Measurements at B-factories -1 with a luminosity of 2ab Ryosuke Itoh KEK (Belle Collaboration) LHCb Upgrade Workshop Edinburgh, Jan. 11-12, 2007 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 1 Outline 1. Introduction to B-factory experiments 2. Measurements with 2ab-1 data - UT angles - UT sides - Rare decays 3. Impacts on Physics 4. Good-bye, B-factories. Hello, Super B-factory! 5. Summary R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 2 1. Introduction to B-factory experiments PEP-II at SLAC 9GeV (e) 3.1GeV (e+) peak luminosity: 13 countries, 57 institutes, ~400 collaborators 1.121034cm2s1 Belle BaBar KEKB at KEK 11 nations, 80 institutes, 623 persons Shutdown in 2008 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 8GeV (e) 3.5GeV (e+) peak luminosity: 1.711034cm2s1 world record Running plan after 1ab-1 is still unclear 3 KEKB/Belle (as of Dec.06) KEKB + PEP-II Lpeak > 1.711034cm-2s-1 Ltot >700 fb-1 !!! Belle+Babar > 1ab-1 by now!!!! KEKB for Belle PEP-II for BaBar WG4 experiment summary -1 Results with 2ab (Belle+BaBar) will appear in HFAG2009! R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 4 2. Measurements with 2ab-1 data 1) sin2f1(sin2b) Measurements today are with: Belle : 0.49ab-1 BaBar: 0.35ab-1 sin2f1/b(bc) = 0.674±0.026 sin2f1/b(bs) = 0.58±0.13 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 5 Estimated error for 2ab-1 ー Total error ー Statistical error Y.Nakahama@CKM2006 ー Systematic -1 Stat Sys L(ab ) Total error 535MBB 5/ab ↑0.492/ab 50/ab 0.492 5 50 0.035 0.017 0.014 0.031 0.010 0.003 0.017 0.014 0.013 L /ab Ldt(ab-1) dsin2f1(bc) dsin2f1(bs) 0.026 (3.9%) 0.13 (22%) 0.84 2 0.020 (2.9%) 0.09 (16%) * Systematic error becomes dominant in sin2f1(bc). * Vertexing error is the dominant systematics. R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 6 2) f2/a 3 modes are used: a) B0p+p - time-dependent CPV + isospin analysis b) B0r+r - time-dep. angular anal. + isospin analysis c) B0rp - time-dependent Dalitz (+ isospin analysis) f2/a = [93 +11 9 ] R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 7 * A prediction of measurement errors with 2ab-1 data is difficult - results are obtained by combining three different analyses, - each of analysis depends on many measurement results. (isospin analysis requires measurements of multiple Br's.) * Still statistical error is expected to dominate with 2ab-1 data. ex. errors in current p+p analysis App +0.55 0.08 0.05 Spp 0.61 0.10 0.04 App +0.16 0.11 0.03 Spp 0.53 0.14 0.02 Belle BaBar error is scaled by the luminosity Ldt(ab-1) 0.84 2 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS df2 s o 10 (11%) 6o (7%) 8 Trabelsi@CKM2006 3) f3/g BD(*)K(*) Methods: 1) GLW 2) ADS 3) GGSZ (Dalitz) f3/g = [77±31] Dominant meas. by GGSZ method BaBar R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS Belle 9 * The sensitivity strongly depends on the value of rB * BaBar measurement does not give finite rB values for now. Optimistic assumption for 2ab-1 prediction: Take Belle measurement and scale the error by luminosity. Ldt(ab ) 0.35 -1 2 df3 17o (11%) 12o (7%) Systematic and model errors are assumed to be unchanged. R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 10 4) Vub * Current best measurement is given by the inclusive measurement. * Exclusive measurement : Bpln - large uncertainty from LQCD calculations of FF Inclusive Bpln Inclusive (DGE): (4.46±0.20±0.20)10-3 : Stat. err. is already comparable with theo. err. R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 11 LLR method (BaBar) Less model dependent by using the measured photon energy spectrum in BXsg Ldt(ab-1) 0.45 2 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS dVub A.Limosani@BNM2006 6.3% (DGE) 4.9% (LLR) 12 5) B(r,w)g SM g W Vtd,Vts b NP % ss,d b g ss,d % c%, t% u, u, c,t * Sensitive to NP * Alternative measurement of |Vtd/Vts| Belle: 370 fb-1 Mbc(GeV/c2) R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS E(GeV) BaBar: 316 fb-1 → r+ g 13 Belle Mode B + r +g B0 r 0g B0 wg N signal 