Oxford eScience Overview of New technologies for Building Campus Grids Rhys Newman

Oxford eScience
Overview of New technologies for
Building Campus Grids
Rhys Newman
Manager of Interdisciplinary Grid Development, Oxford University
Campus Grids Workshop – Edinburgh June 2005
Grid: Computer Resources Like
An enticing idea for users…..
• On demand – effectively unlimited.
• Pay as you go.
• Ubiquitous and standard.
An enticing idea for providers…..
• Can enter the business of selling computing
resources in a liquid market.
• Can generate value from machines already
purchased and depreciating daily.
Many forget electricity distribution
infrastructure took decades to perfect, and
even now is being actively developed
(remember the New York blackout?)
Where are we now?
The Grid is “the web on steroids”, so compare to
the world wide web:
• Exponential growth of web servers for the first 5 years,
now over 200 million.
• Grid has a few thousand nodes 10 years after the idea
was proposed.
• Easy to get a server (download Apache install, go, 5
• Which “server” to use? Globus, Sun, IBM, Apple, LCG –
none are ubiquitous, standard or simple to install.
• Easy to author web pages and information (HTML is
simple enough for almost anyone).
• Need to recompile, or relink software with libraries, add
features to support use across the WAN, support various
OS and environments, etc….
The hardware is there
• over 500 million computers worldwide), the internet
connects them, broadband common, 10GBit coming.
The problem is software …
We have seen how little hardware is used.
eScience has had £250m invested over the last 4
years; a lot of this targeted at Grid Technology
After all this, the technology we mostly use is
• This product is developed outside the UK framework,
and predates the eScience programme by many years.
“e-Science will change the dynamic of the
way science is undertaken.”
Dr John Taylor, Director General of
Research Councils, 2000
Unless we can deliver, the basis of eScience,
eResearch may be missing a huge opportunity.
An embarrassing anecdote….
The EDG project and follow on EGEE project has
been funded by over 42m euros.
Main thrust to provide a computer grid
infrastructure for the LHC experiments in CERN (4
of them).
Thus 4 separate software environments struggling
to standardise on a common operating system (RH
7.3 and now SL).
Currently LCG grid claims 10000 CPUs (although
only 1300 were visible last night via GridICE....).
However it is a generic infrastructure (LHC) based
on Globus and Linux
When the LHC designers needed computing power
to help design the beam ring they…..
Developed their own grid!
Based on BOINC.
Runs on Windows machines,
primarily as a screen saver.
Uses donations of CPU time.
Attracted over 6000 active
“donors” within 6 months.
Has so much computer time
available now, its not
accepting new donors.
We need to think beyond YALA!
Two obvious solutions for users:
• Use commercial hosting (1p GHzHr)
• Buy own machine (0.1-0.3p GHzHr)
In either case the user has complete
control of the hardware and software
Campus Grids only make sense if they too
offer this power, cheaper than commercial
offerings and better than “rolling your
Cheaper and Better….
Campus grids can be cheaper as the
providers don’t buy the resource in the
first place (idle time on existing).
Campus grids can be better as a
standardised, managed environment for
the user can be provided (automatically
patched, updated etc).
• Administration time is therefore less….
Virtualisation is the Key
To provide these properties, reliably and
uniformly on heterogeneous resources around a
university, the user’s environment must be
Simplifies the administration:
• The “service end” of eScience can focus on the provision
of “virtual hardware”
• The “user end” of eScience can focus on developing
applications in a standardised environment.
Imagine M users and N owners, each wanting
their concerns addressed:
• Without Virtualisation: MxN negotiations.
• With Virtualisation: M+N negotiations.
How it Enables CPU sharing…..
A “Virtual” machine completely isolates the Grid
Process from the underlying operating system:
• Essential security – grid process cannot crash the
machine, cannot modify the host machine’s software.
• Essential privacy – grid process cannot read the host’s
files, host cannot read the grid process’s files.
Grid Job
Guest OS
Emulated hardware
host OS
host hardware
access /dev/hda
read “hard drive”
read from c:\hda.img
access ide0
read physical hard drive
Virtualisation Myths: Speed
VMWare is the industry standard
• Focus on server consolidation
• Fastest growing software company in history (equals
• Started in 1998, bought in 2004 for $625 million.
• Virtualisation rather than Emulation, achieves 97%
native performance.
Many other players in this market, particularly
Transitive technologies – direct binary translation
between ISAs at 80% native performance.
• The engine “Rosetta” behind Apple’s confidence in
moving from PowerPC to x86
Virtualisation Myths: Maturity
Intel VTx (Vanterpol) will be released Q1
2006 in IA32 and IA64 bit chips.
• This is so mainstream and standard there will
be hardware support for virtualisation!
Examine VMWare (e.g. virtual centre),
VirtualPC (M’soft), IBM eServer, HP Utility
Computing, QEMU, Xen…..
This is very standard technology, tried,
tested and robust. It is certainly ready for
use within a grid context.
Virtualisation Myths: HPC
There are recent commercial
installations of VMWare on which old
HPC code is run in a virtual HPC
• The VMs are virtually connected via
“high speed” interconnect
• The actual networking is GBit/10GBit
Useful to avoid the reengineering
cost of the software. Campus Grids?
A grid can generate significant value from
idle resources but:
• Users must be given absolute control of their
• Owners must retain absolute control of their
Virtualisation/Emulation enables this to
• Administration can be simple enough to
become a fixed cost.
• Security concerns can be minimised almost to
the “anonymous” level.
We still need new technology to make this
happen, but we may be very close……