mu ltip lexed link L1 B1 B2 B3 Bos ton Switch Lo s An gele s Switch sh ared switches L2 L3 L4 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Tim e 5,6 24 b it times 8-bi t fra me 8-bi t fra me 8-bi t fra me Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 D Pers onal Compu ter se rvi ce A B mu ltip lexed li nk da ta cross es this li nk in b ursts and can tolera te vari able del ay C Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 fra me Ti me B Guid ance in forma tion D 40 00 b its 75 0 bi ts Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pa cket A Packe t Switch Wo rkstatio n at netwo rk attachmen t po int A B 1 Packe t Switch 2 3 Service a t ne twork attachmen t po int B Packe t Switch Packe t Switch B Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 avera ge qu euin g de lay ma xi mum to lerab le d elay 1 -----------1 – 1 0 Util izatio n, r 10 0% rma x Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 A se nd re ques t, se t ti mer B ti me req uest 1 res pons e 1 receive respo nse, res et timer X se nd re ques t, se t ti mer ti mer e xp ires, res end reque st, se t ne w time r receive respo nse, res et timer X req uest 2 overl oade d fo rwa rder di sca rds req uest pa cket. req uest 2’ res pons e 2’ X Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B A req uest 3 se nd re ques t, se t ti mer X ti mer e xp ires, res end reque st, se t ne w time r receive respo nse, res et timer req uest 3’ X overl oade d fo rwa rder di sca rds re spon se 3 du plicate arrives at B B s ends resp onse 3’ res pons e 3’ Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B A se nd re ques t, se t ti mer req uest 4 res pons e 4 ti mer e xp ires, res end receive res pons e, res et timer req uest 4’ X res pons e 4’ pa cket containi ng re spon se ge ts d elayed du plicate arrives at B B s ends resp onse 4’ receive du plicate res pons e Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Ap plicati on chara cte risti cs Continuo us stream (e.g., inte ractive voice) is och ronou s (e.g., tele phon e ne twork) go od m atch Burs ts o f da ta (mo st compu ter-to compu ter d ata) Resp onse to loa d varia tion s wastes capacity (ha rd-edg ed) ei ther accepts or blocks ca ll go od m atch (gra dual ) 1 va riabl e de lay 2 discards data 3 rate adap tati on Network Type as yn chro nous (e.g., Inte rnet) varia ble late ncy up sets ap plicati on Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Networks encounter a avst range of D ata rate s Prop agati on, trans mis si on, qu euin g, and proce ss ing d elay s. Loads Num bers o f use rs Networks traverse hostile envir onments Noi se d amag es d ata Links sto p working Best-effort networks have Varia ble d elay s Varia ble tran smi ss ion rate s D is carde d pac kets D upl ica te pac kets Maxi mum p ack et len gth Reo rd ered de live ry Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 resu lt FIR E (#, target, ac tion) Client stub request: Prepare request mes sage. Send to service Wait for res pons e. proc: FIRE args: 3 type: integer value: 2 type: string value: “Lucifer” type: pro ced ure value: EV ADE proc edureFIR E (nmi ss, where, reac t) ... retur n resu lt Service stub Receiv e request mes sage. Call requested procedure. Prepare res pons e mes sage. Send to client. res pons e: acknowledgment type: string value: “dest royed” Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Main prog ram ap plicati on p rotocol calle d pro ced ure RPC cl ient stu b pre sentatio n pro tocol RPC service s tub Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Main prog ram fi re (return) RPC cl ient stu b se nd_ me ssag e ap plicati on p rotocol fi re pre sentatio n pro tocol (return) RPC service s tub se nd_ me ssag e receive_ me ssag e