UML and WSDL for JISC e-Learning Projects UML – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Richard Hopkins NeSC Training Team Member Goals and Overview Goals – To enable you to appreciate more of UML To introduce some features that you might find useful Overview Sequence Diagrams & Statecharts General Features - Extensibility Class Diagrams JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 2 Conditions in Sequence Diags. Librarian BC :BookCatalogue JC :JournalCatalogue register(it) [Journal] catalogue(it) [hardBack] register(it) [softBack] Have different objects for cataloguing books and journal Journals and softback books are registered Hardback books are catalogued JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 3 Statecharts Statecharts – Self Transitions Actions Alternatives Action on transition – Action1 / Action2 / … [ isSpoilt ] / notifyAbuse() In Bindery Statechart For Copy Class On Loan Return() StatusCheck() On Shelf [ not isSpoilt ] Self-transition JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 Alternatives – decision diamond guards As in activity diag. (flowchart) 4 Statecharts – entry / exit actions Attribute book:Book Invoke its isAvail operation Borrow() Statechart For Copy Class / book . isAvail(self) On Loan On Shelf Borrow() / book . notAvail(self) Rebind() / book . notAvail(self) In Bindery Borrow() On Loan On Shelf entry exit / book . isAvail(self) / book . notAvail(self) Borrow() Rebind() In Bindery entry / done whenever enter state exit / done whenever exit state Clearer and less words JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 5 Sequence Diagrams & Statecharts Overview Sequence Diagrams & Statecharts General Features - Extensibility Class Diagrams JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 6 Stereotypes Adding extra classification to model elements Pre-defined Model-specific Already seen some stereotypes Return <<include>> Overdue Copy <<extend>> Pay fine <<Internet>> User’s:PC Defer fine <<LAN>> Univ:Server Clerk’s:PC Use Case Diag. Pre-defined Deployment Diag. Model-specific <<stereotype name>> - written “near” the element Can use for any element – icon, line, operation, … Can define a new icon for a particular stereotype – Developing specialised language JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 7 Properties Book Title : String {isQuery = true} copiesOnShelf() : Integer {author = Richard, reviewer = David} {isQuery} getISBN() : ISBN A model element can have a value for a property – {isQuery = true} Boolean property values can be written {X} rather than {X = true} A way of recording design information Tagged value Just as a class has an attribute, and object has value for it So, element type has property, and instance has property value UML itself is a UML-expressible model JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 8 Stereotype vs Property Class Diag. {layer=UserAgents, LibraryService language = Java, AWebService} Class Diag. Vs. {layer=CommonService, AuthenticationService language = C++, AWebService} <<UserAgentLayer>> <<InJava>> <<WebService>> LibraryService <<ComonServiceLayer>> <<InC++>> <<WebService>> AuthenticationService How significant is the characteristic? Very Significant (to user) -> use stereotype Being a web service Which layer (since lower layers can’t use higher ones) Relatively incidental -> use property Which language used in implementation JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 9 Class Diagrams Overview Sequence Diagrams & Statecharts General Features – Extensibility Class Diagrams Specialised Class vs Attribute Interfaces Parameterised Classes Constraints Association Class JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 10 Specialised Class vs Attribute Stereotype vs Property Like difference between specialised class or attribute of general class Vs. Book Book hardBack: bool HardBackBook SoftBackBook Use specialised class if a significant difference to user, e.g. hardBack has a reBind operation, but softBack doesn’t JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 11 Interfaces Same concepts as in Java A collection of operations which must be supported by any class claiming to support the interface (“match” the interface; “realise” the interface) “supports” is shown as specialisation with dashed arrow An interface is like a class but has no instances – no attributes, no associations Item Book Journal Leaflet printOffColour() printOffB&W … Is part of contains Article printOffColour() printOffB&W … <<interface>> Copyable printOffColour() printOffB&W Redundant – don’t need both JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 12 Interfaces CopyService Supports interface lollipop Copyable Copyable Leaflet Article <<interface>> Copyable printOffColour() printOffB&W (Design) Dependency Association ( instances can knows about) Lollipop dependency asserts that copyService is only dependent on the Copyable interface of the associated objects Other things can have “Supports interface” lollipop – use-cases, components JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 13 Parameterised Classes Alternatively T T IndexedList IndexedList add(t : T, pos: int) get(pos : int) : T add(t : T, pos: int) get(pos : int) : T <<bind>>(Citation) References <<bind>>(Book) BookLIst IndexeddList<Book> IndexedList<Citation> The parameterised class is not really a class A function from classes to a class Sometimes called a template Used to avoid duplication, can be easier to read The parameter (T) is almost always used in the templates attributes and operations – It is use of class variable in this way which is the point Otherwise, could make IndexedList an interface supported by both JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 14 Parameterised Classes BIoSystem <<bind>>(Null) Null Cell (Cell) (Organism) Organism Population T (Populaton) (EcoSystem) EcoSystem BioRegion 1..* BioComponent X is a particular kind of Biosystem having Y as its constituents Cell Organism Population EcoSystem BioRegion A BioRegion comprises a collection of EcoSystems, comprises a collection of Populations, comprises …. Which is a better model ? JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 15 Association Classes Student takes 0..* 6 Module IsTaking Mark : int • To model there being some information and/or operations for an association between two classes • Could be done using an ordinary class Student 1 6 takes 0..* Mark 6 Module Student 1 0..* 1 0..* 6 Or - Mark : int 6 1 0..* Mark Mark : int • Less clear • Would have to implement it in one of these ways JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 Module 16 Constraints Journal 1 6 0..* Book 1 {xor} 1..* Copy largePrint: bool braille : bool aisle : int shelf : int 1..* Pre-defined constrain type – can’t be both a copy of a book and a copy of journal {braille implies aisle = 6} Define constraints within an element or between elements A constraint is a condition that must be satisfied by any correct implementation. These are class invariants Can put constraints on other diagram types Can be done in natural language or formally in – Object constraint language (OCL) Greater precision Harder to understand JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 17 Object Constraint Language Worker must contact His/her manger via PA, If there is one Manager hasPA : Bool phone:PhoneNo 1 {IF self . lineM . hasPA = True THEN lineMphone = self . lineM . myPA . Phone ELSE lineMphone = myPA Worker lineM : Manager lineMphone : PhoneNo 0..1 Administrator phone : PhoneNo self . lineM . phone} Syntax – approximate, see Chapt 6 Other contexts – Operation: pre and post conditions State diag., activity diag, sequence diag -Guards JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 18 END JISC UML/WSDL – UML, Additional Features, 9th Nov. 2004 19