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Portals for Workflow

Composition and Service


David W. Walker

School of Computer Science

Cardiff University http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/User/David.W.Walker/

System Portals

• We need portals to be able to handle tasks such as: :

– Problem specification, resource discovery and job composition

– Service deployment and lifecycle management

– Submission, execution, monitoring, and (maybe) interaction

• These tasks are quite generic, rather than application-specific.

• Portal can behave rather like a “Grid Shell”

Web Services

• Everything is a (Web/Grid) service.

• This includes:

– Computation routines

– Access to files and databases

– Components of the Grid infrastructure, such as workflow enactment engines, resource monitors, etc.

A Common Approach to


• Visual service composition.

• Service interfaces and other metadata expressed in an XML-based service description document.

• Services registered with, and discovered through, a registry.

Visual Service Composition


• Applications and high-level services are composed from interacting services.

• Composition can be done graphically using a

“drag and drop” style of interface to draw a workflow.

• In a workflow graph the nodes represent services and the edges represent data flow or control flow.

• Need special nodes to represent loop and conditional constructs.

• Need query mechanism to discover services

Workflow Description

• A workflow can be represented with an

XML-based workflow description language such as WSFL, SWFL,


• A workflow description document can be passed to a workflow enactment engine, which provides an execution environment for the workflow.

Two Hard Problems

• Semantic specification of applications

• Scheduling of workflow nodes on distributed resources.

– Early binding model: bind to specific service/platform at composition time (“validation”).

– Intermediate binding model: bind at “compile” time

(when converting from XML to executable form).

– Late binding model: bind dynamically at runtime.

• Later binding allows the use of more up-todate information to make scheduling decisions.


• Should (some) services be mobile and/or clonable?

• Allows the automatic creation of new services that are heavily used.

• May be important for autonomic grids.

• Generalises current data migration and replication concepts.

Communication and


• Another important issue is how to carry out the data flow and control flow in a workflow.

• Need an asynchronous messaging system to support interoperability and to handle connection problems.


• Portlet technology endorsed by GCE working group of GGF, e.g., JetSpeed

• Web services have user-facing ports that provide content to users.

• Portlets can be regarded as interfaces to that content, specified via an extension to WSDL.

• Portals can be built from collections of portlets, e.g., as a set of panels for job submission, job status, visualisation, etc.

• Portlets provide as component model for user interfaces in the same way that web services provide a component model to middleware.

Grid-Oriented Portal Work at


• Visual Service Composition Environment (VSCE) for building applications based on service workflow.

• Service Workflow Language (SWFL) for describing composite applications.

• Tools for transforming between workflow graph 

SWFL  executable code.

• Jini Service-oriented Grid Architecture (JISGA). An execution environment taking SWFL as input.

• Java-C Automatic Wrapper (JACAW). Wraps C code as Java using JNI for deployment as Web service in


• Grid-Service-in-a-Box (GSiB). Supports service creation, deployment, management, and monitoring.

Motivation and Targets

• Easy-to-use tools are needed to allow scientists to take full advantage of the new Grid without them needing detailed knowledge of the underlying infrastructure.

• GSiB project is developing a visual problem-solving environment/portal for all service users (clients and providers).

Service Deployment

• A web service

– Its public interfaces and bindings are described in an XML document.

– It is registered in a service registry to allow service discovery and query.

• Usually additional code or wrapper is needed to make existing software available as a Web service – a lot of repeated work.

• Legacy problems exists.

Service Deployment

• JACAW (Java-C Automatic Wrapper) automatically generates the JNI wrapping code for a legacy code.

• Axis Java2WSDL utility generates

WSDL document from the Java code.

• UDDI registry server.

• UDDI4J provides a Java API for interacting with a UDDI registry.

Service Deployment

Legacy code


JNI Wrapper



UDDI Registry

Service Composition

• Graphical symbols for constructing a flow model.

Data input port

Data output port

Control input port

Control output port

Data link

Control link

Normal and assignment activity

Control activity

An Example

A retA


NO retA i


B C retA = activityA(..); for( i=0; i<100; i++){ activityB(retA, i);

} retC = activityC();

Service Workflow Language


<activity name="for">

<for setParallel="no">

<input message=“ForInput”/>




<dataLink name=“A_For” source=“A” target=“for”>

<swflMap sourceMessage=“AOutput” targetMessage=“ForInput”>


<sourcePart name=“retA”/><targetPart name=“retA”/>




To be continued

Service Workflow Language


<dataLink name=“For_B” source=“for” target=“B”>

<swflMap sourceMessage=“ForOutput” targetMessage=“BInput”>


<sourcePart name=“retA”/><targetPart name=“retA”/>

<sourcePart name=“i”/><targetPart name=“i”/>




<controlLink name=“A_For” source=“A” target=“for” />

<controlLink name=“For_B” source=“for” target=“B” controlPort=“YES”/>

<controlLink name=“For_C” source=“for” target=“C” controlPort=“NO”/>

<controlLink name=“B_For” source=“B” target=“for” />

Service Workflow Language


• SWFL is XML based for describing interacting Web services.

• Extends Web Service Flow Language

(WSFL) by

– supporting the application of all the conditional and loop control constructs of the Java language to the composition of

Web services.

– allowing more general data mappings.

Another Picture

Drawing Screen

Create SWFL swfl



Visual Service Composition Environment



Execution Environment


• It converts the description of a job in

SWFL into executable Java code.












Visual Service Composition


• Collaborative code development environment using a visual programming tool for seamlessly integrating services into higher-level services or complete applications.

• Applications are created by plugging together services to form a workflow graph. Service metadata is used to check if interfaces are compatible.

• Different developers can place their components in a shared repository, e.g, UDDI or Jini lookup service.

• Output is in the form of SWFL.


• JISGA consists of two main parts:

– A WorkflowEngine service

– A JobProcessor service

• Grid application is submitted to a

WorkflowEngine service as SWFL.

• Sequential jobs are handled directly by the

WorkflowEngine service.

• Parallel jobs involve multiple JobProcessor services.

What the Workflow Engine Is

• Processes service-based applications described in an XML-based workflow language.

• Determines the order of execution and generates the harness code.

• Executes the code which includes discovering services, invoking services, receiving results and sending results to clients.

What the Workflow Engine Does

• Converts a SWFL description of a composite service-based job into an executable Java code, and executes it.









SWFL description


FlowModel object


Java Executable


To be continued…

Future Research

• Further development of GSiB for creating, deploying, managing and monitoring Grid applications.

• More experiments in integration of Jini services and Web services in JISGA.

• Demo applications to illustrate use of JISGA on UK e-Science Grid.

• Integration of better scheduling in JISGA.

Final Comments

• Service-oriented approach to Grid computing is generally agreed on

• But there are many options for how such

Grids might be build (GT3, Jini, JXTA, etc)

• Ability to interoperate between different Grids is important.

• Need to get more experience with actually using services for e-Science.
