GGF 15 (& OGAS F2F): October 3-7 2005, Boston MA

GGF 15 (& OGAS F2F): October 3-7 2005, Boston MA
Attendees: A Stephen McGough, William Lee
Main areas of focus: GRAAP, JSDL. GSA, EMS, CDDLM, OGSA RSS, BES, (EMS, BES)
The JSDL specification has now passed its public comments period and the group is now focused
on dealing with these public comments. This has produced a number of clarification points for the
specification and a number of comments about desired features which are not currently present. The
first session focused on dealing with the comments and figuring out which could be corrected in the
document and which were features for future versions. There was a strong presence in this meeting
from EGEE who have a number of comments on the JSDL specification. These have now been
addressed with some level of satisfaction. In the second session we had a presentation by a new
(fifth) implementer of JSDL from Intel. This is now showing a major uptake of JSDL within the
wider (industrial) community.
The GRAAP group are continuing to integrate the JSDL specification within examples in their
documents. RSS is continuing to define how to select resources within the Grid, again this ties in
closely with how JSDL is defined and how GridSAM can be used. The EMS group focused on how
to model the submission of a job to a BES container, either directly or through the use of a job
manager service. Thus showing a strong take-up within the GGF of both JSDL and BES, groups for
which Dr McGough and Mr Lee are extremely active. This is giving us the opportunity to influence
the outcome of this work based on the experiences gained within the UK from GridSAM.
CDDLM is defining a mechanism for deployment and provisioning on the Grid. They are keen to
work closely with JSDL using it both above and below their approach.
During the OGSA f2f meeting the work of EMS was continued as we looked into how CDDLM
could be integrated into the models proposed during the main meeting and developing an overall
architecture for the execution of Jobs in a Grid, bringing JSDL, BES and CDDLM together. Again
this was an area where we felt we had a lot to offer the community.