The role of frequency resolution and temporal resolution in the detection of frequency modulation John P. Madden Speechand Hearing Department,C/eve/andState University,1983 East 24th Street,C/eve/and, Ohio 44115 (Received30 March 1993; acceptedfor publication26 August 1993) The experimentinvestigatedsubjects'ability to detect short-durationchangesin frequency.In an adaptive,2AFC task, three normal-heatingsubjectswere askedto distinguisha sinusoidal signalthat increasedin frequencyin a seriesof discretestepsfrom a standardthat wasidentical exceptthat its frequencyincreasedessentiallycontinuously.The signalswere 60 ms in duration with' center frequenciesof 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 kHz. The smallestfrequencyincrease betweensteps(FI) at which the steppedsignalcould be distinguishedfrom the standardwas determinedas a functionof the numberof stepsin the signal.As the numberof stepsincreased and the stepdurationdecreased,the FI at first decreasedand then reacheda roughlyasymptotic level.Eventually,however,at a certainnumberof steps,the FI increasedrapidly. The data were analyzedusinga modelof auditorytemporalresolutionthat includeda bank of bandpassfilters, a nonlinearity, a temporal integrator, and a decisiondevice.The analysisyielded ERDs that rangedfrom 3.8 to 5.0 ms and did not changesystematicallywith frequency.Det.ectorefficiency varied considerably,being greatestat 0.5 and 1 kHz, and decliningat higher and lower center frequencies. PACS numbers: 43.66.Mk, 43.66.Fe, 43.66.Ba [LLF] INTRODUCTION Naturally occurring acousticsignalssuch as speech contain rapid amplitude and frequencymodulations.The ability to follow thesemodulationsdepends,in part, on the temporal resolutioncapacity of the auditory system,and thus there have been many studiesof auditory temporal resolution.Most of thesestudieshave involvedeither gap detection (e.g., Plomp, 1964; Fitzgibbons, 1983; Shailer and Moore, 1985; Formby and Forrest, 1991) or the temporal modulationtransferfunction (e.g., Viemeister,1979; Bacon and Viemeister, 1985; Eddins, 1992). Also, Moore and his colleagues(Moore et al., 1988; Plack and Moore, 1990) measuredthe shapeof the ear'stemporal"window" by determiningthe thresholdof a brief sinusoidalsignal precededand followedby noisebursts.The signalsusedin these experimentschange rapidly in amplitude but are spectrallystatic. In contrastto the large and growingliterature in this area, the number of studiesof temporal resolutionusingfrequencymodulated(FM) signalsis very small. Huffman sequences(Huffman, 1962) have been used in a few experiments (e.g., Patterson and Green, 1970; Jesteadtet al., 1976), and studiesof the detection of frequencymodulation in sinusoidshave implicationsfor temporal acuity (see Kay, 1982, for a review). However, theseapproacheshaveoftenbeenlimited by the presenceof spectralartifactsthat can serveas confoundingcues.For example, the detectability of FM sinusoidsimproves at rateshigher than 100 Hz, apparentlydue to the resolution of spectralsidebands(Kay, 1982). Thus, it has been difficult to measurethe auditory temporal resolutionof FM signals,and it cannotbe assumedthat estimatesof tempo454 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95 (1), January 1994 ral resolutionderived from experimentswith signalsthat changein amplitudealso hold for FM signals. Feth and his co-workers (Feth et al., 1989; Madden and Feth, 1992) recently developeda new meansof investigation the temporalprocessingof FM signals.Briefly, in theseexperimentssubjectswere askedto discriminatebetweentwo FM sinusoidsignals.The standardsignalwas a glide that made a transition from a lower frequencyto a higher frequencyover a smooth, linear path. The target signal,called the step signal,was identical to the standard except that its trajectory followed a seriesof brief steps. That is, the step signal remained at one frequencyfor a brief time beforejumping to the next frequency.The longterm spectraof the standardand the step signalsare very similar at moderate levels (see Madden and Feth, 1992 for a spectralcomparison),and spectralartifactsappearnot to have been a confoundingfactor in thesestudies.A schematic representationof thesesignalsis shownin Fig. 1. As might be expected, as the number of steps was increased (while holding overall duration constantand thereforedecreasingthe duration of the individual