Embedding e-Science within the White Rose Universities and Our Region Professor Jie Xu Outline • • • • • WRG: History and Background WRG: Organisational Structure WRG: System Deployment and Operations The WRG e-Science Centre Research Successes: a) Industrial applications b) International collaboration c) Support for e-Social Science • Challenges and Lessons Learnt • The Way Forward: Urgent and important issues E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG: History • 2000: The three WR Universities decided to combine their computing resources using emerging Grid technology • 2001: A joint procurement of equipment with £2.8M SRIF1 investment undertaken • 2002: The White Rose Grid (WRG) formally launched (JX joined from Durham in 2003) • In the following years further funding from the Universities and other sources made it possible to update all facilities - in total so far over £9.1M, generating e-Science research projects to the value of £10.7M by 2007; £2.5M in 2008 • The White Rose Grid is one of the projects running under auspices of the White Rose University Consortium (WRUC), which is a strategic partnership between Leeds, Sheffield and York – their VCs and Pro-VCs as the key WRUC members E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG Executive Board • The White Rose Grid was setup by the WRG Executive Board • The Board: Profs P Jimack (PM Dew, KW Brodlie) and J Xu from Leeds, P Fleming from Sheffield, and J Austin from York Drs Julian White (WRUC CEO), J Schmidt, T Jackson (2007) • Excellent partnership with Computing Services • Partners: Esteem Systems in conjunction with Sun Microsystems & Streamline Computing • Recently Craig Walker has joined WRUC as a Project Development Manager responsible for developing and facilitating White Rose projects, and supporting staff from all three institutions in new collaborations E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG: Organisation • The White Rose Grid Executive Board used to meet every 6-8 weeks; now every 4-5 months • The White Rose Grid e-Science Centre meets every 2 weeks (Access Grid & face-to-face meetings) Leeds: Jie Xu, Joanna Schmidt, Shiv Kaushal Sheffield: Peter Fleming, Mike Griffiths York: Jim Austin, Aaron Turner, Mark Hewitt • The White Rose Technical Team includes staff operating WRG systems - Information Systems Services (ISS) at Leeds, Corporate Information and Computing Services (CICS) at Sheffield, and CS at York. This team meets every 3 months • e-Science Research Projects PIs and their staff (e.g. Virtual Vellum – Prof P Ainsworth) E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG: Operations • WRG activities are supported by a mixture of service and research staff, with a complementary combination of skills for the development, implementation and support of our Grid • The Grid technology research element is led by Computer Scientists (Leeds, York) whereas the necessary operational skills are drawn from the Computing Service pool of expertise (Leeds, Sheffield) required to support day-to-day service on the WRG • Technical directions are agreed at our WRG Technical Team meetings which are chaired by Leeds ISS manager (S Chidlow) and include members of the Computing Services, computer scientists as well as the current e-Science Centre manager • Operational issues are resolved by working jointly within the smaller relevant teams E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG: Resources • Our distinct approach for building the White Rose Grid was to bring together the provision of HPC services and the emerging Grid technologies • In parallel with Grid technologies the WRG offers HPC services for our researchers • All WRG computational resources are divided into two pools: 20% are allocated by the WRG Executive to Grid-enable applications, Grid middleware development, projects of a collaborative nature, or projects requiring access to a resource at a remote site • The remaining 80% are controlled by local sites and are used to support more traditional local high performance computing E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Usage of WRG • WRG facilities are used by a large number of users from a broad range of disciplines. (The graph shows the usage by subject area - the cross site use of resources is low, though new cross site users are continuously being registered) Physics Grid middleware & tools E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG e-Science Centre • • • • • • • User Support, Training and Education Research Training Programme at Sheffield (M.Griffiths, D Savaz) Workshops e.g. Taverna Worksflows, the e-Science Collaborative Workshop with the Digital Curation Centre Seminars e.g. Prof Malcolm Atkinson – a lot of interest, well attended seminar; WR Research On-line repository seminar User group activities at York Collaboration with Other e-Science Centres Long-term collaboration with Newcastle, NEReSC Collaboration with other e-Science Centres e.g. Oxford e-Research Centre on our EC AssessGrid project, potentially might benefit NGS Support for NGS Leeds operates one of the nodes of