Research overview and ETF Dave Berry, Research Manager NeSC Review, May 27th


Research overview and ETF

Dave Berry, Research Manager

NeSC Review, May 27th

Engineering Task Force

Our 0.5 FTE is Anthony Stell

AAA action line

How-to guides on setting up PERMIS and

GT3.3 to support Grid based authorisation

GT4 evaluation

Our focus is PERMIS integration

Condor pool for OMII testing

OMII evaluation

Managed by Dave Berry

Scottish Bioinformatics

Research Network

Funded (£2.4M) by Scottish Enterprise, SHEFC,

Scottish Executive Environment and Rural

Affairs Department

Involves Glasgow, Dundee, Edinburgh, Scottish

Bioinformatics Forum

Aim to provide bioinformatics infrastructure for Scottish health, agriculture and industry

Infrastructure support at Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow to support first-rate research in bioinformatics at each academic institute

Infrastructure support at three institutes, to support interinstitutional sharing of compute and data resources through application of Grid computing

Outreach and training activities mediated by the Scottish

Bioinformatics Forum

Generation Scotland Scottish

Family Health Study

Funded by Health Department and Department for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning

Involves Glasgow, Dundee, Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Genetics as applied to healthcare

Emphasis of first two years on providing a platform for research into the genetic basis of common complex diseases in Scotland

Mental health, cardiovascular, …

Plan to establish 15,000 family-based intensively-phenotyped cohort recruited from the East and West of Scotland

Basis for neutralising heritable (genetic) risk factors in disease surveillance, treatment optimisation, avoidance of adverse drug events and prediction of response to therapy, health care planning and drug discovery, …

GridQTL: High performance QTL analysis via the Grid

Execute QTL analyses on grid computing resources

Describe parallel computation requirements

Automatic task-level decomposition of analysis requests

Schedule, monitor and re-start decomposed tasks

Provide a secure and private data space for each researcher

Synchronise application input and output

Enable analysis re-start from intermediate results

Be a robust public service

GridQTL Portal





Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Analysis 5


Sched UK e-Science Grid or NGS Resources


Virtual Organisations for Trials and Epidemiological


3 year MRC (£2.9M) funded project Plans to develop Grid infrastructure to address key components of clinical trial/observational study

Recruitment of potentially eligible participants

Data collection during the study

Study administration and coordination

– Involves Glasgow, Oxford, Leicester, Nottingham, Manchester

Clinical Virtual Organisation Framework

Used to realise


(e.g. for recruitment)


(e.g. for data collection)

Disease registries









Hospital databases

Clinical trial data sets


Dynamic Virtual Organisations for e-Science Education

(DyVOSE) project

Exploring advanced authorisation infrastructures for security

In Grid Computing Module as part of advanced MSc at Glasgow

Provide insight into rolling Grid out to the masses!

ScotGrid GU Condor pool

Other (known!)

Grid resources


VO policies

PERMIS based tio

Authorisation decisions n


Slide from Malcolm


Slide from Pete

ReQueST: Resource Quantification in e-Science Technologies

EPSRC Fundamental CS for e-Science

Applies existing CS research – “proof-carrying code” – to e-Science

Uses this to test the CS with real applications

Produces new CS research for the future

2 RA’s for 3 years

Specifies the resources required by a

Grid request

Proof can be checked by the server

 no need to trust user

Accurate resource quantification from code analysis

Inferring Quality of Service


EPSRC-funded studentship

Using bell curves as measures of QoS

Run time, accuracy, reliability…

Investigating combining operators

Sum, product, max, min, conditional

Find approximations to results

Extend to other curve types

E.g. log-normal for runtime

Incorporate into a calculus

Inter-Enterprise Computing

Network (IECnet)

DTI Knowledge Transfer Network

3 years from 1 st February 2005

Exploiting the use of Grid computing technologies in UK industry

Lead partner: Intellect UK

Project manager: Ian Osborne

E-Science partner: NeSC

Technical lead: Dave Berry

Advisory council

Vendors, adopters and e-Scientists