steps) discriminationbecamemore difficult, and listenerperformancedecreasedmonotonicallyto chance.It was inferred that at the thresholdof discrimination,the internal representationof the step signal is "blurred" by the temporal processing systemto a point at which it is indistinguishable from the standard glide. The results indicated that for a signal with a center frequency of 1000 Hz, resolution thresholdsoccurredat stepdurationsof about 5 to 10 ms, dependingon the subject.The effectsof severalstimulus parameterson the resolutionof the stepsignalwere noted (Feth et al., 1989). No effect of overall stimuluslength was found. Resolution thresholdsdid not changesignifi- 0001-4966/94/95(1)/454/9/$6.00 ¸ 1994 AcousticalSociety of America Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 454 the sizeof the frequencyincrementbetweensteps(the FI). For example,the F! at the thresholdof discriminationwas determinedfor a two-stepsignal.That is, the smallestfrequencytransitionat which a two-stepsignalcould be distinguishedfrom a glidelikestandard (describedbelow) of equal overall duration and transitionsize was determined. This measurementwas repeatedfor signalswith increasingly greater numbersof stepsat various center frequencies. I I I I TIME FIG. 1. A schematicrepresentationof the step and glide signals.The glidesignalis representedby the dashedline, the stepsignalby the solid line. It was predictedthat as the numberof stepsincreased (and stepduration decreased,sincethe overall duration of the signalwas held constant), at first the FI would remain relatively constant,becausediscriminationwas being limited by frequencyresolution.Eventually, however,as the number of stepscontinuedto increase,the FI at threshold would beginto increaseas the limitationsimposedby temporal smoothingbeganto affect discrimination. I. METHOD cantly as a function of centerfrequencybetween0.25 and 2 kHz, but generally increasedat 4 kHz. The size of the frequencytransition also affectedthe results,particularly at 4 kHz, wherethe averagestepdurationat thresholdof a signal with a 100-Hz transition (the smallestused) was betweenthreeand four timesthat of a signalwith a 400-Hz transition (the largest used). Step size at discrimination thresholdincreasedfrom lessthan 10 ms for a signalwith a 400-Hz transition to over 20 ms for a signal with a 100-Hz transition. A. Subjects Three normal-hearingsubjectsparticipated.All had thresholds of 15 dB HL or less at the audiometric test frequenciesfrom 250 to 8000 Hz. B. Stimuli The main featuresof the signalshavebeendescribedin the introduction and in the previous studiesmentioned (Feth et al., 1989;Madden and Feth, 1992). The stepsignals were like those used in Madden and Feth in that the In thesestudiesit was assumedthat temporalresolution played the dominant role in limiting discrimination performance.However, becausethe frequencyincrements betweenthe stepsdecreasedin magnitudeas stepduration decreased,it is also possiblethat the resultsreflect limitations imposedby the frequencyresolutioncapabilitiesof the auditorysystem.Although a rangeof transitionsizes was used, the effect of frequencyresolutionwas not addressedspecificallyin these studies,and the results are ambiguousin this respect.If step-glidediscriminationwas limited entirelyby frequencyresolution,one would expect a relatively linear decreasein discriminationperformance with frequency,reflectingthe almostlinear increasein auditory filter bandwidth that occurs above 0.25 kHz "corners" of the stepswere slightly rounded to minimize artifactsfrom spectral"splatter." Instead of the glide used in the two previousstudies,a 17-stepsignalwasusedas the standard. A 17-step signal contains approximately twice the number of stepscontainedin a signalof 1-kHz center frequencyat discriminationthreshold (when the latter is comparedto a glide). A 17-stepstandardwas usedinstead of a pure glidebecausethe skirtsof the amplitudespectrum of a step signalare slightly wider than thoseof the correspondingglide beginningabout 35 dB down from the signal peak. This wideningincreasesvery slowly as the number of steps is increased.Pilot studies have shown that (Patterson and Moore, 1986), and this was not the casefor standards at low stimulus levels (35 dB SL). However, center frequenciesbetween 0.25 and 2 kHz. However, 'it seemsprobablethat performanceat 4 kHz was affectedby frequency resolution, since