Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 proc edureTRANSFER (deb it_ac co unt, cred it_ac co unt, amo unt) GET dbd ata, de bit_a cc ount dbd ata dbd ata - amo unt PUT (dbd ata, deb it_ac co unt ) GET crda ta, cred it_ac co unt crda ta crda ta + amo unt PUT (crda ta, cred it_ac co unt ) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Human use r gen erati ng requ ests Interface Typical instruction across this interface Calen dar m anag er layer inte rface Add new e ve nt o n Feb ruary 27 Ja va lan guag e layer inte rface nextch = ins tring [j]; Calen dar Progra m Ja va Interpreter Mach ine lang uage layer inte rface add R1,R2 hard wa re Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 All-or-nothing atomicity A s e que nce of ste ps is an all-or-nothing actionif, fr om the point of vie w of its invoke r, the se que nce always e ithe r completes , or aborts in such a way that it appe ars that the se que nce had ne ve r be e n unde rtake n in the first place . That bac is, itks out. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Before-or-after atomicity Concurre nt actions hav e thebefore-or-after property if their effect om fr the point of view of their inv okers is the same as if the actions occurr ed eithercompletely befor e or completely after one another . Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureTRANSFER (r efer encede bit_a ccount, r efer encecre dit_a ccount, am ount) de bit_a ccount de bit_a ccount- am ount cre dit_a ccount cre dit_a ccount+ am ount TRANSFER (A, B, $1 0) TRANSFER (B, C, $2 5) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Thre ad # 2 (deb it_ac co untis B) 2–1 R EAD B . . . 2–2 WR ITE B Thre ad # 1 (cred it_ac co untis B) 1–1 R EAD B . . . 1–2 WR ITE B co rrect resu lt: ca se 1 : Thre ad # 1: R EAD B Thre ad # 2: Val ue o f B: 100 ca se 2 : Thre ad # 1: Thre ad # 2: R EAD B Val ue o f B: 100 wrong resul ts: ca se 3 : Thre ad # 1: READ B Thre ad # 2: Val ue o f B: 100 ca se 4 : Thre ad # 1: READ B Thre ad # 2: Val ue o f B: 100 tim e WRITE B READ B WR ITE B 110 85 READ WRITE B WR ITE B B 75 85 WRITE REA D B B WR ITE B 110 R EAD B W RITE 75 WR ITE B B 75 ca se 5 : Thre ad # 1: Thre ad # 2: REA D B Val ue o f B: 100 REA D ca se 6 : Thre ad # 1: Thre ad # 2: REA D B Val ue o f B: 100 R EAD B WR ITE 110 B WR ITE B 110 B 75 W RITE W RITE B B 75 110 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 ol d system state a cti on ne w system state actio n #1 ol d system actio n #2 state ne w system state actio n #3 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 AA# 3 AA #2 AA #1 fin al sta te A AA# 3 AA #2 old syste m sta te AA #2 AA# 3 AA# 1 fin al sta te B fin al sta te C Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureAUDIT () sum 0 for each W in ba nk.acco unts sum sum + W.b alan ce if (sum ° 0) call for inv estigatio n // i n thread 2 // TRANSFER , in thread 1 de bit_a ccount de bit_a ccount - am ount … … AUDIT cre dit_a ccount cre dit_a ccount+ am ount … () Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Atomicity An action isatomic if there is no way for a higher layer to discover the intern structure of its implementation . Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureALMOST _ALL _OR_NOTHING _PUT (da ta, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto)r C AR EFU L _PUT (da ta, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto.S1) r C AR EFU L _PUT (da ta, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto.S2) r // Co mmit p oint. C AR EFU L _PUT (da ta, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto.S3) r pr ocedureALL _OR _NOTHING _GET (r efer enceda ta, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto)r C AR EFU L _GET (da ta1, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto.S1 r ) C AR EFU L _GET (da ta2, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto.S2 r ) C AR EFU L _GET (da ta3, al l_or_n othin g_s ecto.S3 r ) if da ta1 = da ta2 then da ta da ta1 // Return ne w v alue . else da ta da ta3 // Return ol d val ue. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureALL _OR _NOTHING _PUT (da ta, all_or_n othin g_s ecto)r C HECK _AND _R EPAIR (all_or_n othin g_s ecto)r ALMOST _ALL _OR_NOTHING _ PUT (da ta, all_or_n othin g_s ecto )r pr ocedureC HECK _AND _R EPAIR (all_or_n othin g_s ecto)// r Ens ure co pies matc h. C AR EFUL _GET (da ta1, all_or_n othin g_s ecto.S1 r ) C AR EFUL _GET (da ta2, all_or_n othin g_s ecto.S2 r ) C AR EFUL _GET (da ta3, all_or_n othin g_s ecto.S3 r ) if (da ta1 = da ta2) and (da ta2 = da ta3) r etur n // State 1 o r 7 , no repa ir if (da ta1 = da ta2) C AR EFUL _PUT (da ta1, all_or_n othin g_s ecto.S3 r ) r etur n // State 5 o r 6 . if (da ta2 = da ta3) C AR EFUL _PUT (da ta2, all_or_n othin g_s ecto.S1 r ) r etur n // State 2 o r 3 . C AR EFUL _PUT (da ta1, all_or_n othin g_s ecto.S2) r // State 4, g o to s tate 5 C AR EFUL _PUT (da ta1, all_or_n othin g_s ecto.S3) r // State 5, g o to s tate 7 da ta sta te: s ecto r S1 s ecto r S2 s ecto r S3 1 ol d ol d ol d 2 ba d ol d ol d 3 ne w ol d ol d 4 ne w ba d ol d 5 ne w ne w ol d 6 ne w ne w ba d 7 ne w ne w ne w Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 __ _ __ _ __ _ begin all- or- nothing ac tion __ _ __ _ __ _ arbi tra ry seq uenc e of __ _ lo we r-la yer ac tions __ _ end all- or- nothing ac tion __ _ __ _ __ _ } Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ firs t step of all-o r-no thing action } Pr e-commit disc ipline : ca n bac k ou t, le avin g no trac e Com m it p oint } Post- commit discipline : co mple tion is in evita ble la st s tep of a ll-or-nothing ac tion Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 The golden rule of atomicity Nev er modify the o nly copy ! Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Va riabl e A: 7 20 5 29 History of earli er versi ons 11 2 14 16 Te ntative ne xt versio n Curren t versi on Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 All -or-nothing Jo urnal Stora ge System NEW_A CTION REA D Cell Storag e System R EAD _C UR RENT _VA LU E W RITE WR ITE _NEW _VA LU E Jo urnal Stora ge Manag er – cata logs AL LOC ATE COM MIT DEAL L OCATE – vers ions – o utcome records AB ORT Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 al l-or-no thin g actio n commi ts no n-existent commi tted pe ndin g ne w all-o r-noth ing actio n is create d al l-or-no thin g actio n ab orts di sca rded ab orted ou tco me re cord state no l onge r of any i ntere st Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureNEW _ACTION () id NEW _OUTCOME _R EC OR D () id .outc ome_ re cord.s tate PENDING r etur n id pr ocedureC OMM IT (r efer enceid) id .outc ome_ re cord.s tate C OMM ITTED pr ocedureABOR T (r efer enceid) id .outc ome_ re cord.s tate ABOR TED Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Object A value : 7 all -or-nothing 03 action id: 110 1: co mmitted 24 15 110 1 142 3 142 3: abo rted 75 179 4 179 4: pen ding outcom e records Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureR EAD _C UR RENT _VALUE (da ta_id , caller_id) star ting at end of da ta_id r epeat until beginning v pr eviousve rs ion of da ta_id // Ge t next o lder ve rs ion a v.a ctio n_id // Id entify the ac tiona tha t create d it s a.o utco me_rec ord.s tate // Ch eck acti ona’s outc ome re cord if s = C OMM ITTED then r etur n lue else skip v // Co ntinu e bac kward s earch signal (“Tried to re ad an unin itial ize d varia ble!”) pr ocedureWR ITE _NEW _VALUE (r efer enceda ta_id, ne w_ valu e, ca ller_id ) if c alle r_ id.ou tcom e_rec ord .s tate = PENDING append new version v to da ta_id v.v alue ne w_ valu e v.a ctio n_id c alle r_ id else s ignal(“Tried to write outs ide o f an al l-or-n othin g ac tion!”) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureTRANSFER (r efer encede bit_a cc ount, r efer encec re dit_a cc ount, am ount) my _id NEW _ ACTION () xv alue R EAD _C UR RENT _VALUE (de bit_a cc ount, m y_id) xv alue xv alue - am ount WR ITE _ NEW _VALUE (de bit_a cc ount, xv alue , my_id ) yv alue R EAD _C UR RENT _VALUE (c re dit_a cc ount, m y_id) yv alue yv alue + am ount WR ITE _ NEW _VALUE (c re dit_a cc ount , yv alue , my_id) if xv alue > 0 then C OMM IT (my _id) else ABOR T (my _id) signal(“Negati ve trans fers a re not al lowed.”) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Jo urnal Stora ge Log log WRITE _NEW_V AL UE ins tall cu rrent end of log Cell Stora ge R EAD _CUR RENT _VA LUE Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Vo lati le s torag e In -memo ry data base : Ordin ary databas e: High -perfo rmance da taba se: Ap plicati on pro gram Non-vol atil e storage lo g cell storage Ap plicati on pro gram lo g cell storage Ap plicati on pro gram lo g cell storage cach e Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Write-ahead-log protocol Log the updatebefore installing it. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureTRANSFER (de bit_a cc ount, c re dit_a cc ount, am ount) my _id LOG ( BEGIN _TRANSAC TION ) db valu e.old GET (de bit_a cc ount) db valu w db valu e.old- am ount c rv alue .old GET (c re dit_a cc ount, m y_id) c rv alue .new c rv alue .old + am ount LOG ( C HANGE , my _id, “ PUT (de bit_a cc ount, db valu”, //re do ac tion “ PUT (de bit_a cc ount, db valu e.old)” ) //undo action LOG ( C HANGE , my _id, “ PUT (c re dit_a cc ount, c rv alue .new)” //re do ac tion “ PUT (c re dit_a cc ount, c rv alue .old)”) //undo action PUT (de bit_a cc ount, db valu ) // ins tall PUT (c re dit_a cc ount , c rv alue .new) // ins tall if db valu > 0 then LOG ( OUTCOME , C OMM IT , my _id) else LOG (OUTCOME , ABOR T , my _id) signal(“Actio n not a llowed . Would mak e deb it ac cou nt neg ative .”) LOG ( END _TRANSAC TION , my _id) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 typ e: C HANGE action _id: 99 79 … redo _action: PUT (de bit_a ccount, $9 0) un do_a ctio n: PUT (de bit_a ccount,$1 20) ol der l og re cord s typ e: OUTCOME action _id: 99 74 status: COMM ITTED typ e: CHANGE action _id: 99 79 redo _action: PUT (cre dit_a ccount , $4 0) un do_a ctio n: PUT (cre dit_a ccount , $1 0) ne we r log records Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureABOR T (ac tion _id) star ting at end of lo g r epeat until beginning lo g_rec ord pr evious rec ord of lo g if lo g_rec ac tion _id then if (lo g_rec ord.type= OUTCOME ) then signal (“Ca n’t ab ort an al re ady c omp leted acti on.”) if (lo g_rec ord.type= C HANGE ) then per for mun do_a ctio nof lo g_rec ord if (lo g_rec ord.type= BEGIN ) then break r epeat LOG (ac tion _id, OUTCOME , ABOR TED ) // Bloc k future u ndos . LOG (ac tion _id, END ) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureR EC OVER ()// Reco very proc edu re for a vol atile , in-mem ory data bas e. winn ers NULL star ting at end of lo g r epeat until beginning lo g_rec ord pr evious rec ord of lo g if (lo g_rec