&L’s) in a report for the daily
“after market” Treasury meeting in New
Such VaR calculations are computationally
intensive as large amounts of financial
derivatives calculations are required. Using
an 8 processor-based machine, these
calculations can typically take up to 4 hours
for a typical share portfolio of 100 trades. A
vast amount of historical stock market data
is used for such simulations. The daily
activity on the NYSE can create up to
2Gigabytes of market transactions.
As the calculations are highly data bound,
the high throughput data-access required in
bottlenecks. As a result, the increasing
demand for better application performance
and consistent reliability continues to
outstrip an organizations' supply of available
computational resources.
Currently companies in the financial sector
depend heavily on such computationally
intensive calculations to gain a competitive
advantage. An improvement in VaR
calculation times provides traders with a
more accurate assessment of the potential
risk in performing a given share trade. Such
increased accuracy in risk assessment has a
direct impact on the traders’ margins.
At present and in order to meet
computational demands, such tasks are
largely performed on-site using distributed
or multi-processor based systems.
computing are only economically
viable for organisations with large
amounts of available internal
Only resources within the same
administrative domain can be used –
potential resources “internal” to an
organisation are not used for the
purposes of distributed computing
Although delivering significant
performance improvements the
resources available within an
individual organisation are in some
cases not enough to deliver the
results in a timely basis – this is the
case even if all the resources were
theoretically available.
Peak demand for processing
resources often occurs when the
supply of available resources is at a
There is a lack of standards in areas
such as middleware and workflow
Practical testing and application of
new research findings in finance and
risk management theory (often
resulting from advances in related
disciplines such as mathematics,
neural networking and physics)
which requires intensive processing
power is still beyond the power of
The lack of timely processing
capabilities is impeding research
into advanced risk management and
pricing algorithms.
2 Current Practice
To date localised distributed computing
technology used within the financial sector
has largely been SIMD based parallelization
techniques within homogenous cluster
However, despite the
technology and the relative success of some
such implementations there are a number of
shortcomings in current practice. These
3 Grid Based Architecture
The Grid based architecture presented here
is based on the Open Grid Services
Architecture (OGSA) model [1] derived
from the Open Grid Services Infrastructure
specification defined by the OGSI Working
Group within the GGF [2].
The Open Grid Services Architecture
represents an evolution towards a Grid
architecture based on Web services concepts
and technologies. It describes and defines a
composed of a set of interfaces and their
corresponding behaviors to facilitate
distributed resource sharing and access in
heterogeneous dynamic environments.
An example of such a requirement is the
maximum calculation time a service
requestor is willing to accept for a given
financial VaR calculation service or the
minimum amount of historical market data
that is required from a financial database
query service. The service directory will
thus include not only taxonomies that
facilitate the search, but also information
such as maximum calculation time, QoS
details or the cost associated with a service.
When a service requestor locates a suitable
service, it binds to the service provider,
using binding information maintained in the
service directory. The binding information
contains the specification of the protocol
that the service requestor must use as well as
the structure of the request messages and the
resulting responses. The communication
between the various agents occurs via an
appropriate transport mechanism [3][4].
This architecture is based on a view of
service collaboration that is independent of
operating systems. Instead, it relies on
already-existing transport technologies (such
as HTTP or SMTP) and industry-standard
data encoding techniques (such as XML).
4 VaR Services
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the individual components
of the service-oriented architecture. The
service directory is the location where all
information about all available grid services
is maintained. A service provider that wants
to offer services publishes its services by
putting appropriate entries into the service
directory. A service requestor uses the
service directory to find an appropriate
service that matches its requirements.
Using such a service oriented architecture
we now present a framework for calculating
VaR measures within a grid environment. In
such an environment the first step for all
service providers that wish to offer services
is to publish its services via appropriate
entries in the Service Directory. See Figure
2. These entries include those from service
providers offering services such as FTSE
Historical Databases, HPC resources and
analysis and presentation resources.