as overall transition size increased,discriminationperformanceincreasedas well. The major purposeof the study was to clarify this situationby investigatingthe respectiveroles of frequencyresolution and temporal resolutionin the discriminationof FM signals of this type. The experiment is superficially analogous to the TMTF. In the caseof the TMTF, temporal resolutionis measuredin termsof depthof amplitudemodulation(e.g., thesestudiesalso suggestedthat the spectralwidening of the stepsignalbecomesperceptibleat higherstimuluslevels (e.g., 55 dB SL). Psychometricfunctionsbecamenonmonotonicat this level in somecases,with percentcorrect first decreasingand then increasingas the numberof steps increased.To eliminate any possiblecontamination from this extraneouscue, the 17-stepstandardwas used. The stimuli were generatedin real time usingan array processor (TDT QAP1), played out through a 16-bit D-to-A converter (TDT QDA2, samplingfrequency=20 kHz) low-passfiltered at 8000 Hz (TDT FSLT3), attenuated (TDT PA3), amplified, and sent to headphones Viemeister, 1979). At modulation rates above about 2 Hz, as the amplitude fluctuationsof the signal becomemore rapid, modulation depth at threshold increases.In the presentcase,temporal resolutionwas measuredin terms of 455 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 1, January 1994 there is no difference in the results obtained with the two (Sennheiser HD450). The stimulus duration was 60 ms overall, with a 5-ms rise/fall time. The effectivelength of the stimuli therefore J.P. Madden: FM detection Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 455 was consideredto be 50 ms. Stimuli were generatedat centerfrequenciesof 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 6 kHz. The size of the stimulustransitionvariedadaptively.The maximum overall transition size was 500 Hz at the 0.25-kHz center frequency, 1000 Hz at 0.5 kHz, 2000 Hz at 1 kHz, and 4000 Hz at all other center frequencies.Transition sizes were dictatedby the limits imposedby centerfrequencies and by the overall bandwidth availableafter filtering. The stimuli were presentedat a sensationlevel of 35 dB. C. Procedure A two-interval, forced-choice (2AFC) task, in which the targetwasthe stepsignal,wasusedto determinethe FI threshold.A three-down,one-up adaptiveprocedurewas usedthat estimatedthe 79% correctpoint on the psychometric function (Levitt, 1971). That is, after three consec- utive correctresponsesthe overall frequencytransitionof the signalswas decreased,thus decreasingthe FI. After one incorrect responsethe size of the transition was increased.Typically, the size of the increaseor decreasewas halved after the first four reversals,and thesefour reversals were discarded.The size of the changevaried, depending on the centerfrequency.At low centerfrequencies,where FIs were relatively small, a 10-Hz changein transitionsize was usedafter the first four reversals.At high center frequencies,where FIs were larger, the changein sizeranged up to 50 Hz. Further variation in theserules was necessary in somecasesto accommodatethe rangeof difficultyof the signals.For more difficult discriminations,involving signals with large numbersof steps,it was useful,to obtain the most consistentresults,to discardas many as the first eight reversals.This gave the subjectmore opportunityto "home in on" the threshold area. The arithmetic mean of the FIs at all reversals after the discarded ones were used to calculatethe FI for a run. A singlestimulusrun consistedof 100 trials, with a pauseafter the first 50 trials. At each center frequency,FI thresholdswere determined for step signalscontainingfrom two to as many as elevensteps.The numberof stepsin a signalwasdefinedas equal to the number of steady-stateportionsof the signal. Both the step signal and the standard began and ended with a steady-stateportion. In general,if a subjectconsistently reached the maximum possibletransition size at a certain number of steps,signalswith higher numbers of stepswere not run at that center frequency. Subjectswere well practicedbeforedata collectionbegan, having servedin severalpilot studiesusingsignalsof the same type. Data collection was continueduntil discrimination performancewas asymptotic.This meant at least three runs per signal,each conductedon a different day. If performancedid not improveon the third run, data collection was ended for