8.5 20.7 5.7 B r /wg 36.9 BaBar Significance BF(106 ) +0.09 1.6 0.55+0.42 0.36 0.08 +0.07 5.2 1.25 +0.37 0.33 0.06 +0.05 2.3 0.56+0.34 0.27 0.10 5.1 + 0.10 1.32 +0.34 0.31 0.09 Mode Nsignal Significance BF(106 ) B+ r + g 42.0 +14.0 12.7 3.8 1.10 +0.37 0.33 0.09 B0 r 0 g 38.7 +10.6 9.8 4.9 0.79 +0.22 0.20 0.06 B 0 wg 11.0 +6.7 5.6 2.2 0.40 +0.24 0.20 0.05 Combined BF 6.4 1.25 +0.25 0.24 0.09 Ldt(ab ) dBr((r,w)g) 16.3% 0.69 -1 2 10.3% Note: theoretically controversial on the inclusion of w (w is not a member of iso-triplet.) R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 14 6) Btn SM NP mb tan b + mu cot b mt tan b b u H+/W+ t+ Br = BrSM x rH * Another Vub measurement * Seinsitive to NP(charged Higgs) 447 10 B pairs hadronic tag 6 SM : B(tn) = (1.59 0.40)×10-4 17.2+5.3 4.7 (3.5) Ldt(ab-1) dBr(tn) 36% 0.41 2 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 27% 15 Constraints on H+ mass 0.41ab-1 rH 2 tan b / mH 95.5%C.L. exclusion boundaries 5ab-1 fB(LQCD) = 5% R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS rH 2 16 7) AFB(BK*ll) * Sensitive to NP thru. determination of Wilson Coeff (C7,C9 and C10) Belle BaBar Ldt(ab-1) 0.36 2 AFB=0.56±0.13 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS dAFB 23% 10% AFB>0.19@95%CL 17 Summary of measurement errors with 2ab-1 data Today 2ab-1 sin2f1/b(bc) 0.026 0.020 sin2f1/b(bs) 0.13 0.09 11o 6o 19o 6.3% 12o 4.9% 0.8% 20.4% 36% 0.8% 10.3% 27% 23% 10% f2 f3 Vub(inclusive) md B(B(r,w)g) B(Btn) AFB(K*l+l-) R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 18 A.Stocchi@Frascati SuperB WS R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 19 3. Impact on Physics a) Constraints on Standard Model by CKM fit. 1. Experimental measurements a) B-factory measurements Vub, sin2f1(bc), f2, f3, md, Br(Btn), Br(r/wg)/Br(K*g) b) Tevatron/LHC(b) measurements ms - LHCb expectation for 2ab-1 fits (dms~0.06%) - possibility to include other measurements (ex. f3), but not taken in the fits c) Kaon sector measurements eK - current best value is used in all fits (deK ~3.6%) 2. Theoretical inputs Decay constants, etc.: mostly relies on LQCD calculations 2006 calculations are used in all fits * Central values : HFAG averages (2006 summer) except f3/g (Belle) * Fit engine : CKMfitter “range fit treatment” for sys/theo errors R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 20 CKM fit as of today d(r,h) = (15.8%,5.6%) Prediction with 2ab-1 data d(r,h) = (10.0%,4.4%) R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 21 b) Model-independent NP search Comparison between - tree level measurements : |Vub| and f3, and Today d(r,h) =(45%,28%) 2ab-1 d(r,h) =(31%,20%) - measurements sensitive to NP : sin2f1(bc) and md NP in B0-B0 mixing NP modeling: Expansion of mixing amplitude M = rd2 MSMexp(-i2qd) NP scale R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS NP phase 22 2ab-1 today 2ab-1 rd2 1-CL 1-CL Today 2qd (rad) 2 d r = +1.20 1.29 (today) -0.62 +0.78 1.18 (2ab-1) -0.46 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS +0.26 2qd = -0.08 -0.11 +0.08 -0.10 -0.08 (today)[~11o] (2ab-1)[~5o] 23 4. Good-bye, B-factories. Hello, Super B-factory! The upgrade of current KEKB accelerator to SuperKEKB is being planned for the further studies of B and other flavor physics. Interaction Region SuperKEKB Crab crossing =30mrad. q by*=3mm New QCS New Beam pipe 8GeV (e+, 4.1A) 3.5GeV (e-, 9.6A) More RF power Increase beam currents •1.75 A (LER) / 1.36 A (HER) → 9.6 A (LER) / 4.1 A (HER) Smaller by* • 6 mm→3 mm Increase y • 0.059→>0.24(W-S) R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS Damping ring Linac upgrade L > 8x1035cm-2s-1 24 KEKB Upgrade Scenario Lpeak > 1.71034cm-2s-1 Ltot >700 fb-1 !!! world records ! Major upgrade of KEKB & Belle detector (>1yr shutdown) Lpeak (cm-2s-1) Lint 1.7x1034 700 fb-1 3x1034 ~2 ab-1 8x1035 ~50 ab-1 -1 ~ 50ab in late 2010's R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 25 RI@CKM2006 SuperKEKB (5 ab-1) SuperKEKB (50 ab-1) d(r,h) ~ O(1) % with very conservative assumptions