ord.type= OUTCOME ) then winn ers winn ers + lo g_rec ord // Set add ition . star ting at beginning of lo g r epeat until end lo g_rec ord next rec ord oflo g if (lo g_rec ord.type= C HANGE ) and (ou tcom e_rec ord find (lo g_rec tion_ id)in winn ers) and (ou tcom e_rec ord.sta tus= C OMM ITTED ) then per for mlo g_rec ord.redo _ac tion Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureR EC OVER ()// Reco very proc edu re for non-vo latil e ce ll me mory c ompl eteds NULL lo sers NULL star ting at end of lo g r epeat until beginning lo g_rec ord pr evious rec ord of lo g if (lo g_rec ord.type= END ) then c ompl eteds c ompl eteds + lo g_rec ord // Set add ition . if (lo g_rec tion_ idis not in c ompl eteds) then lo sers lo sers + lo g_rec ord // Add if n ot alrea dy in set. if (lo g_rec ord.type= C HANGE ) then per for mlo g_rec ord.und o_ac tion star ting at beginning of lo g r epeat until end lo g_rec ord next rec ord oflo g if (lo g_rec ord.type= C HANGE ) and (lo g_rec tion_ id. s tatus = C OMM ITTED ) then per for mlo g_rec ord.redo_ acti on for eac hlo g_rec ordin lo sers do log (lo g_rec tion_ id , END ) // Show ac tion c omp leted . Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureR EC OVER () // Reco very proc edu re for ro llba ck rec ove ry . c ompl eteds NULL lo sers NULL star ting at end of lo g r epeat until beginning // Perform un do s can . lo g_rec ord pr evious rec ord of lo g if (lo g_rec ord.type= OUTCOME ) then c ompl eteds c ompl eteds + lo g_rec ord // Set add ition . if (lo g_rec tion_ idis not in c ompl eteds) then lo sers lo sers + lo g_rec ord // New los er. if (lo g_rec ord.type= C HANGE ) then per for mlo g_rec ord.und o_ac tion for eac hlo g_rec ordin lo sers do log (lo g_rec tion_ id , OUTCOME , ABOR T ) // Bloc k future u ndos . Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureBEGIN _TRANSAC TION () id NEW _OUTCOME _R EC OR D ( PENDING ) // Crea te, initialize, a ssign id . prev ious_id id – 1 wait until prev ious_id .outcome_ re cord.state ° PENDING r etur n id Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 valu e of obj ect at end of transa cti on Obje ct 1 2 A 0 +1 0 B 0 -10 C 0 D 0 ou tco me record state 3 4 +1 2 6 0 -6 -12 -4 +2 -2 -2 Comm itte d Comm itte d Comm itte d Ab orted trans acti on 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 5 ini tiali ze trans fer trans fer trans fer trans fer trans fer Comm itte d Pen ding a ll ac co unts to0 10 fromB to A 4 fromC to B 2 fromD to A (aborts ) 6 fromB to C 10 fromA to B Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Obje ct 1 OU TC OME record state 2 Va lue of o bject a t en d of tran saction 3 6 4 5 7 A 0 +1 0 +1 0 +1 2 +1 2 0 0 B 0 -10 -6 -6 -12 -2 -2 C 0 0 -4 -4 +2 +2 +2 D 0 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 Comm itte d Comm itte d Comm itte d Ab orted Comm itte d Pen ding Pen ding Unchang ed val ue Chan ged va lue Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureR EAD _C UR RENT _VALUE (da ta_id, this_tran saction _id) star ting at end ofda ta_id r epeat until beginning v pr eviousve rsion of da ta_id la st_m odifier v.a ctio n_id if la st_m odifier • this_tran saction _idthen skip v // Keep searching wait until (la st_m odifier.outcome_ re cord.state ° PENDING ) if (la st_m odifier.outcome_ re cord.state = C OMM ITTED ) then r etur n v.state else skip v // Resu me search signal (“Tried to re ad an unin itialize d varia ble”) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureNEW _VERSION (r efer enceda ta_id, thi s_tran sac tion _id) if thi s_tran sac tion _id.o utco me_rec rk _sta te = MAR KED then signal (“Tried to create new vers ion a fter anno unc ing m ark poi nt!”) append new version v to da ta_id v.v alue NULL v.a ctio n_id trans ac tion_ id pr ocedureWR ITE _VALUE (r efer enceda ta_id, ne w_ valu e, thi s_tran sac tion _id) star ting at end of da ta_id r epeat until beginning v pr eviousve rs ion of da ta_id if v.a ctio n_id = thi s_tran sac tion _id v.v alue ne w_ valu e r etur n signal (“Tried to write wi thout c reatin g new ve rs ion !”)) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureBEGIN _TRANSAC TION () id NEW _OUTCOME _R EC OR D (PENDING ) prev ious_id id - 1 wait until (prev ious_id .outcome_ re cord.m ark_state = or (prev ious_id .outcome_ re cord.state ° PENDING ) r etur n id MAR KED ) pr ocedureNEW _OUTCOME _R EC OR D (starting_ state) ACQUIRE (ou tcom e_record_lo ck ) // Ma ke thi s a b efore-or-after action. id TIC KET (ou tcom e_record_seque nce) r allocateid .outcome_ re cord id .outcome_ re cord.state starting_ state id .outcome_ re cord.m ark_state NULL R ELEASE (ou tcom e_record_lo ck ) r etur n id pr ocedureMAR K _POINT _ANNOUNC E (r efer encethis_tran saction _id) this_tran saction _id.o utco rk _sta te MAR KED Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureTRANSFER (r efer encede bit_a cc ount, r efer encec re dit_a cc ount, am ount) my _id BEGIN _TRANSAC TION () NEW _VERSION (de bit_a cc ount , my _id) NEW _VERSION (c re dit_a cc ount , my _id) MAR K_POINT _ANNOUNC E (my _id); xv alue R EAD _C UR RENT _VALUE (de bit_a cc ount, my _id) xv alue xv alue - am ount WR ITE_VALUE (de bit_a cc ount , xv alue, my _id) yv alue R EAD _C UR RENT _VALUE (c re dit_a cc ount, my _id) yv alue yv alue + am ount WR ITE_VALUE (c re dit_a cc ount , yv alue, my _id) if xv alue > 0 then C OMM IT (my _id) else ABOR T (my _id) signal(“Negati ve trans fers a re not al lowed.”) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Va lue of o bject a t en d of tran saction A 1 2 0 +1 0 3 4 5 +1 2 HWM=2 B C 0 HWM=2 HWM=6 -10 H WM=3 0 -6 -4 HWM=3 D 0 H WM=5 H WM=5 -12 H WM=6 6 7 0 +2 HWM=7 -2 +2 -2 H WM=7 HWM=4 -4 Comm itte d Comm itte d Comm itte d Ab orted Comm itte d Pen ding Pen ding Outcome state record HWM= Conflict: Mus t ab ort! High -wa ter m ark Conflict Chan ged va lue Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureR EAD _C UR RENT _VALUE (r efer enceda ta_id, va lue, c alle r_ id) star ting at end of da ta_id r epeatuntil beginning v pr eviousve rs ion of da ta_id if v.a ctio n_id • c alle r_ id then skip v examinev.a ctio n_id .outc ome_ re cord if PENDING then WAIT for v.a ctio n_id to C OMM IT or ABOR T if C OMM ITTED then v.h igh_ wa ter_mark max(v.h igh_ wa ter_mark, c alle r_ id) r etur n v.v alue else skip v // Co ntinu e bac kward s earch signal (“Tried to re ad an unin itial ize d varia ble!”) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureNEW _VERSION (r efer enceda ta_id, calle r_ id) if (calle r_ id < da ta_id .high _water_ma rk ) // Co nflict with la ter re ader. or (calle r_ id < (LATEST _VERSION [da ta_id].action _id)) // Blind write con flict. then ABOR T this transaction a ndterminate this thread ad d new ve rsionv at e nd of da ta_id lue 0 v.a ctio n_id calle r_ id pr ocedureWR ITE _VALUE (r efer enceda ta_id, ne w_ valu e, calle r_ id) locate ve rsionv of da ta_id .historysuc h that v.a ctio n_id = calle r_ id (if no t found ,signal (“Tried to write without creatin g new ve rsion !”)) v.v alue ne w_ valu e Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 architectural ph ys ica l in structio n reg iste r reg iste r n R5 42 n+ 1 R4 61 n+ 2 R5 29 0 th ree e ntrie s in the reord er bu ffer 12 7 ph ys ica l reg iste r fil e with 128 regi sters n R5 R4 R2 n + 1 R4 R5 + R1 n + 2 R5 READ (117492) // Write a result in register five . // Use result in register five . // Write content of a me mory cell in register five . Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 proc edurePAY _INTER EST (refer enceac cou nt) if ac cou nt.bal anc e> 0 then inte re st = ac cou nt.bal anc e* 0.0 5 TRANSFER (ban k, ac cou nt, inte re st) else inte re st = ac cou nt.bal anc e* 0.1 5 TRANSFER (ac cou nt, ban k, inte re st) proc edureMONTH _END _INTER EST :() for A each cu stom er_ac cou ntdo PAY _INTER EST (A) Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 MONTH _END _INTERES T ou tco me: su perio r: PAY _INTERES T1 ou tco me: su perio r: su perio r: no ne PAY _INTERES T 2 (1st i nvo cation ) ou tco me: COM MITTED MO NTH _END _INTER EST su perio r: (2n d in vocati on) PENDING M ONTH_END _INTERES T TR ANSFER2 TR ANSFER1 ou tco me: PENDING ou tco me: COM MITTED PA Y _INTER EST su perio r: PENDING PA Y _INTER EST 2 1 OK fo r TR ANSFER 2 to rea d? creato r: TRA NS FE R1 ne we st vers ion of acco unt ba nk Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Fro m: Alice To : Bob Re: my tra nsa ctio n 91 if (C harles doe s Yand Dawn do es Z)then do X, please. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Fro m:Alice To : Bob Re: my tra nsa ctio n 271 Pleas e do X a s pa rt o f my trans ac tion. Fro m:Bob To : Alice Re: yo ur tra nsa ctio n 271 My pa rt X is read y to c ommit. Two-ph ase -c omm it mes sa ge #1: Fro m:Alice To : Bob Re: my tra nsa ctio n 271 PREPARE to c omm it X. Two-ph ase -c omm it mes sa ge #2: Fro m:Bob To :Alice Re: yo ur tra nsa ctio n 271 I am PREPARED to c omm it my p art. Have y ou de cid ed to c omm it yet? Two-ph ase -c omm it mes sa ge #3 Fro m:Alice To :Bob Re: my tra nsa ctio n 271 My trans ac tion c omm itted. T hank s for yo ur help . Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 Coord inator Al ice Wo rker Bob Wo rker Charl es Wo rker Dawn lo g B EGIN PREPA RE X PREPA RE Y PR EPARE Z lo g B EGIN Bob is PR EPARE D lo g PREPA RED Charl es i s PR EPAR ED Dawn i s PR EPAR ED Ti me lo g C OMMITTED C OMM IT COM MIT COMM IT lo g C OMMITTED Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 From :Juliu s C aes ar To:Titu s Labie nus Date:11 Jan uary I propos e to c ross the Ru bic on an d attac k at d awn tomo rrow. OK? From :Titu s Labie nus To:Juliu s C aes ar; Date:11 Jan uary Agreed , dawn on the 12 th. or From :Titu s Labie nus To: Juliu s C aes ar Date:11 Jan uary No. I am a wa iting reinfo rc eme nts from Ga ul. From :Juliu s C aes ar To:Titu s Labie nus Date:11 Jan uary The die i s c ast. Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009 pr ocedureALL _OR _NOTHING _DUR ABLE _GET (r efer enceda ta, ato mic _se ctor) ds C AR EFU L _ GET (da ta, ato mic _se ctor.D0) if ds = BAD then ds C AR EFU L _GET (da ta, ato mic _se ctor.D 1) r etur n ds pr ocedureALL _OR _NOTHING _DUR ABLE _PUT (ne w_ data, ato mic _se ctor) SALVAGE (ato mic _se ctor) ds C AR EFU L _ PUT (ne w_ data, ato mic _se ctor.D0) ds C AR EFU L _ PUT (ne w_ data, ato mic _se ctor.D1) r etur n ds pr ocedureSALVAGE (ato mic _se ctor) //Run thi s prog ra m eve ryTd s eco nds . ds0 C AR EFU L _GET (da ta0, ato mic _se ctor.D 0) ds1 C AR EFU L _GET (da ta1, ato mic _se ctor.D 1) if ds 0 = BAD then C AR EFU L _PUT (da ta1, ato mic _se ctor.D 0) else if ds1 = BAD then C AR EFU L _PUT (da ta0, ato mic _se ctor.D 1) if da ta0 ° da ta1 then C AR EFU L _PUT (da ta0, ato mic _se ctor.D 1) D0: data0 D1 : data1 Principles of Computer System Design Saltzer & Kaashoek 2009