Earth Science Activity in EGEEII and DEGREE M. Petitdidier (IPSL/CETP),

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Earth Science Activity
M. Petitdidier (IPSL/CETP),
In collaboration with EGEE and DEGREE EUproject partners
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Planet Earth : a complex system
GOME total ozone assimilation
Stratospheric Ozone
Industrial Emissions
Atmospheric profiles
Topography & Motion
Land cover & vegetation
Marine SST, SSH& colour
Currents, bathymty & ice
10 y displacement of Etna 1992-01
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
Acute Questions for Earth Science
Forecasting of meteorological events
Extreme events: storm, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami…
Water management: precipitations, flood, aquifer..
=> To provide real time information: real time data access, data
assimilation and modelling
Long term prediction : Climate Change
Climatology i.e. trend of parameter variations like temperature,
Polar ozone hole
Impact on agriculture, weather…
=> Long series of multiple data sets, Intense processing,
Discoveries and Dissemination of the knowledge
How it works, Why….
These are Questions for
Operational and Science organisations
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
GRID: a solution
 GRID infrastructure
– Considered an “open platform” for handling computing
resources, data, tools… not limited to high-performing
• Partner can use a lot more resources than the ones he (she) brings
– Impressive number of shared resources
• EGEEII around 32,000 CPUS distributed in 200 sites
• 13 PB storage
– A collaborative possible platform among teams and/or
• interactive collaboration to avoid effort duplication
– Secure and restricted access to resources, data, tools…
• Same data and software policy as outside Grid
– Grid will open new fields of investigation
on Earth Science
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
GRID: Nearly world-wide deployment
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
– European Union
– Japan
§ Naregi
– Africa- Unesco Programme
§ Algeria, Ghana, Nigeria,
§ Senegal, Zimbabwe
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
• 2 Virtual Organisations :
– Due to different data policy for Academic and private research
• VO ESR (Earth Science research)
– As an average around 30 – not always the same persons
– Mainly scientists, few tests carried out by Company
– Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Russia,
Slovakia,Switzerland, The Netherlands
– Around 1500CPUs/day for ESR
• VO EGEODE (Expanding GEOsciences on DEmand)
– centered around Geocluster (software from Compagnie Générale
de Géophysique) around 10-20 persons
– Recently French Academic institutes already using Geocluster
join the VO
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Earth Science Applications in EGEEII
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Flood of a Danube riverCascade of models
KNMI(NL), IPSL(FR)Production and
validation of 7 years of
Ozone profiles from
Rapid Earthquake
(mechanism and
50- 100CPUs
Geocluster for
Academy and
industry CGG(FR)-
DKRZ(DE)- Data access
studies, climate impacts on
Mars atmosphere CETP(
Benchmark for
MPI (2 to 2000
Data mining
Meteorology &
Space Weather
Air Pollution
model- BAS(BG)
Modelling seawater
intrusion in costal
aquifer (SWIMED)
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier – 8 Mars 2007
Earthquake Characteristics
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Fast Determination of mechanisms of important earthquakes
(IPGP: E. Clévédé, G. Patau; IPSL: D. Weissenbach)
Application to run on alert
Collect data of 30 seismic stations
from GEOSCOPE worldwide network
Select stations and data
Define a spatial 3D grid +time based
on the assumed earthquake location
Run for each grid point or group of
grid points a job => ~ 50-100jobs
Results obtained ~6hr after the earthquake
Important for emergency action and other
related researches
All major earthquakes so treated: 21/24 in
2006 => catalogue
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Cellular automaton for
geomorphological research
IPGP: C. Narteau , O. Rozier
• Objective : understanding
landscapes formation and • Computationnal
resources needed :
• Examples : erosion of the • CPU time processing (one
mountains, dynamic of
simulation ~ 4 hours)
dunes ...
• RAM requirements
• Algorithm : very simple
(200x200x200 cells)
transition rules between
cells of different states
(transport, deposition ...).
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Landscape Evolution
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
SpecFEM3D [1]
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
• Resolution of regional scale seismic wave propagation
problems to model wave propagation at high
frequencies and for complex geological structures, with
use of the spectral-element method.
• Application first written by D. Komatitsch (Université de
Pau), used in more than 75 laboratories in the
world,especially for the study of earthquakes.
• Very scalable application using F90 + MPI needing NFS
mounted homes and requiring the successive launch of two
mpirun on the SAME nodes, allocated in the SAME order.