the NGS. Both Sheffield and York are affiliates in NGS E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Application Portals • The Centre investigates the provision of an application portal that simplifies access to user software applications at Sheffield. We have evaluated the EngineFrame portal (an evaluation report available now) • We have also evaluated the P-Grade portal and decided to install it on a system at York and to offer a prototype service for our users (this is now being implemented) • We are also looking at the EASA portal to broaden out this service (set of applications) to a larger number of users at Sheffield (e.g. Chemical and Process Eng, Electrical and Electronic Eng, Mechanical Eng, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences) E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Successes • Outcomes of our e-Science and Grid research projects e.g. DAME, BROADEN, g-Viz, e-Viz, CoLaB, e-Demand, CARMEN, Virtual Vellum, MoSeS, GENeSIS, NECTISE • Established working multi-campus production Grid (WRG); users have access to a larger pool of resources and expertise • Developed the ability (trust, community, mechanisms) to collaborate effectively across the WR universities in support of e-Research • Linkage with industrial partners e.g. Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems • Productive engagement with international communities • Support to NGS; outreach with NGS technologies to White Rose communities and beyond e.g. Bradford University • Courses, seminars and workshops on Grids and HPC • White Rose Grid application portals (improved integration with Sheffield Grid node) E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Industrial Applications • The EPSRC-funded DAME project (Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment) was the first major collaboration between the WR univs, which led to the DTI BROADEN project constructing a Rolls-Royce pilot Grid as a proving ground for utilising Grid services • CARMAN is developing a distributed computer system that will enable neuroscientists to analyse, store and share their data across the UK • NECTISE is a five year £9.3M EPSRC/BAES System Engineering project aims to advance Grid/Network-Enabled Capability (2005 – 09) E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 International Collaboration App App App App App App App App App App Application layer Rich Client Framework Portals Scheduler Set Event Query info RLDS PDE CROWNFIT RLDS CROWN Designer RLDS Resource RLDS RLDS Eclipse RLDS Generate register to... WfS S register to... S S FT-Grid ATN Service GridMPA Monitor JDT Sec FT-Grid S Workflow Engine FT-Grid Node Server Install / Config Sec Node Server ATN Service Install / Config GridMPA Node Server ATN Service GridMPA Install / Config PC Cluster front end Device Host Resources Cluster nodes Devices E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 PreServ Provenance • The EPSRC CoLaB project (2006 -09) provides support for Collaboration between Leeds and Beihang (China). The key outcome is the production quality Grid middleware CROWN-C, which features specific dependability enhancements for the development and assessment of highassurance service-oriented systems • AssessGrid (EC, 2006 – 09) addresses obstacles of the wide adoption of Grids by bringing risk management and assessment to this field • Also started collaboration with Clemson University to exchange expertise and share resources through Globus Sec Middleware layer Resource layer e-Social Science • IBHIS is a joint EPSRC project for healthcare information integration from distributed sources (2003 – 05) • The ESRC-funded MoSeS (Modelling and Simulation for e-Social Science) project was performed in the National e-Social Science Centre’s node at Leeds (2005 – 08) • GENeSIS (Generative e-Social Science or MoSeS 2) is our latest ESRC e-Social Science project with Geography, Dr Mark Birkin, and UCL for a multidisciplinary collaboration (2008 – 11) E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Key Challenges Technological • Those associated with innovative technologies (e.g. immaturity of software/middleware, poor usability, lack of documentation, steep learning curve, individual products rather than an integrated environment) • Integration - embedding the use of new tools into the forthcoming virtual research environment (York) • VO management (e.g. user registration) Organisational • Geographically distributed teams (e.g. technical team) • Crossing organisational boundaries • Overcoming local historical dependencies User Community • Sustaining and growing user community • Building user trust to new technologies e.g. digital certificates • Decreasing funding and thus decreasing interest in e-Science E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Key Failures • Not enough success in making e-Science omnipresent • Grid Middleware and Tools – Lack of tools for use on the Grid e.g. still need to manually register users; no tools for user authorisation & accounting across Grid – Market for computational resources? – Lack of readily deployable