that signal. If the third run showedimprovementover the second,a fourth run was carriedout, and soon, until performancefailedto improve. The data from the last two runs were averaged,and therefore each data point is derived from the results of 200 trials. Stimulus presentationand responsecollection were controlledby a PC. Stimulusand responseintervalswere 456 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 1, January 1994 signaledon a computermonitor. The subjectsenteredtheir responseson a computer keyboard and received visual feedbackafter every trial indicatingthe interval containing the target signal. II. RESULTS The individualand averagedresultsare shownfor center frequenciesfrom 0.25 to 1 kHz in Fig. 2(a) and center frequenciesfrom 2 to 6 kHz in Fig. 2(b). FI at discrimination thresholdis plotted as a function of the number of stepsin the signal.The three lower centerfrequenciesare plotted separatelyfrom the four higher centerfrequencies for clarity. The scale of the y axis used for the higher frequencies would resultin a considerable lossof resolution if usedfor the lower frequencies.In the caseof the individual subjects,the upper end point of eachplot reflectsthe maximum possibleFI at that centerfrequency,sincedata collectionwas terminated at that number of steps.For a particular center frequency,one subjectoften reachedthe maximum FI at a smallernumber of stepsthan the other subjects.For example,S3 reachedthe 6-kHz maximum at five steps,whereasS2 reachedthe maximum at nine steps. In the caseof suchsubjects,the FI at the final data point was usedto calculatethe averageFI for larger numbersof steps. Each of the plots in the averageddata can be divided into two portions.In the first portion,the FI firstdecreases and then reachesa level that is roughly asymptotic.This portion of the data can be interpretedas reflectingmainly the limits imposedon discriminationby the subjects'frequencyresolutioncapacities.The initial decreasein the FI might be accountedfor by Green and Swets'(1966) multiple look model,which predictsan increasein detectability proportionalto the squareroot of the number of observations.On average,the FIs alongthis portionof the plot are similar at 0.25, 5, and 1 kHz, and increase at center fre- quenciesabove 1 kHz. The increaseabove 1 kHz is expected,becauseabsolutefrequencyresolutiondecreasesas frequencyincreases.However, the fact that the 0.25-, 5-, and 1-kHz plotsare nearly superimposed on one anotheris somewhatsurprising,in view of the fact that auditoryfilter bandwidthincreasesalmostlinearlyin this frequencyrange (Patterson and Moore, 1986). The data are much "nois- ier" at 4 and 6 kHz, indicating that perhapsthe task is somehowmore difficult at thesefrequencies. The secondpart of each plot is marked by an abrupt increasein the FI. This portion of the plot can be interpreted as reflectingmainly the subjects'temporal resolution capacities.At the point of upturn, temporalresolution rapidly becomesthe limiting factor in the subjects'ability to distinguishthe stepsignalfrom the standard.Temporal smoothingincreasinglyobscuresthe discontinuitiesof the step signal,and the subjecteventuallyis unableto distinguish it from the standard, even at very high FIs. The upturn in the FI occurssooner(at smallerstepnumbers) as centerfrequencyincreases,with the notableexceptionof the resultsat 0.25 kHz. In the averageddata, at 0.5 and 1 kHz the upturn occursafter eightsteps,but at 4 and 6 kHz J.P. Madden: FM detection Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 456 25O I $2 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' IS' t ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 200 150 i00 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' ' S3 200 ' ' o .25 kHz •, .5 kHz I::! I kHz I ' I ' AVG 150 , 0 I , I 2 , I 4 , 6 I , 8 I , , I0 I , [ 2 NUMBER I 4 I , 6 I , 8 I , I0 2 OF STEPS 800 ,oo• ,oo ,oo• . /.•' T . I/ t ' : /. :l :OoOo f oooL / ,oo, I/ 400ß ß ß 4- I ,oo / , I 0 2 v•v , I--, I • I , I . / 4 6 ß o,,.z 8 10 NUMBER ,•' ß .1 ,O-.' .1 / ' , I , I • I , I , 2 4 6 8 , 10 12 OF STEPS FIG. 2. Discrimination thresholds measured in termsoffrequency increment (FI) between steps andplottedasa function ofthenumber ofsteps in the signal. Topermit better resolution oftheresults in thelowercenter frequencies, theyareplotted separately fromthehigher center frequencies. The apparent leveling offaftereightsteps at4 and6 kHzreflects thefactthatsome subjects hadreached theoverall transition limitsatthese frequencies. 