R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 26 Physics Reach at SuperKEKB 50ab-1 CKM w/ n FCNC CPV (bs) 5ab-1 + rich t physics R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS Physics at Super B Factory (hep-ex/0406071) 27 5. Summary * Measurements at B-factories with 2ab-1: - are still expected to improve with the statistics, - syst./theo. errors become dominant in some measurements (Vub, sin2f1/b.....). * Impact on Physics with 2ab-1: - ~10% determination of rh apex in Unitarity Triangle. - Sensitivity to NP by comparing (f3/g,Vub) and (sin2f1/b,md) d(NP scale) > 50% limited by uncertainties in theories, d(NP phase) ~ 5o. * B-factories will pass the baton of “B-physics frontier” to LHCb soon, but half of it will be passed to Super B-factory! * Further SM constraint and NP search in B decays: - The lattice QCD calculation is another important player. R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 28 Backup Slides R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 29 Measurement Technique at B-factories - B0and B0 mesons are produced from U(4S) decay at B-factories. - To measure A(t), we need to know decay time difference (t) of two B0 mesons with the flavor of one tagged. l- Asymmetric collision - e (8.0GeV) U(S) B0 + e (3.5GeV) J/ KS B0 charge flavor R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS lepton kaon etc. z~c t 30 r+r: Smaller contribution than that in Bp+p (Br(Br0r0) ~ 0 ) Measurement of f2 using Bp+p,r+r b Bd0 d Vtb t Vtd W W Vtd t Vtb Vud W d Bd0 b ·( b u d u + Vub* Tree d d b t d u Vub* Penguin g Vud d u d ) − tt// − indirect CPV direct CPV ee ∣∣ ∣∣ P P t t = = [1q⋅{S [1q⋅{S sin m t }Acos cosm m tt]] 44 BB BB feff dd: :strong phase diff. strong phase diff. 22 qq: :determind == 1−A S = = 1−A sin sin2 2 determindfrom from 2 2 22 1 1 Isospin Analysis Analysis Isospin 2 * * i 3 i 2 ∣ 3 ∣−1 V−2itbV1 V V ∣ ∣ 1 P /T e −2i ∣−1A = td ∣P ud/T ub ∣ ∣ e 2 ≡−C 2 2 + =e ⋅ =e -= A = ≡−C ∣1 * * i − i − 2 ∣ 3 3 1 V tb V1 V ub∣e 1∣P /T ∣∣e ∣ d td ∣V Pud/T 22ℑ ℑ ∣∣ ∣∣ R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 31 Isospin Analysis Penguin contribution to B0p+p f2 measured from CP asymmetry in Bp+p is shifted by q. S = 1−A 2 sin 22 Need to measure q 1 2 A B 0 + - 2q Isospin Analysis (Gronau et al.) 1 % 0 A B + - 0 0 0 % A B 2 0 0 0 A B 2i % A =e A 3 %A B - - 0 = A B + + 0 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 32 Measurement of f2 using Brp S.T'Jampens@BEAUTY06 Dominant mode ρ+p – is not a CP eigenstate t 0 t Aleksan et al, NP B361, 141 (1991) r0p0 B Amplitude interference in Dalitz plot r+p– r–p+ simultaneous fit of a and strong phases Measure 26 (27) bilinear Form Factor coefficients q/ p ~ e 2i b mixing Snyder-Quinn, PRD 48, 2139 (1993) B A + + + r p A 0 0 CP 0 0 A00 r p A00 A + r p + A + correlated 2 fit to determine physics quantities (347m) (449m) no constraint at 2 level [60, 95]º at 68.3% C. L. Dalitz analysis + isospin (pentagon) analysis Lipkin et al., PRD 44, 1454 (1991) R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 33 History of B0→p+p− decay (C = A) 2.3 diff. btw. Belle and BaBar R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 34 Measurements of f3 by Dalitz (GGSZ) s + K u b B Vcb + u b c u Vub u 0 c D s D0 u u * Use 3 body final state identical for D0 and D0 D0(D0) KS p+ p K+ Dalitz Plot density: |M|2 B+: r B-: r r = amplitude ratio d = strong phase diff. f(m12, m22) : D0 decay model CPV: Asymmetry in Daltz dist.: m+=m(Ksp+), m=m(Ksp) If f is known, all of r, d, and f3 can be determined from the fit to the Dalitz plot. R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 35 Belle: - 386 M BB events - Improved continuum suppression K * D B B DK* DK B 331±17 events B- R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS B+ 81±8 events B- 54±8 events B+ B- B+ 36 Nakao@CKM2006 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 37 Search for B → K(*) nn Search for B → K nn Belle B → K* nn 535 M BB; yield = 4.7 +31 2 1.7; BR(SM)= 1.3x10 R.Itoh@LHCB upgrade WS 38