When the services are located the client
binds to the service using binding
information detailed in the service directory.
This may, for instance, in the above example
involve specifying the protocol that the
client must use to interact with the database
service and the transport mechanism that is
to be used such as JMS or SMTP. See
Figure 4
FTSE Historical
Market Database
Provider A
Provider B
Client A
Provider C
Grid Service
Figure 2
Next the client requests the Service
Directory for find appropriate services that
are needed to provision the fulfillment of a
VaR service. These may be found via a
portal user interface or dynamically from
within a client application. An example of
such a request would be “find me services
that retrieve all FTSE market data for the
past month in format X that costs less than
USD100 and take less than 30 sec”. See
Figure 3.
C lie n t A
S e a rc h fo r
la s t 3 0 d a ys
m a rk e t d a ta
in fo rm a t X
S e rv ic e
D ire c to ry
C o n ta in s in fo rm a tio n o n
S e rv ic e P ro v id e r A
S e rv ic e P ro v id e r B
S e rv ic e P ro v id e r C
Figure 3
FTSE Historical
Market Database
Figure 4
5 Test Bed Implementation
Our test implementation is based upon three
components: The Globus Toolkit v3.0 [5] to
handle Grid interaction, security and
exposing the VaR service, DataSynapse
LiveCluster [6] to manage a cluster of
workstations to provide the HPC resources,
and K/KDB [7] to handle data storage and
the actual VaR calculations. Our cluster
consists of 25 nodes running Windows XP,
and 3 nodes running RedHat Linux, all on
mid-range hardware. One of the more
powerful Linux nodes also runs the
LiveCluster server software, and is used to
distribute tasks to the slave nodes.
The architecture is based on three tiers,
separated into User, Grid and Cluster
domains. See Figure 5. In the User domain,
different client applications can connect to
the Grid, sending commands to the VaR
service and receiving notifications from the
presentation service as different jobs
The Grid domain consists of three important
components. The first component is the VaR
service itself, which exposes a number of
different VaR-related calculations to its
clients (the available calculations along with
their arguments are published through a
method provided by the service). The
second component is a KDB service, which
connects to a KDB daemon running on any
computer reachable from the Grid
environment. The KDB service feeds the
VaR service with market and portfolio data,
and is responsible for storing results as they
arrive. (In our current implementation, the
VaR service interfaces directly with the
KDB daemon, despite the presence of a
KDB service. This is due to the substantially
improved performance by skipping two
steps of expensive data marshalling/unmarshalling.) The final Grid-component is a
presentation service, which provides the
client applications with a simple way of
getting updates as jobs progress, as well as
view and export results in different formats.
Figure 5: Test bed implementation architecture
The third domain is the Cluster domain. As
the user requests execution of different
calculations, the VaR service gets the
necessary data from the KDB service/
daemon, and proceeds to send the data to this
domain. The cluster domain is managed by
the DataSynapse LiveCluster software, and
the calculation is performed by using a
simple master-slave approach to distribute it.
A DataSynapse job is used to receive
calculation requests from the VaR service in
the Grid domain. The job instance handles
splitting the computation into manageable
tasks, and then waits for DataSynapse to
On the slave nodes, a simple tasklet (the part
of a job that runs on all the slave nodes) is
used to receive work from the LiveCluster
server. The task descriptions contain an
executable K statement, along with the
parameters required for the K statement to
execute successfully. The tasklet is also
responsible for starting up a local K daemon
(in case one isn't running), built for the
platform the tasklet happens to be running on
(Linux or Windows). After starting the
daemon, the tasklet proceeds to send it the
specified K statement and parameters,
waiting until the daemon finishes processing
the request and results are returned before
announcing that it is ready to receive more
work. The local K daemons are preloaded
with routines that perform the calculations, so
the K statement passed to the tasks will in
general be a simple function call. In addition,
the K daemons are preloaded with semi-static
market data, to avoid passing this information
around all the time.