457 J. Acoust.Soc.Am.,Vol. 95, No. 1, January1994 J.P. Madden:FM detection 457 Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see l i o• i i I 0 --- I 0 • -20 _l= -40 i lO 0 20 0 • 30 40 50 60 70 8O 40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80 : : 10 20 30 20 30 , • , 10 Time (ms) FIG. 3. The outputof the auditoryfilter, the temporalintegrator,and the decisiondeviceas a functionof time in response to a five-stepsignalpassed through a filter with a centerfrequencyof 940 Hz. Seethe text for further details. it occursafter only four steps.Thesefrequencyeffectswill be returned to in the discussion section. III. MODELING THE A. Components of the model RESULTS The shapeof the plots in Fig. 2 resemblesthe curves found in decrement/increment detection studies, in which the smallest detectable decrement duration is measured as a function of decrementdepth (Forrest and Green, 1987; Plack and Moore, 1991). Plack and Moore found that the shortest detectable decrement duration decreased with in- creasingdecrementdepth. However, as decrementduration became very small, a large increase in decrement depth (from 5 to 20 dB) was associatedwith only a negligible decreasein decrementduration at threshold.That is, once duration at threshold fell below about 5 ms, very large increasesin decrementdepth correspondedto only small decreases in decrementduration. Theseresultsparallel the findingsof this study,in which a point is reached at which further decreasesin step size at threshold are accompaniedby relativelylarge incrementsin frequency. These authors, as well as a number of others investi- gatingtemporal acuity (e.g., Viemeister, 1979;Forrest and Green, 1987; Shailer and Moore, 1987; Green and Forrest, 1988), have accounted reasonablywell for their results using a model of temporal resolutionthat incorporatesa bank of bandpassfilters, eachof which servesas the "front end" of a channel consistingalso of a nonlinear device,a temporal window, and a level-detectiondevice. To compare the resultsof this studywith previousstudies,the data were analyzed with such a model. It was also of interest to 458 determinehow well a model of temporal processingderived from studiesof non-FM signalscould account for data from FM signals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 1, January 1994 (1) The auditory filters are from Slaney's (1993) implementationof the Patterson-Holdsworthgammatonefilter bank (Patterson et al., 1992), which is based on a fourth-ordergammatonefilter. The Patterson-Holdsworth filter has an impulseresponseof the form g[t] =a •-] cos[•rfct-t-qb]/e 2•røt, ( 1) wheret is time, g[t] is the impulseresponse,a is amplitude, n is the order of the filter (4), f½ is the centerfrequencyof the filter, and b is a parameter that determinesthe bandwidth of the filter. b is equal to 1.019 times the equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) of the filter. The filter's transfer function is designedto closelymatch the "roex" filter often usedto accountfor auditory frequencyresolution (e.g., Pattersonand Moore, 1986). ERBs were determined usingthe formula ERB = 24.7(4.37f/1000+ 1), where f is the center frequencyof the filter in Hz (Glasberg and Moore, 1990). The top panel of Fig. 3 showsthe outputof a filter centeredat 940 Hz for a 5-stepsignalwith a centerfrequencyof 1 kHz. (2) The nonlinearity convertsthe filtered waveformto a powerlikequantity by squaringthe instantaneous amplitude of the filteredwaveforms(as, for example,in Moore, 1989). J.P. Madden: FM detection Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 458 (3) The temporalwindowor integratoris an intensityweightingfunctionthat slidescontinuouslyin time (Moore TABLE I. Valuesof the model parametersderivedfrom the fitting procedure.ERDs are given in ms and A L is given in dB. et al., 1988; Plack and Moore, 1990). Becauseof the lim- Center frequency ited dynamicrangeof the stimuli usedin this experiment, the sidesof the window can be modeledby two roex functions of the form: 250 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 ERD 4.8 4.2 5.0 5.0 4.8 3.8 AL 2.