OGSA F2F(13): 16-20 January 2006, Sunnyvale CA

OGSA F2F(13): 16-20 January 2006, Sunnyvale CA
Attendees: A Stephen McGough
Main areas of focus: BES, JSDL, EMS
The JSDL 1.0 specification was published just before this face to face meeting. This places JSDL as
a recommended specification which is a significant accomplishment for the work of the group.
Within the OGSA face to face meeting we held a JSDL breakout session in which we discussed the
future of JSDL and what areas we wished to progress onto in the future. We identified a number of
key areas which we have had significant requests from the wider community, including members of
the UK community. These issues included: the data model, how to deal with extensions, partial data
staging, different application types (java, SQL, parallel), Job instance information, Quality of
Service, parametric jobs, variables, workflow, job preferences and security.
We were also active in the sessions developing the BES specification and the EMS architecture,
where discussion focused on which services talked to each other and which languages were used.
Both of these areas were relevant from our work on GridSAM.