software that enables users to access all Grid resources through a simple API or Portal – Difficulties with using national X509 based certification • e-Science Applications – Lack of software licensing for Grids – Difficult to run applications on the Grid E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Lessons 1 • • • • • • Geographically Distributed Teams: Frequent meetings demand regular travelling (using both Access Grid meetings and face-to-face meetings) Large Team: Very large number of technical staff involved lengthened the decision process in all aspects of the project Human Interaction: The project has crossed organisational boundaries and any interaction problem has to be managed by clearly defining members’ responsibilities Trust and Ownership: Questions of ownership and trust are regularly posed (e.g. procurement process and equipment location) Reaching Agreement: Real difficulty in getting agreement over issues and priorities between institutions in a VO (e.g. open goals vs deliverables) Effective Communication: Crucial for the continuing success of the WRG (e.g. academic and technical staff governed by different management models) E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Lessons 2 • • • • WRG equipment is continuously being upgraded Beowulf Type Systems: Consideration should be given to the substantial amount of space, air conditioning power and electrical power required so that they can be installed within the planned time-scale Joint Procurement: Offered value for money and helped to form a close working Grid support team but additional significant resources were required to coordinate and agree the very large procurement Separate procurements: Much easier to handle by individual sites though they must ensure that the procured systems will couple using Grid technologies fEC Sustainable Model for WRG Support: Models being developed separately. At Leeds based on a scientific case and business plan the University approved funding £1M every 2 years towards HPC (5 faculties pay each £200K every 2 years towards HPC). Leeds is currently engaged in procurement of HPC equipment E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Lessons 3 • • • • • • • Lessons learned from operating the WRG: Support of the Grid requires a larger support team than the combined number of staff supporting services at local sites as additional issues related to the collaborative service need to be resolved; in our project there are additional staff at the White Rose e-Science Centre level Grid needs new operational procedures agreed between sites Historical and local dependencies need to be considered when developing new procedures for Grid Currently the support team needs to include staff experienced in service provision as well as research staff. These two categories of staff with different skills and approaches are needed as Grid technologies have not yet matured and are not ready for full production service off the shelf Grid technologies must be further developed to offer a comprehensive package of services which can be easily deployed and supported by service staff User trust to new technologies needs to be built through both training and development of use cases to show their functionality and benefits Users’ requirements are ever changing and the Grid resources need to be constantly upgraded E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 Wish List • Mature, easy to use and readily deployable integrated environment for Grids (including tools for user authentication & authorisation) • Collaborative e-Infrastructure • Collaborative support for e-Science (e.g. list of experts) • Licensing for software applications on Grids • Metascheduler (easy to use, easy to integrate with the WRG eInfrastructure, and available in public domain) • Training & education: short self-training eScience courses available on the Web and covering a range of topics e.g. use of Grid tools, use of e-Infrastructure, e-Science technologies and methods WRG Team at AHM2008 E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG : The way forward Research Themes: • Distributed diagnostics & optimisation (e.g. building on DAME, BROADEN) • Distributed data mining for support of decision making (e.g. pattern matching - AURA-G; CARMEN, MoSeS) • Service-oriented Grid systems & visualization (e.g. NECTISE, CoLaB, ADVISE, Gviz) WRG Service Provision: Business plan for a pilot study on Software as a Service; also platform/infrastructure as a service Long-Term Goals: Expansion of international collaborations More multidisciplinary projects Working with WRG user community to embed e-Science into WR research E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009 WRG : The way forward 2 Promoting and Nurturing e-Science Approaches • Enhance further collaboration across the three sites • WRG users: improve access to WRG resources (e.g. metascheduler, portal, user registration) • NGS: support to NGS and its users • Outreach to new communities (e.g. NGS) • Training & education (e.g. iRODS) E-Science – The Changing Landscape, 16 – 17 April 2009