Exploring the use of RAD markers in tree breeding programmes Pablo Fuentes-Utrilla Why trees? 1. There is a need to increase yield per hectare in the forest industry Source: Confor, Wood fibre availability and demand in Britain 2007-2025 Why trees? 1. There is a need to increase yield per hectare in the forest industry 2. Adaptation to climate is of concern in tree breeding programmes due to long life cycles of trees Source: IPCC Why trees? 1. There is a need to increase yield per hectare in the forest industry 2. Adaptation to climate is of concern in tree breeding programmes due to long life cycles of trees 3. Resistance against pests & diseases increasing importance for tree production and conservation Tree breeding cycle growth phenotypic sellection disease resistance Tree breeding cycle growth phenotypic sellection propagation: -clones -F1 disease resistance Tree breeding cycle growth phenotypic sellection propagation: -clones -F1 evaluation disease resistance Tree breeding cycle growth phenotypic sellection improved material propagation: -clones -F1 validation/ rejection evaluation disease resistance Tree breeding cycle growth phenotypic sellection improved material propagation: -clones -F1 validation/ rejection crosses -F2 evaluation disease resistance Tree breeding cycle growth disease resistance PROBLEM... phenotypic sellection tree breeding cycles improved material are propagation: -clones -F1 crosses -F2 ...ZZZ long (10-30 yr) & costly evaluation validation/ rejection Marked-assisted selection in tree breeding - Genetic markers are promising tools to develop QTLs to shorten breeding cycles (marked-assisted selection) - QTL mapping -before, AFLP and SSR markers (10s to low 100s) -now, SNP chips (some 100s, now some 1000s) but... development is not cheap - RAD can provide 1000s of markers across the genome for -rapid SNP recovery / genotyping -QTL mapping Objectives - To develop the RAD technique in two forest species with existing breeding programmes One conifer: Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) One angiosperm: Ulmus minor (Field elm) - To evaluate the ability of RAD markers to detect QTLs for traits of interest Climatic adaptation Wood production Pathogen resistance Tree material Sitka spruce breeding programme (Forestry Commission, UK) - main aim: production - breeding for wood production traits Marked assisted selection trial (6 yr-old): - 3 full-sib families / 1500 siblings per family - replicates in 3 site (Dornoch, Llandovery, Devon) Two traits measured: HEIGHT recorded at age 5 in ALL families and sites => wood production QTLs FLUSHING DATE recorded at age 5 in ONE family and ALL sites => climatic adaptation QTLs Tree material Field elm breeding programme (UPM, Spain) - main aim: conservation - breeding for resistance against Dutch elm disease (DED) Progeny trial for DED heritability (5 yr-old) 10 full-sib families/ 24-276 siblings per family 7 families Resistant x R, 1 family Susceptible x S, 2 families R x S One trait measured: RESISTANCE to DED => DED resistance QTLs Inoculations carried out in May 2010 (prelim. results show intrafamily variation). Genomic background No data available for P. sitchensis and U. minor. Data from related taxa presented SbfI (CCTGCAGG) Gbp CG% No rest sites Size rest frag (kb) No RAD tags ind/lane 20x cov* ind/lane 40x cov* Picea abies 18.875 39.9 107459 175.7 214918 3.5 1.7 Ulmus glabra 1.056 36.7 4041 261.4 8083 93 46 EcoRI (GAATTC) Gbp CG% No rest sites Size rest frag (kb) No RAD tags ind/lane 20x cov* ind/lane 40x cov* Picea abies 18.875 39.9 6125758 3.1 12251517 0.12 0.06 Ulmus glabra 1.056 36.7 356876 3.0 713751 2.1 1.1 *assuming 15 million reads per lane Challenges Handicap: large (elm) and very large (spruce) genomes Possible solution: complexity reduction method by second digestion. Options: - use a frequent cutter and select by fragment size - use a methylation sensitive cutter (non-coding plant DNA >>> methylated than coding DNA) - other suggestions? Thanks for listening! Questions? Comments?