As is evident, the architecture we have
deployed allows for a vast range of different
computations. Not only can simple VaR
calculations be distributed with relative ease,
but also any other relevant financial
calculations that fit within the master-slave
paradigm can easily be added to the portfolio
of available calculations.
6 Results
Our preliminary results are gathered from
running a call option pricing function (based
on MonteCarlo simulations) on a large
volume of stocks. A call option is an option
to buy a stock at a fixed price at some time in
the future. However, for call options to make
sense, it is important that the call option is
sold at a reasonable price, both for seller and
buyer. The purpose of the calculation is thus
to determine how much a call option on a
stock valued at, for instance, £10, should be if
the option allows the buyer to acquire the
stock for £10 within 3 months. The result of
the calculation will be the price the buyer will
need to pay in order to get the stock option.
Running time
Time in seconds
distribute the tasks to the available slave
nodes (engines in DataSynapse terminology).
As tasks complete on the slave nodes, the job
receives notifications from the LiveCluster
software, and proceeds to notify the VaR
service of its progress. The VaR service will
use these notifications to inform the
presentation service that a job has made
progress, or, in case of failure, that the job
has failed. The presentation service continues
by notifying any client applications.
Figure 6: Running time for various node
Our test calculations were run on 1, 5, 10, 15,
20 and 25 nodes, pricing 30000 different call
options. The running time of the calculation
on different node configurations is shown in
figure 6.
provide the basis for an open source reference
architecture for the financial sector.
However before widespread adoption
happens within this sector a number of
fundamental areas will need to be addressed:
du 15
Security: The area of security, as
with various other knowledge-based
industries, will be a primary concern
and requirement. As Grid technology
looks to share resources both
internally and externally within
organisations, security and integrity
of information are not only important
but also critical to business
operations. The whole area of AAA
(Authentication, Authorization and
Accounting) and the adoption of
established security infrastructures
within evolving grid standards will
play an important role in the uptake
of such technology within the
financial sector.
Standards: The financial sector is
already heavily loaded with various
competing and proprietary standards.
The addition of a further set of
vendor specific proprietary grid
computing standards will not assist in
the adoption and uptake of grid
computing. Integration of emerging
Grid Computing standards, e.g. the
involvement within the GGF
standards will play a vital role.
Management: As grids evolve as a
heterogeneous array of hybrid grid
nodes, the management of such grids
becomes more and more prevalent
controlled financial sector. To date,
little or no work has been undertaken
to investigate a cohesive strategy for
heterogeneous grid elements, and
how such management strategies will
Figure 7: Calculation speedup
Running the calculation on one node took
approximately 82 minutes. Running the same
calculation on 25 nodes gave a running time
of about 3 minutes 20 seconds, or a speedup
of 24.7. The graph in figure 7 shows that the
calculation appears to attain an approximately
linear speedup, which is welcome, but fairly
unsurprising considering the nature of the
7 Summary
Grid computing technology presents an
architectural framework that aims to provide
access to heterogeneous resources in a secure,
reliable and scalable manner across various
administrative boundaries. The financial
sector is an ideal candidate to exploit the
benefits of such a framework.
Initial results presented here are encouraging,
with considerable speedup achieved using the
prototype commodity HPC service. In
addition to increased performance, a major
benefit in such architecture has been the
creation of an integration fabric. Integration
of such remote, heterogeneous resources in
any enterprise is the major bottleneck and the
realm of major Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI) activities. Here we have
presented a Grid based framework that could
enterprise/corporate management and
operational support system (OSS)
solutions. Such strategies have been
overlooked and if not addressed soon,
will inhibit the rapid adoption of Grid
technology to the wider industrial
S. Burbeck, “The Tao of e-Business
Services,” IBM Corporation (2000); see
Forget the web, make way for the grid,
Deutsche Bank, 2000