• Project: to be distributed on EGEEII to authorized users
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Management of water resources in Mediterranean area
(SWIMED): G. Lecca (CRS4 Italy), P. Renard (Unine, CH), J. Kerrou
(INAT, Tunisia), R. Ababou (IMFT, Fr)
CODESA-3D: Density-dependent 3D coupled
groundwater flow and transport simulations
Data requirement: Geology, Topography,
Meteorology, Water extraction by the farmer,
Aquifer properties (Soil maps, Land use)
GRID Impacts:
Enhancing the data sharing among the field
geologists, modelers, and water managers
Allowing the water managers in Tunisia to
investigate the potential impacts of
management decision through a remote use of
the grid : web interface - EUMEDGrid
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Final remarks
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
• In EGEEII improvement and/or implementation of
functionalities more adapted to Earth Science
License server
Data management
• New tools needed to use the whole Grid potential
– Due to Change in scale of computing power
– Need of Exploration of huge data sets
– Creation of Platform integrating web services, computing power, information
• New conceptual approach of Earth Science
– Role of Scientist
§ Interactive collaboration -> less duplication of development and/or adaptation
§ More time for new ideas, new research
§ Confidentiality of the research
– Application development ( access to several large data sets, more CPUs…)
DEGREE EU project is preparing the future
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –8 March 2007
Dissemination and Exploitation
of GRids in Earth sciencE
• Strategic objectives
– Bridge the ES and GRID communities throughout Europe
– Ensure that ES requirements are satisfied in next Grid generation
– Ensure the integration of emerging technologies for managing ES
The DEGREE team:
IISAS, Slovakia
CNRS, France
KNMI, The Netherlands
UNINE, Switzerland
CRS4, Italy
SCAI, Germany
GCRAS, Russia
CGG, France
Dutch Space, The Netherlands
Project Vision
Build a bridge linking the ES and Grid communities
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – M. Petitdidier –March 2007
ESA Earth Observation Grid
GRID infrastructure dedicated to
Earth Science applications at ESA
– 150+ CPUs, around 100 TBytes
– Earth Science dedicated portal
– 40+ applications demonstrated in
– Environment integrates specialized
ESA developed toolboxes (BEAM,
– Recently opened to selected
external PIs via Call for Proposals
 Infrastructure is used to support GRID
processing/data access applications as
well as to support new technologies
(Digital Libraries, e-collaboration …)
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
Example of ESA GRID Applications (1)
(A)ATSR volcano monitoring:
Extract time series in large data
archives (1 volcano, 3 years of
data: 1h using 20 CPU)
•Operational global MERIS,
(A)ATSR, and SAR large scale
Land, ocean, and atmosphere
Automatic coregistration of (A)SAR
time series:
Extract time series in large data archives
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Large scale (A)SAR / Landsat
Multi resolution data storage; many
hundred images processing / integration
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
First work
 Collect Earth Science applications already or not
ported on a grid infrastructure –not super computer
– Classification as a function of their complexity
– Analysis of the requirements
– Catalogue of requirements
Other applications are welcome …..
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
Role of the other Workpackages
 Focus on specific tools or functionalities
– data management
– job control,workflow,..
– portals, etc,
– => to provide a cross overview of what exists
in the ES community and in Grid projects.
– => to provide a list of potential tools adapted
to ES requirements
DEGREE is a SSA => tests to be done by other partners or in
other projects like EGEE…
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
DEGREE Objectives
 Roadmap and New Challenges
– Develop the concept and specify the technology base for an Earth Sciences
Grid Services Platform, taking inputs from the DEGREE technical WPs:
ES Application requirements on the Grid middleware and services
ES Application requirements for Grid data management
ES Application management workflows and job control
ES Portals requirements
 Identify new technical challenges and make
recommendations for future actions
– Particular emphasis on supporting and meeting the needs of:
• ES Data Assimilation Application
• Knowledge Infrastructures
– Develop the roadmap for building and promoting a Grid Services Platform
for new ES applications and value added services
• Portals, workflow, data management
• Identify new challenges
 ES Community Outreach
– Generate new contacts through existing Earth Science research and
industry bodies
– Promote and advance complementary technologies for providing application
services based on Grid, e-Collaboration, SOA, and Semantic Web
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007
Earth Science Expectations
Pushing frontiers of scientific
discovery by exploiting
advanced computational
News Letter, example of ES applications …
EGEEII User Forum, Manchester, UK – 9-11 May 2006 (
SSA- IST 2005-034619
Geoinformatics Workshop – March 2007