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.8 2.0 IV(t) ----( 1d-2t/To)exp( -- 2t/To), Iv(t) = ( 1d-2t/Ta)exp( -- 2t/Ta) , determine the smallest FI at which the threshold criterion where t is time relative to the center of the window (t=0 was met. The smallest FI sometimes was obtained ms), and T o and T a are parametersthat determinethe sharpness of the weightingfunctionbeforet=0 and after t=0, respectively.Testing indicated that the addition of functionsdescribingthe skirtsof the window had no effect on the results.The equivalentrectangularduration (ERD) of the windowis equalto Tod-Ta. Followingthe datafrom filter at a centerfrequencybelow the startingfrequencyof the signals.Becausethe magnitude of the filtered signal decreasedas the center frequency of the filter decreased below the signal starting frequency, the questionof the perceptualsalienceof the output of suchfilters on the periphery of the signalhad to be addressed.Somewhatarbitrarily, it was decidedthat only filterswith outputsgreater than 0.5 times that of the filters centeredat the signal centerfrequency(and thereforewith the greatestpossible output level) would be considered.Finally, and alsosomewhat arbitrarily, it was assumedthat the peakscalculated by the decisiondevicehad to occurabovethe -20-dB level to be evaluated. For most signals, peaks occurred only Moore et al. (1988) and Plack and Moore (1990), the ratio betweenTa and To was held constantat 0.6 as the ERD was changed.The middle panel of Fig. 3 showsthe output of the integratorfor the signaldescribedin ( 1). The frequencychangesof the step signal are now evident as a seriesof relatively abrupt changesin level, shapedby the attenuationcharacteristicof that part of the auditoryfilter that the signalcrossesand by the smoothingaction of the temporal window. (4) The decisiondevicecomparesthe output of the temporal integrator for a step signal with that of the correspondingstandard.It doesso by calculatingthe ratio of the instantaneouslevel of the step signal to that of the standard. An example of the output of this operation is shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 3. The differencesbetween the signalsare shown in dB as a function of time. The frequencyincrementsof the stepsignalthus are transformed into peaksin the output of the decisiondevicethat represent departuresfrom the smooth trajectory of the standardsignal.The assumptionis that the step signalis distinguished from the standardby the presenceof one or more peaksthat equalor exceeda criterionvalue (AL). B. Predicting the results The model was used to determine the ERD and A L valuesthat bestpredictedthe FIs of the averageddata. For each center frequency,ERD and AL valueswere varied adaptively to minimize the sum of squareddeviationsof the predictedFIs from the observedFIs. Startingpointsfor the two parameterswere basedon data from Plack and Moore's ( 1991) decrement-detection study.Using a model with the samebasic components,theseauthors reported AL values(in their case,the dip in level associatedwith the decrement)at thresholdin the 2.3- to 2.7-dBrangeand ERDs in the 3- to 7-ms range. Assumptionswere made concerningseveralother parametersof the model.The sizeof the predictedFI varied considerablyas a functionof the relationshipbetweenthe centerfrequencyof the signaland the centerfrequencyof the auditory filter through which the signalwas passed. Therefore,for eachcombinationof ERD and A L, the procedurecycledthrougha rangeof filter centerfrequencies to 459 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 1, January 1994 ' with a above this level. The ERDs and detection criteria derived from the model are listed in Table I, and the graphsin Fig. 4 show the predictionsof the model in comparisonwith the actual FI thresholdsat the various center frequencies.Overall, the predictionsmatch the generaltrend of the data reasonably well. With the exceptionof 2 kHz, the model at least approximatesthe point at which the sharpestincreasein FI occurs.It is not clear why a better fit could not be achieved at 2 kHz. The tendency to underestimatethe FIs at the smallernumbersof stepsin the lower centerfrequenciesis the only aspectof the predictionswhere the model systematically departsfrom the observedFI values.The FI predicted by the model doesnot changeat the smaller numbers of steps,or changesmuch lessthan the observedFI. This may mean that the auditory systemneedsto "look" at more than one or two peaks in the detector output to achievemaximum efficiency,as was suggestedin the results