Can We Listen for Neutrinos ? T.Sloan February 7, 2005 Overview Brief review of Cosmic rays. Cosmic ray neutrinos - what is our current knowledge. Current or planned experiments to detect cosmic neutrinos. Listening experiments - use of ultra sensitive hydrophones used in characterising the noise from naval vessels to detect the sound from high energy neutrinos. 1 Review Knowledge of Cosmic Ray Primaries The energy spectrum of cosmic ray primaries shows several features. One sees the “knee” at energy at and the “ankle” eV The slope changes at the knee and possibly at the ankle . 2 The Ankle - GZK Cut-off at eV ( J). Protons at energy above this can produce pions by interactions with the 3 K cosmic background radiation with threshold at eV and the resonance just above threshold. Therefore energy is always degraded down to this energy as the primary travels towards the Earth i.e. the GZK cut off. What do the data say ? AGASA do not see the cut-off but HiRes may see it. NB change to energy scale minimises the disagreement. Curve shows a fit to HiRes data which includes GZK cut-off expected from a uniform distribution of sources. 3 If there are charged primaries at UHE - are there neutrinos ? Sources of Ultra High Energy (UHE) Neutrinos Waxman-Bahcall limit - baryon primaries interact in “thin” material surrounding the cosmic ray primary source. The GZK effect and from decay of pions produced by interactions of primaries with Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB). Topological Defects and other possibilities beyond the standard model. 4 Current experimental limits on Neutrino Fluxes -2 10 E ν2 d φ/dE ν (GeV cm -2 -1 s sr -1) Optical Cerenkov Radio, Acoustic -3 10 -4 10 GLUE 2003 -5 10 atm-ν RICE 2003 Baikal νe +νe ,2001 10 FORTE 2003 Auger νe +νµ -6 Amanda up-νµ ,2003 Auger ντ Antares : 1yr 3yr -7 10 -8 Waxman-Bahcall km3 ⊗ 3yrs 10 GZK -9 10 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 Eν 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 10 14 10 15 10 (GeV) Waxman-Bahcall Limit - estimate production from measured primary spectrum assuming a low density target and produced from standard ,K production and decay. They multiply their estimate by a rather arbitrary factor of about 5 and call it a limit (labelled Waxman-Bahcall). Engel,Seckel and Stanev compute the flux of neutrinos produced from interactions of UHE protons with the cosmic background radiation (labelled GZK). 5 16 10 17 Table 1: Attenuation Length Water Ice EM Optical m Salt m Particles detected Upward (Cerenkov) EM Radio few km km(?) Electron (0.1-1 GHz) acoustic km large? large? (10kHZ) 6 Hadron shower Acoustic Detection of UHE neutrinos . Using hydrophones in a water target. Particle showers contained in a thin cylinder about 10 collision lengths long ( m) and radius m. Some of energy converted to sound. Add up Huygen’s wavelets coherently on a roughly cylindrical wave front. Sound propagates out in a pancake shape perpendicular to the shower axis. 7 Summary in words Particle shower causes a micro-tidal wave with positive pressure followed by negative pressure in a time sec with Fourier components peaking at 10 kHz. Pressure wave propagates according to wave equation Time 8 Results for a shower of energy eV at 1 km from the shower and in plane perpendicular to the shower. Far field Radiation pattern 0 10 −1 Pressure (Pa) 10 −2 10 −3 10 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 Angle(degrees) 9 2 3 4 5 Need to pick out pulses of bipolar shape from the noise characteristic of hadron shower. All other noise makes a continuous ring while hadron shower is a bipolar signal. Noise Man made (e.g. boats), wave and wind at surface, bionoise (dolphins, snapping shrimps etc.) Many arrays of very sensitive hydrophones exist which have been used to “categorise the noise from naval vessels” i.e. listen for submarines at low frequency. We think that these hydrophones are sensitive enough to listen for ultra high energy (uhe) cosmic ray neutrinos interacting in water. We do not know enough about noise limitations or how to calibrate such an array. An R and D proposal has been funded jointly by PPARC and the MoD. We will use a hydrophone array in Scotland (belonging to MoD) the (Acoustic COsmic Ray Neutrino Experiment - ACORNE). 10 Separating the signal from the noise. Use a signal processor - on line algorithm. denz(z) pulse A Acoustic Pulse 1 Inverse Filter Matched Filter denz(z) Discrete Filter Can this dig out the signal from the noise ? 11 match(z) numz(z) numz(z) White Noise Source B C Scope Generate a signal and inverse filter to simulate the data Inverse Filtered 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 Relative Pressure Relative Pressure Original 0.4 0 0 −0.1 −0.1 −0.2 −0.2 −0.3 −0.3 −0.4 0 5 10 sample 15 −0.4 20 0 5 10 sample 15 20 Add it to the noise (Rona - mean sea state) Noise with Embedded Signal 4 3 2 Amplitude 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 0 100 200 300 400 500 sample 12 600 700 800 900 1000 Put it through the signal processor. Matched Filter Output 8 6 Amplitude 4 2 0 −2 −4 0 100 200 300 400 500 sample 600 700 Out pops the signal which we simulated. 13 800 900 1000 Does it work in practice ? The programme - study if the technique is feasible. To achieve this we propose to Study the noise from the Scottish array. Make a hardware hadron shower simulating device. Use it to fire calibration signals into the sea to see if we can detect them against the background noise (wind, man-made and bionoise). Cross disciplinary team - Signal processing experts (J. Allen, R. Binns, S. Danaher), Acoustics expert (C. Rhodes), Particle physicists (Lee Thompson, David Waters and TS) from UCL, Univs of Lancaster, Northumbria and Sheffield and from MoD. 14 Log10[E2 dN/dE (GeV cm−2 s−1 sr−1)] Limits set in pilot experiment. 2 SAUND 0 FORTE −2 GLUE Z −4 RICE −6 A AGN B TD WB −8 −10 8 GZK 10 12 Log10[E (GeV)] 14 16 Dashed curves are estimates of the potential of a multi-element array NB needed to be sensitive to whole angular range. 15 Conclusions Acoustic technique is potentially a viable technique for ultra high energy neutrino detection - but will need a large array of hydrophones. Purpose of the ACORNE project. Do a design and feasibility study to see if we can improve on the radio techniques. 16