Clie nt n etwork p ackage calle d pro ced ure tra nspo rt pro tocol receive_ me ssag e Service n etwork pa ckage Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 La ye r One A La ye r Two La ye r Thre e B J X C K D L Y Z Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 DATA L INK _SEND NETW ORK _HA NDLE B A Li nk La ye r (pk t, link2) li nk 1 li nk pro tocol C Li nk La ye r li nk 2 LT DATA LH li nk pro tocol Li nk La ye r Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 DATA NETW ORK_ SEND (s egme nt, “IP”, na p_11 97) ne twork Netw ork La yer Netw ork La yer pro tocol NT DATA NH lINK_SE ND (pa cke t, link 2) Link La yer LT NT DATA NH LH li nk 2 li nk pro tocol L INK _SEND (pa cke t, link 5) NETWOR K_HANDL E Link La yer Link La yer li nk5 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 FIR E (7, “Lu cife r”, eva de) FIR E DATA End-to-End Layer (RPC) end -to-en d End-to-End Layer (RPC) (7, “Lu cife r”, eva de) protoco l ET DATA EH Netw ork Layer Netw ork Layer Netw ork Layer NT ET DATA EH NH Link Layer Link Layer Link Layer Link Layer LT NT ET DATA EH NH LH Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 The end-to-end argument Th e app lication knows best. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Fil e Tra nsfe r Progra m (en d-to-e nd l ayer) Fil e tra nsfe r syste m Gnute lla (network la ye r) Tran sport Proto col (end -to-en d la ye r) Internet Proto col (netwo rk l ayer) Internet (lin k layer) dia led con nection (end -to-en d la ye r) tel epho ne s wi tch (netwo rk l ayer) (lin k layer) physi cal wire (l ink layer) dia l-up tel epho ne netwo rk Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 data A ready B acknowl edge Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 V 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ti me Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 A B Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureFRAME _ TO_ BIT (frame _data, le ngth) on es_ in_a _row= 0 for i from 1 to le ngth do // Firs t sen d frame c onte nts SEND _BIT (frame _data[i]); if frame _data[i] = 1 then on es_ in_a _rowon es_ in_a _row +1; if on es_ in_a _row= 6 then SEND _BIT (0); // Stuff a zero so that da ta doe sn’ t on es_ in_a _row 0; // look like a framin g marke r else on es_ in_a _row 0; for i from 1 to 7 do // Now sen d framin g marke r. SEND _BIT (1) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureBIT _ TO _FRAME (rcv d_bit) on es_ in_a _rowintegerinitially 0 if on es_ in_a _row< 6 then bits_in_frame bits_in_frame + 1 frame _data[bits_in_frame] rcv d_bit if rcv d_bit = 1 then on es_ in_a _row on es_ in_a _row+ 1 else on es_ in_a _row 0 else // This may be a s eve nth on e-bit in a row, che ck i t out. if rcv d_bit = 0 then on es_ in_a _row 0 // Stuffed b it, don 't us e it. else // This is the en d-of-fra me ma rk er LINK _R EC EIVE (frame _data, (bits_in_frame - 6), link_id) bits_in_frame 0 on es_ in_a _row 0 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Network La ye r Network pro tocol Sta ndard pro tocol High rob ustn ess pro tocol Experi mental pro tocol Li nk Layer Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Ad dress In terne t Reso luti on Ap pletalk Protoco l Protoco l Protoco l Sta ndard pro tocol High rob ustn ess pro tocol Path Ve cto r Exch ange Protoco l Experi mental pro tocol Network La ye r Li nk Layer Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 str uctureframe str ucturec hec ked_ con tents bit_string ne t_protoc ol bit_string pa yloa d bit_stringc hec ksu m // multi plex ing p aramete r // payl oad d ata pr ocedureLINK _SEND (da ta_bu ffer, link_identifier, lin k_proto col, network_p ro toco ) l frame instance ou tgoin g_frame ou tgoin g_frame .che cke d_c onten yloa d da ta_bu ffer ou tgoin g_frame .che cke d_c onten t_protoc ol da ta_bu ffer.network_p ro toco l frame _len gth LENGTH (da ta_bu ffer) + he ader_length ou tgoin g_frame .che cks um C HECK SUM (frame .che cke d_c onten ts , frame _len gth) s endp ro c link_p ro toco[tha l t_lin k.protoc ol] // Selec t lin k protoc ol. s endp ro c(ou tgoin g_frame, frame _len gth, link_identifier ) // Send fram e. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureLINK _R EC EIVE (rec eive d_frame , le ngth, link_id) frame instance rec eive d_frame if C HECK SUM (rec eive d_frame .che cke d_c onten,ts le ngth) = rec eive d_frame .che cks um then // Pas s go od pa cke ts up to nex t laye r. go od_fram e_c ountgo od_fram e_c ount+ 1; GIVE _TO _NETWORK _HANDLER (rec eive d_frame .che cke d_c onten yloa , d rec eive d_frame .che cke d_c onten t_protoc );ol else ba d_frame _co untba d_frame _co unt+ 1 // Ju st c ount d amag ed frame . // Eac h network l ayer proto col hand ler mus t caSET ll _HANDLER be fore the fi rs t pac ket // for that proto col arri ves … pr ocedureSET _HANDLER (ha ndle r_ proce dure , ha ndle r_ protoc ol ) ne t_han dler[ha ndle r_ protoc ol ] ha ndle r_ proce dure pr ocedureGIVE _TO _NETWORK _HANDLER (rec eive d_pa cke,tne two rk _protoc ol ) ha ndle r ne t_han dler[ne two rk _protoc ol] if (ha ndle r ° NULL ) call ha ndle r(rec eive d_pa cke,tne two rk _protoc ol ) else un expe cted _protoc ol_ cou nt un expe cted _protoc ol_ cou nt+ 1 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 35 netwo rk attach ment poi nt 01 07 24 33 Network 11 40 41 16 39 42 netwo rk add ress Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 struc tur epac ket bit_string so urce bit_string des tina tion bit_string end _protoc ol bit_string pay load proc edureNETWOR K _ SEND (se gmen t_buffe r, des tina tion, network_ protoc ol, end _protoc ol) pac ket instance outg oing _pac ket outg oing _pac ket.p aylo ad se gmen t_buffe r outg oing _pac ket.e nd_p ro tocoend l _protoc ol outg oing _pac ket.s ourc e MY _ NETWOR K _ADDRESS outg oing _pac ket.d estinatio n des tina tion NETWOR K _HANDLE (outg oing _pac ket , net_ protoc ol) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 proc edureNETWOR K _ HANDLE (net_ pac ket, net_ protoc ol) pac ket instance net_ pac ket if net_ pac stin ation° MY _NETWOR K _ADDRESS then nex t_hop LOOKUP (net_ pac stin ation, forwarding _table) LINK _ SEND (net_ pac ket, nex t_hop, lin k_proto col, net_ protoc ol) else GIVE _TO _END _LAYER (net_ pac yloa d , net_ pac ket.en d_proto col , net_ pac urce) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Segm ent prese nted to the netwo rk l ayer DATA Packet pres ente d to the lin k l ayer sourc e & destination end protocol DATA Fram e app earin g on the link frame netw ork sourc e & mark protocol destination end protocol DATA chec k frame sum mark Exampl e 1111111 RPC “Fire” 97142 1111111 55316 IP 41 —> 24 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 H 3 4 1 5 2 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 4 2 3 4 3 4 2 E 1 5 J 1 1 D 2 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 3 4 1 5 2 H 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 4 2 3 4 3 4 2 E 1 5 J 1 1 D 2 de stin atio n li nk A al l other en d-layer 1 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 3 4 1 5 2 H 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 4 2 3 4 3 4 2 E 1 5 J 1 1 D 2 des tina tion lin k A B C D E F G H J K 1 2 2 3 4 4 end -layer 2 3 4 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 3 4 1 5 2 H 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 4 2 3 4 3 4 2 E 1 5 J 1 1 D 2 to pa th G <> Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 3 4 1 5 2 H 