section. IV. DISCUSSION The observedresultsshownin Figs. 2 and 3 indicate an apparent decreasein temporal resolutionat 0.25 kHz and above 1 kHz. Numerous studies also have noted de- creasedtemporal resolutionat low frequencies(e.g., Fitzgibbons,1983;Plack and Moore, 1990), and severalexplanationshave been proposedfor this phenomenon.One is that the relatively slow responseof the auditory filters at low frequencies may limit temporal resolution (e.g., Shailer and Moore, 1983). The "tinging" of the auditory filtersmay tend to smooththe temporaldetailsof the step signal at the 0.25-kHz center frequency, but Plack and Moore (1990) and Moore et al. (1993) found that the auditory filter had little effect on temporal resolutionat frequenciesof 100 and 300 Hz, thus castingdoubt on this J.P. Madden: FM detection Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 459 IOO I I .25 I I I i m 2 kHz kHz m m 8o o 6o _ o o 4o 2o I I I I I I I I I I 2 4 6 8 !0 2 4 6 8 10 I I I I I 120 I I I I .5 kHz I o 12 4 kHz I00 80 60 - •o oo 40 o o 20 0 I I I I I I I I I I 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 I I I I JI i i i i i 140 120 -- I Z 6 kHz 0 lOO 8o o 6o o 4o _ o 2o 0 I I I I I 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 NUMBER I I I I I 2 4 6 8 10 12 OF STEPS FIG. 4. Model predictions of the FIs at the variousstepnumbersand centerfrequencies. The opencirclesare the observed FIs and the linesconnect the predictedFIs. The linesreachexceedthe rangeof they axisat 1 and2 kHz. The modelwasunableto finda reasonable setof parametervaluesthat wouldgenerate an FI at ten stepsat thesefrequencies. Data pointsaboveeightstepsat 4 and6 kHz arenot includedsincetheFIs wereconstrained by the overall transition limits. hypothesis.Both studiesindicate insteadthat the ERD of the temporalwindowincreasesmarkedlyat frequencies in this range. A trend toward poorer temporal resolution in the higherfrequencies is not evidentin any previousstudiesof which the author is aware. Resolution thresholds for gappedsinusoidshave been shownto be independentof frequencybetween0.5 and 4 kHz (Formby and Forrest, 1991), and Eddinset al. (1992) provideevidencethat gap detection thresholds for narrow-band noise in this fre- quencyrangeare independentof frequencyas well, if sig460 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 1, January 1994 nal bandwidthis held constant.Data from anotherstudy by Eddins (1993) indicates that the time constant of the TMTF doesnot vary acrossfrequencyif signalbandwidth is constant.Plack and Moore (1990) foundthat the equivalentrectangulardurationof the temporalwindowactually decreasedas a function of frequencyfrom 900 to 8100 Hz. As is evident from Table I, however, a different inter- pretationof the data emergesfrom the modelinganalysis. The ERDs givenin Table I are clusteredin a fairly narrow range (3.8 to 5.0 ms) and exhibit no clear tendency to changesystematicallywith frequency.This suggests that J.P. Madden: FM detection Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see 460 the changein performanceevidentin Fig. 2 is not due to temporal resolutionper se, as reflectedin the width of the temporal window. It should also be noted that the ERDs are in the same range as those obtained by Plack and Moore ( 1991) for decrement detection in wideband noise, although they are somewhatsmaller than ERDs derived from experimentsthat estimatethe shapeof the temporal window (Moore et al., 1988; Plack and Moore, 1990). Unlike the ERD values, the AL values in Table I ex- hibit considerablevariation, being roughly one-half as great at 0.5, 1, and 2 kHz as they are at the other center frequencies.These are the frequencies,of course,at which the best performanceis seenin Figs. 2 and 3 in the sense that the smalleststepdurationsare reachedbeforegreater FIs are needed for discrimination. The model analysis thereforeindicatesthat the greaterability to resolveshortduration frequencychangesat thesecenter frequenciesis due to greaterdetectorefficiency.Plack and Moore (1990) reportedan effect of frequencyon detectorefficiencyin a task involving the detectionof a tone burst betweentwo noisebursts.In this case,however,the pattern was quite different, as efficiency increasedalmost linearly between 300 and 8100 Hz. Summarizingthe discussionto this point, it may be said that the model can account for the data, but the ERD and AL valuesthat bestpredictthe resultsare at oddswith the findingsof previousstudies,mainly in that they indicate decreaseddetector efficiencyat high center frequencies. This suggeststhat the same temporal integration mechanismis involved in the processingof both FM and non-FM signalsbut that the detectionprocessdiffers.The obviouscandidatefor the detector differenceis temporal codingof the waveformthroughneuralsynchrony.In most mammalianears,synchronyfadesabove2 kHz and is completely absentabove 5 kHz (Rose et al., 1967; Anderson et al., 1971). This pattern parallelsthat found in the data of this experiment.Both level of excitationand temporal information would be availablein the lower frequencies, but only level information would be presentin the higher frequencies.It has been argued for some time that the auditory systemcan make use of temporal coding in frequencydiscriminationtasks involving pulsedtones (e.g., Moore, 1973; Moore and Glasberg, 1986). Moore and Glasberg(1989) contendthat phase-lockinginformationis used at least to someextent in the detectionof frequency modulation as well, although their results indicate that temporalinformationis still presentat 4 kHz. The present analysisalso suggeststhat the auditory systemmakesuse of both temporal and level information in tracking these FM signals.This analysisstill does not account for the poorer detectorefficiencyat 0.25 kHz, however,sincetemporal information shouldbe availablethere as well. Some potential confounding factors must be addressed.The subjectsalmostcertainlyexperiencedgreater changesin SL when listeningto signalsat the higher center frequenciesthan at the lower centerfrequencies.Sensation levelswere basedon thresholdsdeterminedusingsignals with an overall transition size of 400 Hz. At the higher centerfrequencies,transitionsizeswereconsiderablylarger 461 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 1, January 1994 than this, extendinginto regionsof reducedsensitivity,and were larger than the transitionsat the lower frequencies. The results probably were not greatly affected by these changes,however,sincepilot testingindicatedthat performance was relatively stable from about 30 to 50 dB SL. Nevertheless,it is possiblethat the upper endsof the transitionswere not as audibleat the higher centerfrequencies as at the lower ones. There is someevidencethat frequencyresolutionworsensfor stimuli of short duration (e.g., Baconand Viemeister, 1985), and this alternativelycould explainthe upturn in FI at short step durations. If this effect is frequency dependent,it also could account for the pattern of the results.This processfails to accountfor certain aspectsof the data, however. Bacon and Viemeister demonstrated re- ducedfrequencyresolutionin the detectionof a signalcentered within a 1-kHz masker of 50-ms duration. This would seemto predict progressivelypoorer frequencyresolution at durations shorter than about 25 ms. Figure 2 indicates that the FI at 1000 Hz does not increase until step duration decreasesto 7.1 ms. In addition, another experiment,not reported,measuredthe greatestnumber of steps,or shorteststepduration,that could be detectedin a signal for a given overall transition size. Using the same step-standarddiscriminationtask, the numberof stepswas varied adaptivelywhile the frequencytransition was held constant. This procedure was repeated over a range of transition sizes. To the extent that a worseningof frequencyresolutionwith decreasedstep duration limits performance,stepdetectionshouldhavecontinuedto improve (larger numbersof stepsshouldhave beendetected) as the transition size was increased,since the larger FIs would compensatefor reduced frequency resolution. In fact, as transition size was increased,performance increased,but only up to a point, and then leveled off. For example,for signalsat a center frequencyof 1500 Hz, the detection threshold was about eight steps for transitions ranging from 400 to 2000 Hz (FIs of 57 to 286 Hz). It should be noted that eight stepsalso is about the averagepoint of upturn for the 1000-Hz signal.The samepattern wasfound at frequenciesabove 1 kHz. V. SUMMARY For a signalthat increasedin frequencyin a stepwise fashion,the experimentmeasuredthe smallestincrement in frequencybetweenstepsat which the signal could be distinguishedfrom a standardsignalthat approximateda glide. 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