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 4 2 3 4 3 4 2 E 1 5 J 1 1 D 2 Fro m A, via link 1 to pa th Fro m H, via link 2: to pa th Fro m J, via link 3: to pa th Fro m K, via link 4: to pa th A H J K <> <> <> <> Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 3 4 1 5 2 H 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 2 3 4 3 4 2 path vector 4 E 1 5 J 1 1 D 2 forward ing tabl e to path to lin k A G H J K <A> <> <H> <J> <K> A G H J K 1 end -layer 2 3 4 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 3 4 1 5 2 H 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 4 2 3 4 3 J 4 2 E 1 5 1 1 D 2 From A, via l ink 1 From H, via l ink 2: From J, via l ink 3: From K, via l ink 4: to path to path to path to path A G <> <G> B C G H J K <B> <C> <G> <> <J> <K> D E G H J K <D> <E> <G> <H> <> <K> E F G H J K <E> <F> <G> <H> <J> <> Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 B C 1 A 1 1 G sou rce 1 3 4 1 5 2 H 2 3 des tina tion 1 F 1 5 K 2 3 4 3 2 E 1 5 J 4 pa th vector 4 1 1 D 2 fo rwa rding tab le to pa th to li nk A B C D E F G H J K <A> <H, B> <H, C> <J, D> <J, E> <K, F> <> <H> <J> <K> A B C D E F G H J K 1 2 2 3 3 4 en d-layer 2 3 4 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 // Ma intai n routin g and forwa rd ing ta bles . ve ctorass ociative arr ay // ve ctor[d_ addr] co ntain s pa th to de stin ation d_ addr ne ighb or_vec tor instance of ve ctor // A path v ecto r rec eiv ed from s ome neig hbor my _vec torinstance ofve ctor // My current p ath ve ctor. ad dr ass ociative arr ay // ad dr[ j] is the ad dress of the network atta chm ent // poin t at the o ther end of lin j. k // my _add ris add re ss of my n etwork attac hme nt poi nt. // A pa th is a pa rs abl e lis t of ad dress es , e.g. {a ,b,c,d } pr ocedure ma in() // In itial ize , then s tart adv ertisi ng. SET_TYPE_HANDLER (HANDLE _ADVERTISEMENT , ex cha nge_ protoc)ol clearmy _vec tor; // Lis ten fo r a dvertis eme nts do occ asionally // and a dvertis e my paths for eac hj in link_idsdo // to all of my n eigh bors. s tatus SEND _PATH _VECTOR (j, my _add,r my _vec tor , ex ch_ protoc)ol if s tatus ° 0 then // If th e lin k was d own, clearne w_ vec tor // forget ab out an y path s FLUSH _AND _R EBUILD (j) // that s tart wi th that l ink. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedure HANDLE _ADVERTISEMENT (ad vt, li nk_i d) // Ca lled wh en an advt a rriv es. ad dr[li nk_i d] GET _SOU RC E (ad vt) // Extrac t neig hbor’s add re ss ne ighb or_vec tor GET _PATH _VECTOR (ad vt) // an d path vec tor. for eac h ne ighb or_vec tor .d_ addrdo // Loo k for bette r p aths . ne w_ pathad dr[li nk_i d], ne ighb or_vec tor [d_ addr]} // Build poten tial p ath. if my _add ris not inne w_ paththen // Skip i t if I’m in it. if my _vec tor [d_ addr] = NULL) then // Is it a n ew des tinati on? my _vec tor [d_ addr] ne w_ path // Yes , add th is o ne. else // Not new; if be tter, use it. my _vec tor [d_ addr] SELEC T _PATH (ne w_ path , my _vec tor [d_ addr]) FLUSH_AND _R EBU ILD (li nk_i d) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedure SELEC T _PATH (ne w, ol d) // De cid e if ne w p ath is bette r th an ol d one . if firs t_hop(ne w) = firs t_hop(ol d) then retur n ne w // Update any p ath we were // alread y us ing. elseif le ngth(ne w) •le ngth(ol d) then retur n ol d // We kn ow a sh orter path, k eep elser etur nne w // OK, th e new on e loo ks b etter. pr ocedure FLUSH _AND _R EBUILD (li nk_i d) // Flu sh o ut sta le pa ths from this neig hbor. for eac h my _vec tor,d_a ddr if firs t_hop(my _vec tor [d_ addr] ) = ad dr[li nk_i d] and ne w_ vec tor [d_ addr] = NULL then deletemy _vec tor [d_ addr] // De lete p aths that are n ot sti ll ad vertis ed. R EBUILD_FOR WARDING _TABLE (my _vec tor , ad dr) // Pas s in fo to forwarder. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 regi on R1 R1.B 1 R1.A 2 3 regi on R2 forward ing tabl e in R1.B regi on forwardin g sectio n R1.C R1.D R3.C to lin k R1 R2 R3 R4 local 1 1 3 local forwardi ng sectio n to lin k R1.A 1 R1.B end -layer R1.C 2 R1.D 3 regi on R3 regi on R4 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 receiver sen der sen d fi rst s egme nt seg ment 1 tim e accep t se gmen t 1 receive ACK, sen d se con d se gmen t ACK 1 seg ment 2 accep t se gmen t 2 receive ACK, sen d th ird s egme nt ACK 2 3 (repe at N times ) • • • N accep t se gmen t N ACK N Done. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 sen der sen d se gmen t 1 sen d se gmen t 2 sen d se gmen t 3 receive ACK 1 receive ACK 2 receiver seg ment 1 2 3 ack 1 ack 2 (repe at N times ) • • • tim e ackno wl edge seg ment 1 ackno wl edge seg ment 2 N ackno wl edge seg ment N ack N receive ACK N, don e. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 se nder receiver ma y I se nd? receive permi ssio n, se nd s egme nt 1 se nd s egme nt 2 se nd s egme nt 3 se nd s egme nt 4 receive ACK 1 receive ACK 2 receive ACK 3 receive ACK 4, wait … receive permi ssio n, se nd s egme nt 5 se nd s egme nt 6 ti me yes, 4 s egme nts receive reque st, op en a 4-se gmen t wind ow se gmen t #1 ack # 1 ack # 2 ack # 3 ack # 4 #2 #3 #4 bu ffer bu ffer bu ffer bu ffer se nd 4 more se gmen t #5 #6 • • • segm ent 1 segm ent 2 segm ent 3 segm ent 4 fi nish ed p roce ssin g se gmen ts 1 –4, reope n th e wind ow bu ffer segm ent 5 bu ffer segm ent 6 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 unl imited re source ca pacity of a li mite d reso urce use ful work don e lim ited reso urce with no was te co nges tion co llap se offered load Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 duplic ate acknow ledgment rec eived multiplic ative decreas e additive increas e delay Window size slow s tart, again timer ex pires , stop sending slow s tart Time Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 le ader 64 bits de stin atio n 48 bits so urce 48 bits type 16 bits da ta 36 8 to 12,000 bits checksu m 32 bits Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 17 24 12 05 19 Sta tion Id enti fier (Eth ernet Ad dress ) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureETHERNET _HANDLE (ne t_packet, le ngth) de stin ation ne t_packet.targe t_id if de stin ation = my _sta tion_ idor de stin ation = GIVE _TO _END _LAYER (ne t_packet.d ata , ne t_packet.e nd_p ro toco, l ne t_packet.source_id ) else ig nore pa cke t BROADC AST _ID then Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 L work statio n up per-la ye r netwo rk a ddres s li nk iden tifi er M N P Q work work work statio n se rve r statio n statio n 1 1 17 1 15 18 1 1 14 22 G K rou ter … 6 19 1 2 3 4 5 H J E F Eth ernet Eth ernet sta tion ide ntifier Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 L work statio n up per-la ye r netwo rk a ddres s li nk iden tifi er M N P Q work work work statio n se rve r statio n statio n 1 1 17 1 15 18 1 1 14 22 G K rou ter … 6 19 1 2 3 4 5 H J E F Eth ernet Eth ernet sta tion ide ntifier in terne t ad dress Eth ernet/ statio n M N P Q K E en et/1 5 en et/1 8 en et/1 4 en et/2 2 en et/1 9 en et/1 9 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 L work statio n up per-la ye r netwo rk a ddres s li nk iden tifi er M N P Q work work work statio n se rve r statio n statio n 1 1 17 1 15 18 1 1 14 22 G K rou ter … 6 19 1 2 3 4 5 H J E F Eth ernet Eth ernet sta tion ide ntifier internet add ress M Ethe rnet/ sta tion ene t/15 in terne t ad dress M E Eth ernet/ statio n en et/1 5 en et/1 9 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009